Being with a narcissist is maddening … it feels crazy as we watch them manipulating with constant lies and twists and turns.

We may feel like we are trying to preach to a child … “Why don’t you just be honest with people?”

And in relation to the ways the narcissist treats us … we wring our hands in despair with, “Rather than play dirty, why don’t you just ask for what you want honestly?”

Why on earth do they do what they do?

Why do virtually all narcissists use the same manipulative tactics?

Especially when, due to their lies and dodgy behaviour, things regularly blow up in their face, and their lives are filled with drama constantly.

There is a very specific reason WHY they do this, and I will share it with you in this video.

I will also explain the truth about the narcissist’s devastating true self-image, which is deeply connected to the real reasons they refuse to be authentic.

This may change the way you view narcissists as powerful and even omnipotent when you understand what is really going on inside them.

It is my deepest wish that this information will help awaken you to what “manipulation” is really about so that you can remove yourself from the devastating effects of narcissistic tactics permanently.


Video Transcript

Hi, and welcome to Thriver TV, the place to break free from narcissistic abuse with quantum tools and understandings. If you have not yet subscribed to my YouTube channel, please do so, and I’d love for you to share my work with others who need it.

We have all lived and experienced the damage to our life due to narcissist manipulation.

But does that have to affect and tear our life apart? I don’t believe it does because there is a way that we can become impervious to narcissistic manipulation. We can detox ourselves from them and have a clean, healthy, wholesome life without the lies, games and rubbish.

And in this episode, I will explain why narcissists manipulate and how we can awaken to what is happening and permanently remove ourselves from that.


Our Greatest Frustration With Narcissists

For most of us in narcissistic relationships, our greatest frustration with a narcissist is stuff like, why do you need to do that? Why do you lie? Why don’t you just be honest and ask for what you want? Or talk about what’s going on for you?

And for many of us, we looked at what they were doing and shook our heads.

It was, in fact, often crazy obvious that there was something really wrong about how narcissists operate.

And interestingly, many people who get into relationships with narcissists are people who actually understand human psychology.

So many people are qualified psychologists and counsellors or healers or personal development people, really smart people with deep insight into human behaviour, who watch narcissists twist and turn and shake their heads.

They wonder why on earth a narcissist who’s always getting into trouble, having a displaced life and chasing their tail would bother with all the BS.

A narcissist does not know any other way to do it; even more, they can’t show up honestly. The thought of doing so feels unthinkable to them. And what is really interesting is that narcissists, all of them really, manipulate in pretty much identical ways.

They use the same defence tactics. They even say the same expressions because this is how false selves operate. This is how people taken over by an over-energized ego behave with manipulation tactics such as love bombing to secure people as narcissistic supply.

And this is not just in an intimate relationship sense. A narcissist will love to bomb anyone for any purpose, telling that person exactly what they want to hear about themselves so they can be put in the narcissist’s hands.

And narcissists are also capable of outrageous pathological lies, triangulation, smear campaigns and other associated behaviours that defy any human reason or explanation.

When surely just being real and honest could suffice, why do they do this? Let me explain.


Understanding Narcissism At Its Deepest Core

Until we understand narcissism at its deepest core, we may believe that narcissists are all powerful and overconfident. However, nothing could be further from the truth.

Rather, they are instead deeply insecure beings full of fear. And there is only one reason people manipulate: the fear that they will not meet their needs on their own merits. And this is the very basis of narcissism. An individual who’s divorced themselves from their true self because it was unable to be enough to meet their needs.

And as an emotional survival tactic, the false self was assigned to be at the helm instead. Narcissists, for all their bravado and hubris, at their deepest core, do not believe that they are enough as they are. They believe they’re separated from being worthy of life’s goodies and being supported by others and life itself.

And therefore, they’ve pitted themselves unconsciously as it’s me versus the world. And this immediately creates a scarcity consciousness.

When someone believes that they are not worthy of the good stuff and don’t have an organic connection with wellbeing or hold the beliefs that they’re flourished and nourished by life, this creates beliefs of lack and scarcity. And someone has to miss out and lose for another to gain.

And there’s also the fear that if I don’t fight and manoeuvre myself in a position to win, somebody’s going to beat me to it. I have to stop them from doing that.

Of course, these feelings are stressful and driven by anxiety because they are false beliefs that false selves have brought to the collective. They’re not how we were meant to live or how we were meant to love each other. Narcissists are the pinnacle of these destructive, painful beliefs.

