Having the narcissist’s voice in your head can feel like a constant bombardment of criticism, blaming and shaming even when they’re not around or are totally absent from your life.

Their harsh words are a relentless presence in your mind. And, like a nagging voice that won’t leave you alone, you believe them.

I want to offer you comfort and normalize this for you – this is really common after we’ve been abused and you’re not going crazy!

But now your question may be, “How do I get rid of their horrible words so I can exorcise their voice out of my head forever?”

Today’s video will answer this question for you as well as explain what you need to do to free your mind and how I can help you do it.

When you learn how this works, all the traumatic content that’s stuck in your head will dissolve away and you’ll have the space and freedom in your mind to think healthier thoughts. From my experience, this can happen faster and more powerfully than you could ever begin to imagine.



Video Transcript

Today, I’m going to talk to you about the narcissist being in your head. It feels like they’re living there rent free and you’re trying to evict these thoughts, yet they aren’t going. In this video you are going to learn why the thoughts aren’t going away and how to make them leave for good.

Before I get started, just a quick reminder, if you’re new to my YouTube channel to like and subscribe and hit the notification button so that you’ll be notified every time I release a new video.


The Effects Of The Narcissist Being In Your Head

Let’s start off by having a look at the effects of the narcissist being in your head and what it’s like to have the narcissist’s voice in your head. It means that you’re suffering the trauma of criticism and the words about how you are not good enough and how relationship issues are your fault.

The words are about everything that’s wrong with you … all the reasons why you can’t make your life work, why you are defective, why nobody loves you. So on and so forth. It’s brutal and it’s making it virtually impossible to get on with your life, because it is sucking all of your energy just trying to survive these words in your head.

Whether the narcissist is temporarily absent, like they’re at work or you are having a split from them, or even if you’ve been No Contact for decades, this voice can continue on and it leaves you feeling powerless and helpless. It haunts you, even if you haven’t seen the narcissist for years.

I want to normalize this for you. It is really, really common. You’re not going crazy. It’s not that there’s something wrong with you. There’s a very good reason for this and I’m going to get to that.

Of course, you want this voice gone. It’s horrible. You want to be free of it. But here’s the thing, the more you try to battle this voice in your head and try to tell it to shut up, or leave you alone, or go away, the more it reinstates itself, the more it fights back.

Then, even if you try to distract yourself from it and you keep busy, it’s like this voice is doing pushups in the background and it waits for a gap and then it jumps in and it pops up again. What’s interesting about this really critical, horrible voice in your head, is it often emerges when you’re trying to move on with your life – like when you’re trying to create your new life, such as having the confidence to try to get a new job, or trying to do something that could bring you joy and Life Force, such as a new hobby, or making new friends, or starting a new love relationship.

At this point, I want to give you the good news. I promise you that it is possible to exorcise the narcissist and his or her voice out of your head. In fact, it’s inevitable that you’re going to get free of this when you know how to do it. This is what I’m about to explain to you.


To Get The Narcissist Out Of You Head You Need To Do The Work In Your Body

The first vital understanding with this is – to get the narcissist out of your head, you actually need to do the work in your body. Hang with me while I explain. You can’t cure stinking thinking such as the narcissist’s voice being in your head with more thinking and, you know this because you’ve tried it. I tried it. We’ve all tried it.

The reason why you haven’t been able to get the narcissist out of your head is because the thoughts and the voice in your head is actually the symptom. It’s not the real problem. It’s a symptom of the problem. Where it’s coming from is what’s going on inside of you, and if you heal it there from the chin down within your Being at the causation level, then the symptom of this horrible voice in your head that’s following the body – then the subconscious programs will melt away. They just won’t be there anymore. If you can be open to this understanding, it’s going to change everything for you … knowing that your brain is actually following your body.

What does it mean? It means that you’ve got an Inner Identity, trauma and program, and actually numerous ones after narcissistic abuse, that are generating the voice in your head, which is a match for those inner programs.

When you go inside and you know how to, and you release this trauma from inside of you, and you can shift it out and replace it with the new program – which is what you learn about with Quanta Freedom Healing – then you shift out from who you are being on the inside to being free of that program.

Then that voice and its traumatic content, that is matching these inner traumas and programs of I’m defective, I’m not good enough, I’m unworthy of love, I’m unlovable … all the things that the narcissist has projected, and attacked you with, and traumatized you with, well, then what happens is the voice and all its traumatic content will dissolve away. Why? Because it’s no longer your reality.


Free Your Inner Identity To Free Your Mind

It can be really hard for me to explain to you how this works in logical terms. Yet, I promise you that it does and I really want you to have hope.

So having said that, that it’s difficult for me to explain this to you, let me try. How you feel inside of you is what you think about and the narcissist absolutely impacted you emotionally and terribly in traumatic ways. These bullets, these emotional assaults, they reached inside you. They’re toxic traumas, which are extremely abusive and damaging, and they compromised your Inner Identity. Your Inner Identity is your subconscious programs.

