You might have noticed our Instagram page vanished a little while ago.

Today, I wanted to explain what happened when our page, with nearly 100k followers, got shut down!

I made this little video about this, and to share how you can help us get our Community Thriving on Instagram again!



We know this community is amazing and I love you all so much!Β  Since I began this work over 10 years ago, you have supported us in everything we do!

We’d love you to get behind us on our new account, so we continue to get our essential healing messages out into the world.

After watching the video, I would ADORE it if you could help us by doing the following:

1. Follow our new account @Quantafreedomhealing now. You’ll be able to see a bunch of new videos and posts over there already.

2. Share our new account with your friends and tag your followers in our posts.

3. Engage in our posts with your wonderful commentsΒ πŸ€—

Together I know we will get this Community on Instagram Thriving again in no time. True Thrivers are never defeated. πŸ˜‰

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60 thoughts on “We Got Cancelled By Instagram 😱

  1. I noticed you were gone! I was actually looking up your page addy to give to someone!
    I’ll bet whoever made this decision is a narcissist that’s pissed off you ruined their game. πŸ˜‰ heading to your new account now!
    Glad to see you’re back!

  2. Thank you for walking your talk, Melanie!
    It only makes me love and trust you even more as a proud NARP member.
    I’m sorry this happened and, well, the cancellation by this empire speaks for itself.
    Thank you for all that you do.

    1. Cos shes a quack and talks rubbish, her quanta freedom healing thing is completely bogus and shes a narcisst herself.

      1. Wow, you’ve either never been abused by a narcissistic or perhaps you have and that’s why you feel the need to attack someone who is beautiful and knows what it feels like to be completely filled by God’s “source” healing love and want to pass that along with others who have suffered so tremendously at the hands of narcissists.
        Hope you can one day experience the real joy healing brings.

      2. If it does not work for you, that doesn’t mean it doesn’t work for others. You must be.a narcissist yourself.

      3. Oh Sharon, so much judgement there. MTE’s program is phenomenally healing on the deepest of levels. We, in this community, are all to familiar with individuals who attack, project and name call. We’ve learned that some individuals are unable to operate any other way because of their own unhealed traumas and wounds. What you write is indicative of all of the above. What we’ve also learned is not to give behavior like that power or attention. Live in love and light everyone! This program is a gift!

      4. Sharon, you have no idea what you’re talking about. Just a mean troll. NARP has helped many people, myself included. Get some personal substance and you will not continue to be threatened by the success of others.

  3. Hello all,
    I’m thinking either a narsistic Instagram employee or a narsistic member of the public didn’t like such information being out there and people being helped and reported and removed the account, possibly on the claim that its hateful or bulling towards them.
    I don’t use Instagram myself but I’ve read the terms and some of the exploitation they accept is shocking.

  4. Curious if you can put your videos on a website and shoot out emails when new releases come out. You own all of it then. It’s not quite the community feel but there are ways to create private communities on there too.
    Just a thought. It’s terrifying to think they can just cancel your whole business like that.

    1. I agree with Kellie – give Insta the flick, don’t go back to them! Also, you could use a Telegram channel more effectively now.

  5. It makes me wonder if someone or some bodies made complaints about the account. It’s a shame either way. I’ve already followed.

  6. By using these major social media platforms we are giving our power away to these private companies and unfortunately, they can do this and not explain why.
    If we as a community manage to evolve and expand our online groups, like this one, towards a less advertise based and a more content connection based algorithm we would all be truly free from the control these media groups hold on all creators. Privatize social media. We will follow you, like we’ve followed others on Patreon, for example.
    So sorry it happened. I don’t even get your content there but I understand and am frustrated for you.
    P.S. : Wow… way to go on the NARCISSIST showing up on the comments to troll. Got a great laugh, you’re in the right place we understand you here.

  7. Dear Mel,
    how is this possible and Instagramme is not being able to recall your input?! Really?
    However I really admire and appreciate the way you are handling this: your calmness and your β€žnever ever give upβ€œ attitude is an inspiration. Thank you so much!

  8. Melanie, how horrible to be cancelled by Instagram! I once had an article repeatedly removed by WordPress, until I realized the piece was about my grief at a friend being m*rd*red, and their algorithm did not accept the word spelled out. I hope this comment of mine does survive! Your work is so powerful and has helped me with great realizations. I am now following your new account. Long may it live!

  9. This is a scary reminder- similar to the Canadian government having the power to freeze the freedom truckers bank accounts- about how much power & control technology & govt wants to have over us. Completely unacceptable & inappropriate, we need to find other ways to communicate.

    1. 90% of the truckers, plus their union are against this AstroTurf β€œprotest.”

      It disrupting international commerce as well as the citizens of Ottawa’s right to a normal daily life.

      Your point is akin to saying police interfere with criminal’s rights.

