It doesn’t matter how many times you have been through the wringer with the narcissist or how much knowledge you have of their tactics. Feeling empty and alone around Valentine’s Day can still make you vulnerable to ‘hoovering’ – or even to reaching out to the narcissist yourself.
Today’s Thriver TV episode is a Valentine’s Day Special, where I cover why this is. I also empower you to choose yourself before any toxic person – and that is the ultimate protection from the danger of being taken in by an abuser again.
This is also your final call for my Manifesting 5D Love Relationships Event, which takes place on Valentine’s Day. You only have one day left to sign up for being able to let go of toxic people with ease, and embrace self-partnering and true Love, regardless of what anyone else is or isn’t doing, so watch or read to the end for all the information you need to participate in this special event.
Video Transcript
Welcome to Thriver TTV, where you will learn it’s possible to not only survive narcissistic abuse, but also to truly thrive after it – regardless of who the narcissist is, how long you have suffered the abuse, and even if it has been ongoing since earliest childhood. If this is the kind of content that interests you, please subscribe to my YouTube channel and share my information with anyone else it could help.
Today we are going to talk about the dangers that could trip you up on Valentine’s Day, and how you can choose you and your best life instead of a toxic individual.
Let’s get started about the specific dangers of Valentine’s Day after being narcissistically abused.
Falling For The Hoover
If you are still feeling hooked and devastated by a narcissist, they can use Valentine’s Day to pull you back in and get narcissistic supply from you – which means attention that feeds their ego.
They may reach out to you and have no intention of meeting up or truly connecting. Their intention is only to hook you back in to contact as an ego-stroke.
Or they may try to reconnect by setting up a date with you – not because they have changed and want to love you healthily, but simply to get control back to ultimately hurt you again.
Maybe it’s about accessing more of the ‘stuff’ that they think they can get from you, such as sex, money or other resources.
They may want to stop you moving on, because that would be an insult to their ego. Or maybe it’s so that they can get you back into a relationship with them, only to dump you this time to get revenge.
They may not even show up for your date – either cancelling with an excuse or dropping you at the very last moment.
Maybe reaching out is about them recycling you to hurt their present lover and triangulate them with you.
All of this is shocking and terrible. Even if you’ve been through this before with the narcissist, they really up their game in the approach to Valentine’s Day because they know it is a time when people often feel low, alone and needy. If this applies to you, you could be highly susceptible to getting hoovered back and hurt in this way.
Breaking No Contact With The Narcissist
The other danger is that you may make contact with the narcissist yourself.
I completely understand how this is possible. We tell ourselves the lie that “just one more date won’t hurt” and “they’re not going to get to me this time”. We can easily deceive ourselves that taking just a little bit of poison is something we can handle, rather than drinking from the well of it.
Yet experience tells us that it never is just taking a sip – although even a sip of poison is enough to do serious harm. All too often a sip turns into massive gulps and the outcome is devastating to you. I know because I did this too, so many times I can’t count.
Additionally, we can put so much pressure and expectation on ourselves at Valentine’s Day: “I should be partnered up. I should go out to dinner. I should have a date. I should be spending it with a love interest”.
We fool ourselves that it is ok to reconnect with the narcissist because we shouldn’t be spending Valentine’s Day alone.
Or maybe you reach out because you cannot bear the thought of them possibly spending Valentine’s Day with someone else. This is because some part of you is still holding on to the hope that somehow, in amongst all the dysfunction, abuse and trauma that you have experienced, there is a way to fix this person and your relationship.
It leads to disaster, and the results are always more abuse. We know this, and this time will be no different.
Feeling Alone and Empty Does Not Generate Love
Universal Law – also known as Quantum Law – is the true vibrational law that governs our lives. Universal Law just is. Until understanding Universal Law, it can be so difficult to know where to start to change our life away from torturous pain and loss – such as we experience with narcissistic abuse – into a life that works and is truly gratifying.
This Law is simple: ‘So within, so without’, meaning that the results you reap from any action you take, are dependent upon your emotional foundation whilst taking that action. So whatever is going on in your inner world when you show up, is going to be the template of what you experience from your outer world.
Reconnecting with the narcissist at a time of feeling down, empty and in pain can only result in the generation of more empty, downtrodden, traumatic emotions and experiences.
Ironically when you are feeling solid, peaceful, full and emotionally self-partnered, you would rather nail yourself to the back of a burning door than reconnect with a narcissist. Your soul is simply not aligned with your own soul-destruction when you are in a good emotional inner place.
This brings us to the obvious solution for ceasing our own self-destruction with these people, which is to choose yourself.
Choose to dedicate your attention and energy to healing yourself back from emptiness and brokenness to become full, satiated and solid on the inside – regardless of who this person is, what they are, and how they are behaving.