How people see themselves at their deepest core is how they feel about others. Narcissists don’t trust anybody. Narcissists are tormented by their self-divorce, stunted, damaged, the true selves they have no intention of reviving and healing to wholeness.

Rather their ego, the false self, viciously defends and tries to hide from the world the huge insecurities of, I’m not worthy of life working out for me, and I’m not worthy of life, and other people have my best interests at heart. How this is hidden is with pathological manipulation.

Narcissism is a pathological manifestation of an ego running amuck trying to cover over an intensely damaged, insecure inner self. This creates unconsciousness.



What Being Unconcious Is Really About

And let’s look deeper at what being unconscious is really about because, I promise you, it is deeply linked to manipulation.

Unconsciousness is the inability to make a direct correlation between one choices and actions and life results and internal level of being. The narcissist cannot learn how his or her manipulation isn’t healthy or productive.

And when we start waking up into consciousness, we realize so within, so without. In other words, my beliefs are how I will feel, think and behave, who I will attract and be attracted to as human players in my life experience and what I will choose to play out with these people.

And ultimately, the reflection of my inner self is composed of my experiences with life and these people. So if we have a damaged consciousness full of trauma, we may wish to blame and look outside ourselves rather than realize that we are the generative source of our own experience.

Narcissists are stuck in this profound wounding and huge defence mechanism, which means the sole focus of life is through the false self, the ego, which means a profound lack of accountability and responsibility for one’s life.

When this crosses the line into pathological behaviour, the ends justify the means. The line has been crossed into immoral behaviour to ensure survival. And the narcissist will have a disordered reason as to why he or she does what they do.

And please know this, no one can do anything and stay in that position for any time unless they have a reason that their belief can justify. In other words, all people, including narcissists and extremists like suicide bombers, do these things we believe are completely outrageous because of their model of the world, which means how they view the outer world as a result of their inner belief systems.

And I remember narcissist number one when I used to ask him why he did something unthinkable or abusive, and he would say such things as “You made me angry.” And he said it like it was a totally valid justification, like something I should have just said, yeah, okay, I understand. Of course, that makes sense.

But of course, this level of consciousness aligned with his stunted, traumatised inner self, who was emotionally arrested somewhere back as the small damage in a child that he’d never sadly heal beyond.

Unconscious people believe that manipulation in a perceived unsafe world is the way to get results, despite not getting durable satisfaction and ending up emotionally or literally back at square one time and time again. Then to try to avoid the pain of this, another manipulation needs to be created.

Why doesn’t manipulation pay off past the initial quick fix? It’s for this reason. Because the action of the manipulation is not effective or authentic, it’s a defensive reaction to try to offset fear, pain, and unworthiness.

The ultimate level of unconsciousness is a non-understanding that we’re all connected as one. Therefore, trying to gain an advantage via manipulation rather than authenticity means that the personal result is non-authenticity.

And anything gained from that level of unconsciousness can only and will only ever create hollow victories, ongoing pain, emptiness, and fear.

And, of course, even greater unworthiness. Unworthiness is a dire separation from life in others and ourselves. It’s the fear that we are unworthy of being loved and accepted by others and ourselves.


Start Showing Up As a Whole Person

So, I now want to… To end, I want to spin this around as I like to do so we can take the power back to ourselves. How in our codependent nature maybe have we, at times, manipulated, and why have we done that? And what can we heal within ourselves so that we become more authentic and no longer play out our lives with false selves?

Remember the quantum law, so within, so without. It’s so important. And I can assure you it doesn’t need to be narcissistic people who are manipulators.

The truth is that when we’re triggered into our young unhealed wounds and feel unsafe, unworthy and unlovable, we too may show up manipulating. And before we heal ourselves, we may not even be aware of what we are doing, or we may even make justifications for our behaviour, even if we are aware.

And we may also be stuck blaming others instead of taking responsibility for not getting the results we want from our life. Maybe we’ve been giving to get, trying to make ourselves indispensable in someone’s life so that they will love us and then be horrified when they leave us regardless.

And until we awaken, we may not realize that this manipulation by us is causing inauthentic results in our life. We’re showing up in ways that don’t inspire others to love us, even though that was our intention.

I remember an expression I heard years ago, “Neediness is the worst cologne.” It’s true. And in stark contrast, authenticity and wholeness are done sexy.

