Can A Narcissist Be Cured?


It is such a gut-wrenching experience to finally accept that someone you put your total love and faith into (in the case of a love partner) or had a unique and special bond with (in the case of a family member, friend or co-worker) is a narcissist.

And it’s no wonder I get questions like this all the time …

“Why do some people have the capacity to change while others don’t?”

“Why as a society are we turning our back on narcissists?”

“Is it possible that if I love them enough, or work hard enough on our relationship, I can help them change?”

Continue reading “Can A Narcissist Be Cured?”

How To Evict The Narcissist From Your Head And Move On With Your Life – Part 2


What an interesting discussion we had last week regarding Part 1!

If you still need to read the first instalment of this two-part series, please read it first.

I think it’s very important that we don’t get sidetracked by some of the comments differing from what the message was all about … (even though … thank you … I greatly appreciate everyone’s amazing emotional intelligence, love and support!)

Understanding how to get out of the loop of repeating painful thoughts that cripple our ability to regain control and start taking positive actions.

Last week we learned that the story originates from our beliefs about ourselves and all of life – our Inner Identity.

Continue reading “How To Evict The Narcissist From Your Head And Move On With Your Life – Part 2”

Learning To Trust After Sexual Abuse With Rachel Grant


This very special interview, with my dear friend Rachel Grant, is one that I am so pleased to share.

It is about a topic that is often hidden in shame and pain, and is one that personally and collectively deeply requires to be held in love and with deep compassion for its wounds to be healed.

Sexual abuse is such a common thread in the Thriver Community – it is one of the greatest traumas that many people have suffered before entering into adult narcissistic abuse relationships.

Statistics tell us that 1 in 3 girls and 1 in 6 boys are sexually abused, usually be someone known to them. That is only the statistic of reported cases, and we can imagine that there are in fact many more cases that go unreported.

Continue reading “Learning To Trust After Sexual Abuse With Rachel Grant”

How To Evict The Narcissist From Your Head And Move On With Your Life


This article is very important for new members of this Community who are only beginning their recovery journey … as well as veterans to recovery, who are struggling and feel stuck.

I will start this article a little differently …  from the end game.

So that you know this story does have a happy ending and so that you have something to aim for and a solution to believe in.

Many other people and I in this Community no longer have daily thoughts about the narcissist or what happened to us.

Yes, the odd thing may still bring up a trigger, which as Thriving NARPers, we are dedicated to finding, releasing and up-levelling as soon as this happens …

Continue reading “How To Evict The Narcissist From Your Head And Move On With Your Life”

Shifts Happen – Freeing Yourself From Chronic Pain And Disease


I am so happy to be back tapping into the MTE channels bringing you weekly inspiration and healing for 2017.

I hope that you have had a positive start to the New Year.

I want us all to know and start connecting to the cellular knowing that we are in truly exciting times.

Revolutionary times of being able to say “no” to the aspects of life that we may have been living, and “yes” to a whole new way of being able to transcend into up-levelled emotions and experiences.

This year and this month is all about “change”.

Continue reading “Shifts Happen – Freeing Yourself From Chronic Pain And Disease”

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