As a member of this community it is probably safe to say that you have grappled with knowing what a healthy relationship is really like.
You most likely did not have that modelled to you in your childhood and you’ve then gone on to experience painful relationships in your adulthood.
Most of us here have had difficulty connecting to what a healthy relationship really looks and feels like.
I am happy to report that not only do I know exactly what a healthy relationship is, and I can feel it in my body, I also experience it in real life every day, and I want nothing more than to help you get to that place as well.
In this latest Thriver TV video I will dissect healthy vs narcissistic relationship signs piece by piece. And I will guide you on what you must do to get to these healthy relationships.
I will also explain how to stop participating in unhealthy relationships altogether so that your Thriver journey leads you to somebody who wants what you want, which is – seeking resolution, seeking a higher order, seeking peace, love, unity and growth together.
So watch my video because I promise you, a healthy relationship is within your grasp!
Video Transcript
Today I want to talk about a super important topic, because in the past 10 plus years I’ve realized so many people in this community don’t know what a healthy relationship is. And it’s perfectly understandable, because you’ve probably experienced adult relationships that are very painful or toxic, and maybe you didn’t have the programming and conditioning from your family to even know what healthy is.
Possibly, when you try to connect to it in your feelings and your emotions, you can’t even feel what it would be like.
I feel totally qualified to talk to you about this because my previous relationships were so painful and disappointing, and it didn’t matter what I did, I couldn’t seem to make them healthy. But I’m so happy to report now that not only do I know exactly what a healthy relationship is, and I can feel it in my body, I also experience it in real life every day, and I want nothing more than to help you get to that place as well.
That’s what’s so unique about my work, because not only do I talk to you about narcissistic abuse and its symptoms and what narcissists are, I also give you the real-life solutions and healing to be able to make it a reality in your world as well.
So today, we’re going to go over unhealthy and healthy relationships, and we’re going to look at how to create being validated, being supported, having somebody in your life who has integrity. Being able to have a relationship that seeks resolution, and being able to experience unconditional love and what that really means.
So hang around, because we’re going to dissect these piece by piece.
Invalidation vs Validation
Let’s talk about invalidation and validation. In an unhealthy relationship, you’re invalidated. This person doesn’t care about who you are inside of you.
This is not about being sexualized or objectified, and somebody telling you that you’re hot or you’re pretty, this is about somebody being interested in your feelings. So when you go to them with a problem, or you’re looking to have a conversation with them, they’re attentive, they care, and you know that they care. They’re interested about you as a human being and what makes you tick, and how you’re feeling.
Invalidation is the exact opposite. This person is not interested in how you’re feeling, it’s all about them.
If you go to them for support or a problem, well then they switch off, or they invalidate you by making it all about themselves. Or if you’re wanting some accountability from them, then they project, they turn it around, and you’re going to feel like the conversations you’re having are making your head spin, because they’ll bring up things that aren’t even on topic, or they’ll bring in allies, real or imagined, or they’ll use all sorts of stonewalling or defenses, or they’ll abandon you, or they’ll threaten you, and you feel horrifically invalidated. That’s the difference between healthy and unhealthy.
Bad Character vs Integrity
Now let’s get into somebody who has an ill character, as opposed to somebody that has integrity.
You need to understand that a person’s words are unimportant. People can say anything. They can say who they are, they can say what they’re going to do. It’s about the real-life actions.
Somebody with a bad character, their actions aren’t going to match their words. They’re going to have things that they do that you know don’t show a good character, they’re not honest. They’re not somebody who cares about other people and how their actions affect them. They will pathologically lie. They can lie about small things and big things.
Whereas somebody with a good character – their word counts. What they say they’re going to do – they do. They follow through. They do the things that are about integrity. They have that ability, and you will see it, and you will see it consistently.
Everybody can slip up, but people with an ill character, that is their normal way that they operate in unhealthy relationships, and they will project and they will not take responsibility, and they are never sorry – they don’t know how to apologize.