Or we may be manipulated in this way. We may be controlling, wanting to know somebody’s every move and guilt them into being accountable to us because we’ve lived a history of infidelity and seen the wounds and absorbed the trauma of that. And then be totally convinced that all men or women are unfaithful.

And then we discovered that they were having affairs, not realizing that our original wounds keep us locked into these cycles, attracted to and attractive to exactly the people who match our wounds. And no amount of manipulation and trying to organize life around our wounds will make one scrap of difference.

What does work is being a healed person who’s confronted and released our traumas, and then we stop manipulating.

We start showing up as a whole person, free to be ourselves, which is infinitely lovable, instead of trying to twist ourselves into a pretzel to make other people think that we are lovable. You can’t get love, and truth-you can only be it. And then it comes.



Can you see the incredible and massive difference? So which person would you be attracted to? The one trying to manipulate to get love or somebody who is just whole and in their power and truth?

And it’s so important to understand that there is so much growth that we can take on as a result of being narcissistically abused when we get past engaging in trying to change somebody else’s manipulative behaviour because our recovery is about coming into consciousness, healing our traumas, no matter how they got there.

And becoming whole and authentic, no longer trying to bargain, plead or playoff anything. And certainly, then we can heal beyond the need to stay attached to or play it out with narcissists. If this is your intention this season, then NARP is my highest recommendation.

So, I hope this has helped you understand how manipulation plays out, and I’d love you to scroll down below and leave your comments. Let us discuss this on the blog.

And until the next Thriver TV episode, you know what to do. Keep smiling, keep healing, and keep thriving because there is nothing else to do. Lots of love, bye-bye.

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30 thoughts on “Why Do Narcissists Need To Manipulate?

  1. Mel….another amazing video that resonated so much especially the part where we, as co-dependents, might have manipulated to get our way rather than show up authentically. At the beginning of the relationship with the Narc (soon to be ex) spouse I showered her and her children with gifts and bent over backwards to “seal the deal”. Looking back on it now I can see that I gave to get, that the inner child was not feeling worthy to be enough… just as she is. So I gave and gave and took a back seat to their needs and wants and of course never received anything close to the same in return; instead, I was manipulated more by the Narc until my resources were nearly dried up. Thank God that I found the NARP program and am in the process of reclaiming my life. Thank you and much love!
    Lynn xx

    1. Hi Lynn,

      I am so pleased this resonated with you!I love your self-honest – so empowering 🙂

      How wonderful you are working with NARP and coming home to you.

      Sending many blessings 🙂

      Mel xo

  2. Dear Mel,

    You have been my angel. I thanked you Xmas 2015 for your holiday blog. There were nights during my darkest times I would listen to your videos in order to sleep, just listening to your voice, comforting me. Thank you again.

    I finally broke up with the narcissistic in my life about 9 months ago. I thought there was NO WAY he could pull the rug out from underneath me AGAIN. Yesterday he announced a decision he had made that he knew would devestate me and it literally brought me to my knees. This crazy expensive decision he made is personal toward me (he is very wealthy), I know it in my heart, and was intended to punish me for breaking up with him. I cried for like four hours as it was this huge flood of emotion and destroyed dreams he brought back to the surface. He knows exactly where and how to crush me.

    I’m much better today. I picked out some good video blogs of yours to listen to so I can be reminded of what I am dealing with. I didn’t go no contact because I felt so “sorry” for him because of his reaction to me breaking up with him and the guilt I felt moving on with my life (dating and having fun). He is so miserable everyday, so depressed, and I get sucked in time and time again. After crying for a couple hours yesterday I called my mom because that is what normal women will do, only to be reminded that she is just like him…miserable and depressed. Lord help me.

    One week ago I told a dear friend that I was so happy it scared the daylights out of me because I’m afraid someone is going to take it away from me. I am happy, I just had a relapse yesterday. My healing is a process and no contact is the only way to go, I always knew this, I just didn’t do it. It’s on the agenda now!

    Many thanks to you for keeping my head on straight from half way across the world.

    1. Hi Jackie,

      You are very welcome, and I am so pleased I could help.

      It is so important you keep loving those parts that may be triggered back to wholeness, and then you will keep growing and healing no matter what comes from him.

      When there is no “gap” in us to be crushed anymore – then the game of being hooked in and tormented is over – as is that pattern in our life … people who DON’T have our best interests at heart.

