Today’s Thriver TV episode reveals an important truth that you were never taught and that is likely stunting your recovery.
This is crucial because unless you understand what is happening with the trauma you have endured, you can’t heal from narcissistic abuse.
You may ask, “Why is that Melanie?”
And my answer is, “Because the brain follows the body – the shift in the brain can only happen after the body shifts.”
In other words, you won’t be able to stop or get relief from the obsessive thinking of what happened to you unless you know how to effectively release the trauma that is wedged within your body.
I do have good news though … there is a way to bypass your head to get real relief and feel better. This will open you up to the miracles, wonder, power and joy your life can become when you start living free from internal trauma.
Discover how in today’s video.
Video Transcript
The obsession about the narcissist is horrifying, and I know how much it shocks you and it robs you of your Life Force. Today, I’m going to explain to you what this really is, this thought loop, and how to get free from the prison of your mind constantly replaying the trauma over and over again.
Now, before I get started, if you are new to my channel, please like and subscribe, and remember to share this video or transcript with somebody who you know it can help.
The Replaying Of Trauma Is Not Coming From Your Mind
I’m just going to jump straight into some really powerful truths that are going to help you today. The first one is that the replaying of the trauma is not coming from your mind. So there it is. That’s the bombshell that is going to change your life once you understand this, and I’m going to unpack it all for you.
First of all, just please get this part. You can’t stop obsessive thinking with more thinking. In fact, what I call stinking thinking of going over and over what happened, why it happened, what should have happened, how you wished it never happened, ad nauseam with no real relief and no healing, no closure.
You know that you’re not getting better about what is bugging you or hurting you or ripping you to pieces by continually thinking about it. You’re not reaching a place in your thinking where you can just settle it and say, “Okay, I’m done. I’ve got the information. I’ve got the closure. Now I can just get on with it.” It doesn’t work like that with narcissistic abuse.
It is so frustrating and self-defeating, and it makes you throw your hands up in the air and you’re screaming at yourself, “I’m an intelligent person. Why can’t I just get it through my head to stop thinking about this? Why can’t I accept that this person is no good for me? Why can’t I just stop thinking about it and move on?” I know I used to be on the ground, hitting the ground with my fists screaming that out.
I hear from you guys all the time that you go through it as well. Please know I agree with you. You are an incredibly intelligent person. Many of the smartest, most gifted resourceful people with so much to offer intellectually and with who they are, are narcissistically abused. A lot of really strong, capable people and I would also put myself in this category.
But intelligence in this case is your downfall just as it used to be mine because you’re trying to tackle what’s going on with your mind, which is only digging you deeper into the problem and not getting you out of it.
Now, to understand that I need to tell you about the body-mind connection that we were not taught that maybe you don’t know about yet.
The Body – Mind Connection That You Were Not Taught
The body-brain connection is essential because trauma is not operating at the level of the mind. The mind stuck in obsessional traumatic thoughts is a symptom of the trauma coming from where it is really wedged, where it’s really percolating and where it’s really infecting you, which is within your Inner Being.
So let me offer you some hard proof of this. I want you to say these sentences: “I think heartbroken. I think devastated. I think betrayed.” Say them.
These statements sound ridiculous. They’re like caveman speak. They don’t even connect.
Of course, these statements are meant to be: “I feel heartbroken. I feel devastated. I feel betrayed.”
These things are going on under your chin, not above it.
Here is the truth that until recently, nobody was talking about, and nobody has been telling you – your emotions come first, it’s where your life’s really going on in your body. Then your brain follows.
Your brain and what it’s thinking about is a product, a symptom of your Inner Being – your emotional somatic body. If your Inner Identity has been seriously compromised with traumatic emotional content, then that’s what is powerfully running your life.
You feel empty, heartbroken, devastated, and betrayed. You don’t think it, you feel it. Then your mind is trying desperately to think your way out of these powerful inner feelings. Yet because the brain has no option as a symptom other than to follow the body, this is why you’re stuck in the loops of continually thinking about the terrible problems and events of being discarded, heartbroken, abused, and betrayed.
Your brain literally has no access to a broader bandwidth to get to the solutions of these issues because the brain is, and what’s going on in it is a symptom of the trauma wedged and as yet untreated and unhealed in your Inner Being.
It’s like with a broken leg, you can’t walk properly. If you heal the broken leg, then you can walk. When we have inner traumatic wedged trauma, you can’t think properly until you’re free and healed of the internal trauma.
So, it isn’t until you get healing relief and release from the trauma that your brain can even begin to durably think differently – it’s a complete and utter impossibility with significant trauma no matter how intelligent you are.
Significant trauma is a byproduct of narcissistic abuse. This is why before true Inner Being solutions, such as Quanta Freedom Healing, therapists were consistently frustrated with clients who no matter how many times things were discussed or realized or researched or what other solutions were given, these abuse victims, just as we all were, were forever defaulting back to the stinking thinking over and over and over again and were just not getting engaged in recovery in any genuine way.
