Are you willing to take a peek behind the narcissist’s facade?

Are you interested in discovering why these toxic people create a persona instead of presenting their True Selves?

Have you wondered how they are so very clever at working out whatever is required, whatever it is that you’re looking for, and then pretend to be the solution to that?

Let me explain to you what the narcissist is really after, what their agenda truly is and why they can never be appeased.

Today’s Thriver TV episode will take you on a fascinating dive into what happens when those cracks inevitably start showing up and why a False Self simply can’t stand the test of time.



Video Transcript

In today’s episode, I want to take you on a fascinating dive regarding what is really behind the narcissist’s personality.

We’re going to start off by looking today at the facade of the narcissist, then the cracks that start appearing, the true master underneath, who the narcissist is really serving, and you accepting this truth and what that really means for you.

But just before we get started, I want you to remember to hit the subscribe button, if you haven’t already, and like the video if you find it helpful. Okay, so let’s get started.


The Narcissist’s Facade

We’re going to start off with the narcissist’s facade. What is that really about?

So, a narcissist is putting forth a persona which is all about securing an agenda. So who do they need to be and in what context do they need to present themselves in order to be able to secure a particular result?

For example, in a dating situation, a narcissist may mimic your body language and appear really caring and attentive.

In a business situation where they’re trying to secure you as a business partner, they could pretend to have all of the qualities that you’re looking for. Maybe it’s the confidence, maybe it’s the ability to be able to negotiate deals.

You see, the thing is, narcissists are very, very clever at working out whatever is required, whatever it is that you’re looking for, and then pretend to be the solution to that.

So they could also be in any other situation, just really charming and appear to be really helpful, and, of course, somebody that you can trust.

What happens is, as you start to get into a relationship with a narcissist on whatever level that may be, whether it’s a neighbour or whether it’s a love situation, or it could be within business or an associate or a business partner, whatever it is, the important thing to understand is, what is the agenda?What is it that the narcissist is after?

Fundamentally what it is it’s narcissistic supply, and that can be quite a few different things – it’s an energy that feeds them, it’s attention, it’s acclaim, it’s significance, it’s power.

So this could be things like sex or money or contacts or positions, or whatever feeds the False Self, whatever feeds the ego. Narcissists need to be a level above everybody else. They want to be unique. They want to be superior. They want to be above everybody. So that’s what narcissistic supply is all about.


The Cracks Start Appearing

Then, as the relationship with the narcissist comes into being, what happens is cracks are going to start showing up, because a False Self can’t stand the test of time.

The truth always comes out, and how you start seeing that with a narcissist is, if things aren’t going according to plan, if the agenda, which is the False Self narrative, the way that they need to see it unfold … they have expectations.

A narcissist has expectations because they’re needy, they’re insecure, they need particular outcomes to be able to retain the narrative about themselves and their superiority, and they need to secure things to feel better about the False Self to keep it buffered up. So what you’ll see is that things are not going to go always to plan, the way the False Self needs it to go.

So there are the cracks. They are the things where you will see the narcissist triggered on a hairline.

It may be a way that you respond, or it may be something that’s happened, or even the way that you look at them. They react in ways that normal, healthy, or even moderately healthy adults don’t do – it’s childish, angry outbursts and it’s always all about them.


What Drives The Narcissist?

Let’s have a look at what is really driving the narcissist, what this False Self is really about.

We’ve already touched on it, but just to take it a little bit deeper – is the False Self is demanding. It can never be appeased.

It’s like a black hole that no matter how much you fill it up, it’s going to spill out at the bottom, because a False Self can only get temporary peace and wholeness that is actually not real. It’s not real.

This False Self is like an addict. The more it gets, the more it needs, and it’s a bottomless pit.

And to the narcissist, see, the narcissist is ruled by the False Self and everything and anything are tools, they’re objects to feed this insatiable monster, which is the means to the end. And the end never comes. It just never comes.

So what happens when this False Self, this internal master, is not appeased, when it doesn’t get enough – the narcissist experiences anxiety in a trauma, self-loathing, not feeling superior enough to be sane.

And the narcissist will attack and try to get more through pathological lying and manipulation and all sorts of tactics.