Somebody with a good character, they will slip up because they’re human, and it’s more of the exception, not the rule, and they can take responsibility for it, and they can apologize, and they do care about your feelings if they do something that is clumsy or hurtful to you. There’s a huge, huge difference.
Sabotage vs Support
Let’s also talk about sabotage versus support. So in an unhealthy relationship, this person is going to get bent out of shape if you’re getting more of the attention, or the limelight, or if you’re shining, and they will attempt to strip you down and sabotage you.
They’re not going to back up your hopes and your dreams. If you do have a breakthrough into some form of success, they will try to minimalize it, or they will even try to destroy it, if you’re in a toxic narcissistic relationship.
Whereas if you’re in a healthy relationship, this person is happy for you to be happy and successful. They want to be the wind underneath your wings, because to them, if you’re happy that makes them happy, and it doesn’t have to be about something that they did or didn’t do that makes you happy. That’s the difference. It’s a very important thing to understand.
Conditional Love vs Unconditional Love
Let’s have a look at conditional love, which is unhealthy relationships, versus unconditional love, which is healthy relationships.
Conditional love is definitely a trademark of toxic, unhealthy relationships. They’re black or white. This person either thinks you’re the best thing since sliced bread, or they hate you and they want the relationship over with, and in narcissistic relationships, that can flip on a dime.
If you’re in a true unconditionally loving, healthy relationship, it really means that you can on some days be not such a nice person because you’re having a bad day. And it doesn’t mean this person doesn’t love you, they still love you.
There’s a huge difference. And it’s wonderful when you start experiencing relationships that are healthy – you get to know the enormous difference.
How To Get To Healthy Relationships
How do you get to these healthy relationships? How do you do it?
Well, first of all, you have to get out of the patterns and the traumas of the unhealthy relationships that you’ve had in your past.
Because we think that we’re saying no to unhealthy relationships by going, “Well, I hated that, and I hated that, and I hated that, and that was horrible.” And you might’ve been ticking the boxes as I’m talking, “Yes, I was invalidated by that narcissistic person, yes, they did sabotage me, yes, they did have a bad character, yes, it was conditional love.”
I know you’re going to be ticking all the boxes, but I promise you this, if you haven’t been able to clean out the trauma of those things, and quite a few others, well then that means that you think you’re saying no to these relationships, but the emotional charges that you’ve been continually experiencing means that you’re actually going to be saying yes to them.
They’re still going to come into your life, generating more of the same. And what happens when we’re still carrying the traumas of that, and we have the beliefs, “The people I love invalidate me, they sabotage me, they do all of those things” … when you’re still holding those painful beliefs as energy challenges in your body what happens is conscious programs and beliefs are going to play out to the letter.
Then you end up getting exactly these people again, just in a different skin, but they’re the same people, and you’re going to try to force them to not invalidate you, to actually get some integrity, to start being supportive.
You’re going to try to force them to know what unconditional love is and to play it out with you. But the truth is these people don’t have the resources, they haven’t done the inner work to be able to present into relationship in a healthy way. They’re damaged people.
Then you might say, “Well, Melanie, does that mean that I’m damaged? Because I’ve played at these things too.” I really want you to understand that in unhealthy relationships and toxic relationships, absolutely you’re going to get very, very unhealthy.
How To Stop Participating in Unhealthy Relationships
So what does that mean? It means that you have to be able to get to the point where you say, no more, I’m not going to participate, even if it’s my stuff, even if I’m a part of this, you have to stop participating.
You have to say, “This is really unhealthy, this is toxic, we need to call this off, we need to stop, and I need to go away and do the inner work.”
Because I promise you this, that when you do the right inner work, which is exactly what NARP is – my Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Program helps you get out all of the traumatic wounds and beliefs in relation to narcissistic abuse, or any toxic relationships, or even disappointing relationships.
Then you will be able to get out the patterns and the traumas of your adult relationships, of your childhood, and even back further and beyond so that you heal up into healthy relationships with yourself, life, and others.
