One of the things that makes it so incredibly difficult to move on from the narcissist is the haunting memories of the good times – because no one can show you a good time like a narcissist!
This could be especially surprising if you were the one to end the relationship. Rationally, you know that returning to the narcissist is futile, even if they beg and promise you the world.
Then, walking past a favorite restaurant or hearing ‘your’ song will smack you in the guts with memories of when the relationship was soooo perfect. It can feel impossible to resist the temptation to get back on the merry-go-round.
And even if we do move on physically, the memories can keep us emotionally stuck in prolonged grieving for the relationship.
In today’s Thriver TV episode, I talk about all of this, and even more importantly, I show you how to leave behind those yearnings and fully break free of these toxic bonds.
Video Transcript
Welcome to Thriver TV, where you learn how to survive narcissistic abuse and Thrive from it. If you have not yet subscribed to my YouTube channel, please do so. I’d love for you to share my work with others who need it.
Today’s episode is about how painful it is to miss the good times with the narcissist and how this keeps you stuck and stunts the ability to live again.
As well as what you can do to break free from this.
I’m so excited to share my story and my friend Jayne’s today—to tell you how we overcame the pain of missing out on the good times and became more joyous and expansive in our lives than ever.
I promise you that there is a way out of this trauma!
How Does Trauma-Bonding Occur?
Breaking up with people who are not toxic is still a complex and sad process, but it pales compared to the heavy emotional fallout that infects us after narcissistic abuse. If you feel like “I’ll never be this happy again” or “It is excruciating for me to be around nice events, places, and situations that remind me of the good times,” my heart goes to you.
The horrific trauma of the good time memories with a narcissist goes way beyond what anyone would expect or could even begin to understand. Your friends and family may be shocked and in disbelief about how hard it is for you to connect to anything ‘nice’ that, by association, triggers you about the narcissist.
The trauma bonds that energetically connect you to the narcissist are why you feel so compromised. This can cause horrifically painful emotions. Trauma bonds form when you become physiologically addicted to intense emotional feelings, and you start to unconsciously crave or obsessively ruminate about the source of these feelings – the narcissist.
Many complex emotions with a narcissist – bad and good – infiltrate your deep being in perverse ways. It literally feels like a psychic disease that has taken over your spirit. After breaking up with a narcissist, they don’t just live on in your head; they feel like black and sticky goo crawling throughout your insides.
The narcissist strives to be the “Supreme Master of Your Universe,” or in other words, to possess your soul. This is the only way their False Self can be delighted. They expect to be the sole ruler of your life and for you to be their emotional servant. The narcissist needs your life force to be centered around them and won’t accept any form of independence from you.
You may ask, “Why do they bother to do this to people?” Empty people who are disconnected from Source / Creation want ultimate power to infiltrate others because they get to steal your energy like a vampire, and it’s what the emptiest of people do.
Please understand that all parts of your narcissistic infiltration – including devastating anguish when remembering the good times – are because you are in a spiritual battle for your soul and your very life force.
I’m not being hyperbolic – this is the truth!
These feelings don’t stop until you succeed at taking your life force back.
The narcissist wants to control you and strip away your humanity, energy, joy, and capacity to love. If they succeed, they have won: another life is drained, used up, and ultimately destroyed, never to be useful to anyone else. This is the ultimate aim of their cruel dominion.
You can turn this around, win, and make this the most incredible growth period of your life.
As we go through this episode, I hope you will understand why.
The Foundational Trauma Bonding
Let’s go through the horrific hurt of the good times and WHY this plays out after breaking up with a narcissist.
The narcissist came into your life through a trauma bond, to begin with. This person pretended to be the person who would grant you something you didn’t believe you could provide for yourself.
Much of this was unconscious. In my case, the narcissist came to me, offering me so much excitement, trips, fun, time out, and the like. I was a severe workaholic when I met him and had never afforded myself much work-life balance.
