Today I wanted to share with you my personal Thriving.

This is to give you hope, because I can assure you it was not always like this for me, and my heart goes out to those of you who have suffered, (or are still suffering) narcissistic abuse and can’t yet imagine that there is a way out of this.

Like so many of you, once upon a time I thought my life was “game over”. I had tried (to no avail) to recover, so hard and for so long – and I really didn’t believe there was any answer other than to give up trying.

Yet, that wasn’t my Soul’s plan and I know it doesn’t have to be yours either. Because once I discovered how to let go of internal trauma and replace it with Source’s Light (using Quanta Freedom Healing) to heal what I couldn’t heal in any other way, my life started turning around from broken, hopeless, helpless and devastated to repairing, rejuvenating and rebooting – in ways that I had no idea it could.

Now as I am writing this, I am living in a motorhome. My Soul Mate of four years, Glenn, is driving our RV and my two kitties Chloe and Ruby are with us. For now, we are free to go and experience, see and enjoy everything and anything we wish to.

I am living my highest and best dream – being free, loved, supported, and doing the work that makes my Soul sing  – whilst I do it.

To get to this place of personal power and truth, I had to change me. I became my most vital mission – after narcissistic abuse I knew I needed to.

I had to find a way to release myself from my crippling internal trauma which at the time meant I could barely get out of bed, let alone deal with the shattered pieces of my life. I had to recover if there was to be any sense of rebuild … but the healing had to be internal first.

And I knew that if I could come back, in my “new life” as a “new self” there had to be no more dimming down, over-analysing, or wondering “what if”. I didn’t want to stay stuck in fear, limits, obligations and hanging on to any situations or people who weren’t my truth anymore.

Today, I am so proud and blessed to say that the people in my life, who are close, are my authentic tribe. I only do and serve where I am called to do so.

This is such a far cry from the life I used to live.

The dedication to my inner healing and personal development is a lifestyle for me. It never stops, I am forever letting go of any stuck limited places within myself (with Quanta Freedom Healing) to let more Light in.

I know it’s the answer.

What I love about our beautiful Thriver Community is there are so many of you too, who say, “No, I don’t need to accept that my life is over, destroyed or forever diminished after narcissistic abuse!” “I am going to turn inwards, heal and turn these breakdowns into the greatest personal breakthrough of my life.”

It’s not easy. It’s the hardest most challenging work of our lives. But it can be done. I am so thrilled, after having created my own breakthrough after narcissistic abuse into true Thriving, that I have been able to inspire and co-create, with the Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Program (NARP), so many of your incredible breakthroughs into your True Self and True Life too.

My purpose in sharing the special experiences of this article with you, from the last two weeks, is to say to you, please, don’t EVER give up. Lean into this incredible community for support, love and coaching as a way to shed your pain, open up to Source and start healing as well.

I want you WITH me on this incredible journey of life!

I hope you enjoy these pictures and information about my home country, Australia.

Our trip started by going to Mildura, a border town of Victoria and New South Wales, with the majestic Murray River as its border. We stayed off grid in the van beside the Murray.

Then we went to the cute little river town of Morgan, met a lovely couple in the pub and went back to their spectacular riverfront property for drinks and chatting and then slept in their front yard in the van.

The next morning a majestic paddle steamer, which had been three years in repair did its maiden journey down the river, at the front of their property. We felt really honoured to see this.


Then we drove west to Renmark, South Australia, and went to the Murray River National Park in South Australia and stayed off grid for two nights. We took our boat out and had campfires each night.

The waking up to mists and wildlife was spectacular. We had awesome bike rides through the National Park each morning before breakfast.

Then we drove to and spent a night in Mount Remarkable National Park, went on a fantastic hike and saw beautiful nature formations, including ancient trees.

Then we drove to Post Augusta. It was eventful! Whilst filming some short MTE videos Ruby jumped on the bed, hit my selfie stick and my phone came crashing down – broken! Thank goodness we were in a large enough town (amazing how it always works out!) with a mobile phone repairer – so I jumped on my pushbike, cycled a few kilometres and had that done.


