I didn’t grow up dreaming of becoming a Quanta Freedom Healer! It was a long journey to get to where I am today, and one I would never have taken had I not been entirely broken by abuse.
Today, I want to tell you about that journey and explain what Quanta Freedom Healing™ is and how it came about.
This will help you to understand why Quanta Freedom Healing™ can work for you, even if you feel hopeless, helpless, and as though you’ve already tried everything possible to heal from abuse – I felt that way, too!
Most of all, I want to give you hope that you can not only recover from your pain but also create a life that is even more fulfilled, joyful, and expanded than before the narcissist came into your life – the life you deserve!
Video Transcript
Today, I will answer a question that many of you have asked: What is Quanta Freedom Healing™? To explain it as best as possible, I need to explain how it came about because it’s not like I knew I would become a Quanta Freedom healer. I certainly didn’t.
If you haven’t already done so, please subscribe to my YouTube channel and follow me on Facebook.
The Breakdown Epiphany Moment
Like a lot of us, I went through significant narcissistic abuse. At that time, I was researching narcissism, and a specialist was helping me understand who the man in my life was.
Even though I also joined post-traumatic stress disorder groups and narcissistic abuse forums and was getting answers about narcissism, I was still hooked. I was obsessing and ruminating, and I couldn’t stop breaking No Contact. Eventually, I had a complete psychotic and adrenal breakdown.
I’d already lost much property, reputation, and the ability to function normally. I hadn’t eaten or slept properly for six months. I was only 80 pounds. All of my hair had fallen out. I was already in an awful state. When the breakdown happened, I honestly believed the professionals who told me I’d never recover or return from it.
I started planning how to leave the planet because I didn’t want to go on. While thinking about how to do that, I had a voice in my head that kept saying to me, “No, there’s another way. There’s another way.”
I was arguing with this voice, and then I walked into my bathroom and fell to the floor. I put my hands up and screamed, “I can’t do this anymore. Help me.” I was calling out to God, a Higher Power, and I didn’t know what else to do.
At that moment, I had a profound experience: it was like my head opened, and everything I’d previously believed was sucked out of me. What entered into its place was a this deep, powerful knowing and a voice spoke to me, telling me what had happened, why it had happened, how this person was a catalyst in my life who was showing me all the parts of myself that were unhealed and unconscious; and that it wasn’t about him – rather it was about healing me.
Then, I got catapulted into the future. I saw myself as healed, whole, and thriving, and I felt like I’d never felt this way. Then I got flung back into who I was, emaciated, shaking, sweating. I wasn’t healed, but I knew I could heal. I’d been told how to start this from the inside out and that I would be supported in this journey.
I chose that path from that day. The voice had instructed me to turn within, to speak to myself as if I loved myself like a small child. Something astounding happened. The intense psychotic episodes disappeared without the need for medication. Then, synchronicity started happening. I met people and got downloads, information, and clues about inner healing modalities, which I’d never looked at before, even though I’d been doing personal development and spirituality for decades.
Then, I studied Theta Healing, Kinesiology, EFT, and other modalities. I became certified and started putting together a combination of tools to heal myself, which, at the time, I called “Holographic Healing.” I was getting outstanding results. Complicated Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (C-PTSD) was melting away. I was starting to feel more connected and more whole than I’d ever felt before despite my losses.
The Breakthrough Healing Moment
However, I had a persistent agoraphobia that made me feel unsafe in open spaces due to the trauma of narcissistic abuse. I was trying everything I could to heal myself. I was researching quantum physics and neuroscience and trying to assemble protocols. I was outsourcing the best of the best healers without success in shifting it. It happened that a girlfriend was going to Ko Samui, but I couldn’t go with her. She told me, “Come later,” but I was worried about how I’d manage the trip alone since I have agoraphobia and can’t even go to the shop without becoming a meltdown.
Despite this, I knew I had to go. So I did, and it was one of the most traumatizing experiences of my life. I eventually got there, collapsed into her arms, and we went to the resort, where I felt safe again. After that, I could enjoy the holiday, but I still wanted to get out into Ko Samui, and I knew I couldn’t.
