For those who find themselves in an aftershock following an abusive relationship, know that actual healing is possible – even if it feels ultimately out of reach.

Aftershock is a phenomenon that occurs when someone leaves an abusive relationship and, rather than feeling relief, the person feels worse than before they left. It’s an uncomfortable reality that leaves many stunned and questioning why they can’t move on and why they might need to reconnect with the abuser.

However, the aftershock is rooted in peptide addiction. Our brain releases peptides – chemicals – for every single human emotion we feel. When someone is in an abusive relationship, their cells become accustomed to receiving heavy doses of these peptides, creating an emotional addiction.

When the relationship ends, people are suddenly cut off from their source of peptides, and they experience withdrawal.

This withdrawal can manifest as deep despair, panic attacks, anxiety, and an overwhelming feeling of not surviving without the person they are no longer with.

Additionally, aftershock and trauma bonding can intertwine to create a situation where the person feels an internal pull towards their abuser. This is the result of their ingrained trauma of abandonment combined with the brain’s craving for the peptides they were receiving from them.

The good news, however, is that there is help available. The key to healing aftershocks is recognizing and understanding the patterns at play.

Then, you can begin to loosen this bondage and reprogram your body and mind to heal from this trauma and move forward.



Video Transcript

Welcome, dear Thriver, to Thriver TV, where you can heal for real from narcissistic abuse. If you have not yet subscribed to my YouTube channel, please do so. I’d love for you to share my work with others who need it.

My name is Melanie Tonia Evans, and I’m the author of the bestselling book You Can Thrive After Narcissistic Abuse, the Number One System for Recovery from Toxic Relationships.

Over the last 15 years, I’ve helped thousands of people from over 150 different countries detox from narcissists, up a level beyond them, and go on to create their dream lives despite their sufferings in those relationships.

If interested, I’d love to introduce you to my free 16-day recovery program. In this program, you’ll receive quantum healing that will relieve your pain and restore your soul, life force, and sanity.


Am I Experiencing Aftershock?

I want to talk to you about aftershocks because it’s a phenomenon. I coined the phrase years ago, and pretty much nobody is talking about it.

Aftershock is when you feel worse after leaving an abuser than you did with the abuser. This happens even if you are the one who leaves. We know discarding is painful if you’ve experienced that, but even people who’ve decided to leave and feel good about going and getting on with it can be hit with aftershocks afterward.

Aftershock leaves you stunned as to why you can’t get on with your life, and even though you detest this person and know they’re so bad for you, you may feel yourself manically missing them.

You may even question yourself and say, “Well, I must love them, and this relationship must be meant to work. Maybe it’s a soul contract.”

It’s weird to people who are looking. Indeed, you should just be able to get away from somebody who’s abusive and start getting better because you’ve got the space and the distance from them. But when aftershock strikes, it’s anything but that.

Now, maybe you are going through this, or you’ve gone through this, and it also shocked you. If that’s you, let me know in the comments below.

I really want you to know, and maybe you need to hear this, that after being narcissistically abused, the aftershock is actually more common than not.

Aftershocks are the reason you can’t get on with your life or stop obsessing about somebody. You may be battling your own cognitive dissonance, coming up with excuses and justifications for why you should get in contact with this person, how you might be able to fix the relationship, or thinking that there may be salvation with this person because the aftershock just feels so unbearable to go through.

There are profound reasons for the aftershock, and I promise you it hits really after a toxic relationship with virtually everybody. Even when people break up with a toxic person and never hear from them again or don’t get the repercussions from them, which is rare, even those people can suffer from aftershocks.



The Reason Aftershock Strikes

The reason why you go through aftershocks is because you’re no longer in the fight. When you’re with a toxic person, you are regularly triggered, which releases adrenaline and cortisol.  Even though this wreaks havoc on your system, if it’s medium or long-term, it keeps you distracted and in the present in the fight.

But when you’re away from this person and have some space, what happened last week, last month, last year, and decade can catch up with you because you’re stationary. All of this kind of rubbed into your consciousness in a really awful way.