Then we stayed a night in Woomera, a sooo interesting Army Barracks Town… off grid in the paddocks.

After that we went to Coober Pedy for two nights. Such a beautiful experience in this desert town that looks like a moon-scape with at least half the population living underground due to extreme heat in summer. Cobber Pedy is famous for opals and we learned lots about them and I bought some. Opal, which I didn’t know, is my birthstone! I love them!

The locals state that if you stay for a week in Cobber Pedy you will never leave – there is a bizarre charm that seems to capture people here.


Then we drove across the South Australia Northern Territory Border to stay at Eldundra Roadhouse which is the centre of Central Australia. It’s a famous launching place to visit Uluru, Ayers Rock and The Olgas, and Kings Canyon.

We did the Ayers Rock full base walk which is 10.6 kilometres. The Rock is so deceiving, you can only see one “face” of it at a time. Every time you turn around a corner, where you think you are “done” and coming back to the start, there is more … and more and more.

The rock is mammoth! The energy from Ayers Rock is incredibly palpable and powerful. Some spiritual people say Ayers Rock is the heartbeat of the planet. It is, undoubtedly, the most famous of all Australia’s natural features.

Then later in the afternoon we went to the Olgas, to watch the sunset. Again spectacular … overwhelmingly beautiful.


The next day, at Eldundra, was a recovery and reset day, washing, cleaning the RV, meeting the local animals, some writing and catch up work, and resting for a very early 3am start for my brand new Quantum Dating Bootcamp, Week 1, done from the RV.

I LOVED this first class! (Maybe you were in there with me too!)

Then yesterday we went to King’s Canyon. I had never really heard about King’s Canyon, but had seen a brochure at Eldundra, and Glenn I agreed, whilst in the centre we had to go experience it.

We took the hardest 6k walk which took nearly 4 hours because of steep climbing, and getting around rock formations. This is not for the faint hearted, or if you feel unfit, or if you have a fear of heights.

We loved it, as challenging as it was, and I would say to anyone put King’s Canyon on your bucket list and if you want to expand yourself out of comfort zones, then do the Rim Walk!

Then we stayed at King’s Station, an outback post (literally in the middle of nowhere) rather than drive back to Eldundra.

I woke up at 3am for one of my Super Thriver monthly meetings to discover I only had one bar of reception (it had been ample the night before) where we were camping on an off-power site (all they had available in this busy tourist time). Glenn graciously woke up and drove the RV to the front of the station where we could pick up 4G on the dongle again – and I was good to go.



Now we are on our way to Alice Springs and I am working as Glenn drives. I have an interview at 3pm, about two hours before that we will be connected again.

It’s amazing getting into the swing of living in a van. I love it. I feel the healthiest I ever have been. We are stocked up with incredible organic food (which I source, prepare and store diligently along the way) and we have filtered water, vitamins, supplements and even exercise bands.

We are also growing hydroponic vegetables and herbs in the van.

Walking and/or bike riding is happening very day. The kitties are in bliss as well, they have us on tap as well as a comfy bed, throws, cushions and seat covers. They are loving this!

It’s amazing how you can live so simply yet so well.


At this stage we don’t know how long we are going to be on the road and have no plans, other than to live our best life.

In a few weeks I’ll share more …

Please let me know what you would like to know about any of this. Are you interested to know about the routine in the van and what that looks like?

Also, have you lived or travelled in a van or caravan? I’d love to hear about your experiences.

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68 thoughts on “I’m Living In A Motorhome!

  1. Yay Melanie, Glenn, Ruby, and Chloe for being adventure seeking, freedom loving, creative explorers! Australia is such an enormous landmass that you will not run out new spots to discover for a long time. I’m very inspired by alternatives and non-traditional methods of thriving in a changing world. And you’re so right, that diligent NARPers can achieve their personal bliss path too with persistence and consistency on their goals.