One day, alone in the hotel room, I set an intention that I was going to channel the healing answer to my agoraphobia. I opened up my heart, mind, and soul and immediately started taking dictation. I was writing down protocols and healing steps. There were things I knew regarding kinesiology and theta healing. Still, there were also things I didn’t know, such as a deeper timeline aspect and more compartments of the subconscious to access. And there were also Source downloads that were much more impactful, richer, and bigger than I’d been used to.
Even though I didn’t know the details, I had goosebumps when they came to me (you may understand what I’m saying). I applied the first-ever Quanta Freedom Healing™ to myself, and two hours later, I was in Ko Samui, more playful, confident, and connected to people than I had ever been my entire life. I knew something astounding had just happened.
I returned to Melbourne and stopped doing Holographic Healing with my clients. I said, “No, we’re doing Quanta Freedom Healing™.” I discovered that their deep, persistent trauma was shifting as well.
Many of my clients had other therapists, psychologists, or domestic violence workers, and these therapists rang me up and asked, ” My client today was different than yesterday. What happened?” Then they came to see me for a Quanta Freedom Healing™ – because a lot of practitioners have their own trauma, too.
My business exploded through word of mouth. I had more clients than I could handle, and I knew I needed to create a healing program because news of Quanta Freedom Healing™ spread overseas. People who couldn’t even get to me were contacting me for sessions.
Since its birth 15 years ago, the Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Program™ has helped tens of thousands of people from 150 different countries worldwide heal and release inner trauma with the Quanta Freedom Healing modules. I also have other programs that have been instrumental in helping people achieve this goal.
Before I explain more about Quanta Freedom Healing™, I want to explain why healing from the inside out is vital.
Why Can’t We Heal Logically?
We know from our real-life experience that the obsession and the rumination that goes with narcissistic abuse are crazy. What ends up happening is that we are doing “stinking thinking.” We’re trying to think out of our obsessional thinking and get an answer or information that will give us closure and peace, but it just doesn’t work.
Why doesn’t it work? The reason is that the seat of our trauma and painful programs is in our bodies—they’re not in our heads. Wonderful neuroscientists such as Joe Dispenza, Bruce Lipton, the late Candace Pert, and others are now explaining why the brain follows the body.
For example, I want you to say, “I think devastated,” and feel into it, then follow it up with, “I think traumatized.”
These statements are disconnected. They’re like caveman talk. These statements should be, “I feel devastated. I feel traumatized,” because they’re going on in your body.
You cannot get into your body and heal logically – that’s like trying to access your television from a radio frequency. We are not healing what’s happening inside us when we are in our heads. Instead, we’re thinking about what hurts, causing more identification with our trauma, which makes it worse.
Now, let’s look at how to recover logically from another angle. What if you were hit by a car, lying on the road, bleeding, and people yelled at you to get up? Or did you go after the driver and start tracking and researching him? You would not heal and may not survive. Ask yourself how many times have you told yourself to get on with it or researched narcissism without attending to your inner wounds? Only inner healing heals your inner wounds, no different from physical wounds needing attention.
Just because you can’t see your inner trauma doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. We have yet to realize that our inner emotional system is as powerful as our inner physical system when given the right environment and conditions to produce healing.
Now, imagine you had an abscess and tried to put some cream and a bandage over it. It’s not going to get better. Lancing it and releasing the toxic infection creates space inside to heal. It’s exactly the same with internal trauma—it has to be released to create space for healing. Quanta Freedom Healing™ is incredibly effective because it does this. Trying to ‘think’ it out keeps the trauma trapped inside.
What Is Quanta Freedom Healing™?
Quanta Freedom Healing is the core component of the Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Program™ (NARP™ ) and my other healing programs. These are audio healings that can be accessed from any device. Quanta Freedom Healing takes you into a deep theta brainwave, bypassing the logical brain to access your body, even if you’ve been struggling with rumination and obsession.
This level of healing is not just relaxation. It has intentions and energetic codes that access your subconscious. All you have to do is open up, breathe, follow my voice, and give simple instructions. In fact, the less you do, the better the process works for you.
Quanta Freedom Healing™ loads up the trauma from different parts of your subconscious and releases it, which frees space inside you to download the True Source replacement on whatever topic you’re working on. That shifts you from. Who were you into your Higher Self-potential on that topic?