A friend of mine, Jayne, had a very chaotic life, and she struggled to have structure. The narcissist in her life was wealthy and ‘together’; this was a welcome salve to her soul.
Both Jayne and I loved being spoiled in the love-bombing stage. These people provided us with a lifestyle where we felt valued, spoiled, and worthy of attention—aspects that we did not offer to ourselves—certainly not healthily, anyway.
There were also more profound, more unconscious reasons that enabled the narcissists to create feelings of deep connection. Narcissists are very good at identifying our unresolved hurts and pretending to be the person who will take the pain away.
In my previous significant relationships, I had felt like I was not being seen or trusted. In contrast, the narcissist seemed to grant me an abundance of presence, understanding, belief, and space to be me – and he also feigned 100%support for my personal ambitions.
Jayne had always felt judged and ignored; her deepest wounds were about not being granted commitment and being treated as an object instead. The narcissist in her life seemed to see her value and give her his presence – wholly and attentively.
This turnaround of our lives seemed so powerfully magical, and such an intense relief that we fell into deep dependencies of “you are my one and only.” We had assigned ‘savior’ status to a narcissist without knowing it. We had each assigned ‘savior’ status to a narcissist.
Spending time with these people feels so amazing!
They offer us something that we cannot—or do not—do for ourselves, and because of this, they comfort us by alleviating our emotional pain.
This is precisely how to create a trauma bond; narcissists know how to powerfully form this emotional dependency. Some have even bragged to this community how simple it is to find out what hurts or is missing and then start providing it in spades to get victims to deeply bond with them. Then, they can take advantage and exploit their victim’s vulnerability.
Excitement and highs are part of a flashy narcissistic curriculum anyway, and this is how they avoid the drab and devastating feelings of being alone with their damaged being. If we haven’t done our inner recovery work yet, we love this too – being with the narcissist in a fantasy world of “it’s you and me, babe, against the big bad world” in a haze of fun, highs, and indulgent experiences.
In this place, the pain of our childhoods and previous relationships is drowned out in the buzz. We don’t know it, but we are in a drug-like state of idolizing. The narcissist is using us as a drug, and we are also high on it.
Society often tells us this is how love should be, but that is garbage and a lie. Healthy love does not follow this narrative.
Real life means reality intervenes, and this is where the second level of trauma bonding starts to kick in – as the cracks start happening rapidly.
Whatever is FALSE in REAL life can’t stand.
Now, I’m going to explain WITHHOLDING trauma bonds to you.
The Withholding Trauma Bonding
The narcissistic mask begins slipping, and the disordered self erupts. You have gone from being glorified as the next newest, shiniest source of narcissistic supply to being despised for not providing the narcissist with a permanent solution to their pain. You are no longer the magical person who grants the narcissist what they want to live pain-free.
Narcissists refuse to face the wounded parts of themselves that generate their painful feelings, and instead, they project onto you; it’s your fault. It’s the way you spoke, the way you looked at them, the idea that you may be doing things now outside of the relationship that isn’t about the narcissist. The list goes on and on in an endless cycle where you are damned if you do and damned if you don’t.
You are absolutely forbidden from challenging the narcissist’s narrative of “I am the King / Queen God of The Universe and totally ABOVE reproach,” and you are harshly punished if you do.
Where did this magical person go?
Where is this being who was so loved up with you? Who stared into your eyes with such adoration that you thought your heart would burst all over you?
How could this person – who you believed was “your one and only” – accuse you of doing disgusting things you are incapable of thinking, let alone executing? Things that defy all definitions of love.
You discover that these are the things they are doing themselves.
How do you assimilate this?
Now, you are in deep water, and the rug is pulled out from under you. Yet the parts of you that want this person as your answer to life cling to this scrap of evidence that they care: “But they can be so loving and delightful and adoring.”
