Have you heard the term ‘gaslighting’ but wonder what it really means?
If you find yourself in confusing situations that make you doubt your own reality and that are accusatory, hurtful or painful for you, you may be being gaslit.
You can be especially suspicious if you don’t have these confusing times with other people. And if the person in question is unsupportive, tries to sabotage you and the things you love, is pathologically jealous, or incredibly angry when not the centre of attention, then you can be sure it’s gaslighting.
In today’s video I give you a detailed account of the 4 main ways narcissists gaslight their victims. I also provide you with examples of real-life gaslighting situations from my own personal experience and those of my clients.
There is a way to remove yourself and recover from the malicious effects of these tactics so please watch the video or read the transcript to gain clarity, healing and strength.
Video Transcript
Today I want to help you recognize when a narcissist is gaslighting you, because if you don’t know that they are, you won’t know how to deal with it. Also, you’re going to think that you’re the one who’s going crazy.
You may have heard the expression gaslighting, but what is it?
It’s a tactic used by a narcissist to confuse situations and make you doubt your own reality. Gaslighting is manipulation. It’s actual psychological warfare to get control of you, make you doubt your own sanity, your truth, and your decisions, which makes you hand over more of your Soul, your life, and your boundaries to the narcissist.
It also allows them to get away with a whole heap of misdemeanours and cruel acts and deceit against you.
Gaslighting happens bit by bit with a narcissist, but where it becomes really accentuated is when you’re in the discredit and the discard stages with a narcissist. It’s when the cracks have appeared and there’s lots of obvious problems.
This is when you’ve started to question things and you’re trying to seek accountability. You want to get sensibility and sanity, and you’re starting to demand some answers to the crazy, horrible things that are happening.
It’s important to know that as disgusting as narcissistic behaviour is, all narcissists pretty much operate in identical ways. They twist, they turn, they project, and they lie all to gaslight you. In fact, it’s such an automatic response that it really is second nature to a narcissist. It’s just what they do. As long as they’re taking another breath, they’re lying and they gaslight. It’s just a narcissistic thing.
Let’s look at some of the common gaslighting tactics.
Number One – Cruel Counter-Accusations
The number one tactic that I want to share with you is the cruel counter-accusations. I really think that this is the number one tactic that a narcissist uses to gaslight, and they do it when you’re confronting them and you’re seeking accountability.
They’re going to hit you with a personal counter-attack on your character. They’re going to go for something that is going to hurt you. So it’s a slur against your very person. So it’ll be things like, “You’re crazy. You’re mental. There’s something wrong with you.”
They’re going to tell you, “You’ve got it all wrong. You need therapy. You make mountains out of mole hills.” Or maybe, “You’re really selfish. You’re making this all about yourself just because I don’t do what you want when you want me to. You’re jealous. You’re insecure.” It’s things like that, and I’m sure you’ve heard some of these.
So, what is the narcissist doing? They’re trying to cover their tracks and divert away from their wrongdoing by discrediting and demonizing you.
A NARP member once told me how she walked in on her husband with another woman. This woman was half naked on the couch, and he told her she had it all wrong, that it was just a purely innocent massage for a friend in need.
Because she’d been gaslit for so many years and she’d lost faith in her own sense of reality, her own sense of truth, she was actually questioning, “Have I got this right? Maybe these are my insecurities. Maybe this is my inability to trust him.” Because, of course, that’s what he told her.
She was questioning her own sanity, and she very nearly believed him. Thank goodness she’d already started with NARP, and she started working diligently on what all that gaslighting brought up for her.
She was able to clear out her confusion and not trusting and not believing in herself, and she came to her senses. She found her own pillar of truth, and then came self-love. She realized what a lying bag of repeat adultery this man had been for years, and she ended her marriage with him. Thank goodness.
Number Two – Pathological Denial
Personally, this is one of the gaslighting tactics that used to do my head in. I know it would’ve made your hit spin as well. Here’s what happens, the evidence could even be right there in front of you, there it is in an email or a text or a piercingly clear memory that you have of what happened, and yet the narcissist will declare, “I never said or did that,” when they have said or done that. It’s a blatant lie.
Here’s the crazy part, you know they said or did that, and yet they proclaim, and they grandstand that they didn’t. They threaten to leave you for not believing them. They tell you you’re abusive because you are saying they did.
They may stonewall and refuse to communicate. As far as the narcissist is concerned, their word is final and if you challenge it, you’re the one that’s wrong.
Of course, you are all for the truth, that’s what a normal human being is looking for, because we need truth to feel safe in our reality. But the narcissist stands for anything but the truth because he or she can only have the upper hand in the shadows of deceit.
Your head is spinning trying to work out whether or not the narcissist knows they’re lying, or they’re really so disordered that they’re believing their warped version of things. Or maybe, just maybe, you are going crazy and you do have it wrong.
I really want you to know that none of that is important. What is important is understanding that it’s drastically abusive and unhealthy, and the only truth and safety possible is getting away from this person, living your truth, and detoxing them from your life.