So that’s really, really what is going on with the narcissist. That’s the truth of the matter.


You Accepting The Truth

Which leads us to, how can you step out of this insanity and being simply a tool and an object to suck dry of your resources, your Life Force, your attention, your literal energy to feed this insatiable beast that cannot stop sucking you dry, no matter what? How do you get out of this?

It’s about you accepting the truth.

Who you wanted this person to be, doesn’t exist. What the narcissist presented at the start, which was all about the charm and the decency and the caring, that was the fictitious character. That was who the narcissist pretended to be and it’s not who they are.

What is really there, the true personality of the narcissist does not care about you and, this is what you need to understand, doesn’t even have the resources to care about you.

You may see a nice person inside, but this was the act and this is a rare moment – a narcissistic injury, when the ego is dismantled momentarily, you may see the hurt, traumatized child inside, but it doesn’t last and it’s never going to, because as soon as the narcissist gets any energy, back up go the defences and back up comes the ego and the False Self, which is a monster that cannot stop doing what it does.

You really need to understand that wanting a narcissist to be decent and caring and play team and care for you is like wanting a crocodile to fetch a ball like a dog and roll over while you scratch its belly. It’s impossible. It’s not going to happen.

The narcissist doesn’t even have the right side of their brain operating in compassion and empathy and oneness. They just don’t.

So what does this really mean? That the empathy, the oneness, and the connection – you’re not going to get it from the narcissist, which is a False Self and a False Source. You can only get that from yourself.

This is the inner journey of coming home to self. This is about self-partnering and turning inwards to grant yourself all of the things that you wanted from the narcissist. This is a journey of so within, so without, when you become that self-partnered, healing, wholeness source to yourself, no longer will you try to get these things from a False Self. It’s actually … you won’t even be interested. It’ll be totally repugnant and repulsive to you to even try. It’s not who you are anymore.

And I know it’s a really horrible awakening at first when you realize that this person just doesn’t have the capacity to love you, they don’t want to play team, they don’t want to do teamwork, they’re not after relationship wholesomeness and health and caring and kindness.

They’re actually after narcissistic supply, which is always going to empty you out all the way to your demise.



So this is a journey of learning to love and heal YOU.

And I’d love to help you do that in my Three Keys to Thriving After Narcissistic Abuse Workshop where the healing and the information is going to give you so much relief and power.

A lot of people really do report that after this session, that it helps them so much. So you can connect to them by clicking the link at the top right of this video.

I really hope that this has helped and it’s really helped you understand what’s going on with the narcissist. And I’m so looking forward to answering your questions and your comments below about this.


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The Narcissist’s Greatest Fear: You Becoming Your True Self and Aligning with Your 5D Ascension Path

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38 thoughts on “How A Narcissist Hides Their True Identity

    1. This is all great reading on narcissists. I have been drained beyond belief from 2 older sisters and one of their husbands. All 3 were employing everything I’ve read on here so far. Employing tactics to feed their ego off of me. it continued until I became one with myself. No they can’t even go near me. I am the truth of myself and stand alone there. Once I became whole and loved myself within, they had no choice but to leave me alone. I walked and stood in the truth eventhough I had to do that part alone. I did do it and now they can’t bother me. I am one with myself now and they need to look elsewhere for their supply. I hope they don’t do anything to anyone else tho. Not like what they were doing to me. They have no more power over me. I took my power back. I now am the captain of my ship.

      1. How come all your pictures are showing only male narcs? Theres a lot of female narcs as well. Some equality would be appreciated

    1. Thankyou so much , I know what I need ti do but I am continually weak and dont maintain boundaries . Married for 41 yrs and have 4 sons , 9 grandchildren . He cheated and left 3 yrs ago , however 2 mths ago he moved back in just as a flatmate . He goes to prostitutes and is continally on his phone sexting etc etc ., he is being scammed with stolen pics and requests for money but he does nt care as long as he gets nude pics and told how much they love him . I feel physically sick about this but if I say anything he yells and shuts me down . I have let him stay because I hate living alone . Mel I would love your advice .