You do still have those times. You are in a vicious cycle of violence – tensions build, followed by explosions. You separate from each other, either emotionally or physically. Then you reconcile, either because you hand away more and more pieces of your own soul to stay connected or because they feign apologies and hoover you back in just when you are about to say ‘enough’ and walk away. Making up can feel SO good, and you try your hardest to love and trust this person again because “good people do forgive”.
This cycle of violence continues, cycling faster and becoming more violent and painful every time.
This Withdrawal Trauma Bonding phase is a roller coaster of highs and lows. The highs can feel amazing and are as addictive as any synthetic drug. This trauma bonding can easily be mistaken for Twin Flame true love, but it’s destructive abuse and self-abuse.
If you are honest with yourself, the relief you feel during the ‘highs’ of the relationship is akin to taking jagged rocks out of your shoes. It’s as if a weight has been lifted off your shoulders, and you can finally walk without pain. Your feet have never felt so good!
The relief is, “You have stopped hurting and loving me again.”
Yet there are cracks in the shoes, so they keep filling with jagged rocks.
The cruel and horrible narcissist can promise and renege repeatedly, like a cat with a mouse, torturing and tormenting you. Of course, this is to control your behavior by withholding love and decency from you whenever you are not adequately appeasing the narcissist.
In my life, the narcissist went from trusting, allowing, and validating my independence to hating my passions, breathing down my neck, and violently and aggressively controlling my every move with insane pathological jealousy. Jayne’s narcissistic partner – initially loving, adoring, and attentive – constantly ran with other women while accusing Jayne of being unfaithful.
This is what narcissists do. They ‘bait and switch,’ delivering precisely the unfinished, unhealed wounds we carry that they appeared to be saving us from – while we cling to our version of this person as ‘our savior.’
Is it any wonder that everything about the narcissist – the good, the bad, and the ugly – is traumatizing to us?
Now, let’s look at the third and final stage of Missing the Good Times.
The Grieving Trauma Bonding
The flashy narcissistic relationships that started with a love-bombing bang will often crash and burn just as dramatically.
You go from floating on cloud nine to being dumped from a great height on your butt, surrounded by rubble everywhere – devastation, betrayal, deception, abandonment, invalidation, and often grave losses of things important to you.
You have likely lost valuable health, resources, reputation, money, property, and – most shockingly – ‘the love of your life.’ You may be overwhelmed and unable to even go about your daily activities, let alone think about restarting your life, taking part in life, and allowing yourself to experience joy and pleasure again – let alone love.
Please know that Jayne and I felt exactly like this and thought we could never recover!
You grieve because you believe, “I will never have what I had again.” You also grieve the ‘solution,’ the ‘salve,’ and ‘the saving’ from the utter trauma of your unhealed wounds – more than you ever did previously.
This is the heartbreaking issue with unconsciously connecting with external saviors—they are always the messengers of what we have not yet saved (healed) within ourselves.
How To Win This Soul War and Take Back Your Lifeforce
Let me start by saying your life force is joy, a celebration of life, expansion, experiences, and love. Please know I understand how you could feel light-years away from this right now!
The narcissist is NOT your soul keeper and provider of these things – even though deeply, it feels like this at the start.
I want to explain what happened with Jayne and me because we are both Super-thriving now with zero connection to any memories, good or bad, about our previous narcissistic slave masters!
To recover, we both knew we had to turn inwards to work on;
- Accepting we had never consciously built our own enjoyable, healthy lives – instead, we had waited for someone else to provide it. Of course, this had been unconscious, and being like this was simply our ‘normal’!
- We had not yet addressed our past hurts and had been seeking other people to take away the pain instead. This had been deeply unconscious as well.
- Focusing on the narcissists and hanging on to their hurtful behavior kept us from looking inward to face and healing our painful feelings of being unworthy of love. We did not know until Quanta Freedom Healing that it was possible to heal these hurts directly and quickly – to free ourselves from them!
We started the excellent and true fight of turning inwards to detox these emotional vampires out of our system and build ourselves back in ways we never had before.