This feels like a relief, a release. It feels like space. Where that trauma once was, there is now the space for healing—inspiration, outer solution, and support—to enter. It’s the calm, the power, and the wisdom to know what to do. As you get better on the inside, you do so much better on the outside. Support, synchronicity, and miracles start to enter your life. Resolution and solution come in greater ways than you could imagine possible.
Narcissists can’t stand against regular Quanta Freedom Healing™ work. They’re a False Self in a lower consciousness of deceit and darkness. You have become a bright Light, fearless, with Source partnering with you, no longer handing over narcissistic supply (fear and pain). With Quanta Freedom Healing™, narcissists stop harassing you, leave your experience, capitulate, and lose against you in court. You win custody, get reasonable settlements, and alienated children return to you. These breakthroughs are common occurrences in our Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Program™ (NARP™) Community.
Quanta Freedom Healing™ grants you a much deeper tool than the logical, practical experience we’ve been trying to use to heal from abuse. Thank goodness, because narcissistic abuse is a battle for your soul! You know it’s spiritual – the insane feelings of being psychically infiltrated and having your life force sucked out of you are not logical and practical.
Deep inner somatic healing is spiritual. It’s where healing has to take place.
We need a deeper healing solution.
Usual Quanta Freedom Healing™ Timeframes
Most people, from the first healing, feel it. If you’ve done a Quanta Freedom Healing™, you know that you feel relief, space, and better. Generally, within one to three weeks, the obsessive rumination will start to calm down enough that you can eat, sleep, and function. Within one to three months, so much of your trauma will have melted, relieving disorders like Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, fibromyalgia, adrenal malfunction, anxiety, depression, and triggers.
Most people’s lives are unrecognizable within 6 to 18 months. They have rebooted emotionally, mentally, spiritually, financially, and physically in ways that they weren’t able to access even before the abuse, even if abuse is all they’ve ever known. They’re living abuse-free lives and thriving in their new lives, regardless of what they lost and left behind in the past.
Who is Quanta Freedom Healing™ For?
It doesn’t matter your age, gender, sexual orientation, or religious preference, whether you left 40 years ago or are still with this person. The person could be a lover, intimate partner, spouse, family member, friend, neighbor, or child – Quanta Freedom Healing™ is unconditional because it focuses on the trauma inside of you that is making you sick, hooked, and stuck in abuse programs.
Support With Quanta Freedom Healing™
The healings work in a way that revolutionizes how we heal. There is no longer a requirement to bash pillows and scream out wounds or decipher and investigate your childhood logically for years to try to heal. Rather, with Quanta Freedom Healing™, your body is signaled to “light up” the dense energy. Then, you simply feel it without information, follow my voice to let it go, replace it with The Light, and experience life-changing shifts in minutes, as opposed to decades of work.
With the Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Program™ (NARP™ ) and many additional resources, there is a Global Forum of Super Thrivers from all over the world. They are there for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, lovingly supporting you and granting you proper healing solutions.
In our wonderful NARP™ Community, we have seen all the inner and outer issues you are struggling with. Also, unconscious abusers all do the same stuff, and it’s highly predictable. We can guide you and let you know what’s coming up and how to get through it. We know how to do this quickly, powerfully, and in the least painful and most empowering way, no matter WHAT you are going through.
The incredible NARP™ Community Forum support comes entirely free with your NARP™.
I hope you now have a much better understanding of Quanta Freedom Healing™, the super-tool responsible for granting leading-edge abuse and trauma recovery worldwide. Most of all, I want you to have hope that there is a way to heal for real.
At MTE, we are thrilled about these results, which we live personally and share daily with people. Healing this way is much easier, more supportive, and more loving.
It was vital for me to make Quanta Freedom Healing™ and the Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Program™ as accessible as I could to as many people as possible. This is why I made the price of this complete lifetime healing system a once-only payment less than the usual price of three hours of therapy. I’ve also given you a small monthly payment option – with full access to all resources and unlimited time for community support immediately.
Plus, I will take all the risks for you to try. There’s a complete money-back guarantee for you to try the life-changing Quanta Freedom Healing™ Modules in the Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Program™, and if you don’t receive spectacular results, with one email to [email protected] you can receive a full refund of your money with no questions asked.