  1. The truth is hard to accept that after 25 years and 3 kids, this person never loved me and I have to be wrong in everything because he has to be the victim. That’s how he justifies to himself that cheating on me and leaving us is made right in his mind. So he has the morale high ground. The discard has been a very hard road and I was not sure at times I would make it through.

  2. Thank you so much Ms. Melanie for adding more knowledge about a narcissist. Thank you for enlightening me more about an insatiable monster.
    For 25 years, I suffered a lot from verbal & emotional abuse/adultery. I always feel emotionally depressed.
    But, I‘m really honored that I found you Ms. Evans. I really appreciate your writings/columns, recovery programs, guidance & counselings. I L❤️VE Y❤️U!!!

  3. Hi Melanie,

    I spent 14 years with the father of my 2 beautiful kids, we have now been separated for 4 1/2 years & he has shocked me to the core on so many occasions, adultery (denial), huge debt (blamed others), abandoned me & our kids (breakdown), no financial support (threatens me whenever I’m doing well), pathological liar (to our teenagers aswell now). I have been so deeply affected by his behaviour & so shocked that he can continue to treat me so badly after all I am doing is taking care of our kids.
    I now see who he really is & I know that he will never be kind to me but how do I get him to leave me alone when we have kids & we still need to communicate (it is pretty minimal now).
    I love reading your blog as it has helped me understand so much about him. I can’t imagine ever trusting another man which is very sad.
    Thank you, Lu.

  4. Hi Melanie, thank you so much perfectly summed up. I’ve detached myself from the covert narcissist I’m living with. I’m getting ready to leave . I’m not getting drawn into the chaos and the three ring circus around me. It’s been challenging but I knew it was there for me to look within myself and do the final stages of work on myself so that I would not attract this into my life again. I’m doing quantum healing and started the soul retrieval process from childhood. I’ve put very strong boundaries in place and I’m looking forward to my new venture. I’ve used my time in lockdown to do courses preparing for my new life. Your info has been great much appreciated. You are a shining light of what we can all be and deserve to be. Look within shine the light from within.Heal the past trauma and set ourselves free. Much love and gratitude 🙏❤️

    1. Hi Maree,

      that’s awesome that you have detached – you should be so proud of you for doing this and the inner work.

      I love your orientation and dedication to you and your new life.

      Bless you and sending you love, courage and strength for your beautiful new life ahead.

      Mel 🙏💕💚

  5. Another great video Melanie!

    What is amazing to me is all of those “cracks” were ever so present, and in my case, she was a covert, using the poor me “depression card” to gain sympathy from me, and subsequent supply. I ended the relationship after 5 years, yet still took care of her and her son financially for months after. She secured new supply in the meantime (unknowingly to me, and the new supply), while deceiving and exploiting me (a dual life of double-dipping in supply sources!).

    The mask finally fell off, and I spent months untangling finances I secured for her, in her wake. The “no closure” on the relationship felt like putting out fires while stuck in purgatory, and I yearned for inner peace. I then made a commitment to myself, and joined NARP. And I now realize this person was not my true source of self, and the trauma healing modules have granted me so much relief.

    Thank you for helping me with my journey of self-partnering,

  6. Have been watching Dr. Phil shows where many difficult, bad situations — including addictions, abuse, heartache, pain — are brought to light. Dr. Phil tries to eliminate or assist in the answer for a solution. Can this ever be accomplished with the Narcissist, be it overt or covert?

    1. Hi Merilyn,

      they have to want to heal! That is the sticking point.

      If you google my name plus “can a narcissist heal?” there is in-depth information that will help you get clarity around this topic.

      I hope that this helps

      Mel 🙏💕💚

  7. I got a lot of insight about my ex relationship watching this video. It’s almost unbelievable that it’s true. Even the extreme points. My ex is also the mother of my child. She keeps on projecting that I am the narcissist and is oblivious to her destructive and unempathic behaviour. She has tried to ruin my reputation and destroy my career. My question is how do you break free from a narcissist when you have a child with them?