What does that mean? That means that you become a healthy source of true values to yourself, knowing what is or isn’t your reality, knowing what it is or isn’t what you’re going to participate with anymore, knowing how to have the boundaries, which are self honouring and self loving, which is, “Look, this is the truth for me, and if you’re not capable of, or you don’t want to work towards that, you don’t want to meet me at that level, well then we can’t continue a relationship. And it’s not your fault, and it’s not even what you need to do to make me happy, because I’m now a source of making myself happy, healthy, and safe. But if you’re not a match, you’re not a match.”
When you can get to that place, you will find out that there are plenty of people that do want healthy relationships, and the biggest thing about healthy relationships does not mean that somebody is perfect, it means rather than being stuck in chaos, and even addicted to it, or even wanting it – narcissists want chaos, they actually want it …
Rather than that, you’re going to be able to get into a relationship with somebody who wants what you want, which is seeking resolution, seeking a higher order, seeking peace, love, unity, growth together. That’s the most important thing about a healthy relationship. And unless you are choosing somebody who has that as their goal, and has the capacity, it’s going to be impossible.
And normal people want that, they want what you want. A narcissist never wants that.
So you have to be able to take your time in a relationship as that person who has stopped trying to turn crumbs into cookies, which we all did with narcissistic relationships, and you’ve become a person who knows what healthy is, you’re prepared to stand for it, you’re prepared to stop participating in unhealthy, trying to fix it to make you happy, safe, and healthy, and you know how to take your time with people to find out if they have capacity and desire, whether they want to come on this journey with you.
Because no relationship is perfect, you’re going to hit flat spots, you’re going to hit challenges, and you’re going to hit times where you’re going to have to have uncomfortable conversations that really, maybe are going to put it on the line. Are we a match or aren’t we?
You have to become that person, and you have to become the person who was willing to lose it all to get it all, because if somebody comes back to you, and through their words or their action says to you, I can’t give you that commitment, or they display to you that they don’t have capacity and desire, you need to say, okay, it’s finished.
Otherwise, you are never going to be the self-generated being who can create and generate healthy relationships, especially after finding out, because it is the truth, that you’ve had fractures, painful beliefs and traumas that have taken you away from potential healthy relationships into a trajectory of unhealthy. You’ve got to do the inner work to program that.
So I hope that this has really, really helped. All right, and with this video is the link to my Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Program so that you can discover more about that, and the true inner work that gets you away from narcissistic, toxic, or even just disappointing relationships into truly healthy, unified, evolutionary, deeply healing, enjoyable, beautiful relationships.
Very well written and “spot on.”
Thank you.
Thank you Kate.
many blessings to you
Mel 🙏💕💚
Very good video. I an just coming out of a toxic relationship and I am working in healing myself. I have been alone for about 6 weeks and I am no contact.
Hi Charlene,
Thank you!
Sending you strength, courage and wonderful healing.
You are doing an amazing job!
Mel 🙏💕💚
Is your 16 day recovery course actually free?
Hi Charlene,
yes it is – completely free!
Mel 🙏💕💚
Love it! You’re so succinct.
Especially the crumbs to cookies analogy.
Thank you, it’s confirmation I’m on the path.
Now to deepen the inner work. Blessings x
Hi Beck,
thank you!
I love that this was confirmation for you.
Much love
Mel 🙏💕💚
Dear Beck ,I so agree about crumbs to cookies comment ! It automatically sends a visual picture that by passes the thinking process and makes complete sense to your understanding .
I really LOVE the crumbs to cookies analogy Melanie! Need I say more?!? This is SO spot on. It should make it very clear where we are in our journey and growth… are we willing to lose everything to gain everything. Succinct. Brilliant. In a nutshell. As usual.
Hi Susan,
I love that this resonated with you.
Many blessings to you!