      This is not a forum for political debate. Please keep your (in my opinion uneducated) opinions to yourself.

      1. Suzann is right about the governmental overrreach and this permeating media including social media. She was using an excellent example, not beginning a political debate. This isn’t about truckers or jabs, it’s about control by guess who?…Narcissists who do actually have impact on our lives. We need to be vigilant to not hand over our power to them. And when 100K people rely on a public forum controlled by them, we hand over our power. We need something created by the people foe the people.

        1. Not political Karoline?

          Columnist Andrew Coyne explains why that’s not true in β€œThe Globe and Mail” (Canada’s most widely read newspaper), February 18, 2022:

          β€œConservative MPs have posed for pictures with protest leaders. Others have minimized the occupation, with its lawlessness and intimidation, as mere β€˜civil disobedience’. In the conservative commentariat, the protest is lauded as a popular uprising, in splendid defiance of the facts…

          People you’d have thought would be able to spot this grift a mile away have instead been enthralled by it, as if the half-witted bros in the convoy really were β€˜fighting for our freedom’ and not providing cover for their anarcho-racist leaders.”

          So, Karoline, whether you agree Suzann’s comment is political or not, I hope we can agree that it is controversial.

          PLEASE, do not turn this forum into a polarized place, where some are made to feel uncomfortable.

          Melanie has provided so much warmth and wisdom to us all. Here’s to remaining united as a community.

  10. This is so easy. Eschew social media. I do. Millions do (who used it). Billions do, really, and billions more will.

    I think Melanie might have saved my life, or by sharing her experiences and even wisdom (whether original or not it doesn’t really matter, does it?) and in so doing did a lot to contribute to a much better sense of myself. Her efforts are not wasted, they are dear and a lifeline to many people. This doesn’t seem “cult-ish” with new-age-y overtones (well, not too much), it seems like as I learn more, I think, “yup, that’s true, too.”

    Maybe it’s a blessing in disguise, Mel. Maybe you return to Insta (under the new @ guise) while simultaneously your crack tech team whips up a Mastodon server (a free, open-source social media network in the “Fediverse,” using ActivityPub for TweetDeck micro-blogging, called “toots”). The next time a tiff might arise in the corporate-controlled world of Meta (as that is to whom you bow down, don’t forget to grovel), you can show them one of your fingers and say “bye, bye, big boy, we’ve home-grown our own beautiful community right here in our own yard.”

    A fantasy? People do this. And Meta sees the cracks in its walls. We win.

  11. So glad you are back.
    The same happened to Richard Grannon – Spartan Life Coach.
    He was given no warning, no explanation, 9 years of work destroyed.
    We got your back Melanie and MTW, unconditionally!
    Without you many of us wouldn’t be!

  12. I didn’t know that about Richard, thank you for that news / comparison, Ines. Without meaning to offend / step on toes / draw comparisons “too closely,” Richard and Melanie are both about “learn how to eradicate the narcissists and narcissistic behavior from your life with good habits of boundaries…” and the overlaps continue. This is anathema to Meta: they see it as exposing them (Zuck + billions) for who they are (greedy dirtbags for whom advertising dollars and an attitude of “you are all dumbf*cks for sharing yourselves like this” goes all the way back to its roots at Harvard are their almighty altar). The literal truth of what their poison is and does also competes with them by speaking truth to power. That’s OK: people are listening.

    If you must use (CORPORATE) social media, and Meta is the Big Dog on Earth, virtually without peer, imagine what your exit strategy will be (could be Mastodon, could be “I’ll meet you at the park”). We’ll all need an exit strategy, if we don’t already, so, may the better inclinations of the universe guide us there, please. We are all doing this together, after all.

  13. Another explanation for the shut down might be that the email address used for registering is inactive…. it happens sometimes. Anyway, good luck, I an sure you will restore it in no time.

  14. Melanie has evolved so much over the 3 years I’ve been linked to her. I kind of witnessed her evolution from I’m just getting started to really gathering steam. Her message it’s simple and pure and many have a similar message but the manner that Melanie presents it-And the fact that she lived through and escaped entrapment with a narcissist (you can’t really call it a relationship) entanglement is better. Or trap. So kudos to Melanie for turning it around and monetizing her compassion and knowledge. It’s a level playing field so anyone wants to give it a go go for it but she took the chance and had the nerve and the style and the skills to pull it off! So she deserves all the success she has gleaned. She definitely helped me get through some tough times listening to her videos helped me stay strong and feel that I wasn’t alone and mainly I guess be validated with my decisions and assessment of what I was going through. Anyway just wanted to chime in and say I’ll check in the new Instagram location. Thank you Melanie- best!