Number Three – Using Allies Real Or Imagined
The ex-narcissist in my life used to say things like, “I was told that you were seen in the supermarket talking to a man.” And when I would ask him who told him that, because I couldn’t remember doing that, he would declare that he promised this person he would not divulge who it was, and my head was going into overdrive thinking, “Did I say hello to somebody? Maybe this person who thought they saw me saw somebody that they thought was me.”
It didn’t occur to me for a very long time that this was a purposeful fabrication to try to catch me out or justify jealous, insecure behaviour. At that stage of my life, I believed that if somebody looked you in the eye and told you something, it was truthful.
But with narcissists, that’s not the case at all. All bets are off. They will literally say anything to try to achieve their agenda, and they don’t care if they’re lying. They’re amoral. They know they lie, and they don’t care.
Using allies to make you believe others see you in a certain way or think something about you is all about stripping your credibility, your confidence and your belief in yourself.
A client of mine once told me this horrific gaslighting story. It’s one I’ve never forgotten.
Somebody close to her had died and in her grief – she had family members come over to her home that evening for support – she’d had too much to drink, and the narcissist accused her of acting sexually with her cousin. He told her that other family members had left the house disgusted. Because of the lack of food and the grief and the alcohol, she had no recollection, she couldn’t remember.
My client, thank goodness, had started working with Quanta Freedom Healing in our sessions, and she was also working with NARP on herself. She’d been working on detangling her hook so that she could get her power back and leave him. So, she went inside, and she confronted all of that confusion and the shame and the horror of what he’d said, and she let it go and brought in Source.
Then she absolutely stood in her truth. He had not expected her to not buy into that shame attack on her.
She reached out and she contacted the other family members that were present. He was busted. It was all a cruel lie on his behalf. Nobody knew anything about what he’d said. It was a nasty, nasty gaslight to try to punish her because she was getting the attention that he wasn’t and that’s why he lashed out in that disgusting way to try to punish her.
Number Four – False Promises / Moving The Goalposts
The thing is narcissists are gaslighting you even at the very beginning of a relationship. It’s just not obvious because it’s nice lies and it’s alluring lies. They’re false promises. They’re telling you what you want to hear, making out that their interests are the same as yours, that your values are aligned and they want in the future the things that you want.
None of this is actually true. The narcissist doesn’t want a future of love together, happiness, cooperation, and partnership with you. These things actually make a narcissist nauseous because it would mean that they’re like everybody else and their False Self, their ego, feels horrified about that – literally.
What the narcissist really wants is stuff, acclaim, significance, an ego feed, control, the ability to stay separated from you because then they can maintain the upper hand so as to keep devaluing and discarding you to punish you if you don’t serve the False Self sufficiently. That gives them vindication to feel better about themselves and blame you when things go wrong.
The narcissist was always making false promises. When you’ve had enough and you’re ready to break away and walk away, the narcissist may make false promises again, gaslight you again, especially when this is the only way that they can keep you hooked in as narcissistic supply. So, they’re going to dangle the carrot again.
Narcissists also gaslight by changing the rules. They may say, “If you do this, I’ll give you that.” Then they will pull the rug out from underneath you and then blame it on you. It was something that you did or didn’t do that means the rules got changed.
Maybe the promise of the dangling carrot was, “Okay, we’ll have a baby together,” or “We’ll get married,” or “We’ll move house,” or the narcissist will go get a job or the narcissist may stop the affair that they’re having on the side or they’re going to get back together with you or they’ll give you a fair settlement of the property or they’ll let you see the children or they’ll pay you back the money that you gave them …
The truth is this, the narcissist is playing with you. You are the mouse, and they’re the cat. You can’t negotiate fairly with a narcissist.
Many of my clients over the years have wanted to work things out pleasantly with a narcissist. Dangerously and horribly, they found out that trying to do the right thing and lead the way by being the nice person by giving the narcissist what they want and then expecting the right thing to be done in return, has blown up in their face.
Again, a narcissist is amoral. They don’t care about doing the right thing. They don’t want to do the right thing. So you need to understand that when you acquiesce to a narcissist and you play that game of, “If I give you this, you’re going to give me this back,” it’s not going to end the abuse. It actually cements you deeper into the abuse until you’re emptied out. You cannot acquiesce to a terrorist and not get more terrorized. It doesn’t work that way.
Fortunately, many of my clients did the inner work – which is why I’m so passionate about promoting it – and took back their power. They were able to line up powerfully with their own truth and proactively take action to walk it against the narcissist for powerful and real results. They took their lives, their rights, their property, and the custody of their children back.
The biggest takeaway I want you to know with this section is, words mean nothing. It’s not what somebody tells you they’re going to do, it’s their actions that count. The best indication of future behaviour is past behaviour. If you know somebody has been a pathological liar, they’re never to be trusted again. They’re not. So, get everything sealed up in iron-clad writing in any contract that you are ever going to sign with a narcissist.
In Conclusion
I hope that this has helped you understand how a narcissist can gaslight you so that you recognize it. I want you to know that the more that you come home to your own healing and making your sovereignty and your truth your whole focus by letting go of what you’ve been trying to get from them and get it directly from yourself and true Source, you’ll see through it really easily and you’ll stop handing your power away to it. I really hope that helps.