So, I hope that I’ve explained Quanta Freedom Healing™ and why trying to survive abuse and trauma has been so painful and problematic. Narcissistic abuse doesn’t have to be a life sentence.
If you’d love to heal from abuse and achieve more success on every topic, I’d love to help you. Here is the link to NARP™, and you can also read people’s Quanta Freedom Healing™ success stories here.
Let me know in the comments whether my explanation for Quanta Freedom Healing™ today makes sense. Also, if any of our lovely Thrivers would like to share their explanation or experience of Quanta Freedom Healing™, please do!
I look forward to answering your questions and comments below.
Dear Melanie!
Thank you so much for another wonderful story of your Earth journey….💞
There are certainly many similarities in this story of yours, that many of, myself included, experienced as we “searched” this planet for, spiritual guidance, healing and answers to this enigmatic life and burning question, “WHY”, that, unfortunately, so many of us are/or, inexplicably. NOW, going/went through in this lifetime….
Early on, I started to recognize, after several years of abuse in the military and multiple encounters of sexual and physical abuse when I was a soldier and later on in my post military life, narcissistic marital abuse…
….that I needed to do “something”…..
….That I was hurting so much inside….
that I needed to heal from all the pain and anguish I was going through….
I recognized that I needed a certain kind help that ordinary psychology, shaman healing, and various modalities that I explored were not sufficient to satisfy my diurnal/internal urges, and needs….
I explored the Sacred teachings of the East, including Sufism, the teachings of the buddha, the Fourth Way and so on with an unquenchable thirst for guidance and direction….
From a spiritual perspective, all of this was wonderful, but something was always missing!
I wandered about feeling incomplete with an intense longing for that “something”….
Like you, I heard about narcissism…
….subsequently with an almost unflagging determination, I explored the Internet, or anywhere I could find, for the meaning of narcissism as I assumed that a lot of what I went through was the result of narcissistic predators, and/or simply narcissistic people….
It was there that I found quanta freedom healing, and you eventually….
(And, as I’ve mentioned before, I will never forget that day!)
Prior to that, I was beginning to question whether or not, I should continue living on this, in my opinion, godforsaken planet!
(Now that question rarely comes up for me!)
NARP and the QFH method has shown me that, in spite of how incredibly difficult so much of my life has been, that, in reality, all of this was not “done to me, but for me”….
Maybe some of it is/was karma I am living out, but I’m not certain about that!
I do know that, without these accumulative experiences, I would not be in the place where I am at, now!
By that I mean, I am a better human being, than I was 10 or 15 years ago, and I have a much more clearly defined direction for my life, a life that now has REAL purpose!
And I can with certainty, say, unequivocally, that, without NARP I wouldn’t be where I’m at as a human being and have this SPECIFIC daily purpose….
I know that I am not complete, but I live each day believing that I will, someday, be a complete human being!
I am so thankful for your teachings and guidance, Melanie! You are such an inspiration and, BTW, I continue to love your stories about your travels and experiences, and everything else!
I hope at what I wrote about today makes sense! It was really hard to do but I think worth it….
Thank you so much, Melanie!
Much love! 💞
Hi Peter,
oh goodness, you certainly did do the “far and wide” search as well. How crazy is it just to let go of what hurts and fill with Light / Source to “come home”. That we had the spiritual apparatus within us all along?
Petr, you already are complete, we all are made in the image and likeness, it’s only the traumas (that has clogged us up) taking us away from knowing Who We Are.
Thank you Peter and I always greatly enjoy your wonderful contributions here.
You deserve healing and wholeness as much as anyone Peter – truly!
Much Love
Mel 🙏💞🦋
Dear Melanie!
Thank you so much for your always kind words and wonderful support! 🌟m
It is truly a joy to be here with you and the others in the forum and NARP!
Much love, Melanie!
Hi Mel 😊,
Such a beautiful post! ✨
I adore the energy, calmness and gentle rawness of all the experience backed up with facts and knowledge.
I knew already about your journey as I discovered your work via yt videos few years ago when it all started for me, but I never felt it the same level of vulnerability as in this post. I congratulate you for being so open and truthful and extremely brave to share this experience with the world.