Aftershock feels overwhelmed, deep despair, total heartbreak, and so much more. One of the biggest things about aftershocks is the obsessional thoughts, the looping thoughts, the stinking thinking of what happened, what should have happened, and what could have happened.

You go over and over and over it all in your head, and you can’t stop doing it, and you just don’t get any resolution, and you’re astounded in aftershock how it’s sucking your energy dry. You feel so empty, and you could feel much worse than even when you are with the narcissist.

You may feel like a terrible psychic virus has overtaken you and is draining out all of your life, horse. You may feel like you’re literally dying in aftershock. This brings to mind the U2 song “I Can’t Live With or Without You,” and I’m not going to burst into song because I can’t sing.

But aftershock, indeed, it can feel more painful out of the relationship than you’re feeling in the relationship; even though you got out of the relationship when you left, you know that you barely got out of there alive; you barely survived the abuse, but yet now you feel worse. It’s crazy.

In aftershock, your abuse symptoms escalate. You’re struggling to function, and you may feel totally addicted. This is one of the craziest things about it, wanting to break no contact with that person. You might want to reconnect.

It could be feelings like you just want closure, understanding, repair, or remorse. You want reconciliation despite knowing that it has never worked in the past, no matter how many times you tried to pursue it. The real reason so many people break no contact is that they’re suffering from the phenomenon of aftershock.

Now, let’s go deeper again into what’s really going on here. I want to talk about peptide addiction and aftershock. Peptide addiction is something that I’ve gone deeply into in the past, and I’ve shared a lot about it on this platform. It was a game changer for me in how I healed. It was one of my biggest turning points.


Peptide Addiction and Aftershock

Some of the gravest feelings of aftershock are panic and addiction, waves of anxiety and triggered fear, and feelings of not being able to survive without this person, which may cause you to try to stay energetically connected.

These are things like trying to feel their energy and constantly researching everything you know about this personality type. Maybe you stalk their social media. You ask people who know about them for information. Perhaps you’re getting psychic readings on how they feel about you. Do they still love you? Are they coming back? Do they regret what they did? Or maybe you just break no contact. I did that dozens of times, and many others have also done it.

Peptide addiction occurs because the cells in your body are chemically used to receiving strong doses of the emotional peptides that the hypothalamus in your brain has been creating. This is important.

There’s a peptide for every human emotion you can experience, and you’ve been having large doses of things like anger, betrayal, invalidation, and injustice, all related to the shocking things the narcissist has done to you.

You are emotionally addicted physiologically to these states. That’s the truth. It’s been discovered in lab tests with rats studies that when given emotional peptides, rats will forego food, water, self-care, and cleaning themselves for the peptides. They will literally starve and thirst to death.

It can be argued that emotional peptides are as addictive or maybe even more addictive than any synthetic drug. When you leave a narcissist, you’re away from your drug of those emotional peptides that you’ve been receiving and will go cold turkey.

Your cells are literally craving the connection with the peptides. It’s your body, it’s your cells that are your emotions, and the emotional craving will make your head obsess about the abuser and what they did to you because that’s going to give you another kick of your hypothalamus, making more of those peptides.

Your brain’s going to give you every excuse to return to the scene of the crime where you can get the drug again from the abuser who dishes it out.


Aftershock is Trauma-bonding

All right, so there is another layer to aftershock. Let’s look at this. It’s good old trauma bonding. Aftershock has to do with trauma bonding as well. Trauma bonding is horrible. It’s an aftershock as well.

It’s that horrible feeling of you can’t stop wanting to go toward somebody who’s hurting you, and you can’t stop thinking about them, and it’s tough for you to try to reconnect with them. The most direct law of trauma bonding is this. It’s simple. We’ve bonded with the people who represent our unhealed inner stuff. It really is that simple.

Okay, so let’s say you’re still internally carrying the trauma of abandonment, the terror of abandonment. You’re going to be attracted to and attractive to people who are prone to abandon people, who don’t commit, who aren’t loyal, who aren’t going to respect you.