      1. Hi lovely Mel
        So delighted to see you living your best, rich and full life. You have been a huge support and inspiration to me over the last few years.
        I too have thrived 🤗 I ‘escaped’ (that’s how it feels) from a 25 year relationship with a narcissist and spent 5 years recovering, learning, healing and becoming my own true source which is where I discovered your work.
        I have now moved near the sea, something I’d always dreamed of, have bought a beautiful little cottage, am doing valuable and meaningful work as a coach and for 10 months have been in a wonderful relationship with a gorgeous, kind and loving man who I adore.
        At 57 I still feel surprisingly young, happy and vibrant and know now that anything is possible despite how desperate things can feel.
        Thank you and I know you’re enjoying life as much as I am.
        Loads of love Sarah xxx

  2. Love it Melanie I’ve travelled to all of those places. There’s something super special about the heart of Australia that nourishes your soul like nothing else. Thanks for sharing your journey with us

  3. That is freaking awesome! Lovely photos and glad you are having an amazing well-deserved time! Cheers!

  4. Opals are beautiful BUT require special care! They need moisture. If they dry out they will crack. They are soft and chip easily. I’ve had 2 opals, both from Mexico, and both ended up damaged. Handle With Care!

  5. Hi Mel ! I am a horticulturalist and I teach people how to grow their own food, all year around, indoors or out. Any space, condition or size of area can be outfitted for growing. I would love to see the hydroponic system you chose. I love reading about your grand adventures. I am a NARP member and just completed the Thriver Bootcamp with you. Without my new skill set and having released so much trauma, I would have never been able to get an order of protection last week and file for divorce. I suffered through 13 years of very confusing times with a benevolent narcissist. Previously, I was married to an overt narcissist. It took me a long time to figure out why everything was supposed to look so good and sound so good and he’s so handsome: and he wanted to destroy me. It was easier to detach than I thought it would be. I’m not having any big dramatic breakdowns or the slightest urge to contact him. I tell everyone I know, about your programs. They saved my life. Much love, Christal James.

    1. Hi Christal,

      I love that any space can work too!

      I’m so happy for you that you are breaking through and coming into true empowerment and Thriving – it’s a joy to work with you.

      I’d love to share about my hydroponics soon – it is pretty basic but is working! Yay!

      Thank you for sharing information about NARP and again I am so happy for you that you have been able to detach and take your sanity and soul back.

      Much Love

      Mel 🙏💞🦋

  6. I’m so happy for you Mel! Those are great pictures! I’m very glad to see what Glenn looks like after hearing so much about him. You guys look beautiful together 🙂 Your cats are super cute too!
    Thank you for inspiring all of us to keep going and keep healing!
    Lots of love to you, Glenn, and your 2 kitties!

  7. Awwww Melanie. Thank you and Glen for sharing so much of yourselves. You both look blissfully happy. Really beautiful to see Glen. I’ve been with you on this journey for a long time and you are so deserving, so incredible, so amazing, so God given. Every ounce of Joy you share is Manifested a Million times Million with the souls that look to you as the role model for our own lives. I really really love you. I hope one day I could meet you in person and thank you for everything your work has manifested for me in my life. I am living the best version of me, it’s beyond my wildest dreams, you and your work were my foundation and now I am ready to shine my light. Thank you Melanie 💚💚💚

    1. Hi Ramona,

      Glenn is very private and nowhere near as comfortable as I am with being a public personality – but he is getting better with it!

      I adore that you have been on this journey with me all the way … thank you for being a fellow traveller!

      I love you so much too sweetheart. This is so beautiful Ramona that you are living the best version of you!

      Shine that Light, beautiful lady.

      All my love

      Mel 🙏💞🦋

  8. Hi. Mel, I live in the U.S., and as the beauty of Australia is something I will never see in person, it is truly delightful that you have shared your travels and adventure. This gives great hope and happiness to me, who went deep into your modules and workshops and broke free from the long pattern. Wonderful to see the joie de vivre is possible to achieve again and thank you for sharing!