Jayne and I decided we would become whole adults in our bodies and never again need to depend on anyone to create our extraordinary lives. Once we used the QuantaFreedom Healings within the Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Program (NARP), we were able to release and heal from Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (C-PTSD), rumination, agoraphobia, and all the other nasties caused by narcissistic abuse. As a result, we began feeling an inner life force we had never experienced before.
For the first time in our lives, we were starting to understand what it means to feel whole inside.
Jayne and I both started our own business ventures. Jayne worked through her dissociation traumas, making her more organized and focused. At the same time, I kicked my overworking addiction and started creating balance and enjoyment in my life.
We made it our mission to expand into life.
We both did solo travel overseas.
Neither of us was ever again in the position of subconsciously needing another person to sort us out emotionally. We were ready to share our lives with authentic people who were not parasitical narcissists!
We developed boundaries and the ability to speak up honestly. We stopped trying to fix and change people to be loved, and people started loving us for real in healthy ways.
There is no way Jayne and I could have reached these empowered levels of living our lives from an authentic inner space without being slammed to the floor by narcissists to show us that we had to change.
Being in excruciating, crippling inner rumination, longing, and having our life force sucked out of us was the total indication that we needed to heal.
Remember how I started by saying, “Not only can you turn this around and win, but you can also make this the most incredible growth time of your entire life”?
It’s true, and I hope you now understand why.
If you are ready to win this spiritual war and regain your soul and life force, come with me, Jayne, and thousands of others in our NARP Thriver Community.
You deserve to be OUT of the agony of missing the narcissist – it’s soul-sucking!
Plus, your True Life – the only life that genuinely gratifies you – awaits you!
You can read all about NARP by clicking on this link.
I hope today’s video has helped. If you choose Quantum Relief and Thriving, I can’t wait to help you recover on the inside as an NARP member!
I’d love to hear your thoughts.
Do you relate? Does this make sense? Do you have hope that you can escape these trauma bonds?
I look forward to answering your comments and questions below.
This was so eye opening and informative. It validated so much I already thought to be true. Very healing and so much truth. Quite inspirational. Thank you for sharing your story.
Hi Dena,
I’m thrilled this resonated with you and has helped!
Much Love to you
Mel 🙏💞🦋
Dear Melanie!
I cried and cried, wiping away tears of some unknown origin, as I read through this wonderful heart warming article! 😥
Thank you so much for this understandable and relatable explanation of a specific ongoing problem for so many of us and your wonderful personal insight! 🔥
This period of time, as you mentioned above that it CAN BE FOR US, since I was brutally blindsided and discarded, not only has been the most painful period of time in my entire life, (surprisingly, that includes the devastating loss of my two children)…😔…. but….
….it has also been the period of time where I believe I’ve grown more as a human being than at any other time. 🙏
Much of what I believe to be my personal inner growth I can attribute to following you and your amazing teachings, and a lot of effort on my part!
I still remember the cold winter night in January 2018 when I was dumped and finding your teachings on YouTube shortly thereafter… and then eventuality joining NARP….🦋
That day, the memories of that moment, when I found you, I want to hold onto forever! 🔥❤️🔥
However, I hopefully understand, as you explained so well, that, because of our trauma bonding and how the memories of the “good times” with the narcissist capture us, and hold us in a form of a psychological/emotional prison, that these kinds of memories, i.e. the probability ill perceived “good” ones, are in contra distinction and unhealthy to the/my precious memory, for instance, of finding our life saving NARP that cold cold winter of 2018….
Unfortunately I’ve been experiencing a lot of “that”, (memories of times with narcissist), lately, but thanks to some really good people in the forum who have been helping me, I feel a strength in me forming and growing within and I KNOW I will be able to get through this without further damage.
It’s Sunday morning here, Melanie, and I couldn’t imagine getting a much better gift from anyone this morning, than the gift that I got from you today!
This was a really, really wonderful article that I really really needed!