So how do your subconscious programs make themselves known to you? Through your emotions and when you have traumatic inner emotions, your head tries to make sense of it, tries to manage it. But the problem is because your brain is following the body, it comes second. Your brain can only think within the bandwidth of the heavy emotional impact of the wedged traumas in your body.

To free your mind of the repetitive thoughts regarding the trauma stuck within you requires the freeing of the trauma stuck within you. Then there’s no remaining trauma to think about. Rather, there’s the space and the freedom in your head to think healthier thoughts.

Freeing your Inner Identity is what is going to free your mind. As I said previously, of course, it’s difficult for me to explain logically to you deep inner Quantum healing and how it works. Your understanding of it is always going to be so much more effective if you experience it.

The best way that I can help you do this, to get free of the narcissist’s voice in your head, as well as all of the horrible repeated haunting thoughts, is to invite you to join me in my FREE two-part Masterclass where I’m going to take you on this deep Quantum journey to understand exactly the process of evicting the narcissist out of your head and you’re Inner Being for good. You also get to sample how this is done, as well as feel the relief of my process.

You can do so with the link that appears here or go to the show notes to be able to access that two-part Masterclass.


In Conclusion

I hope that this has given you hope that there is a way out of this. There really is. There truly is. I know how horrible it is to have your Life Force and your energy depleted by trying to survive the narcissist’s voice in your head. I want you to know it doesn’t have to continue. You don’t have to keep living like this and you certainly shouldn’t have to. You can break free, faster and more powerfully than you could ever begin to imagine.

It’s time to take your sanity, Life Force and power back, and I can’t wait to help you do it.

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10 thoughts on “Is The Narcissist’s Voice In Your Head?

  1. Hi Melanie!
    Before I started with NARP I was plagued many nights and days by this constant nagging toxic unpleasant voice of the narcissist! That voice often stayed with me all day long! I heard it when I woke up in the morning and before I went to sleep! Sometimes I even heard it in my dreams!
    Thankfully, since doing module work and doing my best to live in accordance with NARP principles I hear her voice less and less and less! I’m not saying that that voice is gone completely because it’s not! It’s not there as much and I have much more, shall I say, room to breathe and function and grow within without hearing her antagonistic squawking….
    This particular topic, Melanie, I’ve really never thought of before but looking back I know I can tell myself that I’ve made some progress. 🙌 I am so grateful that I can actually say this to myself!…”I am getting better and I am going to continue to be better…” and the voice of this narcissist will soon not matter at all!! Thank you so much, again, for everything that you have helped me with! I am so so grateful! ❤️🦋❤️

  2. My deep and continuing gratitude to you, Melanie, for your wisdom, openness and spirit of sharing.

    I, too, can still hear her (their) voice(s) in my head, but your practices and the green shoots of NARP starting to work (and taking root!) help me keep this at bay. A post of yours like this is additional salve for my wounds: thank you for helping me with real healing.

    Peter, you are inspiration to me: keep gaining altitude, man!

    1. To Peter and Man from California………you guys keep on with your module work.
      When my NARP membership kicked in, I filled page after page with emoitional outpourings.
      Now years later the voice of abuse is a distant memory.
      Dudes……you are on the path that leads to peace in your life. You cannot stop now!!!
      The point of no return has passed and your only option is to keep pushing ahead.
      Melanie is the real deal…….she is the ultimate surviour. Keep trusting NARP and her guidance will lead you to the promised land.

  3. I’m grateful for your healing information! Right now I’m in the middle of divorcing my NARC husband of 35 years. Hardest thing I’ve ever been through an I have plenty of health problems to address along with this devastating divorce, manipulation, gaslighting, etc. Thank you for your help!

    1. Dear Judy!
      My heart sank when I read your comment! 💔Having health issues and narcissistic issues at the same time is so difficult!
      You will get through this! 🙏🏻 NARP will give you the guidance you’ll need…🙏🏻

  4. I myself had a lot of shut down anger unexpressed rage and not being able to assert myself with the narcissist and a lot of people who had power over me at work when I was younger. That anger is still in my body and I have episodes where I yell and scream in my car with the windows down imagining now what I would have liked to say and express to stand up and stand in for myself. However, this does not seem to stop the memories from resurfacing and going round and round in circles because being in my early 20’s I was so passive and timid. It’s what I learned young to be afraid of people and I was bullied and abused throughout my own childhood at home and in life.

  5. Same here dear Judy, albeit « only » 25 years of abuse, but I guess I could add the other 25 of childhood where I was taught that I was an inconvenience to everyone around me. I had an episode when I genuinely believed that I was going mad, the voices were so overwhelming. I am now getting a divorce and have confronted my abusers, even if just in my mind and heart. Autoimmune health issues have popped up and I promised myself I would keep them to the current level. I am not feeling like an inconvenience any longer, and I have to thank wonderful communities like this one for it! Hang in there each and every one of you, always remember that you were never the problem, just kind hearted individuals that were taken advantage of and used as emotional dumpsters ❤️🥰

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