  9. WOW! So AWESOME to hear and see you “four” touring around like gypsies!! Living off the grid!!
    I must confess that I traveled by camper van for 2 weeks in Australia! I only saw Bribane to Cannes, the flew into Perth and traveled around that side of the country a bit. Two weeks is definitely not long enough!!
    Thanks for sharing your lovely pics, the kittens and you inspiring, dedication for each and every one of us!! Love you!! From Mel in Canada!!

  10. Hi Mel, thanks so much for sharing the amazing adventures you are having with Glenn and your kitties. You are such an inspiration. You are doing the exact trip I’ve dreamt about doing myself. My mum was born in Renmark, lived in Mildura and places next to the Murray River for her childhood. I am a kiwi, but so much feel the connection to the Australian bush and desert. The photos really bring it to life. I’d love you to keep telling us about your travels and showcasing your thriver life.

  11. Thank you for sharing this with us Mel! All these photos are great and inspiring; what an adventure! I’d certainly like to hear more about van life, as well as see your tribe and breathtaking Australia. Safe travels!

  12. Thank you Melanie for sharing your adventure and the amazing pictures!
    Enjoy the rest your journey and each other’s company.

  13. Hello to you all,
    Im from Portugal.
    I can’t tell you how much I am hopeful to always read your journey.
    It deep down tells me I’m gonna be able to get through all this pain inside and live a wonderful normal life.
    Thank you so much for doing this , it’s a blessing reading the emails coming from you.
    Melanie, have a joyful caravan traveling.
    Best of luck to us all

  14. Hello to you all,
    Im from Portugal.
    I can’t tell you how much I am hopeful to always read your journey.
    It deep down tells me I’m gonna be able to get through all this pain inside and live a wonderful normal life.
    Thank you so much for doing this , it’s a blessing reading the emails coming from you.
    Melanie, have a joyful caravan traveling.
    Best of luck to us all

  15. Awesome Mel!! Super happy for you all!! Thank you so much for sharing and thank you for bringing us NARP! Saved my life!! Lots of Love! Michelle

  16. Mel (and Glenn), that was like a dozen picture postcards from a good friend on a fabulous trip! Neat to see it all, neat to have this space be a “having fun on the road, thought I’d share a few pics and what we’re up to, and how…” I mean, growing hydroponics in your traveling home while experiencing your corner of our beautiful planet’s best sites and culture — wow!

    Thank you so much for sharing this post, I thoroughly enjoyed it, and given the other comments here, I’m not alone.

    Decades ago, I did something similar, (camping at high elevations one summer — and there was snow! while visiting a nephew through Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Nevada and back home…took about four weeks of lots of driving and a certain amount of being lazy and studying maps). Travel is good for the soul!

    Thrive, thrive, thrive!

  17. Thank you for sharing your photos and our wonderful trip. You both look happy, serene and joyful.
    Would love to hear more if what you’re growing and how you’re growing it. Would also like to know how you’re faring with the fuel hikes.

  18. Epic! The perfect journey and wonderful inspiring contribution to your work on thriving. Power to your elbow. I had a couple of thoughts as well…I’d been thinking for a while about doing a zine based on my journey from the place where I managed to escape to the place where I am now safe. It follows a river and literally winds inland from the sea to a docking place and from there to a sheltered spot surrounded by trees and allotments, so plenty of imagery! And recently I went to an exhibition of zines and it revived my idea. And this morning reading your article I wondered how many thrivers might record their journeys through making something, a zine maybe…anyway, thank you Melanie, as ever, a great guide.

  19. So inspiring to see someone who is a living example of practicing what you preach. Here is evidence that it works! Great pictures. Thank you.