      Such as him hooking you through feeling responsible for him. Interestingly we have an entire Module in the NARP Program – – Module 6 dedicated to this very common hook that abusers can enmesh us through.

      It is a serious pattern in our life when we are taking responsibility for others who are not taking responsibility for themselves .. and we try to source love unconditionally via fixing others. It’s an unhealed pattern from our childhood, trying to make people well enough to love us … that keeps us involved with “unwell” people as love partners.

      Yes the pattern is your Mum!

      Deeper healing required Dear Lady for you to really clean this up.

      My real purpose Jackie is not to keep your head straight – it is to lead you to reprogram your subconscious and heal for real so that you don’t need anymore to try to keep your heard straight 🙂

      Mel xo

  3. Hi Mel

    You have shed so much light on what I once thought was “that’s just how he is”. I have awakened after investing almost half my life into one who proved to be unworthy. It’s been a heart wrenching realisation but each day I find motivation to cope from your guidance and therapy. It took me this long to awaken because it turns out he’s a highly functional narc – he is extremely intelligent, has a high status job, appears to have his life in order, is independent and financially stable and is quite the perfectionist BUT as I now know, EVIL, which he hides so well from family, friends, work colleagues… Its like they all know a different person to whom I know. He is so glamorous in the eyes of others.

    Would you consider shedding some insight on a highly functional narc.

    Thanking you…

    1. Hi Anonymous,

      You are very welcome 🙂

      I am so pleased you are finding your way through all of this and back to you 🙂

      Yes, I will consider doing a presentation on that! Thank you for the suggestion.

      Mel xo

  4. This is amazing Mel.. I realised before I met the Narc (on my healing journey) that I had been highly manipulative during my life, especially in my interactions with men. When I left the Narc, again, I realised that I had also manipulated him on some levels, I had been seduced by his work, and his status and as well feeling intense connection to him, I really wanted to be part of his ‘seemingly’ amazing life. So, I had to be very honest with myself and recognise that I entered into that relationship for some of the wrong reasons. Big karmic wake up call for me! Your videos and insights have helped so much to look at myself in all of this.. and it is so true that the gifts in this experience are so rich, if you are willing to take that personal responsibility for your own stuff and healing. I also see that I actually behaved like a narcissist in one of my relationships with someone.. I have been able to own and apologise to that person since I recognised my codependent and narcissistic traits and seeing how they were all stemming from deep unworthiness and self loathing. Wow, big up level and now feeling empowered, wiser and stronger vas a result of all I went through with the man. I am actually grateful to him now and just feel really sorry for him… (from a distance of course!) Big love, keep up the amazing work. You are helping So many with this… bravo. xxx

    1. Hi Sam,

      I adore the self-honesty that is coming out on this topic. It is so true we need to get real in order to heal!

      I LOVE That you are taking on the richness of the gifts.

      So much love and blessings to you too Sam!

      Mel xo

  5. Anonymous, I totally understand your wretched experience with a professional, highly functioning Narc. They really are criminal and sadistic in their treatment of the caring, well meaning partner. Even emailing this comment is frightening in case of retaliation even though contact with the N has been non existent for a few years. Their ability to lie and manipulate is never ending so we must leave and start from scratch with no or few remaining friends that have not been manipulated into thinking we are the mad, bad ones.
    So I would also appreciAte some info on the most competent, highly functioning Narcs.

  6. Dear Mel
    Once again, your explanations make perfect sense and resonate completely with my experience.
    The ex Narc used to say often “it’s you and me against the world”, and “I could never get professional help for my issues as all of my flaws would get exposed”. I never really understood the true meaning of this until I realised that he was a Narc. He even recently got a wolf tattoo – no surprises there.

    The Narc never had relationships that were unconditional – always scheming, plotting, and devising tactics to determine what he could extract from others (esp the children). Interestingly the N is able to moderate manipulative tactics in order to ensure that he remains employed, so there is a level of self-regulation when it suits a purpose. Through court injunctions, restraining orders, and most importantly, my inner work and purging of fears and triggers, he now finally realises that I am no longer his dealer. It has taken almost 2 years, and I never thought that the vengeful behaviour and crazy mind games would subside, but it has just now. And what an incredible relief that is. I no longer have that sick, unease within, as I can identify his behaviour as a symptom of his disorder, instead of systematic nuclear attacks on me.

