Today I want to talk to you about something inspirational – finding your calling after everything that you’ve been through – and I’d love to share with you my personal story, with my heartfelt desire that it can help you.

Narcissistic abuse is an extreme situation of going through the depths of darkness, forcing us to harness and heal back to The Light. As this Light we can also help others, through our direct experiences, to find their Light as well. Not just from a textbook understanding, but from our own lived Soul experience.


Did We Go Through All Of This For Nothing?

Many years ago I remember being inspired by individuals who had been through absolute tragedy, who started living their life purpose as a result of it.

I personally met an incredible woman who had lost three children through separate events, who started an organisation for bereaved parents.

She was spiritual … incredible. I thought to myself, “How on earth could this woman go on after such trauma …. unspeakable trauma … not once but three times?” I asked her how she did this. With incredible love in her eyes and truth flowing outwards from her heart, she said, “I know my children are my angels. I know I’ve been with them many times and will be again and that I am eternally with them. This gives me comfort, and I want other parents who have gone through this to feel the same, and live their purpose of love for themselves and their surviving loved ones.”

I’ll never forget how this moment imprinted my psyche, as the ultimate “overcoming”. At this time I had no idea that my own “overcoming” was to come; not her unspeakable horror that every parent dreads, yet it was going to be the most significant battle of my life. And, it wasn’t until much later that I realised I also had at some Soul level been granted the opportunity to live out my true contribution, as a result of this trauma, on this planet as well.

At the time of writing this article I had my final lesson with my 10 week Thrive Bootcamp Members, where a member asked, “How do you find your life purpose?”

The conversation that unfolded in our Thrive Group was that usually our life purpose is not something that we logically choose – it chooses us. It chooses us through life circumstances, because we would NEVER logically choose it, and until these life events we would never be equipped for it either.

If we would logically choose it – we would have done so already!

So many people have the gut feeling and even heart burning mission of sharing, teaching and granting relief of a breakthrough awareness, product or a system that made a spectacular difference to their own lives. The thought of that lights up their hearts. It’s exciting, it feels right! They know they don’t want to just work for someone in a job that is unfulfilling to their Soul.

Yet – try telling that to the logical brain which has expectations, is fixated on outcomes and fears the “what if’s”!

Of course our programmed “mind” asks …

“How am I am going to make money from this?”

“What will other people think?”

“What if I can’t maintain my mortgage, bills, and lifestyle options?”

And …

“What will I need to give up in my life to make this happen?”

“What if I don’t want to make the sacrifice.”

“Do I even have the resources and ability to make this happen?”

“What if I fail?”

Then they fall back into what I believe are “uncomfortable comfort zones”. It all seems too hard, and not possible, so we can carry on doing what we have always done for a vocation, even though we feel like something is terribly missing.

Did we have our life-experiences for nothing? Were they just for ourselves?

I believe Source and our Soul has a greater plan for us than that!


How To Align With Your Source-Filled Vocation

I hope that by sharing my story I can inspire you to find your true vocation as well.

As a result of narcissistic abuse I materially lost almost everything – all that I had worked so hard for, for 40 years of my life. I also lost my colleagues, support from my family, including my son, all but one close friend, and then my health, my sanity and almost my life.

As a result of finally starting healing from the inside out, mental and physical conditions that the medical profession had told me were “unhealable”, I started to have a powerful urge to share the revelations that were helping me.

That was all it was at this point – a powerful urge.

I was still deeply in my recovery. I could not ignore it for even one day because I was clawing my way out of a complete psychotic and adrenal breakdown with inner energetic healing and radical loving self-partnering.

Logic was unimportant. What people thought was unimportant. Anything other than basic survival needs were unimportant. The only thing that was important was making sure I had basic needs met (many which I had to accept outside help for) and the healing and recovery of my own Soul.

Yet, there was this strong urge to write some articles and put them out over the net. I found doing this was also helping my own healing. It brought added purpose to what I was going through.

People started responded from all over the world. They had experienced my experience. They were open to looking at a different model of “inside out” resurrection, rather than the traditional “victim / no hope of recovery” model. That had been my intention, to share this different “way” to heal.