  15. Mel: First let me say thank you for all that you do. Second, I stopped Instagram, Facebook and WhatsApp in January 2020 and never looked back and I still found you just recently and you’ve helped me an immense amount in a very short amount of time. Personally, I believe those platforms as well as Twitter were created and run by narcissists living in false realities and projecting it on to the world. They’re not getting my time or information to control me or later use against me.
    Good luck with the new account. I wont be following you from there, but just wanted you to know I have found you and thank you for helping me heal.

  16. Hey, you smash it out the park with every post, I’ve experienced the same with IG but you are back, you have helped so many us, thank you from us all, keep on talking to us all. We love you x

  17. It’s a sort of terror attack by a narcissistic (faceless) corporation, yet it has a face, Zuck. Call it an openly hostile act. They do this. Twice we’ve noticed, with overlap, in this one little thread here.

    Then, there is responding to being attacked by a narcissist.

    Heh, heh…this is US. WE are these people! This isn’t gloating. I mean, we know a thing or two about what this is like and what it is we do. The sad attack tactics are the same, over and over.

    Melanie, you are awesome! There is a shine and glow that is alive and awake around here!

  18. Am I the only one curious about what the last post you made was about? I typed ‘stupid men’ on facebook, and got a ‘warning message’ that it might get me ‘in trouble’. Sheesh. We need a non narcissist FEMALE to take on all these rich guys…and hopefully I am not offending any men by saying this. The imbalance in our society hurts EVERYONE. It’s the the ‘favorite son or daughter’ gets messed up as much as the other siblings. Just on a grander scale. And, yes, of course I would settle for a good guy–but they are more likely to give in and get corrupted, because they have been raised the money and power are king. Sigh. Anyway, that’s my 2 cents.

  19. Melanie you said it best recently: β€œYou can never acquiesce your way out of tyranny!” I love that you’re resiliently coming back with a new Instagram page, but I also second what others are suggestingβ€”divesting from these increasingly totalitarian, censoring big tech platforms and investing in alternatives. I’d love to be able to hear you speak more freely in calling out tyrannical power structures in corporations and governments and comparing the spiritual battle we face on the individual front to that of the collective. It’s time for us exit and build anew!

  20. Um, PJ, if anybody can stand up and beautifully represent herself as a non-narcissist female, my head turns towards Mel right now. She lives this. It is amazing how this is unfolding.

    Me? I build anew. That might mean gardening in one’s own backyard, that might mean “staying plugged into other places,” (for me it is often “both”). But, I know when the power goes out, I’m glad I’ve got some solar panels and batteries. It’s good to be building here and building there, that’s smart. Especially with narcs around (they are).

    I can also see how Mel “remaining in stealth” is an awesome way to be. She shares a tremendous amount (with us, here), but we mustn’t “demand that she show all the cards in her hand,” as those are hers. Mel, you rock! This seems like at least a small quake, call it a shift? It feels like one.

    Postscript: There are good women on this Earth, as well as good men. I love that that’s true. There are good humans and not-so-nice humans. We learn from this.

  21. I was reminded yesterday how much my ex tries to bait and hook me for his narcissistic supply. I could feel the physical reaction and how my mind was actively trying to resist falling into his trap. We share 2 children- one who has been completely aligned with him and alienated from me for a year now. She is a young adult now. He loves throwing that in my face. Recently I had a big legal win, and I have the knowledge that he showed his true colors and he cannot take full custody, like he’s been fighting for. His own lawyer actually seemed to start advocating for me- when his lies and baseless case were exposed. Unfortunately it doesn’t change the emotional manipulation he continues with the children. Anyhow, last night, when I was experiencing the triggering, your words popped into my head and I went to your IG and saw the update. This mind-shift and healing process takes so much time and effort. I never expected a magic pill or class or few articles to easily fix it all. It takes repetition and commitment and, just because I felt triggered last night (which felt like taking a few steps backwards), all is not lost- how I processed and feel about it today is much, much better than in the past. Melanie, you have been a great resource of insight, information and useful coping strategies, and I deeply appreciate you and coming across your page.

  22. Oh Melanie, I am so sorry this happened! It must have been a real What-the-Bloody Fruitcake is happening for the whole MTE team. And now, the commenters are weighing in here with their explanations. So, here’s mine! πŸ˜€

    A very brilliant, beautiful, and powerful lady once told me that EVERYTHING is energetic, everything is quantum. ❀🌹 To me, it sounds like your Instagram account jumped timelines and went void. Just in time for planet Pluto’s return. Somewhere, in the All-That-Is, survivors and thrivers of narc abuse are still accessing this “gone account”. But for the MTE team, here & now, it is time to evolve, grow, co-create into the phase of who you are truly meant to be.

    And isn’t THAT EXCITING!! Happy GRADUATION!!πŸ₯³πŸ‘πŸ‘¨β€πŸŽ“πŸŽ‰πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

    I love you, Earth Angel.

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