Thank you for pushing through it all and creating this amazing tool that’s now serving thousands of people heal 🙏! Your really showing me with your example how it’s done. I know I have also soul mission (with north node in Aquarius ♒️ 😉) and that as soon as I heal myself I’ll start full force healing others. I believe actually I might heal even this horrible narcissistic virus or extremely over active solar chakra and totally closed heart one in people as I’m already seeing glimpses of it in my present day to day life.
I truly appreciate all the losing of shifts you did for me for the past several years and with the latest one in the last workshop, it was life changing! 🙏😇✨🍀 thank you so much!
Aaa talking about the workshop, I know now it’s q&a and I’ll skip it tonight as I feel more called to do shifts and healing as well I guess really to your blog post 😄.
See you again on Tuesday with new level up ⬆️ 🆙🔝
and new blessed beyond mesure shifts ♒️✨🦚🌎😇🍀💓🙏🙌🏼😻🥰
Big hug my dear Mel 🤗💗
Hi Marina,
thank you again for your lovely words. I love being open, it really is empowering and I hope everyone can reach that level of self-acceptance – it’s so freeing!
That’s really beautiful Marina that your soul is calling you forward into mission and purpose – I love this! You really are on your way! Looking forward to being with you again this week!
Big hugs and love
Mel 🙏💞🦋
Dearest readers,
I’ve been using QFH now about 7 years(?), maybe a bit more, and I can highly recommend this method. For me, NARP was first aid kit, as Empowering Self has been rebuilding tool. Melanie’s method made healing possible for me, as the abuse cycle started since early childhood. I have used other healing methods among this, but when traumas are huge, you need equally strong healing methods (that won’t retraumatize you on the way).This’ the one. And when I combined this to couple of other healing methods (art therapy, healthy food, etc), results are really good.
Taking your own life back is possible and healing is possible, never let anyone convince you anything else. If you get to know Mel’s QFH, you understand why.
I bumped into QFH accidentally, reading just “Are you done?”, I replied yes without reading further, and during the session suddenly I felt my existence lighter. So you don’t need to believe a word to feel the impact (I didn’t even realise it was a healing session, until I felt it!).
Method is like washing teeth or sport, you do it recularly. My last time was yesterday. And I never feel I have wasted my time, very contrary. This method has freed me to live my life instead of being prisoner of unhealed wounds. This gives my inner child everything I need and keeps me functioning in life.
Thank You Mel for making this available and very affortable for most of us!
You are such amazing business woman and mother bear and role model for us!
And Thank You MTE Team as well!
Warmly, Siiri
Awwww Siiri,
Please know how welcome you are.
I’m so thrilled NARP http://www.melanietoniaevans.com/narp has allowed you to go free of trauma to live life on your terms!
It’s always so beautiful to see healing from even our members who have had a lifetime of abuse since a small children. It’s so true we don’t need to “learn” how to be healthy – we just need to go free from the traumas and false programs that are not allowing us to organically be well.
Thank you for your lovely and thoughtful post and testimony
Many continued blessings to you
Mel 🙏💞🦋
Hi Melanie!
This is Emma, one of your thrivers in the NARP community from about 6 years ago. NARP has really been the most helpful healing tool I’ve ever tried! When I first started NARP I was able to heal so much that i met the love of my life, who is now my husband, and we just had a daughter!
I recently went through a difficult period of postpartum depression. I decided to use NARP again. It’s working!
Thank you thank you thank you.
Your community and healing program changed my life so much for the better!!!!!!
Thank you Emma Jean!
Your comment is so inspirational! Thank you for sharing! 💕
I don’t want to sway into anything non Christian
Is this new age meditation kind of program.
It’s great sounds like u have great results to help others
Hi Mary,
Melanie’s programs and resources can be used by people of every faith, or none. She discusses the difference between QFH and New Age beliefs here if that might help?
If you have any other questions around this, please contact [email protected] and they will be very glad to help you.
I Thankyou for the talk on Quanta healing. Mel. I would like to do it.
How much does it cost.
Also the talk on repetitive Things keep repeating was excellent
Thank you Mary
Hi Mary,
please know how welcome you are!
You can see all the details here: http://www.melanietoniaevans.com/narp
Much Love
Mel 🙏💞🦋