Then often this is going to lead to people picking up addictions to try to numb out the pain – some could be food or alcohol or cigarettes or shopping or gambling or taking medication to try to shut up the pain and to stop the stinking thinking. But then of course, that’s never healing the emotional Inner Being within.
The Shift In The Brain, When The Body Shifts
The shift in the brain can happen after the body shifts. When I finally cracked the code for Quanta Freedom Healing and I started helping people heal with it, knowledge of it exploded globally because I had doctors, domestic violence workers, psychologists, counselors, and even psychiatrists contacting me. They got my details off their clients and they got in contact with me because they wanted to know what had happened to their client.
The clients in their sessions before the body shift with Quanta Freedom Healing, were stuck in stinking thinking. Some of them have been in it for years like a record stuck on repeat. Yet, after a session with Quanta Freedom Healing, they presented as a completely different person. They were thinking differently.
These professionals were saying to me, “What did you do to my client? Because all of a sudden they’re open to solutions. They’re positive. Their whole persona has changed.”
Why that happened is because they released and reprogrammed the inner trauma as a result of working with me and Quanta Freedom Healing. Often those changes were significant even after only one session. Once they started getting better on the inside, they no longer had the powerless, helpless, looped, traumatic thoughts.
I’m going to give you another really powerful understanding that’s simple to understand why this is the case. If you no longer felt empty, heartbroken, traumatized and betrayed, what would your thoughts be about if you didn’t feel that way? Would you have the space for better thoughts? Would you have the available energy that’s no longer sucked out of you trying to survive the shocking feelings and the stinking thinking? Would there now be energy available to start to feel hope, inspiration, solutions and creativity, and start thinking about that? Absolutely.
Would you be more capable at procuring the right support and having more clarity to make better decisions, such as no longer recklessly breaking No Contact, returning to somebody hurting you, looking them up on social media with their new source of supply and being absolutely traumatized again or being fixated on getting the atonement, the apology, the remorse or the accountability that you think you need to try to get some more relief? When, of course, you get the very opposite.
Let’s put this in another simple way that I know you can get because you’re an incredibly intelligent person. You wouldn’t have been narcissistically abused if you’re not. This truth is going to get you onto the playing field and in front of the goals of creating your true recovery. Because believe me, as I discovered when you’re still in your head, you’re not even in the district, let alone near the field or the goals.
Okay, here it is. You are feeling devastated, heartbroken and betrayed. You’re feeling it. Now, you are trying to do this to try to get better and recover, “I think reconciled. I think whole and at peace, I think supported by life and others.”
Can you see how ridiculous it is? See why it hasn’t been working and it can’t work? Because it doesn’t connect. It’s like trying to tune your TV on your CB radio. I hope you can “innerstand” that. “Innerstand” why it hasn’t been working. If you can accept this, then you can get on the track of being able to heal for real, which needs to be from the inside out.
How To Heal From The Inside Out
Now I want to take you through what it is to start healing on the inside. The way to bypass your head so that you can get underneath your chin and do the work where it does work, where you will feel real relief, where you will feel better. Then you can think better and you get better and you do better.
Where your whole life without exception will shift away from trying to survive your inner trauma and operate with it, to in your beingness produce and experience the utter relief, which opens you up to the miracles, wonder, power and joy your life is – your True Self, your True Life when you start living free from internal trauma.
This is no less than coming home to your True Self and your True Life, where you’re no longer a passenger of life getting beaten up, especially by narcissists and abusers because of not knowing you were handing your power away. You take your power back, and you become a master of your life. If you don’t go within, you will go without.
Let’s get in front of the goals. What I would love to do is take you through this process with me to a deeper “innerstanding” and literally experiencing in your body, what it is to have a body shift, to start getting fast, powerful relief and sanity back in your mind.
I want you to check out the link that I’m putting with this video, which gives you the opportunity to try Quanta Freedom Healing with me. After one healing, you can start to feel the difference. I hope this has made sense to you today.
Hi Melanie,
Once again, thank you so much for your YouTube video and this article! This afternoon I had received some news that traumatized me and I started getting scattered and not focused! That “good old stinking thinking” was running amuck in my head….😱 I was experiencing some semblance of a genuine “panic attack”!
Thankfully all of this, the video and article, showed up at precisely the right time…🙌 I was able to redirect my thoughts and feelings and do some work on myself that I really needed….🙏 Module 7 was a BIG helper….🙌🙌🙌
Thank you for being here today, for me! Thank you so much, Melanie! ❤️🦋❤️
Hi Peter,
as always it is totally my pleasure Dear Man.
Thrive On Brother!
Mel 🙏💞🦋
Hi Melani,
I am 50 y.o. RN. I am very sensitive and intuitive , and knowledgable bout trauma. For 2 yrs my mother has been psychically stocking me since I broke contact with her. I have enlisted the help of intuitive/psychic/body healer and psychologist, and neurofeedback specialists, which is barely helping. I have CPTSD, and multiple health issues. I am trying to move on with my life surviving on practically no sleep because of panic attacks, when I feel my mothers’ energy coming into my energetic field. She does at night as she threatened she would to dis regulate my nervous system completely. The only thing that is holding me together is the desire to help others heal.