Mel 🙏💕💚
Dear Melanie,
The fact that you consistently produce such perfect healing messages can only be explained if you are channeling a Divine Source. I know you keep yourself in the Truth and today I would like to thank you for this dedication to the Cause.
Your unwavering constancy is why you are powerful, effective leader since committed dedication to purity the only way to abide in Source.
While even the strongest of us in the USA are staggering at the rampant Narcissism flagrantly abusing an entire country if not an entire civilization, we can remember that sanity can be found in the Quantum Field of TRUTH. And, we can be grateful that we know you – a guide to show us how to stay connected to the ONE Truth even in such cosmic attack on the Divine Principle of LIFE: Truth and Love.
I just read about Hunter Biden’s laptop report by the New York Post. It reads like classic Narc abuse. (Let alone that I suspect the first wife of Joe (Hunter’s mother) was killed not accidentally, but conveniently, so that the Narcissism is inherited!)
Hunter abuses his first wife for over 20 years, has an affair with his sister in law the same year his brother suddenly dies and he leaves his first wife. Wait, but that’s not all. He then has sex with the underage niece – which he almost raised when he was living with the sister in law. Then allows the pictures of him exploiting her and using crack with a child to leak to the public while his father is running for the highest office of the world. (I do not believe in accidents or coincidences.)
Then he leaves the sister in law ( who was already widowed, and thinking she would marry this brother and whose daughter was raped and corrupted by her Narc Hunter Biden).
Months later, he is with seen with a third woman who he marries after 10 days of dating. While she is expecting their first child, another woman, a prostitute, sues him for not paying child support to their newborn child which was born while he was between exploits. This woman has to go to court, prove paternity and get a court to sue for child support from a man who spends tens of thousands on drugs and porn, and is money laundering for foreign governments into the millions. He reluctantly is paying child support to the prostitute.
But there’s more: For years , he was all while also screwing the teenage daughter of the former President, a close friend. And allows those pictures to be accidentally found in his laptop!
I can only think of the many lives ruined by this Narcissist.
I can only think of the devastation he has caused and the pain that they are suffering. None of the events in this election make any sense to us. Narcissistic abuse is revealed.
Biden(s) sure fits the bill of a complete Narcissist. Complete with gaslighting, denying, devaluing, dismissing, smearing, projecting, blame shifting, and saying absolutely nothing whenever he speaks.
I hope every single one of those women and girls and families can find you, Melanie. You are the only person I know doing this type of healing.
While I feel whole from my Narc experience, this story makes me ache for those families, children, and women Biden has destroyed. I it has me reeling, I am not going to lie. I am shaken by this. Narcissism is not just a ‘pathology’. It is the embodiment of EVIL. A pathology implies maybe we can dedicate ourselves to finding a cure. Evil is not to be cured. EVIL is destroyed by LIGHT. Not people, – EVIL is to be destroyed by LIGHT. Not information, – LIGHT. LIGHT destroys EVIL. The LIGHT of SOURCE TRUTH. It is a quantum field healing that is needed.
My consolation is knowing that God placed you on the planet for such a time as this.
I knew after my healing that there was an ugly world out there I would have never known had I not met the Narc. My innocent, lovely live was shaken to the core by the Nars. But God. But God sent me your healing NARP understanding and I was RENEWED.
I knew then that the world was in a Cosmic Awakening that I would have missed since I had never had to go into such deep healing that brought out a very high revelation of Source and Its intention for the whole Creation.
Clearly. This is NOW is the Zero hour.
We are in a Global Awakening to the destruction of Narcissism and the necessity of re- creation of Life on Earth as it is in Heaven.
Let there be REAL PEACE ON EARTH when TRUTH’s Reign is established. We must be very close to seeing the Revelation of God on Earth.
Silence is the enemy. Let there be LIGHT!
The fact that you are shoving this garbage down the throats of people who come here to find peace and heal shows that you are the narcissist.
This is NOT the place for qanon conspiracy theories!
Don’t be a hater. You can disagree. Turn your hate into love. That’s what we need right now. Not more hate.