Then as I kept healing myself and studying energetic healing modalities, I started attracting people who needed to heal from abuse. I started sharing my healing protocols with them. This was also organic. One of my clients suggested I create a website for my healing from abuse, and put me in contact with a wonderful woman who had also been narcissistically abused.

I stayed open, receptive and learning in regard to my own healing, and information, synchronicity and miracles kept turning up. Things like financial prosperity and lifestyle were the last things on my mind. Saving my Soul and getting better was my highest focus, as well as sharing what I was learning with others – because I now knew that narcissistic abuse was an epidemic.

When I finally cracked the code to Quanta Freedom Healing for myself, because I so desperately wanted to be freed from a crippling agoraphobic condition, I knew I needed to introduce my clients to this healing method as well.

What happened next was something I could have never predicted – my healing clients exploded through word of mouth. I had psychologists, domestic abuse workers and other professionals contact me and ask me, “What happened to my client. They were stuck and traumatised and it’s like this is a different person?!”

I was also starting to be contacted by people overseas. I tried doing healings over Skype and discovered the process worked just as well. Before I knew it I was booked out months in advance with numerous clients every day.

Then the gut feeling came – there needs to be a Program where people can access Quanta Freedom Healing, because I can’t heal enough people one-on-one. I’d learned by now not to go into my mind and question things. I had always been inspired by what Louise Hay said when asked how Hay House came into being. She said, “I just opened the mail and answered the phone.”

I just showed up – I trusted what I was feeling and sensing. I had NO idea how to create a Program, put it together, or even if Quanta Freedom Healing would in recordings shift people’s subconscious programs. I was led. The right answers came, the “way” was shown and in amongst it all, all I ever had was a sense of the step just in front of me … nothing more.

I recorded a healing, just “knowing” how to visualise energy imprints into the healing – I let some of my clients use it to experiment and they had powerful shifting results. It actually turned out better for them. Rather than waiting to have a once a week healing with me, they could do numerous healings whenever they wished. They saved money and time with accelerated results and I was able to spread my energy out much further to many more people without depleting my energy the way I previously was.

I knew this Program – The Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Program (NARP) – which was helping people heal for real needed to go out to the world. What came next was one of the most inspiring, incredible and fulfilling times of my life – albeit arguable one of the most gruelling!

I needed resources and a global website and the back end and front end mechanics to get serious.

Yet how? I was barely computer literate. I had no business creation experience. I didn’t know how to set up an internet business!

I started an internet coaching course that was from the States, meaning I had to wake up at 4am each morning to participate. I was paying thousands of dollars for this Course, and also needed money for the business set up and structures. I kept healing clients 7 days a week to fund this, working through the night, usually 20 hour days and some days I was not even making it to bed.

In amongst all of this, I was writing ebooks, creating all the material myself, recording healings, and dedicated to my own internal healings daily, anytime a triggered trauma appeared in my emotional body.

I had NO idea where any of this was going. I had no attachment to any outcomes and I was just following my gut and doing things that I had never even considered doing before.

The rest is history … my global MTE business now has staff members in many parts of the world, my son is our incredible CEO, we have touched the lives of millions of people, we have over 500,000 subscribers from over 130 different countries, I’ve written a best-selling book and have helped tens of thousands of people become graduates into true Thriving in our incredible NARP Community. Medical and psychology groups, and famous relationship and personal development experts are now my colleagues! People I once admired from a distance!

None of this was planned. I didn’t do any of this to achieve these things. I just did what Louse Hay did, I just showed up. I followed my passion and I did not think in the ways that I used to before making my recovery from narcissistic abuse my highest mission.

My “mind” was out of the way. I was finally for the first time truly free to be “me” – because I followed my Soul.

I certainly wasn’t perfectly healed. I was merely following my Soul and Source.


The Shift To Source-Filled Vocation

As I shared with my beautiful Thriver Group last week, the following is necessary for you to create your true calling as the only vocation (and Life) that will truly gratify you.

Your life purpose can often be discovered in these following questions:

“What am I good at that can help others?”

“What is it that I have most needed to learn myself that I can help others overcome also?”

“What lights me up as something I would love to help others with?”

Absolutely, your Life Mission is contribution. It is service! And you must LET GO of all the mind reasons why it can’t happen!