You will also show up in highly triggered ways where your age regresses to your young abandonment trauma, and your reactions will fuel the possibility of abandonment. You’ll also stay connected to people who abandon you, trying to force them and change them into being loyal, safe, and committed to you.

But of course, it doesn’t work. The only remedy to this is being able to let go, go inside, and heal the trauma of abandonment, and then you’re no longer trauma-bonded to people who will abandon you. You break the binds, you go free, and it also changes the patterns of your relationships in the future.



The right inner work is the most powerful way to heal all these layers of aftershocks. I want you to have hope. You don’t have to stay in these horrific feelings and this powerlessness and feel so addicted to that person. My aftershock, like virtually everyone’s, was mind-bending.

It absolutely shook me to my core. It stunned me. After discovering and applying quantum tools and specifically quantum freedom healing to address my inner trauma bonds, I was able to release the peptide addiction loop, and I got calm and resolution in those places inside where I was carrying all of the trauma of the previous events and hurt that was the abuse.

Not only did I heal from the aftershock, but I also emerged as a much more whole, up-level person than before I even went through it. The same has happened for so many people in our wonderful community as a result of taking on the inner work that I help them do in my healing programs.

As such, I’m really excited to tell you about my upcoming 10-week boot camp course, Thrive. It has a whole week dedicated to aftershock specifically, and it also has many other juicy up-leveling healings and tools, such as becoming a boundary beast, becoming impervious to abuse and abusers, detoxing, and powerfully moving forward in all areas of your life. This is why this is called Thrive.

If you’ve been struggling with what I’ve discussed today, I can’t recommend that you look at it enough.

All right. So, I really hope that today has made sense. I hope it can give you hope and allow you to know you’re not going crazy. This is really common, and there is a name for it. Please know you can heal for real from this pretty quickly when you get onto it the right way.

I’d love to hear from you in the comments about whether this resonated with you, whether you’re going through this, and whether you’ve already healed and up-leveled from this because that helps give other people hope.

Also, pass this video on to somebody you know who is experiencing aftershocks so that you can help and bless them to get better.

All right, so until the next one, keep smiling, keep healing, and keep thriving because there is nothing else to do. Lots of love. Bye-bye.

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16 thoughts on “Aftershock – The Narcissistic Abuse Phenomenon

  1. Dear Melanie!
    Once again this article has come at a most appropriate time!

    Several days ago I commented in the forum about the ongoing terrifying emotional impact of being brutally discarded and abandoned….

    I was experiencing extreme emotional stress…. different terrifying memories of the discard were plaguing me too much! It felt like I was being crippled….

    I hadn’t thought of what I had been going through recently, as “aftershock” but after listening to you today that’s exactly what I experienced and continue to experience….

    It continues to amaze me, Melanie, how your posts and lectures seemingly are coming at the precise times when I need specific help with something that’s going on in my life…. this time, it is no exception….

    It almost seems, if I can say this, miraculous….🌟

    Fortunately, several of your staff gave me incredibly helpful advice as to how to manage my situation better with module work and listening to past lectures of yours….

    I was given a lot of “homework“ by your staff members…😌 I am truly excited to begin doing that homework. Your article today, reaffirms, the necessity that I do this without fail. And, fortunately, I’ve got a whole weekend to do my assignments!

    Thank you, Melanie, for you and NARP and your wonderful team for being here during this really difficult time in my life and for the other times as well…..

    I know that things will get better! But I need to do the inner work for things to get better! 🙏🕊🌟🌻🙏