  20. Hi, Mel, it’s so good that you are living your best live🧡🧡. What keeps up popping up in my mind while reading it is that you say, you are forever letting go of stuck beliefs. How is possible for a person like you to have something more that needs to be healed. Isn’t there an end? And also you said thats your highest dream…after thriving the abuse and having your best life what is scarring me as hell is that when living my best life (not there yet) this is something I reffer to endness (of life especially) because there is nothing else to desire. Am I wrong and what is your perspective from your evolved point of view and from a person that is there yet – to his best life. Many thanks, lots of 💕💕💕💕

    1. Hi Neda,

      It is good, I am loving this.

      Neda, I wouldn’t want to be “perfectly healed” because then there is no more growth possible.

      Truly …

      This is my lifestyle. I love doing inner work. At first, in the trenches, with severe narcissistic abuse symptoms yes it was heavy going (as it is for all of us) but it gets less and less and less and less … and now it is so beautiful to feel stuck energy, do a healing, fill my body with more light and experience more of Who I Really Am (a fractal of Source with Source flowing through me).

      Why wouldn’t I want more of that!? But I get what you’re saying. You may have some beliefs about “healing” that are keeping you in spinning your wheels a little. Are you working with NARP and in the NARP member’s forum ?

      Because this is where we can help you get released from what is still “stuck” that is not aligned with your Source / Soul self (just as we all had to find and release and reprogram).

      I hope that this helps

      Mel 🙏💞🦋

      1. Thank you, Mel, it always helps, you always help 🧡 Your lifestyle is something I desire too – I love healing. I wouldn’t want to be perfectly healed…I just made the conclusion that there is and end to a healing. But as a person dedicated to growth, this scares me. From your perspective I see maybe there is no end to a healing, I hope so, it would mean infinite possibility for growth and earth life, which I LOVE, but I am scared to live. I’ve done NARP module 1, yes, and other shadow work techniques, a lot. But I got your point, this belief probably comes from an unhealed part of me, which I need to caretake. Thank you 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕 for being who you are and helping us!

  21. Mel and Glenn, you have captured my heart and my dreams. What a great journey you are taking for you. Most importantly for you. As I have followed you now for some time, I am breaking free and healing my Inner Self. Only from your experience and guidance have I entered into this next and most wonderful version of my life. As I said you captured my dream, life on the road. Thank you so very much.

      1. Thank you, Mel, it always helps, you always help 🧡 Your lifestyle is something I desire too – I love healing. I wouldn’t want to be perfectly healed…I just made the conclusion that there is and end to a healing. But as a person dedicated to growth, this scares me. From your perspective I see maybe there is no end to a healing, I hope so, it would mean infinite possibility for growth and earth life, which I LOVE, but I am scared to live. I’ve done NARP module 1, yes, and other shadow work techniques, a lot. But I got your point, this belief probably comes from an unhealed part of me, which I need to caretake. Thank you 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕 for being who you are and helping us!

  22. Hi Melanie!
    Oh gosh! I always dreamed of doing the same thing at some point in my life, but,……oh well! 😔
    Thank you for sharing your amazing amazing adventure and story! ❤️🦋❤️

  23. Hi Mel,
    It’s extremely “UPLIFTING” to read the personal stories of yourself and others thriving after going through the horrors of narcissitic abuse. Good on you for giving out hope, inspriation, healings and education so that others can liberate themselves and set themselves free to enjoy a great life. I am so glad I was directed to this group so I could understand what had been happening to me for 47 years. It’s great to be enlightened and after only 3 short months in the program my life has improved by 70% as I am following the well worn path to freedom. A BIG FAT — THANK YOU!

  24. Hi Mel, Greetings from Oregon (USA)! Finding you has been so enlightening! I am glad you are on the other side and sharing how to thrive. I am trying to get out into nature as much as I can whether it is growing flowers and veggies in my garden or hiking the trails, it really keeps my head in the right place. I have only dreamed of van life. Please keep sharing and teaching!

    P.S. I, too, had a Chloe and a Ruby!