This describes pretty much all of the world’s leaders, at the moment.
I do hope people wake up and start to see they are being psychologically abused.
So true Jessica.
So very true Jessica.
I so agree. I can’t believe it’s taking this long for people around the world to wake-up and realize they are being brainwashed
I’d like to see some posts about how to help reverse the damage done to your children, in which you’ve played a role due to the confusion and challenges from the abuse you’ve endured. My teenage son hasn’t experienced the degree of gaslighting or damage that I have, so he is so angry and confused. He doesn’t understand the real reasons why I need to end my marriage. Although he’s told me he knows I “do all the work” to save the marriage, he usually thinks I’m just moody and tense and critical of my husband. In reality, it’s that I’ve had to set major boundaries because of my husband’s abuse. But not knowing this, my son has become so hurt and damaged himself, and neither his therapist nor I can reach him when he flips out at the notion of his parents divorcing. How do you help your kids to understand and heal when you can’t tell them all the gory details, and you’re barely managing to heal yourself?
Dear Hurt Mom,
My heart goes out to you. I have been there, though of course your personal experience is it’s own painful version of inexplicable. I too have a teenaged son, now 19 years old. From years of experience I have learned the hard way, and for me, the only way, that though everything in you screams to heal your son in the places he doesn’t even know yet that he has been wounded, the only real and lasting healing will originate solely from your own healing. It will be the ultimate act of faith on your part. But your healing, as incremental and paltry as it may feel, is the answer. You have more power than you ever dreamed. You can do this. My son and I made it through and it remains a miracle to me. You can and will heal. Both of you.
Hi Hurt Mom,
please google my name plus “our children” and you will see many resources that I have that speak directly to what you are trying to work through.
Also, I cant recommend enough that you come into my free webinar http://www.melanietoniaevans.com/freewebinar which will also grant you many answers regarding what to do for you and your son.
I hope that this can help you,
Mel 🙏💞🦋
He ( the narcissist ) wants to separate. I have done nothing wrong.
What is the best thing to do so that he doesn’t take everything that I have got.
Should I be documenting the things that have happened or is that a waste of time and creating a more stressful situation for myself?
Hi Hedy,
If you google my name plus “leaving a narcissist” I have many resources that can grant you directions as to how to separate in the best and safest and most empowering way.
Big hugs and I hope that this can help you
Mel 🙏💞🦋
I would sure like to know how to get my property back. I’ve already tried the Police and a lawyer with no luck.
Find another lawyer. Collect proof of purchase or ownership. File the paperwork in court and get a judgment to have your property returned. Always use a third party to negotiate, act or represent on your behalf. Use law enforcement to enforce the law. You are not alone.
“I never said that!” Classic gaslight.
My Stepson and his wife have played out every form of gaslighting to my husband and myself but especially my husband. After years of trying to be family I understand now it’s just not going to happen. At first I felt I had been a bad stepmom somehow. But it’s not the case. It truly is my stepson who’s the narcissist. He comes from a lineage of them. His mother her mother and my husbands mother all narcissistic women.
Each very abusive mentally and physically to thier husbands and children.
I didn’t fully understand the amoral part but now I do. My stepson and his wife live with her parents have a baby and are pregnant with another. They are both 27 and capable of caring for themselves but the “wife” of my stepson wanted to move back home with her mommy and daddy. She has a history of quitting jobs to avoid working.
It wasn’t until I saw a posted video of another “cousin’” pulling the baby in her little wheeled walker around the garage in a wheeled vehicle himself she was behind him and no parent was watching her that I realized yep they truly don’t care. She’s not one year old yet and anything could happen in that scenario where she could have gotten really hurt. One fall or accidental out of control move by the “driver” who was a kid himself. In the video my step son and his wife are both separate from each other in the garage playing on their phones while the baby is being ripped around the garage space.
They have already tried to use the baby as a pawn so my husband and myself have decided to go no contact. It’s hard but eventually it all does make sense. You realize these are not good people even if it’s your own kid and it’s better to save yourself because they will not change. It’s rare and that person has to want to change. The lie they live to justify and create their grandiose persona is too much for them to lose. Even though they truly are a turd of a person. You will learn that.
Very wonderful posts.
I really appreciate all you are doing to help us live a better life.
I will keep thanking you 1000times.
Hi Melanie,
Thank you, this is useful input going into the Holiday season. Keeping a clear head while “swimming” in emotions that come with the celebration is not easy, and these insights definitely help.
Happy Holidays (not being sarcastic) 🙂
Spot on! Thank you! As I read through the article, I had to stop several times while reading it. Each time I stopped reading I was grateful for what I was reading, but I kept saying to myself I wanted to forget that it was right and stop reading. Five times I did this……Normally I read at a quick pace, not with this post. Thank you and the Lord so much for helping me understand all of the confusion. The help has helped me save myself for me, my family (regardless of how much the narcs don’t want boundaries), friends and neighbors. We all do so much better with hope and prayer.
Happy New Year to Everyone!!