Know that Source wants for you what your Soul wants for you – the BEST life possible and true flourishing for living your Life Purpose.

It’s YOU that is in the way of this – limiting beliefs connected to money, capacity and “issues” that won’t let it work.

Absolutely, hard work and sacrifice is needed. We need to live and put food on the table and keep a roof over our head – be prepared to have 2 jobs when transitioning into your Life Purpose. Please know TRUE passion is NOT like work – especially if you don’t get attached to having to get specific results straight away. The “payment” is the passion and inspiration that you receive from WHO you are “being” and then the energy to “do” becomes phenomenal.

If you are not prepared to give up TV watching, pastimes and other habits of time wasting other than working on yourself and showing up to act on your Soul urge, then your True Mission won’t happen. Are you waiting for it to drop in your lap? Are you waiting for someone else to give it to you?

Of course, it may not be your time to start creating your Life Vocation – you may be where I once was, just absolutely surviving and needing to focus on healing myself. It was when I did get some relief from trauma that space entered as inspiration, and I could finally hear the voice of Source.

It was different after narcissistic abuse and committing to healing from the inside out. My greatest mission was myself, letting go of trauma and filling myself with The Light where the trauma was. Being Soul-focused meant that I wasn’t in my head giving myself all the reasons, justifications or doubting and needing to “run this past others” like I may have done previously.

I just followed and the rest flowed and followed.

With a Source-Filled Life, Source is the way and the way appears

I hope today’s article can also grant you some beautiful and powerful key understandings that can help you do this too.

I’d love to hear from you below!

Does this resonate with you? Can you see now how you may be blocking your true mission and contribution on this planet? Do you have a sense of what it is that you would love to do as your life-expression? Does it feel possible (or maybe even exciting) for you now?

I teach you more about this in NARP, where we do have lovely Thrivers now living their life-calling, and also help others develop Thriving in every area of life with my upcoming Super-Thriver Love, Health and Wealth Program beginning in October.

Related blog post

The Narcissist’s Greatest Fear: You Becoming Your True Self and Aligning with Your 5D Ascension Path

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The Narcissist Never Lets You Go: How to Finally Get Freedom

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35 thoughts on “How To Find Your Calling After Everything You’ve Been Through

  1. I am going thru these very shifts. I was so broken down after kicking my husband out and seeing there was nothing that he was motivated to fix and save within our relationship…divorced him…did (& still doing) a lot of self/inner work & growth, including with NARP…then discovered many of the relationships with my family of origin were also overshadowed by a narcissist pattern, so I distanced myself from what felt like very unsafe patterns to continue to live under, and as such I was “disallowed” from being able to visit my very sick mother (who lived with my brother)…and she just went along with his new rules and that “broke” me down even further. I was truly universally stripped of my most reliable sources of identity and existance…that I HAD known…and that’s when everything changed…I had to become my own SOURCE, self-partner myself, my past, my present. After a period I hibernation, discomfort and confusion as to when the pain of this growth would stop and the light would shine and speak to me…it did. I began to understand each wave of deep dark pain would eventually show me a deep and insightful knowing, understanding and lesson with which to move forward with…and with each wave I would more and more easily release my grip on the resistance, and the suffering would ease, and flow would replace it. And then all of a sudden something I always had in the back of my mind but never could figure out how to fulfill, started falling into place. I heard a podcast and it instantly gave me the insight about how I could actually DO this new project…and then a wonderful website creation class popped into my inbox…and then a day after the thought that maybe LinkedIn could be used as a marketing tool, I was invited to apply for a LinkedIn accelerator class. And when that clas was wrapping up, a class to learn Video marketing popped into my inbox!!! I am still putting my project together, but it is clear to me that when the universe knew I wasn’t ready for this step in my life, ie this project, but instead still needed deep healing and time to get thru the death of my mother…and as soon as I was able to step thru this next loss and set of grief and healing…when the universe knew I was ready, and I met this knowing with intrigue and enthusiasm…it all started falling into place and I kept meeting each new step with continued enthusiasm, gratitude, readiness and motivated action. And now I feel like I am back within my skin…but in a completely different and authentically ME way. I feel deeper than back in control…I actually feel partnered with the universe. I feel so much safer than before. I feel held and supported by myself and the universe. I am able to hear MYSELF, MY GUT, MY INTUITION….AND FOLLOW IT. I have been so worried about trusting again…but I am right now, as I wrote this, realizing that I AM trusting again (and it feels good!)…in myself…in this process and my new project and in the FACT that the universe has my back (as much as I do). I feel proud of where I am RIGHT NOW in the most grateful of ways. I feel humbled by all that I have learned and in the necessity of what I had to pass thru in my past in order to get to this place. And really I feel like I have only dipped my toe into this pool of learning & growth….gosh there is so much more … and I can honestly say that I am actually looking forward to it (I wasn’t sure if I would find that excitement for life again, but it looks like I have….)… Thank you Melanie for being such a large part of this journey inward and forward with me. Much love, many hugs and endless gratitude.