Hi Melanie
I was always interested in psychology and its enriching to hear about narcissistic behaviour
This is a good, safe place to heal. Partake in Melanie’s wisdom here, as she often says the same or very similar things, it may seem like she repeats herself (nothing wrong with that — we are a wide audience), but one (more, really) of her nuggets of truth will “suddenly” resonate with you and it is like a jolt of electricity. Pay attention, tune in and reap the power of self-rediscovery: it is amazing! And seriously consider NARP if you haven’t already, it slakes my soul’s thirst. Go slow, go at your own pace, the relief is real. It takes work, it can be scary (but the relief is REAL), there will be times you feel you can’t move forward, so give yourself time.
I had to ask some Melanie-led webinar questions like “How does this process know what is way back in my inner childhood?” and my answer was “I don’t know how, but it DOES.” Starting to walk through this has been a powerful, life-altering, positive decision for me, it can be for you, too.
I have done a lot of the work to recover after joining NARP in 2019, but especially over the course of the pandemic because I had time. My life really began to open up and I started drawing resources and people that had not previously been available to me. I learned of a book called The Body Keeps The Score and it really quantifies what you are talking about here [in a very academic way]. I appreciate how you always boil things down to the most basic components and make understanding digestible for nearly anyone. I still have work to do on my encounters with family court, but I honestly don’t know where I would be w/o NARP. ~ In gratitude
Thanks as always for this Melanie.I just want to ask you this ,I often go into an altered trance like state or even sleep when I use the modules.I do have some psychic abilities in as much as I can tell people things about themselves that I couldn’t possibly “know” .What I want to ask is am I just being lazy when I go into this state and not “doing it properly ” or is the stuff going straight into my sub conscious and by passing my thinking brain ? I love your work thank you.
Hi Shelly,
the theta brain wave change of frequency of the healings (before you get used to it) can make you phase out – it’s highly suggested to train yourself to stay “awake” .. by maybe standing up or doodling on a notepad in front of you, until your mind gets used to the slower brainwave with you still being present.
If this doesn’t work then I would highly suggest investigating further in the NARP forum
I hope that this helps
Mel 🙏💞🦋
thanks for the reply Mel.That was helpful.
It’s my pleasure Shelly!
Mel 🙏💞🦋
Thanks for the video Melanie. I wish they taught this in school. In school and all through out our education we are taught to be left-brained. We have to be logical and factual in order to be successful. I think this is such a change for those of us who were trained in this way. And if you add on top of that, that it was considered shameful to express any pain, sadness, or anger, then you end up with a very logical and well controlled person.
I am so glad I started doing the healings and I do notice a change after doing them. My issue is on the front-end, getting myself to consistently do them. But nowadays in my life I feel moments of happiness, excitement, and hope. I notice that narcissists don’t want to believe that I am happy. It is almost like they want me to be sick or upset. Somedays I just feel good and the narcissists in my life have a hard time with this. They actually seem visibly upset when they notice I am happy. Shaking my head. But this I must release this too, the narcissist is not my responsibility. I am free!! Hope you all are doing well, wishing everyone the best! Sending love and support to all 🙂
Hi Molly,
it is so true that the N’s are not your responsibility.
Your own expansion, filling with light and Being Source flowing through you is!
Much Love to you!
Mel 🙏💞🦋
Hi Mel
This did give me truth on what is happening to me. Right before my narc experience I did have a unhealthy work experience aswell and even though I don’t think all people were narcs the consciousness was low and they all had their egos responding to my wounds and what I knew coming from racism and bullying etc. I as you said felt as I had in school and in life it seemed to show up again in a working situation. So this all wedged in my body and my emotions are incomplete or unprocessed because of fight flee freeze etc. Am I on the right track?
Hi Valerie,
yes … and doing the inner work to release these traumas, means you will be able to respond completely differently!
Mel 🙏💞🦋
Hi all!
I want to share something, with a calm and positive mindset…but now I think, this feels so self-evident, how I didn´t realise this already years ago! After wrestling years with n1, n2 and other abusers.
For a long time, I somehow believed or tried, that I could talk out, reason, assist etc. the n out of his madness. Now I understand, I can´t, I absolutely can´t! Somehow this thought now gives me peace of mind and little bit sadness, of course. If someone (like the n) is severely mentally ill, has a personality disorder, I cannot “talk them out of it”.
Like patiently trying to explain that “this is not what normal people would do” and then expect them to learn the lesson and behave better/normal way the next time. Nope, not going to happen.
It is sad that someone is this way, and probably never going to heal. It´s not their fault per se, they didn´t choose to be/become mentally ill.
I can feel love (from a distance!) and empathy/understanding towards them, but do not want to be in contact with them anymore and do not let myself become reactive or become sucked in in their madness. I do not want to ever become unwell and “crazy” anymore, because someone else is unwell and “crazy”! All ok now.