    Thanks so much for bringing more clarity to the inexplicable nature of Narcs – it is very helpful to know that the manipulation etc relates to their survival mechanism at play, and their grossly distorted view on the world. Ironically, the curtain eventually falls and they end up right back where they started.


    1. Hi Possum,

      that is great this resonated with you 🙂

      And always remembering Dear One, the power is when we see “how” we were hooked in and co-gerenating the fears we needed to go to and heal.

      Mel xo

  7. Dear Mel: it constantly amazes me how much insight you have into these creatures. I have written in before re my narcissist abuse. I am now a year and a half out. Following along with your blog and different books I have read on the subject and also seeing a therapist, I finally feel whole again in a way I have never felt before. I was dealing with abandonment issues and co-dependency. I finally realize that I no longer need “his” or anyone else’s validation to justify my existence or to be happy and whole. I now for the first time love myself, have learned to trust myself, learned to set healthy boundaries in relationships and I am perfectly satisfied and happy in my “own” company and it feels great! Thankfully I have reached this level of healing just in time because it’s as though your ex narc knows this and they want to come in and shit all over your healing, after 18 months and over 6 months of total no contact, my narc approached me out of the blue at the gym when I didn’t realize he was there with the guise of returning a extra “key” that he had to my car that I had asked him to return a long time ago, and which he ignored. If he really wanted to return it to me, he could have simply left it in my mailbox. All of a sudden he wants to return the key to me?? He took someone else’s car to the gym so that I would not recognize his car in the parking lot and so that I would go into the gym not suspecting he would be there, then he pops up on me. It was a little creepy. I don’t think anything is random with these personality types and I’m sure he was holding onto that key waiting for a “opportunity” to approach me, not sure if his new source dumped him or if he got bored, but what I do know, is that it doesn’t matter anymore because, thanks to you, I now know that hovering attempts have nothing whatsoever to do with missing you or love or anything else, he was trying to start a conversation with me or trying to get my reaction to see if he might have a slight chance of worming his way back into my life. I am so proud of myself because I took the key, (as I really don’t want him having a key to my vehicle), but did not say a word to him even though he tried to start a conversation. I went 100% grey rock. Not sure if I could or would have been capable of that just six months ago, but now I am! I know with every core of my being that if I let him in one tiny inch, he would manipulate the situation only to try to take me down again and I know I could not survive that type of hurt and devastation a second time. To all your readers out there, BE STRONG, don’t give into the hovering attempts, do whatever you have to do! You will feel more empowered after, I promise. Love, peace and healing. Cheryl

    1. Hi Cheryl,

      it is so important that when we are triggered to use the opportunity to self-reflect and heal something more that we can regarding this.

      Narcissist will do what they do but they are always mirroring back to us another evolution opportunity.

      Then they truly do melt away to take it somewhere else.

      No-one truly can bring down our life and self-generating results when we are anchored firmly in them.

      That is great you granted him no physical energy – and the next level is zero emotional energy. When its totally healed, seeing him or bumping into him is as interesting as passing a slug on a pavement.

      That’s when we are free, and that is the Thriver goal.

      I hope this makes sense.

      Mel xo

      1. Thanks Melanie, yes it does make total sense. Although I have come a long way, I know I am still “triggered” to some extent if I run into him, I can’t wait for that day when I consider him a “slug on the pavement”. Yes, that’s where I ultimately want to be! Thank you. You are an angel in disguise.


  8. Another great talk.

    The Narc we know has so many layers of manure piled on top of his real personality no one knows what is under all that for sure.

    As his sister says “He lies when the truth would sound better!”

  9. Dear Melanie,

    I have been subscribing to your blog and YouTube channel for the past three years. I also attended most of your free webinars. I draw a lot of help from your work. In fact, no other help has been as instrumental as yours.

    I work daily on releasing my young and underdeveloped unfortunate beliefs (some turned out to be epigenetic as I was born during repression years in Soviet Union). The current biggest one is I am powerless in the face of abuse and am about to be annihilated. I share custody for two very young children with a dim narcissist. He started an extramarital affair, fathered a child out-of-wedlock, led to the demise of our marriage. But the agony of what he was doing during the divorce proceedings is impossible to relay here. I have made gigantic advances in my reactivity to his doings. I cut the contact as much as possible, but as you may guess there is always something new (currently, a child support battle two years after the divorce) initiated by him.