    1. Hi Summer,

      thank you for your post – it is very inspirational!

      This is beautiful – this empowered place that you have shifted into!

      Big kudos and hugs to you sweetheart

      Mel 🙏💞🦋

      1. Ok, Mel

        I’m in touch with my inner child and fully feel the wisdom and magic that comes from source




        Dating boot camp?

        Thanks for all you do!

        1. Hi John,

          NARP is such the powerhouse signature Course that I believe is the core GO-to to heal from narcissistic abuse patterns and our own codependencies … most NARPers have it as a life resource … it’s not just a course that you “do!”.

          (I still work with NARP healings as my go-to for literally anything in my life that I wish to up-level).

          Dating Bootcamp bootcamp will be an invaluable “love bootcamp” that only goes for 6 weeks, but will be lifechanging in regard to “love”.

          There are many people who are doing both … and of course go with what feels right for you!

          Does this help answer your question?

          Mel 🙏💞🦋

  2. A resounding yes to everything today its interesting that we don’t know that we are even in the Darkness until the scales start to fall from our eyes, especially after narcissistic abuse it’s like coming out from under a Spell and yes now i just turn up and the light starts to open the Doors in People’s lives for them to open up about their lives and i can share my journey with them and see amazing results you actually see their eyes light up because finally someone actually understands what they are Going through and you can direct them down the right Path it’s exciting. On a different note could you make a video on something that happened to me or you may have already, so what happened was i thought that i would join a Social Group that Seemed alright even though there were some red flags and it wasn’t until i actually joined that suddenly all these rules appeared and i realised that their real agenda was Control and Manipulation Ahhh after i just escaped all that, sadly it seems that even the lovely local sowing group or fishing Club “just an example” can have a hidden agenda to harvest more people to control, so is there any basic tips to watch out for as this caught me off Guard or are the basic things to watch out for the same whether it’s a relationship or job or just a Social Club, I’m loving my new freedom I’ve achieved through Narp by the way, Blessings Col

    1. Hi Col,

      it’s lovely to hear from you and that’s fantastic that you are sharing your inner Light outwardly – Thriving is incredibly positive and infectious for people.

      Regarding your suggestion for an episode, I can definitely do that – and I haven’t specifically (I believe) done that yet, I’m sure it’ll help many – so thank you for your suggestion.

      Many blessings to you Col

      Mel 🙏💞🦋

  3. Yes, to all your questions. Bless you for all you’ve done and are doing. My life is improving because of it. Thank you.

  4. Wow! So Powerful Mel. And YES, ABSOLUTELY RESONATES!!! What a Story. LOVE LOUISE HAY!!!
    Thank You so much Mel.
    I need to take the steps towards this and listening carefully to my inner calling 🙂 Sounds like a very Powerful and Beautiful 10 week Thrive Group you had.
    Also Yesterday’s session (workshop), so Powerful, Wow, I think I was just healing constantly from the Truth Bombs you were dropping. And I think you posted a video after that too!!!
    You Are Indeed AMAZING!
    God Bless.

  5. Oh Boy perfect timing that is all I can say. Growing up in survival, grief, loss, poverty, and abuse did not allow me to get to know what I enjoyed let alone what ‘JOY’ was. I was always told I was never good at anything by peers, teachers, parents and you name it. So along one day comes the narcissist and like many others, before him I got smashed to pieces very quickly and have never been the same since. Always worked jobs that brought the money in enough to survive and make it always saving that extra bit of money just in case the roof collapses over me and it always did every time. I always seem to either try and control everything because I don’t trust others, life and people or somehow I allow things to get to the way side and it is because I have had no control of that, it’s so weird after this kind of abuse how you end up being in life. Funny thing is I would so like this as a young child always needing to protect myself from abuse or in damage control. This state of anxiety as hard as it is living it – can you program heal this kind of state of mind and always somehow going against life rather than trusting it and knowing everything is going to be okay?