  8. Hi Melanie, you really hit the nail on the head again you have Amazing insight into these things, I’m sure many years ago, the Lord allowed me to experience for only 10 min what it’s like inside a Narsicists head, and it was horrendous, I mean screaming oppressive condemning voices, very disturbing, and that’s why when left on their own, they self destruct, when they cause trauma around them, it’s like an alternative pain that temporary takes the heat off of them, and everytime they meet someone new, they really think that this is the one, that they have finally found true love, So sad really for them, but also for everyone around them, So thankful that we can have Peace and contentment, Blessings Col.

    1. Hi Col,

      thank you for your kind words.

      I’m so pleased that this has helped.

      Yes it is sad … absolutely

      I’m so happy that you have reached that place of peace and contentment

      Much love to you

      Mel 🙏💕💚

  9. Thanks, Col (above), for prompting the insight that my own “inner screaming, oppressive, condemning voices” (when they rage) are my own introjections of past and present narsts in my life. It is becoming clear that they have had the agenda to imprint and seed me for future total narsthood, apparently within a projected entropic future world of narsthood. I first got a clue of this from Carlos Castaneda, who wrote (paraphrase) “… brilliantly, they give you their mind” as a way of controlling yours”. Well, I’m at a point where I can consciously experience enough of my own madness (which has always been in relation to narsts) to feel the connection with the hive narst mind within the societies I’ve hung out in. The same felt-frequency of madness connects them all in the body-mind nightmare I’ve always lovingly cradled as “what I’ve got to work with”. My pervasive evasions of all this have been evasions of the imprinted trauma I’ve reacted with, but have also been my passive efforts to restore my own peace. This more palpably experienced peace (and victory) is on the balance emerging out of my own acknowledged self-lockdown and gradually becoming oppositely more identifiable. Ding, ding, ding — this is a way of ourselves creating our own “new normal” amidst benignly-dressed control-demics. This, of course, takes familial, relationship and social narst toxicity being met with continued practice — applied and thereby fomenting awareness that grows with the touch from Melanie’s, and others’ flames. Behold, the needed and desired lessons of trauma and sanity, lies and truth, come together.

  10. I Love You Melanie!
    I respect your expert knowledge and ability to convey such complicated truth!
    You really are spiritually divine and a Saint!
    It’s not easy to deliver such truths and cut through all the dimensions, yet, You really!! Do!!!
    I’m forever grateful of your Gift!
    Thankyou with all my heart and soul!

  11. Hi Melanie,
    Why, why, why, is it soooo difficult to accept? I seem to be stuck in a fantasy of something which is clearly never going to happpen. I don’t get where this faulty thinking comes from.
    I give thanks for your videos which I use as daily reminders to get healthy.

    1. Hi Linda, I’m sure we all desire to be loved and adored for who we are, so there is nothing wrong with our expectations of love, we just happened to pick the wrong people, and like Melanie says, if we go within and heal we will attract someone with the same desires and respect as us, hope this helps, Col

  12. “Have you even cared?”

    A question I wrote down on a paper a few months ago, and threw out of the window as a message I was sending to him via the universe. I am very lucky I haven’t actually been in a relationship with him! We never kissed, never dated, we never even talked properly to each other face to face (our encounters were merely brief)… thankfully, and this is because of the “things” I had to learn (or unlearn from society mainly, on what beauty and self love is, and lastly from my family); it saved me to not shake his hand, it saved me to be “self-conscious” in a way and to pretend I was still putting my stuff in my bag so that I wouldn’t leave at the same time as him.

    Yeah, he was the opposite of me, but not really the opposite and not in a healthy way. It’s a mechanism he propably had to learn growing up.

    This journey is about TRUST. Trust in oneself.

    Unconsciously I saved myself.

    And along the way I learnt what Love is.

    I’d like to point out that I NEVER actually loved or even liked him. I know this deep down, I just have to unlearn the forcing. I just “forced” myself to believe that he must be love/he must have felt love towards me (you know, I thought that maybe what he probably felt was like in the movies: some kind of “love at first sight” or something like that) because it was very sudden, and I was like why ‘would he do this and all the other things he did afterwards’.

    I was right. I was never interested in him.

    My first thought was “Il joue bien son jeu”, which translates as “he’s playing games, and he’s good at that”.
    Because he was the kind to party really hard and be excellent in school. So to me that was pretty odd. That’s not the normal personality type.