    The help that I need is in relation to this: no matter how many shifts I tried to do within your Shifts Happen series or how many webinars I attend, I feel my attempts remain cognitive in nature. The exercise of envisioning my young self and bringing her into a safe space, or clearing my adult container of unhelpful programs and beliefs still remains an imagery exercise. How do I transcend into the cellular release of chemical trauma constituents?

    1. Hi Dianna,

      I am so pleased I could help 🙂

      Diana what I would suggest is becoming a NARP Member and coming into the NARP Forum Community where you will receive coaching (as part of your membership) and support and help with this.

      Module 8 work in NARP is specific to what you really need to be doing, as well as work with the Goal Setting Module to re-program those primal survival beliefs.

      There are many advanced techniques and shifts you can learn to take it to the next level.

      I hope this helps.

      Mel xo

  10. Melanie,

    What do you do when the ex Narc husband has manipulated our 3 sons to believe that their mom was the narc? My eldest son (24) has gone no contact with me and my youngest son (19 lives with his dad) does not respond to my texts or calls. My middle son (21) lives with me and does not feel as his brothers. I have tried to explain that I was a co-dependent (i was in therapy for 8 years) not the narcissist. I am truly heartbroken over my son. I do not miss walking on eggshells or feeling worthless anymore with their father. My ex left me after 28 years for a 30yr old. We are 53 and my sons have welcomed this with open arms, which is very hurtful too. I feel I am still being ‘punished’ now by my sons. What is your recommendation on dealing with this issue which is prolonging my healing. So many people say to leave them alone, they are immature and there is nothing i can do or say. While I am trying this tactic, it truly is wreaking havoc on my self esteem and ability to move forward. Thank you for any advice.


    1. Hi Denise,

      My heart goes out to you it always so painful when our children are involved.

      Truly the key to this with our children (and anything that is hurting us greatly) is to release and heal the trauma we feel about it, to create space for that situation to change.

      Then it can.

      I have created many resources about this with our children – such as this one:

      The first step always is heal ourselves – and then things can shift with them. My suggestion for you is to come into my free webinar to learn how to do this.

      I hope this helps.

      Mel xo

  11. Hi Mel, I signed up to the NARP program on New Year’s Eve 2015. I haven’t managed to actually do the modules yet but listen to your videos whenever I can.
    I moved into my own place a year ago, we have 3 kids and are managing co-parenting by the grace of God. I am in a 12 Step recovery group and looking at my amends and feeling forgiveness and compassion towards him mostly nowadays.
    Your video today highlighted my key trauma I had been having difficulty identifying; my key unhealed wound is ALL men are untrustworthy and cheaters, my dad cheated, I feared that the most when I thought about my future, then my first boyfriend cheated, then my narc husband cheated (although he never admitted it). After more than 20 years I found the courage to separate. My life today has been transformed but I know that I still have that unhealed wound and would love to shift it before I look to get into another relationship.
    Do I need to shift it with Module one? Any advice appreciated.

    1. Hi Karla,

      please know that when you start connecting to the trauma with the use of NARP you will start shifting it powerfully.

      Yes, you do start with Module 1.

      Also Karla please know for any questions about NARP wonderful coaching takes place in the NARP Forum, which is a wonderful support system 24/7 with how to work with the Modules the best.

      Mel xo

  12. My daughter used her kids constantly as pawns against me and my boys.we are just now coming through this after having her out of our lives for 2 years. She also got involved with people who rewarded her behavior.We all finally decided the relationship was not worth it.

  13. I think intimate or personal relationships with a Narc are easiest to get away from. For example, work and school situations might put you in this situation and if you love the job and your Boss or Manager is a manipulator and enjoys making people suffer that seems harder. And a Narc Boss or Professor KNOWS they will have an endless stream of supply. Terrible situation I am all too familiar with!

  14. I really enjoyed this video and appreciate the service that you give to people that need healing from narcissism. However, I do notice that a lot of people don’t talk about narcissism friendships and focus more on narcissistic relationships. Nonetheless your video is spot on about the true core of a narcissism they really seem to be everywhere.

    1. Hi Jasmine,

      Thank you and it’s my pleasure.

      This is certainly a topic that I will consider covering and thank you for your feedback 🙂

      Please know the solution, the healing path for recovery from narcissistic abuse is consistent with any form of narcissism.

      Mel xo

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