    1. Hi Fabienne,

      I’m really glad that this was timely for you.

      It’s completely understandable that you have felt like this, after abuse and not as yet been able to unlock from these limits (but you truly can!)

      Yes, please have hopem, absolutely NARP frees you from all that you have mentioned and so much more … I did for all of us – our childhood and adult wounds and restrictions.

      Once you start healing with NARP, you will understand why.

      Much Love

      Mel 🙏💞🦋

  6. Dear Melanie,
    This is such an interesting topic! Finding a “calling” in this life is not easy! I used to think that my responsibility was to just be a good human being every day. I never thought much about me having a “calling” and I still don’t think I do but as the saying goes “You never know”!
    I’m really beginning to understand that there’s much more to our lives than to just being a good human being!
    Some or a lot of this has come to “light” since I’ve been following you and your amazing teachings…
    As you know, I am a military veteran. For the past several decades I have been in and out of therapy at my veterans administration hospital for PTSD as a result of serious emotional and psychological wounds incurred in my military life. There’s been some help there but I knew that I always needed more! And I found out that NARP was a perfect antidote.
    What’s happened, which is truly amazing, and incredibly wonderful, is that as a result of learning the principles NARP I’ve been able to use some of these principles and NARP guidelines in my therapy sessions for healing myself and with helping other veterans.
    Which has been so helpful and good….
    When the opportunity is there I do my best to try to help…. and, for some reason or another, NARP seems to , more now, be there helping me and guiding me in the background…..😌 especially when I’m in group or in trauma based sessions!
    Simply having fortified some of the guidelines of NARP within me it makes such a difference as to how I understand people and myself….especially in these situations…
    Some of the therapists at my hospital are familiar with the principles and guidelines of NARP which is a huge asset when it comes to getting help for myself at my VA. That’s always a huge plus!
    So, what I feel is not so much of a “calling” but a responsibility to share the little bit or some of what I have learned in the past four years or so I’ve been following you.
    Although I still struggle with much, in particular, the difficulties that I continue to have with a soon to be ex narcissistic marital partner, i’ve actually been able to help other veterans who are in similar situations… and, we are growing together!!!!
    sometimes it feels so right to contribute and if these contributions are only, well, tiny, that’s okay and I think that could be part of a “mini calling” to do so…. i.e. living honestly and acknowledging the inner “calling” or “feeling” that I might have to just help another person who is struggling.
    I am so amazed at how all of our NARP moderators, who are here to help us, are doing so much for the greater good and if these incredible individuals are doing this because it’s a “calling” for them, God bless them all! They help so many of us who are struggling!
    I always love hearing your stories and today is no exception! You are such an inspiration and have given me hope many times over the past 4+ years when I’ve felt that there was, sometimes, no hope at all!
    So, maybe if there is a “calling” somewhere in my future, if that might be, I so want to do it with other struggling veterans who are in such need of help!
    In that case, I am so grateful for all that I have learned and the incredible guidance that I’ve been given, especially when I am heading down the wrong road, and can do something about taking that road to “Wrong town” for myself and possibly another human being with the help of NARP and see and experience the positive results of taking another road….for that option I will always forever be grateful to you and NARP!
    This is truly an amazing topic today and something I’ve never really thought of much before. I’m so glad that you brought this up today!
    Maybe we all have “callings” and things that we need to do, maybe karmically, or for some reason or another we end up here, in NARP, to give us help and guidance, to complete the tasks presented to us…. I’d like to think that that is true!
    And, if for me, when I am a little more balanced and assured of myself, it might be doing more with veterans. That would be wonderful…
    Again, thank you so much for sharing all these different parts of your journey! I love hearing your stories, Melanie!
    Thank you so much for everything and lots of love to you and everybody! ❤️🦋❤️

    1. Hi Peter,

      I ADORE your soul-calling to do your part to help veterans.