    And I’m just realising how unconsciously incredibly tuned I was (and still am, I just sometimes don’t follow through!!!). I noticed well the first time around.

    The first “clear” sign was not the thought I had about him potentially playing games, but rather when I said “pff I’m not impressed” right after he changed his profile picture to him showing his muscles, arms lifted up.
    It’s like I was giving myself subtle talks as though I KNEW his next move, what he IS about.

    I was SO right.

    Why did I force myself to “believe” that it was Love? Because since I had no “knowledge” (this journey back home is about being more sensitive to our self and less ignorant = putting words on things we’re not even/no longer conscious of), I tried to jigsaw the puzzle of what I learnt, in the movies, stuff like that, on what love could be, plus interpretations on past experiences I made on my own.

    I just had to listen to myself.

    It’s natural. It’s something inherent to you. You won’t have to think about it.

    And when you’re truly ready, things will change.

    And I’m just noticing – well this is confirming to me now – that a professor I have to shadow is a narc too, a whole other subtle type since he is more aged! Well, I’ll cancel on that too! I’m not feeling it

    I also just recently learnt that I am also an empath. Lol, add to that, that’s a lot to process, to know that the entire outer world is fake. Maybe it is the cleansing after all the inner discovery work I did – and now I have to put that love to myself and let it find me, as in let the right experiences find me by just being, putting the love into myself (all I’ve learnt etc), doing the work, enjoying a good workout (taking care of myself physically), being the Love that I am. I am genuinely naturally compassionate. I truly do love life, its essence, I’m passionate. Without expecting anything. Just Being.

  13. All of this is so true. Thank you for all of the insights you share. I’m currently experiencing an absolutely nightmarish and unjust legal situation with a former friend, involving my home and a property sale. It’s been going on for a year and I’m really struggling to cope. The narp modules have really helped. I clearly have more work to do as the situation is still bringing up so many difficult feelings about security, betrayal of trust, a sense of powerlessness. I’m grateful I have your modules to help at such a difficult time as some days I truly feel like giving up. Thanks again for all you do.

  14. Hi Melanie,

    I do have a question, if you could maybe give some guidance:

    What if nothing happened actuallyin my situation?

    What I mean is that nothing really did happen! I’ve never gotten to the stage where anything bad actually happened to me with any of the narcs I could’ve met because I guess they just displayed some very mild signs?… there were indeed some signs I could’ve gotten, but what if this was ONLY to teach me (in a very benevolent and good way!) and help me see the parts in me I picked up throughout life in society/family education entrenched in FALSE beliefs etc, about beauty and love, and interconnections and relationships with people etc.
    Isn’t life about that?

    What if ?

    So this would mean that “being an empath” is not actually what we think it is… I mean yes, it means that I can easily identify with patterns in situations and people (see through them and GET IT), but this DOESN’T NECESSARILY MEAN that they mean any harm to me?

    There’s 2 ways to go about it :

    1. Either I go the negative way, I pick up/sense things about people, then I radically dissociate from them… until fully isolating myself from THE WORLD because everyone is displaying some narcissitic traits, even very mild ones like thinking that we have to be “THE best”, a very innocent thought that is instilled in ALL of us, instead of being “YOURSELF FULLY” (cf book “Wetiko: Breaking the curse from evil”).

    Or 2. I go the uplifting empowering way, where I realise that oh yeah I might’ve picked this thing/vibe from that person, I’ll just TRY to “tend my own garden/stay on my lane” and not get too much preoccupied with them. I’ll just focus on myself and attracting the people who are on the same “level”/true vibe as me etc.

    So yeah, maybe I did sense things and I do (this is the gift), but maybe they don’t mean what they mean…. Maybe being an empath is changing your own world. There’s no one outside of you that you change, just yourself and perception ? if you get what I mean.

    If you could give me some pointers, thoughts on that, that would be greatly appreciated!