    Much love, Melanie! Thank you so very much! 💞

  2. Thank you for this information, very helpful. I grew up in a family that is deep state / cabal. This means we’re all mind controlled, parents, relatives, my 3 brothers and myself. As my father said on his death bed, I was the only one strong enough to resist the mind control /torture program. When people are mind controlled, their mental state and behavior is very similar to narcissist n they work together as a team. Because I resisted, as a child I had an AI device placed in me by aliens who work with the cabal, to block all my endeavors n this blocked the NARP healing benefits in the past. I know this sounds science fiction n unfortunately it is not. I have recently successfully cleared the AI so I am hoping NARP may now work for me. I have blocked all contact with my 3 brothers who wish me harm n are like narcissists in their behavior. I am in my 60s, n it has taken this long to heal. My abusive parents are dead. I did tons of inner healing work n they both apologized to me at their deaths n asked for my forgiveness. The aftershock is more about my brother’s now n this I am still healing. I hope NARP can heal this kind of inner wounding so I can thrive, be free n finally live my full potential. I will start working with this program again. Melanie, it is my hope that your tools and program can heal the many hidden numbers of us who have experienced the cabal narcisstic like extreme abuse. I want to demonstrate that we can also heal n thrive. My love n thanks to you.

    1. Hi Melanie,
      Having left after more than fifty years I am now in an exhausted stuck/freeze state.
      It feels as if I have changed to another channel and everyone is still watching the other channel.
      I am shocked continuously by the level and type of financial and betrayal and legal and boundary abuse metered out by the narcissist and my children.
      Now I am able to think more clearly but too exhausted to follow through with the action required to get things done or shifts to clear this.

      1. Hi Ann,

        I found this video about aftershock very hopeful. I have been divorced from my narc for 7 years, and I still feel frozen, fatigued, and terrified. Even though I have gone grey with him, and practically no contact, and that feels so good, I feel like I am fighting now with myself. It feels horrible when I want it to feel encouraged. But seeing this as a peptide addiction, makes it more doable and I look forward to my and to your conquered internal battles.

    2. Hi Katherine,

      it’s my pleasure.

      It is one of my greatest wishes too that NARP can assist with the deep unspeakable trauma that you and others have been through, that is hidden – albeit in plain sight.

      NARP and personal clients, at this level, have achieved great breakthroughs with Quanta Freedom Healing and I send you love and encouragement to keep going.

      Sending you every blessing and healing Katherine, and please know this wonderful community and myself are here for you.

      Much Love

      Mel 🙏💞🦋

    3. My heart goes out to you Katherine! I TOTALLY believe you, as I’ve studied this for many years now. I’m so glad that you have been able to overcome this horrific abuse and mind control, and would love to hear your testimonies of many lives touched who have had to endure what you have…and even worse! Thank you for sharing your story. It gives so much HOPE to others I’m sure!

  3. I feel everything what you describe herein. But NOT because of him.
    I feel it all because i lost my home where i put so much emotion and effort and passion in.
    It was my place to be, my real home. I knew i belong there when we first visit the place and i did a lot that he bought the ground. I spent 9years 24/7 there with our Kids and now all my memories growing them up are butied there. I would do anything to get it back but NOT with him in it. His accusations about cheating disqualified him to be on my side.
    i can’t find hope to have a good life in future. I can’t find a place like that, and if, i can’t afford it.
    That broke me more than his abuse

    1. Hi Marina,

      my heart goes out to you.

      I want to give you hope that there are many in this community – it happened to me too – who lost our homes and much more to abuse, who – even at later stages of life – have made incredible comebacks.

      What occurred was a healing into “peace” before the outer reserrection followed.

      Please know there is a way forward no matter how devestating and hopeless the “rebuild” seems right now.

      I’d love to invite you into my FREE masterclass where I explain and take you through the miracle benefits of Quanta Freedom Healing.

      Sending love, healing and blessings to you

      Mel 🙏💞🦋

    2. I recognize a lot of that. A relationship of 30 years. Our house where I lived with him for 24 years and raised my 2 daughters. He knew I was happy there. I also helped set up and flourish his business. Until I was no longer needed. Then his behavior got worse and worse. The business is next to that house. He did everything he could to intimidate me out of there. I lived in 7 places in 1 year which was traumatizing. Now I have my own apartment, but the loss is still so great after 2 years. The relationship with my children was always very good, and now suddenly not anymore. I have so much pain in my body from fear and panic. And that only came after I left because it was no longer bearable there with him. Because of his harsh criticism and tantrums.