Hi Julie,
please know verifiable declassified information has been released.
I have viewed it and it is for real. It’s not a theory.
Please check sources before making any nasty judgments on anyone. I know Iris personally and she is as far from a narcissist as you could imagine.
This is a forum for truth – not political preferences – or smearing and shaming. I will not tolerate that here.
A much more loving remark from you would have been “please can we not talk about political topics here.”
I am sending you and all of us love and healing in these difficult times
Mel 🙏💕💚
Terrible. And Trump is your Saviour, right! Keep dreaming!
is the childish comments really necessary?
Please let’s allow people to express themselves without attacking.
Surely we are better than that here.
Mel 🙏💕💚
Iris. I am blown away. I feel as you do but you said it so well. We are in a crisis and people can’t see it cause they are too busy hating to recognize what truth looks like. It’s something that you can’t explain but you just know. People just want to be right. Melanie has saved me and I am on the healing side of having been with a narcissist. I am in a healthy relationship and learning how to recognize that healthy relationship. I thank God that I am out of a narcissistic relationship. As you, I am deeply disturbed by our current state of affairs. All I can say is that I am making a conscious effort to return love for hate and praying for our country’s healing. Thank you for having the courage to post your message knowing that you put yourself out there for abuse from the haters. It is your truth. We are all entitled to our truth.
Hi Karen,
thank you for setting a beautiful example of applying love and contributing to healing.
Bless you sweetheart
Mel 🙏💕💚
Hi Iris,
thank you for your lovely words and recognition.
We see what we are! And you are a divine channeler yourself, absolutely!
This planet is heavy, hard and 100% our 2020 vision is about what has been in the shadows is now being brought rapidly to the light.
I really do believe that we are all being brought to the precipice to all heal and unite.
I want you to know that QFH is my God-send as well presently – I know what is at stake and where we all are right now. It is that big – and those of us who are awake know it – deep within in every cell of our Being.
Iris, my darling, we choose to be here at this time – there were no mistakes. I know you, just as I do, have the power and Godseed within us to help our planet and humanity release the trauma, pain and darkness to move into the Light of healing that was always intended for this time.
It’s all being released brutally, painfully and shockingly to be healed.
Stand with me Dear Sister – we have got this. I am here for you as you are for me.
I love you
Mel 🙏💕💚
Iris, I appreciate that you probably believe what you have written, and that you have probably done it in good faith. But with all due respect, in posting this material you are propagating some vicious lies, distortions and conspiracy theories that together constitute a political smear campaign. Unfortunately most of the assertions you repeat are in direct conflict with verifiable fact. For anyone with the most cursory knowledge of the public record, history and reality, the claims you repeat about the Bidens are quite distressing to read because they are so distorted, so mean-spirited and so wide of the mark. Perhaps try to imagine if these cruel things were made up and repeated about you or someone you hold dear. Please consider not repeating such calumnies, and perhaps start reading a range of non-partisan, authoritative, verifiable and factually based material on the Bidens that is part of the public record.
Hi CC,
I totally understand you not wishing a political type conversation here, and I understand that.
However, I will say to you that 2020 and beyond has taught me many things, amongst which is so many MASSIVE distortions of REAL truths.
Please know this reply of mine has ZERO to do with any political bias. It is about TRUTH.
CC I can assure you that there are extensive DOJ declassified files on Biden that 100% match what Iris has said. Point blank.
As well as much more information that has been released – officially de classified- that is unthinkable and horrifically worse.
I don’t say that as any judgement … I’m just expressing how it is.
I am also replying to you because I am personally shocked this year with the stunning false narratives, and insane levels of censorship that don’t match real verifiable truths that have been pushed by MSM, certain groups and also so-called “fact checkers” who are funded by the exact same special interests groups.
The money trails are easily unearthed with minimum research as well as being verifiable through public records.
The levels of squashing or any alternative speech is extreme.Frightening. Chiilling and completley unconstitutional. It has become Communism 101 worldwide.