    If I’m telling you this it’s because I’ve also noticed that I can easily make false assumptions…
    I wrote about a professor that I thought was a potential narc (and this assumption was only based on the fact that he took some time to reply and that he writes in a very careless manner, with many typos in his emails, so to me that seemed odd for a professor! So then I ASSUMED that he was probably a narc). I proceeded to still follow through with the work shadowing experience – and it was the most blissful experience. It taught me a lot! The environment was not hostile AT ALL (on the contrary, it responded to my vibration I felt). He was very kind, caring (even offering lunch, he was ready to pay for me I believe!). I’m still very grateful for the kindness of the environment…


    And many times I’ve told myself this actually, “It’s not what you think”.

    The thing with me is that I never get to the “actual experience” of a thing.

    So, what if… what IF… what IF… it was also about me shedding ALL OF THE FALSE BELIEFS, THINKING PATTERNS/FALSE ASSOCIATIONS and “giving things a real try” ?

    The thing is that people give me so much love. So much love.

    I’m starting to think that maybe – for me – this discovery experience of narcissim/the ego/wetiko virus in society was also about me learning first and foremost to look after MYSELF, and DETACH from wanting anything from the outside.

    I don’t know what your thoughts are ? Maybe you can be of help ?

    That’s a very interesting “turn of things”…

    Thank you very much for your work!

  15. Hi Melanie,
    First I would like to reply to FOOD FOR THOUGHT. Have you got the wrong basket? Have you delved into an area that is not at all what Melanie along with many others have been through and coming out at the other end?
    Sorry if I misinterpret what you have stated, you have obviously put in a great deal of effort.
    So Melanie,
    Hiding behind their facade.
    I have read your book, believe I am past quiet a few stages of recovery but have a two major concerns on my list now. One being with the legal process, up is the facade….he produces misleading documents but non disclosure of essential documents, such financial information. I lost total control of finances and on legal advice withdrew a meagre sum to survive on for the legal process and my entire life from one of the several joint accounts.
    Like yourself I left frail, following two falls in a house I was coerced into signing for, my health deteriorated to the point he even had me diagnosed with Dementia. I have had to spend much on many very involved, long tests to overcome this misdiagnosis.
    Many other things occurred as others have stated, much more than I outline below,
    He controlled all finances, in fact he is a financial broker!!! Hence my expenditure was only with access to his Credit Card, watching what I spent.
    Although I had a mobile phone in my possession, he paid for the number under a business entity I was not even aware of, thus he could trace my calls.
    With the misdiagnosis he stored my car away from the house I was isolated in, and assisted in the expiry of my driver’s licence which I again had to regain at another major cost.
    I left 15months ago after 33years of marriage, the last 14 of which was overt abuse.
    I am facing financial hardship if the legal process does not progress. I am not able to gain any government financial assistance as ‘I own too much’. My name is on the house/business/trusts and you name it.
    I do not know how to break that facade through the legal system.
    After all, He is the charming, Mr nice guy to all he meets.
    The second concern is my daughters. I have two adult girls, age 21 and 25 who have been instilled with the narcissistic Mr nice guy. I am the problem! Although I have sent Christmas gifts, Birthday gifts, cards etc they have made no contact with me.
    Should I just leave the contact and wait for them to come forward?

    I think just writing I know although it is a slow road it will work out in the end. My worry here is another issue, where I don’t have an infinite time. Again he has the upper hand as he knows, and the truth is if I suffered from COVID I would not survive.
    Even if I am lucky not to suffer COVID, with my medical conditions I would be lucky if I live another 10-15years.
    Positive but scared at times.

  16. I am in a difficult situation. My son, my only child, was to narcissist. I divorced him in 1983 when our son was 3. He died June 2019 of pulmonary embolism two days after a minor back surgery. I let his father know the day he died. All he said to me was “so, what do you want me to do” very sarcastically. I hung up. Not him or any of his family sent condolences or asked if I had enough money to pay for the funeral. Which was on with me because my son had no contact with his father in 25 years and no contact with any other family members in 35 years. The state of Pennsylvania required both parents to sign off on the estate. His father won’t because he was not mentioned in the obituary. My attorney is telling me to do another obit. I say no. His father could have placed his own obit when my son died in 2019. He is just trying to take control again. Help

  17. And what’s with all their testing others, to find out what?? The truth, understanding, to love you or help you, with your consent of course…no. They are jealous to the core and rely on confirmation bias to convince that anything good or healthy or positive in your life must just be a fake, front or fraud.

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