      This is truly something that is sooo needed.

      Much love and healing to you and the war veterans

      Mel 🙏💞🦋

  7. Dear Mel
    Thank you again for a wonderful article. I feel like I need to read it a few times to really innerstand it. With my personal journey, I can sense that with all the work with NARP and Thrive I am close to a compression breakthrough, and I can’t wait to get out of trauma healing mode and into creation and expansion mode, although this period is such an intense time of growth and revelations as well.
    Will see you in the Love, Health and Wealth course later this year – can’t wait! 🙂
    With every single module I do, I send you heartfelt gratitude❤️
    With so much love,

    1. Hi Sangeetha,

      it’s my pleasure.

      I’m so happy that you are feeling your expansion and I can’t wait to work with you on this next step in Love, Health and Wealth (Super Thrive) also!

      Much Love

      Mel 🙏💞🦋

  8. O use to he a musitiob, songwriter singer, I use to be a filmaker/writet, I use to be an acclaimed artist. An wildlife photographer, a lecturer .in all this I use to and is still regarding art a trainer. I use to be someone that worked for approval, completely overworked.

    When I got a child I realized being with her and taking care of her is my higest priority( and now also NARP).
    . I still tried to be supper humen, but woth N in the pot all fell apart and I just became a ‘mom”, and continuing with my art classes( he could not take this from me)
    -this is all I am doing, and becomming strong enouth to detach from the onslots of the Nark.

    On papar I looked amaizing but inside everything was falling apart, the nark immitated me , broke me to the point of cptsd and took everything. Including my wildlife photography business.

    To be honnest I dont have any desire to ‘ look that good’ on paper any more. It was exhausting and I was never happy and at peace with myself and my life, not like I am now with barely nothing.
    I dont want to be ambitios again and was wondering how ‘ambitjion look as a triver.

    I know I have engredable artistic giftings and I know I have the engredable ability to exsplain very apstract consepts /techniques to others in a logical way so that they can understand and access it. I love broadening peoples horizons and giving them tools to rmpower thenselves. I would also love to greate something so beautifull it people will see ‘God’ and trasform their life.

    And I would love to just be, live, heal and be a mom.
    Thans for this Mel, as you just awensered the question I had about ambition vs thriver expantion so beautifully. Thank you for going through this door of healing from Nark abuce, so we could follow.

  9. Thank you for your honest account, Mel, it is really helpful and inspiring for me. Also comments above, for example Summer’s story, are really beautiful too. And Colin’s comment about the scales falling, I can really relate to that too. Makes me realise we are all ‘just’ normal people who have gone through extraordinary circumstances, the fire toughens the steel, doesnt it? Our power is the universe working through us, if only we let it. Its lovely to feel excitement again. Like Summer, i feared i never would.
    With love and thanks, Jo

  10. Well..Thank You Melanie for Your Timely Emails With Information and Video’s and Programs for Healing From Narssisistic Abuse I have missed A Few Breaking Off Contact With Narc…This last week..I Was Assaulted and Abused And Unknowingly This Time In Front of The Bishop Of A Church Where I Was Seeking Help And Recieved And Experienced The First Of Human Compassion and Empathy In 10 years which Helped Put What has happen to me into prospective I was Thinking it was Something Wrong With Me Even though I Was Much Better Before Meeting and Experiencing Narcissism It’s as if The Narcs Purpose was to Destroy Everything in Me And My Life And It’s Changed Me in a Way I Don’t Like I Will Not Have This Narc in My Life it has Cost Me Everything I Am Now Fighting Through complete Adrenal Fatigue And it feels like a shut down of My Entirety and Healing From Physical Assault Could Have Been My Life I Lost Not just My Life force and Phyce and Spirit I Am Working To De program My Thoughts From What I Was Told Relentlessly by the Narc such as nobody Loves You just ME Nobody wants you just ME Nobody will Help You Just Me…I Had Never Heard Someone Say Those things to Another Human Before I Feel So De Humanized I KNOW I Was Better Happier Before Experiencing Narcissist So I Feel I Can..I Hope I Can After The Aftermath
    I Do Feel A Purpose in This Trauma
    I Thank You Melanie For Your Programs Your E Mails And All of The Effort You Have Put into Turning Your Trauma Into Healing And Extending Your Healing To Others
    I’m Grateful

    1. Well…Im Feeling A Sense of Freedom!! YAY!! I did want to go out but I kicked myself in gear and waded past a heavy load of Doubt What ifs I Can’t doubt fear of unknown To I Gotta So Off I Went Using Bus System Instead of staying in bed or falling < backwards and I'm too done and too tired and too beat up to go To What’s Next
      Like Melanie Said ..Go And The Way Will Show You The Way! Hope To All!