Everyone, without exception should be deeply disturbed.
As a Thriver from N-abuse, which is, of course, pathological lies, not only am I attuned to searching for what IS the truth, I am also a stoic defender of it.
I suggest that you seek the declassified files and read them for yourself, and stop listening to narratives that are NOT factual. All of us, no matter what we do or don’t want to believe can only be TRULY informed IF we are open to the truth. And stop attacking those who DO seek it.
We have NO hope of uniting as humanity until we do that, and are also prone to being manipulated and abused by those who are lying. That is exactly what narcissism is – false evidence for the sake of manipulation and agendas.
The term conspiracy theory is a disgraceful smear and slander to avoid people seeking the truth. I have no time anymore for that accusation by those who have NOT done their REAL research.
I urge everyone to open their hearts and minds and do some critical thinking and TRUE research, no matter WHAT your bias is. If we don’t we are more than lost.
Narcissism and narcissistic abuse is not just personal, I can assure you it is global. Seeking TRUTH sets you free to know who you are in the world, what is really taking place and what choices you can make in response to this.
Mel 🙏💕💚
Yes Iris !!! It feels a bit like an uprising is imminent .In this uprising violence is the opposite of the chosen weapons .The light of truth will burn and destroy these evils .
So I wonder if you feel that way about the other one we threw out of office?
This was very helpful! You have no idea … It answered the question: Now what? that comes after having focussed on identifying toxic patterns of behaviour and dealing with the emotions related to that. You are so right in assuming that many people, including me, have vague ideas about what constitutes a healthy human relationship on an everyday level in today’s world. And I mean any kind of human relationship, not only romantic ones. The clear criteria that you are naming makes a lot of sense to me.
Thank you so much!
Hi Ingunn,
I’m very pleased it was!
And so happy it made sense!
Much love to you
Mel 🙏💕💚
Thank you! Thank you!! I am keeping this as a reference. I did not have healthy childhood relationships my parents were abusive but he was the minister of the largest church in our community so we would be taken to our grandparents to hide till the bruises healed, we were left in cars till last minute before passing out of heat, made to sit over and over in a chair till we would not move based on the length of my father’s sermon. So I repeated finding unhealthy, toxic and abusive relationships it was not until I started going to counseling by myself that she helped me understand what was going on and then later I found you and I gave my counselor all your information now she uses your materials, that I started getting better it took awhile to leave but left 5 months ago. The biggest part of abuse is the mind games and TRUTH really helps beyond all inside work. It is hard to recognize how unhealthy a relationship is if all you have know is unhealthy. It was really having it explained why I needed to do the inner work was because of how unhealthy of relationship I was willing to accept. One of my favorites that you teach is quit asking why are they doing these behaviors and start asking why you are willing to accept these behaviors?!!! Life changing for me!!!!!! Thank you so much for your work!!!!
Hi Mel,
Perfect timing for me because I am struggling with boundaries at the moment. I have gone through narcissistic abuse but have not yet attended to the traumas in my own body and have all of the lovely post symptoms of abuse. I have tried to heal using self-help techniques and the law of attraction and by also using the power of intention but my body ends up doing something else for example I practice speaking up and then face that person or situation and I end up doing the exact opposite and feel incredible guilt? I spent years crying and self-soothing and validating my own story using a diary and tried to express repressed feelings but low and behold that did not heal my trauma either. It was not just the narcissistic experience but a lot of childhood and early adulthood trauma too. I did not have a healthy model of parenting given to me or sibling relationship and most of my early friendships formed were not healthy either, I only seemed to know how to be disrespected as I had no idea of what self respect meant at all? I had no idea how to be treated as I was bullied throughout my school experience from 4 right through 17 and I never made a friend that happened to be healthy either. I am over 40 and seemed to be living a very protected life because I feel like I don’t like people anymore and I don’t want to be controlled so I avoid them and living like this is so overwhelming and precarious. Hope I have made some sense in what I have said and others can potentially relate?