Thank you so very much!
Much love!
…..without further damage and the recurring identification issues with memories no longer useful….❤️
Hi Peter,
I’m so glad this spoke deeply to your heart.
Always cheering for you from here Peter!
Much Love and sending you a big hug and healing
Mel 🙏💞🦋
Incredible, Mel ♥️🙏🏻♥️ Thank you!
It’s my pleasure Happy Girl,
Thank you!
Mel 🙏💞🦋
Mel, you are amazing. Six years on and it is still like yesterday. All of your words are so solid and all scenarios so familiar. Thankyou from the bottom of my heart. ❤
Hi Helen,
thank you for your lovely words!
You are very welcome and thank you for being a member of our wonderful community.
Love and blessings
Mel 🙏💞🦋
Dear Mel, Im still feeling the pain despite living the relationship last September …it was a very painful, long distance and between crumbs and punishments Ive wasted decades…
Thank you for your help❤️
Hi Tatiana,
my heart goes out to you. Please know dear lady that your true self and life awaits you at any age …
The best is yet to come from you!
Have you considered joining our wonderful NARP Community to get the healinga and support you need to shake this off?
I can’t recommend NARP enough to heal Tatiana – and you have all of us to help you all the way.
Much Love
Mel 🙏💞🦋
So timely Mel! Have found myself doing just this very thing this weekend – even with his ‘ future fakes’ & giving me ‘ crumbs’ ,& all of his ‘ harem’ & many, many lies , & trying to say that I’m delusional & ‘ crazy’, the horrible gaslighting, – the trauma bonds are so powerful & insidious – it’s truly such a battle to truly let go & detach
Have been doing the inner work, but then an email last week from him sent me spiraling, forgetting all the horrific things, omg, how could a person forget those terrible things,
I must have been starving! To think I’d even consider allowing this evil back in my life!
I must have hated myself!
I must be desperate!
How profoundly sad, …
….how absolutely diabolical they are,
Candy coated poson – I still reel & spin when I really give my head a shake & see how cruel & heartless ‘ they’ are & I weep when I think how very very little I was willing to live with, go back to, over & over
He has made a mockery of me
But ..I will continue to go no contact, I will continue to do the inner work, because some day I will have convinced that inner child in me that I am finally fighting for her, & she’s worth it & the evil won’t win ~ a million thanks 🙏 Mel
Lots of love to you ❤️
Hi Christine,
keep up the good fight lovely lady, you’ve got this!
Sending you healing and blessings
Mel 🙏💞🦋
Thank you Mel,
Your messages always so timely,❤️🙏
awesome that this was timely for you!
It’s my pleasure!
Mel 🙏💞🦋
Hi Melanie,
Thank you for another inspiring video. I would just like to add a thought that came to my mind, because I’m relating to my very old parents right now: Doing the inner healing and making sure that memories of good times are not “polluted”, could be like a way of building an inner “treasure chest”. That means not having to fear the last stages of life when the physical health might deteriorate, friends and partners might pass and it might be more difficult to rely on input from outside. Making sure that memories can provide good feelings when or if needed, without triggering overwhelming pain, fear or anger at the same time, would be like securing self partnership all the way to the end.
Hi Always Reflecting,
It’s my pleasure.
Yes, absolutely if the triggers can be shifted out, then there are nice feelings left, without feeling convoluted about them, hooked in by them, or saddened.
That is freedom, I totally agree.
Much Love to you
Mel 🙏💞🦋
I am still living with the misery of 19 years with my NPD ex to this day, years later!
Same here, Tom: 19 years with her (she even future-faked a not-far-off 20th anniversary party, knowing full well her massive theft from me, massive smear campaign and cruel, fraudulent abandonment and running away to another county was right around the corner), and it has been nearly eight years later, yet I am still plenty “wobbly” at times. I often still have transfixed upon my face that “1000-yard (meter) stare,” like those war veterans “shell-shocked” at what they had seen as the horrors of war (we now call this PTSD, it or C-PTSD, being a common suffering during the aftermath of narc abuse, which can last for years, or even decades). Indeed, narc abuse is a form of “war” against you: psychological torture quite difficult to explain to the uninitiated. The narc creates your very own special nightmare, crafted especially for you, others will never “get it” unless they have experienced something similar.