  11. Melanie, I would like to personally thank you, from my heart and soul, for creating your program and QFH. I have been doing the narp and family of origin healings for 11 months now and i am truly deeply grateful for the support and profound shifts it has given me. i wouldn’t be able to survive and move thru this pandemic without the quantum healings. i’ve been thru a lot of N trauma and childhood difficulties. And your articles are my way of nourishing myself and my inner beings to learn more and educate myself of life skills, and other ways of thriving that are new to me. Your youtube videos are my life tool kit too. im a different person now and im so happy to have listened to my intuition when it led me to your page. This article resonates with me joyfully, as ive been looking for my life purpose and career after so much struggle. I’ve been trying some new things, guiding my innerbeings and shifting emotional charges as i move along. it’s not an easy road, but i know and trust that Source is with me and through me holding me. i appreciate this article and you sharing your journey, it’s huge for me. <3
    I hope to meet you personally so i can say thank you. You're always in my prayers. Love, maxine

    1. Hi Maxine,

      thank you so much for having me in your prayers – I feel really honoured by that.

      I adore how you know Source has your back – it truly is your time to shine and Thrive!

      So much love to you

      Mel 🙏💞🦋

  12. I absolutely loved this article!!!! Call it serendipity or the stars are aligning but those questions have been tumbling around in my brain on and off for awhile now. However, seeing them on the page had me automatically answering a number of different things I have no question, I can do and truly be happy doing.
    My life’s been caregiver insanity the last 2 1/2 years but FINALLY, things seem to have a sense of direction and there are glimpses of calm. I’ve had to face a lot of genetic and toxic family trauma and heal and Super Thriver is helping along the way. Now this article. Like I said, it seems things are finally starting to shift. Thanks Mel, for the inspiration! xo Kat

  13. Melanie – Your abuse recovery program is about releasing the fears and trauma stored in our body and that does certainly get us out of the grips of an abusive, controlling and manipulative person who is hell-bent on eternally punishing us to get revenge for speaking the truth but, what you are leading us through, and leading us to, is thriving. Tuning into the intuitive mind, tapping into our potential, is your true gift, the real treasure you offer us all. Thank You! The blocks related to my work are falling away because I can see many obstacles being related to needing to control how things unfold and related to perceptions based in lack that are not my true self. As I emerge from the abuse now, there is actually gratitude I feel for the abuser and tremendous gratitude for your skill and caring to help me get here. I am solving technical issues by noticing the discomfort and frustration I feel about a certain issue and then finding out what it is really about and releasing it. Solutions are flowing in and I am learning how to trust those intuitive signals that seem to go against the experts but turn out to be right on. Ironically, my work is specifically about developing intuitive tools for ultra sturdy fluid forms in architecture, shapes that follow a principle of geometry but cannot ever be captured fully by drawing or modeling them completely. These roofs, or core pavilions, made from a tough, self-healing shell material, are integrated into the natural drainage and flow of nature. They can provide shelter, food, (roof gardens and drainage gardens in the runoff and ecology integrated environment) and water for many generations, a basic shelter that can never fall or burn, while allowing the entry walls to be almost anything and express individuality and personal taste. As a whole, they express welcomed belonging in the bounty nature. If it were not for you I would have never known that to tap into the connected and intuitive mind potential, to make these sturdy organic shapes properly, where each are totally unique expressions of each individual situation, it is about releasing past trauma and lovingly paying attention to your inner being and feelings. I am just so incredibly excited for finding you and receiving your healing gifts, I can barely contain my happiness. Thank you!

    1. Hi Doug,

      please know how welcome you are and I love the way you have explained what the Thriver work is about!

      WOW! Doug – I love what you are doing!!