Thanking you,
Hi Charlie,
100% we relate and all felt like this …. you can’t do better until you get better. It’s very difficult to try to think your way out of deeply ingrained patterns superglued down with traumatic energetic imprints.
I’d love you to try a Qunata Freedom healing in my free workshop. It can really help you get clarity, relief and your soul back.
I hope that you try this to know that there is more than hope and a true solution for you!
Much Love
Mel 🙏💕💚
If anyone is reading this, I just everyone to know that Melanie and her program saved my life!!!!! Please. Give yourself the greatest gift ever. Roll up your sleeves and work the program. You won’t regret it.
Hi Linda,
That’s awesome that NARP has helped you so much.
Thank you for inspiring others and much love to you!
Mel 🙏💕💚
This is a great teaching. The inner work and healing is so key. I believe bc of low self worth and fear of loneliness, people settle for substandard relationships, thinking they can’t do any better. Thank you for getting out this helpful information.
Hi Dawn,
Im so happy that this resonated with you and was helpful.
Much love to you
Mel 🙏💕💚
180° turn around. Leave the punchy and get to “REALLY” living. Thank you 😊
You are very welcome William!
Mel 🙏💕💚
Hi Melanie
I enjoy all your videos. They strengthen me and give me the power and courage to remain strong and
continue my healing from Narc. abuse. Thank you for sharing your experience and knowledge
in putting your heart and soul in helping us all. Looking forward to your next videos.
Keep well
Hi Mary,
I’m thrilled that my work resonates with you.
Sending you love and many blessings!
Mel 🙏💕💚
Dearest Melanie,
I have so many reasons to thank you, and will be grateful to you every day of my life.
I appreciate that you and Iris are speaking in good faith. I very respectfully urge you to look into the veracity and authority of your sources regarding Hunter Biden, however, and to at least entertain the possibility that he has been the target of a KGB-style misinformation campaign. The reason that mainstream media will not publish these claims about Hunter Biden is that they are not verifiable against any authoritative source – although he is indeed being investigated for possible financial wrongdoing. The material on the so-called Hunter Biden laptop is of dubious provenance and would require much detailed forensic work and probably a court case or rigorous independent inquiry before it could confidently be stated that any of the current claims about the man are true. On the other side of this, you might remember that no conventional/credible news outlet would publish details of the so-called Steele Dossier in 2016 – this because it contained raw intelligence (i.e. gossip) that had not been through any sort of verification or testing process, and could not be independently verified.
Some good general investigative work on the source of the Hunter Biden material appears here:
Please be assured that I am in no way attacking anybody, and that I too am hugely concerned with verifiable truth.
Again, I thank you very much for NARP and related material, and for your wisdom and generosity of spirit.
Bless you and thanks again,
Hi CC,
please know we need to disagree.
You need to view the ACTUAL dossiers and reports. Not take media’s word for anything.
Sadly REAL journalism has been dead for decades, and never more than this year – their word (and sadly often lies) don’t count. They protect and back special interests and who has bought and paid for them – NOT the people. THAT is not lucrative.
The same 6 people own virtually every mainstream media in the world. They are also heavily invested in big pharma, big tech, central banks, and particular government lobbying. This is very easily understood with open-source research. They protect and defend the narrative, censor and smear horrifically anything that threatens these special interest groups and their agendas.
When you have investigated that and seen the real raw footage and then the media “versions” that is the first wake-up call, whch is only the tip of this terrible iceberg.
Im astounded that anyone year cant see the ludicrous MSM reports with coronavirus (fear porn on steroids) … that change and become more absurd by the hour … as well as the BLATANT hypocrises about world and USA events to suit their narratives at whim. Never before has been so obviously biased and controlled.
Much is being released and will become public knowledge in ways media will not be able to manage for their self-interest propaganda, anymore. Those days are coming to a close – thank goodness. People deserve the truth.