But, it doesn’t have to last, and it doesn’t have to still be or generate “misery,” as great relief (even ULTIMATE relief to full-on THRIVING is possible, I understand, but I’m not quite there yet) can be found with Mel’s program of NARP. If you haven’t, please check it out (here, at this blog’s site and associated websites Mel and her compassionate Thrivers staff help to populate with helpful, even soothing support). Recovering from such “misery” is a long, very personal journey. It begins with single, do-able steps at a time, like committing to NARP. If you do so, and I hope you do, please know that some of what you might learn in the early phases can be so frightening and revealing that it may be difficult to continue. Nonetheless, this is “part of it,” and I heartily encourage you to “press on.”
It’s great you posted here, it means you are reaching out, for yourself! Keep up the good work.
Thank you for this angle on dealing with a narcissist. After over 40 years (on and off) of dealing with one, he died suddenly just over a year ago. To be honest, most of the time I am glad it is over. But there are the moments when I remember the “good” times. Overall, I am happy not to be tied down to any of this Narc business anymore. There is light at the end of the tunnel.
Hi Julia,
its my pleasure.
Sending big hugs and healing to you
Mel 🙏💞🦋
Thank you, Melanie, for another wonderful and eye-opening blog. It hadn’t occurred to me that the good times were part of my deep trauma bonding that’s making it so hard to function, along with the health issues weighing me down. I’m in the middle of divorcing the narc husband of 43 years, still living in the house with him while I get it ready to sell, and all the while he’s alternating the narc tactics with reminding me of the good times in order to get me to stay.
Your insights are invaluable, allowing me to see just what he was doing in the beginning of the relationship, by providing me with the fun, travel, financial security, and “love” that had always been missing. On the surface, and on his good days, he appears to be a decent and generous person, which makes it incredibly difficult to believe the nastiness is always waiting in the wings, and to trust in my own judgment. It’s still shocking to realize what he really is underneath the facade, and what his real agenda was the entire time we were together. I can’t wait for the mental and emotional agony to be over!
My journey toward freedom began with your words, “Become your own source of love, approval, security and survival,” which are the wisest, most important words I think I will ever hear. Thank you!!
I salute your great courage, Dawn. Best wishes to you!
Hi Dawn,
its my pleasure. Im so proud of you and the incredible journey you are on.
You will get through this, you already are, and on the other side of this, you are setting yourself up brilliantly to thrive.
Keep going Dawn – the light is there at the end of the tunnel for you
Much Love
Mel 🙏💞🦋
Dear Mel,
Thank for your wonderful guidance, as always!
I have been doing TFOW for two weeks to heal the toxic shame and lack of deservedness that I learned from my narc mother and my grandmother, as I was an unwanted child, and grandchild, and my mother was also an unwanted child. There´s lots of false self running in my lineage, as you can see.
Only now I’m gaining awareness of my disowned and disempowered, traumatised inner child that refused to live and put herself in the hands of my narc ex in order to survive. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, though, with TFOW, it´s been amazing. I´ve been working on providing myself the energy of unconditional love and acceptance, deservedness and belonging, and so much more. It feels great to finally be able to enter those places of serious trauma bonding, and bring in light and relief. I truly don´t know where I would be without you and your programs, Mel, this help is very hard to find.
Lots of love,
Hi Nury,
you are very welcome!
That is so good that you are healing is TFFOW – it is a powerful little program, that we forget to talk about way too much!
Thank you, sweetheart, for being such a fellow traveller on this incredible Thriver’s path – you are amazing!
Much Love
Mel 🙏💞🦋