Of course this requires No Contact, blocking this person, and setting up third party only communication if there are legalities to go through, so that you don’t drink again from the poisoned well.
But that’s only the first piece. You have been metaphorically hit by a truck. The real, true, inner you has been emotionally and spiritually desecrated. This is the seat of your soul, from which your entire life is unfolding. You have literally experienced soul devastation, and that needs specific healing. Researching all about narcissists, reading about narcissists, venting and talking isn’t that level of healing.
Healing your soul – the real core of you – is that level of healing. This is what Quanta Freedom Healing accesses and activates – the recovery of your somatic inner limbic system where trauma impacts and is stored.
I promise you, I was once a person who drank often from that poison well. I couldn’t stop. On Valentine’s Day – and any other day when I felt defective, unlovable, unworthy, empty, needy, heartbroken, and devastated – I was chugging down the poison from that well.
Then I discovered Quanta Freedom Healing. I made it my mission to heal myself at my core – and in healing the inside of me, I came back home to myself as a single woman. Even though there were many people and things that I’d lost from my life, I finally unconditionally felt whole, full and satiated. My soul had been healed to know its true state of connection to Ultimate Love, to Universal Source Energy and to my Higher Self, from where love originates.
Painful things could still happen to me (and they do to this day), but from that day forward I had the process of Quanta Freedom Healing to let go of pain and triggers, and to hand it back to Source to transmute for me. I was able to shift out the trauma and replace it with love, wisdom, and the power of Oneness, Universal Source instead. That’s what changed everything for me, and it will for you too – no matter what you are feeling right now.
In Conclusion
Most of all, Quanta Freedom Healing is going to allow you to finally choose you – this Valentine’s Day and every day – so you’re no longer selling your soul to a toxic person. You will be able to hold that space and choose yourself, no matter what is happening in your life. You will start to heal and deal in Quantum ways that will astound you.
Speaking of which, tomorrow (February 14th) is the date of my Valentine’s Day ‘Manifesting 5D Love Relationships’ Event. This will help you heal, align with yourself, and manifest real healthy love – consciously and with wisdom.
This is the last call for you to access this powerful global event and healing, which you will be able to keep for life.
If you want a super-boost out of narcissistic pain, fear, loneliness and heartbreak – or are feeling you can never trust and open your heart to love again – then this event is for you and is not to be missed.
You can access it by clicking on this link. And if you can’t make it live, please know you will receive a recording to watch at a time that works for you.
I hope this has resonated with you. I hope this has given you the truth. As always, keep smiling, keep healing, and keep thriving because there is nothing else to do if you want your real life and real love.
Until the next one, lots of love. Bye-bye.
I tried to join the 16 day recovery course and my email is not being accepted although you send me emails to this email address which is [email protected]…I really would appreciate the opportunity as I’m trying hard to heal and recover its been nearly a year that I finished with him but he refused to let go and tomorrow I have to face him in court to get a restraining order….can you please 🙏 please 🙏 allow me on your programme please and thank you .
Ann Walsh
Hi Ann,
I am so sorry that I haven’t replied to you until now … Yes of course we can assist you.
Can you please email [email protected] and one of my lovely team will help.
Mel 🙏💞🦋
Thank you Melanie,
As I was watching your video I had a liberating revelation about the narcissist I dealt with several years ago, who was the pastor of the church I attended. As I was watching your video this came to my mind : “It was all about her”. Everything turned about her.
This revelation has marked a turning point in my soul, because it has granted me access to the truth.
Thank you so much for contributing to make me freer. Hallelujah! 🙂
Hi Patricia,
I’m so pleased that this brought clarity and helped!
Much Love
Mel 🙏💞🦋
Dear Melanie!
Today is the fifth Valentine’s Day I have spent all alone without the narcissist!
Each year it has gotten more manageable as I am learning how to live my own life (thanks so much to NARP) without her constant interference, both “in” my head and “in” my/the associative heartbreaking feelings and terror I constantly experienced (still do) after being so cruelly dumped and my reactions to her continued abuse….
It’s been painfully difficult….but I’m seeing glimmers of light some days….
Unfortunately, sadly, I too often live in those two “uncomfortable stuck places” in me that are upsetting my days on this earth….
However, It is most hopeful that today could be a new
day for me to recognize that I can re-gather all the energy and life force that I have lost/squandered in the hours and hours of rumination and unproductive thoughts over these five years and bring to myself a gentle recognition for who I am, the really good Peter, the real love and caring I am worthy of…
Your article today is very uplifting and in some special way giving me the courage to try to do MORE of just that….
I still struggle with self-love and self caring. It has been a major issue for me as I’ve “strolled” through most of my life trying to always consider everyone else first.
However, if I’m not in a good place within me, how on God’s green earth can I be worthwhile to anyone else other than being a pain in the ass to them….