Its no different to narcissistic lies. The truth eventually comes out and shines through. Brace yourself, you will see, its much worse than you thought.
Thank you for replying – but please we need to leave it as that.
Much love to you
Mel 🙏💕💚
Spot on Mel
Thank you Melanie for your wisdom, light and love. You’re truly a beautiful soul!
My backstory is long and terrifying so I don’t really wish to go there but I’m sure no explanation is needed at this time. All I can say is that I’ve found you multiple times throughout the years just when I’ve needed your words the most. Today happens to be yet another one of those days.
Thank you so much for the work that you do!! May light, love and TRUTH be with you always!
Blessings xo
You are very welcome Amy.
I am so happy that I can help.
Thank you for your love and blessings and please feel mine to you!
Mel 🙏💕💚
I found your site when i was seeking if sometimes a silent period is helpful for a marriage. My wife is so perfect that one time when talking after a blowup i listed my faults and wrong doings, my wife actually almost laughed when she realized she couldn’t even think of one thing she has ever done that she admits was wrong.
We have been married for over 25 years but much of that time we have been busy with our daughter, work, and running a small farm so it was probably easy not to focus on us.
My wife showers attention on our daughter, pets, family unconditionally although there is a joke among all, that they are afraid to cross her at the same time.
With me, the love is very conditional and anything she dislikes about me (things she ignores in rest of family) is a reason for being cold and downright mean.
I know that if i am an obedient slave to her, she would be happy, but i don’t think that is healthy for either of us and would not lead any growth.
I am hoping your site has advice that helps me to deal with this and that it leads to growth for both of us.
Hi Tony,
it’s great that you have found your way to this wonderful community.
You are absolutely correct, that would not be healthy for you or her.
If you google my name plus the word “boundaries” there is information that I hope can help give you some direction with what you are dealing with.
Sending you love and empowerment
Mel 🙏💕💚
This is really good.. Ok so, I will be talking from a Biblical POV, regarding relationship boundaries, the bible explains it but I did not follow it when I met me STBX Narc, instead I was consumed by lust and fornicated, we had a baby and I ignored all reasonable red flag to marry her, hoping things will change (BAD IDEA!!) .lol..I was naïve and she was manipulative. After 13 years and 4 kids I filed for divorce, she was just too bad (unfaithful, uncommitted, disrespectful) I was her supply.
Now I went back to the Bible after the separation and looking to follow Biblical POV, regarding relationship boundaries..
Love this 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
I was just saying what’s the difference so I do know because I give it to others. I suppose I’m a afraid to be lonely , let go, I have shame around all my toxic relationship bs, I’m tired of starting over, I’m pissed I keep giving my good energy away. It’s tiring, exhausting even. My heart keeps getting broken. I realize I deal with people because I don’t feel good enough and I don’t feel worthy enough to receive anything else! But also I simply don’t know how to walk away!
Thankyou Mel for an enlightening presentation. For any ones interest I am the number one supporter and father of a survivor who now has her head above water. It has taken a long time with setbacks but Melanie’s guidance and support to both of us has been so helpful. I have now passed 51 years in a beautiful ,healthy marriage. We have been aware of controlling and abusive relationships and were blindsided to see our teenager so quickly fall prey to a Narcissist. I would offer the comment to Mel’s piece today. A child brought up in a healthy family does not expect and is not normally aware of the signs to look for. My effort has been to teach young people to keep their lives free of anything that others can use as blackmail in their life. The failure in this regard is why we have such a low class of politicians who have compromised their integrity and can’t stand against corruption. Thanks again Mel and I am happy ,any opportunity I get ,to inform people if your programme.
The only person who ever called me hot and pretty was a teacher with mental mom issues. I can’t even imagine getting involved with a male who makes immature sexist comments! Fairy tales are for kids who read at the children’s library. Get away from toxic family dynamics and silo ingrained habits and listen your inner voice. 😷
My girlfriend is a very aggressive person. she always shouted at me in every little thing what should I do..??