  4. I think for me, when all is said and done, I have been frozen in after shock for a long time. I think just trying to understand and get ones head around it all. How could my judgement have been so faulty in thinking this women was someone I loved trusted, married and brought up her kids. How could someone actually act so badly. How can someone be so nice and also so cold callous and horrible at the same time. How could someone, when I did finally get the courage to say no more to her rages, infidelty etc twist everything in family courts. How could someone actually coldly lie and lie and attempt to send me to jail to get the home, money, children etc. it takes a lot of getting over and seeing that person for what they truly were, a self obsessed, money driven, cruel narcissist and despite what rubbish she made up for child access courts and the like none of it was me but her perverse shadow. I did lose everything including my sanity. It is time to send her packing in my psyche and get the adrenal peptides that are plaguing me out of my system and to start again from scratch

  5. Hi Melanie,
    What you talk about seems to be exactly what I have been going through in the last years:
    It’s a crazy roller coaster ; remaining myself obsessively about the abusive and unacceptable behaviour of this person (talking about over and over again to some friends) and the destruction it caused in my life Then forgiving the person. Then blaming myself realising the problem is in me. It goes round and round like this…
    I still keep asking myself : is she really a narcissist? Or have I made it all up and I am completely crazy and the problem is with me? Could I have done things differently and it would have worked?
    How am I supposed to know what is true? Maybe just the fact that I go though this, does mean that she actually is an abuser and a narcissist?
    all best

    1. Hi Gab,

      please know the absolute truth is it doesn’t MATTER what she is or isn’t – truly.

      This is about healing YOU and allowing you to define and go forth into your successful, happy, healthy life.

      Thats exactly what the Quantum inner work that I faciltate does – takes away the pain, confusion, battles and stuckedess and releases you into your True Self and True Life.

      Is that something you would be interetsed in?

      If so, “Thrive” will help you so much

      You will not be the same person as the one who entered this 10 week bootcamp.

      That is my solemn promise to you

      Mel 🙏💞🦋

  6. What you said is all true. At some point in life’s journey, I upleveled (maybe from reading your blog and doing inner work). I just no longer cared what the Narc did or said and moved on with life. He has been dead now for about two years. The grown kids and I were recently talking about all the stunts he pulled while he was alive (and got away with it too!). Our son said to me “He wasn’t a good person was he Mom”? I said “No. He wasn’t a good person,” and I left it at that.

  7. I believe that I was stuck in an aftershock state for many years after leaving a relationship with a narcissist. Stuck in total survival mode and planning nothing for my future. I certainly didn’t want to think about another relationship, ever. I’m long out of it now, but what a horrendous thing.

  8. Melanie ,
    I discovered your website last year after trying to work out what kind of human I had managed to get myself so hooked on. (I had been brutally discarded after idealise/devalue and searched up narcissistic behaviour online ). Your blogs , your 16 day email programme and all the information you have given on narcissistic behaviour , our behaviours and how to heal have honestly been the most transformative I have ever read . Reading it was like having a breakthrough. A million pennies dropped.
    I got back with the narcissist and of course the same things happened but each time I felt less and less hooked and more armoured with knowledge about what was actually going on having read your blogs /emails/advice /mantra/experiences etc.
    So now , a month ago, the final discard took place and I have gone No contact. This time when it ended, I felt relief . There is absolutely no comparison in the way i feel to how I did last year on the rollercoaster. (I felt so sad, hooked, addicted, betrayed, played, manipulated, punished and desperate to right the wrongs, I had had all my expectations managed down and my head was spinning from the hot and cold and breadcrumbing) I did so much work by reading your material that I truly feel that with this final discard I have the tools to be happier than ever and never never will I let this vampire back again. I feel the shift and when he made contact (which I knew he would) I felt so different to how I did before (there were many break ups) All respect has gone and I feel unhooked and strong.
    I am currently experiencing aftershock which is manifesting in anger (anger for allowing it to happen for a further year) so reading about the peptide hits is so helpful .
    You really are remarkable and I thank you so much for giving me actual life changing help.

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