  25. ABLE TO VERBALIZE MY THOUGHTS MORE QUICKLY AND REMEMBER WHAT I’M SAYING AS MUCH AS PUT TOGETHER WIDER SCOPE OF KNOWLEDGE AT MORE ACCURATE AND WITH LESS AND LESS GUILTY FEELINGS FOR USING “””UNSEEMLY””” LANGUAGE HANDED DOWN TO ME AS I Speak TO MYSELF ABOUT LIFE AND LIVING I NEVER KNEW EXISTED that would ever have included any or all of the horrible tearing me down wrong town events simply for being alive in my parents (“””care”””). It is ASTONISHING and a NEW and welcome feeling to know i have a life a future and a living of my own. I AM not 🚫 the WRONGFULLY designated lie and compassion hoaxing brought on by the blind Faith huckstering of that horrible state of YOR. I have never known this bodily and psychological ease of moving self understanding ever before. It took me some time to print this comment, but not with as much pause or stammering jumbled up inaccurate mind chatter or the intrusiveness of daily corrupting of my intuition from all corners. This comment may even appear inarticulate to some readers as it is a first for me to be asked how i feel with out being HARBORED in mind word and deed by the past and hear and now while I’m STILL IN THE VICINITY OF THE EMBATTLED MOMENT OF MY WORLD. there is un heard of freedom where i live. Could not have known it until N.A.R.P. G’day

  26. Thank you for being authentic and transparent- that’s how you help others heal – is to see your hurts , vulnerability, low points and triumphs !! Keep doing you Mel !! Your re are a difference maker !Cheers ! ❤️

  27. Aww Mel, this looks incredible! So inspiring to see you living your best life! So much love and gratitude for you xxx

  28. Way to go! It’s wonderful to see you living your best life, surrounded by love, freedom, simplicity, and adventure. Great to hear your cats are joining you! We (my husband and 1 and our 2 cats) look forward to embarking on a similar adventure soon. Thank you for sharing your tools and inspiring! Catherine from Canada 🤍

  29. Hi Mel,
    Wow, Yes, So inspiring, Thank You for sharing. It is indeed also very humbling. Thank YOU for doing All the Healing and now helping your tribe. It is so Amazing and Beautiful, but most of all it is to see you so Happy and Loved, Peaceful and Free!
    “To get to this place of personal power and truth, I had to change me. I became my most vital mission” – AWESOME!
    Lots of Love
    Ps. Where’s the paddle steamer, did you get a photo? :-). Also, saw a program on Cobber Pedy about Opal Hunters once, amazing, such a Beautiful country.

    1. Hi Kondwani,

      thank you for your awesome support – as always!

      I have so much love and respect for you!

      Hmm the paddle steamer I had a little video I shared on my personal Facebook page. Are you on Facebook, send me a friend request to my personal page … and I’ll let you in!

      Mel 🙏💞🦋

  30. What an amazing adventure you are on Mel and Glenn, fresh air, beauty, kitties and LOVE most of all!!! Congrats for all of your efforts and your candid sharing of your travels and beautiful pics.
    I was in Sydney for the first time ever for my son’s wedding. He’s a sommelier at Aria right next to the opera house and next time you pass through, go have dinner there and be sure to ask for Ted.
    He just got married to a beautiful Aussie girl and he’s over the moon, so all the more reason to visit Australia again.
    Thanks for all of your heartfelt post and sharing your inspiring journey.
    Much, Love Lynn

  31. Hi Mel,It’s lovely to see you living your well earned dream.My only concern is that it must be so heavy carrying all that very heavy baggage around everywhere you go !!! ALL THE MASSIVE LOVE WE ALL HAVE FOR YOU !!! HA HA !! Keep on shining your beautiful light.Bet all the landscapes look miles more beautiful when you light them up.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  32. How inspiring is that! The first thought that came into my head when I dared to consider a life for myself, by myself, was the desire to travel… it’s all possible!
    The one thing that has always kept me positive was seeing relationship dynamics that were so different to my own, parent/child dynamics, different parenting styles, successful relationships…
    I may not have had that, but simply knowing that it is real, and not just on the TV makes my heart sing and I love to see people happy and fulfilling their dreams. Bravo to you all.

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