It sounds simple, but…..
the lesson that I got from this wonderful article is that I really need to continually focus on taking care of me…
then when that is sufficiently or satisfactorily in motion I can actually do other things that might be of service to Life itself….
The challenge is there and I know it’s possible…
And I know I will be able to because I have NARP on my side….
Thanks so much for sharing you and your wisdom, Melanie….
Enclosing heartfelt ❤️ wishes for a wonderful happy Valentine’s Day to you!
Much love, Melanie!
Hi Peter,
Big love to you and I hope that the Valentine’s Day event was powerfully healing for you!
Blessings and healing as always being sent your way
Mel 🙏💞🦋
Great post. Does prayer work when we have trauma or are we asking for more of the same. I called out for help god please help me because I was so derailed by narcissistic abuse. I have allowed time to allow my mind to heal and space by doing no contact however I am very damaged. Your work is so spiritual and logical and more or less eastern based in terms of beliefs as I happen to be a sikh. I can’t even connect to that anymore even though your whole message is what my own faith has taught me but doctrines only help so much.
As always “it resonates…with me”
Thank you for loving me…loving “us” long before I was able to live myself!
Now I know the True Love Of God/Source as you do…
I am quite capable of loving you and quite frankly…everyone else on the planet…even those who have passed that had some effect on my life…
Liking them…Far Different!
An ex-girlfriend…surfaced after two years..
Oooohhhh the love bomb was deliciously planned!
How she messed up…How she knew now that “I was the One” How she hoped she hadn’t totally screwed things up…
How sweet! I met her at Taco Bell (to see if she could trigger me…nope!)
I paid $17+ to watch her eat like a pig…total entertainment…never saw anyone enjoy food so unabashedly…definitely worth the $17…
She gave me closure by noting How Peaceful I Am…
Gave her a few hugs and kisses..gorgeous girl…perfect lips…
She wanted sex…I told her she had to earn that…
Then of course…she asked for a “few dollars” because she needed gasoline (probably drugs)
I told her “I wish you hadn’t asked”
I gave her $20 anyway…
She disappeared for two weeks until yesterday…yup…called me to wish me Happy Valentines Day! (No one else did) so it was nice and I told her so…told her I always loved her voice and her laugh…her gorgeous green eyes…
All true! All from My Love…
She needed a bit of an ego boost…feeling down about something…
I was glad to help…
She said she would “call right back”…I know she won’t…until the next time…
Doesn’t bother me a bit…sure, I Wish, Hope and Pray the Best for her…she suffers greatly from a childhood incident…I relate totally…just not at the level she experienced…shouldn’t happen to anyone…I assure you!
I don’t mind providing friendship…even if I’m a bit of a wet rag…to cry on…
I can’t clean up her mess for her…I can’t pay $ for her mistakes…
I am no longer “Broken”…
I’m not perfect either…
I am 97.5732% Immune…
Nothing wrong with kissing pretty girls! Or being the friend I can be…
I Am At/In Peace that doesn’t even belong to me…
Only a humble steward…
Thanks Mel
Oops…forgot to include…what I really got from the day at Taco Bell!
I had thought that I had forgiven her…and I had for the major part…but upon reflection I saw that I picked and sniped at her for things from the past…
I was brutal…
Upon review..I saw I really hadn’t forgiven more than the surface…
To truly forgive her..I had to “drop everything…And…I mean EVERYTHING!
I sure want to receive forgiveness for my own misdeeds, mistakes!
I was able to let go…not just her’s…many other’s until I could forgive the world…including myself…poof…
Sure…I must be vigilant…wear my full armor…remember “HALT” Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired…lest I stumble into or “in” the darkness of the day…
I still need to live on this planet…I can’t be as divisive…avoiding as much as 80%? Of fellow earth dwellers…
I refuse to live in fear…especially of words and opinions of sleep walkers…
I must be A Light! Bold and Courageous!
I am
You sound like you are using her for YOUR ego. You are still hooked brother. One of the temptations in a relationship with a narcissist is trying to play the game better than they do. There IS harm in just kissing a pretty girl. People aren’t toys. Try seeking a pure heart. Believe me, you are still hooked. You’re just trying to be the abuser this time. And you rationalize it by trying to say you are helping her. My alarms we’re going off big time reading your comment. The main thing here is you are still hooked. Tell yourself the truth. Don’t gaslight yourself. This stuff is deep my friend and praying for a pure heart (sound, no air pockets where it should be solid, no fault lines) will help. I know this was blunt but it’s is meant to help you stop gaslighting yourself. Lying to yourself. .. To help you stop thinking you’re healed when you actually just flipped the script to now be the abuser, the liar, the one better at the game than the original abuser. It’s still the game. Try setting aside the game altogether. Then you know you are healed. Otherwise you are wasting your precious time and your very life. Amputate this relationship. It is gangrene.
Who is projecting now?