      Id love to find out more – could you please send some info to [email protected] so that my wonderful team can forward on to me.

      I LOVE innovative Source-filled projects!

      Congratulations Doug

      Mel 🙏💞🦋

  14. Melanie, THANK YOU. What I have just experienced over the past year and a half of my life is almost “to the T” what you write about. There have been days that I wonder if you are honestly inside of my head. I’ve told people how 8/10 emails I receive at random are topics on exactly what I am dealing with at the moment or the day before. I have been the victim of a true Sociopath with Narcissistic tendencies. I had no idea these type of people were just sitting next to me at work. Long story short I met, married, and am in the process of divorcing this man. I have been placed out of work with mental illness in which an underlying personality disorder was exacerbated and had reared its ugly head. I have lost most of my income, my body started breaking down and my home owners insurance was unknowingly cancelled, and when I got that corrected they almost slapped me with a fine for having an unfinished deck in my back yard. I totaled my car, and had to buy a new one, lost a court case for $7,000 because of a text message that I was unaware of from my sociopathic husband, my 13 year old son was hit by a car while riding a dirt bike and had to have a metal plate put in his hip, and I promise the list continues… For much longer than the time you have to read this. I e been on medicine for 20 years for bipolar and in therapy for the past year and a half. I have done tons of research and reading on personality disorders, traits, and tendencies, and could probably pass a test to get my masters in psychology right about now. One day when I ran across an example of your quanta healing, I changed. My way of thinking just changed. Only from a small example you put out. Since then I have been reading more of your stuff and the chances inside of my mind are finally beginning to show on the outside. So much that some of my family members have chosen to not speak to me anymore (because they are, or are married to narcissistic people), but some of them have come to me and confirmed that I’ve become different and asked how I’ve changed so much. I tell them it was you. It was my journey to realizing the things about me that needed to change and not only realizing them, but confronting myself on them. I feel inside that I just want to tell people about my story and how I have been on this journey to self healing and what helped me and what did not. More than 2 or 3b people have come to me and asked how I’ve changed so much. I have no idea how or where to start but people are telling my to write a book and/or start a blog. This article, like almost all of them, came at just the right time. I have to stop questioning myself on what to do and figure out how to do it. Andib think the first step is to actually go through your NARP program, not just th16 day challenge. I’ve read a LOT of your articles but never signed up. Then I need to go through your quanta freedom course, because that’s the one I really feel like I am ready for, but I cannot skip the basic course because I want a solid , educated foundation. I just want to tell people that they have it all right inside of them and applying basic boundaries is going to help heal them so much they won’t even imagine. If they just start with ONE tiny boundary. They started. And that’s all it takes! I’m going to sign up tonight I believe for the NARP , only because I still have a lot of healing to do. What matters the most to me is my mental health and my recovery from this life of lies I was fed. Thanks so much again!!!

    1. Hi Ashley,

      it’s my pleasure.

      Wow you have been through so much – it is incredible that you have been able to pull yourself out of this downward breakdown spiral as much as you have! You are an incredible soul. Please know Ashley, you will not know yourself once you start NARP – is all about timing, and if it is now your time to heal, then that is to be celebrated.

      Much Love to you Ashley and our wonderful NARP community looks forward to welcoming you with open arms.

      Mel 🙏💞🦋

  15. So many beautiful comments on this post. I am happy for all of you who have broken through and found healing out of the abuse. And thank you Melanie for sharing your beautiful story. I can relate- building up your life and then losing it all after the narcissist enters on the scene. I had 2 major setbacks recently- losing a loved one and getting COVID. But I am turning within to heal myself and get through these external losses. I was blessed with a lovely dream about my deceased love one last night so I know that my prayers are heard.
    Yes, at some point we have to enter into the expansive stage of healing, I agree. Rebuilding our lives with new purpose etc. I am doing some freelance things right now, with all of the doubts and fears as it has been many years since I was my own boss. Funny thing, I loved working for myself so I don’t know why I decided to go and work for others, but I did. I am scared and doubting, building my confidence slowly each and every day. Melanie, your work and your community are an inspiration. I am glad you are in this world and I guess I was drawn to you too! (a hurt soul), but one who is healing now. sending love to you all 🙂

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