The differences between overt and covert narcissists are totally obvious.
The overt: big arrogant personality, entitled, selfish and demanding but often charismatic, confident and witty.
The covert: secretly arrogant, superior and passive-aggressive but mostly quiet and introverted. They appear to be the shy type.
It’s easy to spot the overt, while the covert easily slips under the radar because they can seem inoffensive on the surface.
Both these types are problematic, both are damaging and abusive. But the covert narcissist literally sneaks up on you with their subtle depressive and anxious ways. You need to know how to spot these individuals before you let them get too close. I fell for a covert, and it nearly destroyed me.
In my latest Thriver TV video, I answer all your lingering questions about the covert narcissist – how they present, what they do, the damage they cause, and, of course, how to break away and heal from them. They are sneaky and sticky and will underhandedly do whatever is necessary to take you down.
Knowing how to read the signs from an overt or covert narcissist will be easier after you watch my video, and it may even save you from falling for one of these types ever again.
Video Transcript
Today we’re going to look at two types of narcissists as well as how to heal from narcissistic abuse. Now, I know there’s a lot out there about covert narcissists, and most definitely I want to help you identify them, but also what it is within you that might be unconsciously hooking you up with them so that you can actually heal from them.
Before I get started, I just want to remind you to make sure that you’ve pressed the notification button for my videos so that you are subscribed to this incredible healing community, and also so that you know when each new video is going to be released.
The Obvious Differences Between The Covert And The Overt Narcissist
Let’s talk about covert narcissists. Many of you ask about them a lot – how they present, what they do, the damage they cause, and, of course, how to break away and heal from them. I want to start off with the obvious differences between the covert and the overt narcissist, because coverts are not as obvious as the normal narcissist.
The traditional definition of a narcissist is somebody who’s got a really big arrogant personality. It’s somebody who is entitled, they’re selfish, they’re demanding, but before you get to know that you start to see that they have this air of superiority and they can even grandstand and be grandiose.
They appear really confident and charming and funny and witty. They’re the life of the party and people often gravitate to this type of narcissistic personality in droves because they’re infectious and they’re all shiny and exciting. Society often rewards of these types of people.
Now, the problem with the usual recognition of narcissist is that the covert narcissist can slip under the radar. The interesting thing about the covert is that there is still the arrogance and the superiority of the traditional narcissist yet it’s much harder to spot and it can be easy to miss.
The covert narcissist is the one likely to be sitting at the back of the room. They don’t take the limelight. They can appear shy, introverted, and they have more than a touch of the victim personality. These are people who have got much less finesse, they don’t have the social skills, and they’re not really comfortable with people and groups of people like a traditional narcissist is.
The covert is somebody who feels hard done by, and when you engage with them you’ll find out that they have this victim personality. They will talk about how others have done the wrong thing by them and how they’ve had limitations and less opportunities and how others are against them in the world, we’re going to go into that in greater detail in this video.
Whereas the overt narcissist who appears really positive and really happy, often ensnare people with their charm and their power, apparent, and their success and their big personalities whereas covert narcissists hunt more discreetly. They sidle up to people who may start feeling sorry for them, people who are attracted to helping and loving these people through their vulnerabilities and their anxieties and the losses that they’ve had in their life. Again, we’re going to break that down even more as well.
Hot Versus Cold Narcissism
Let’s have a look at one of the significant differences, which is hot versus cold narcissism. Overt narcissists are more of the hot type and the covert is the less obvious cold type.
Overt narcissists are up and down in a kind of bipolar way. The overt narcissist is really black or white. Everything is either great or it’s terrible. They’re happy and as high as a kite and just completely delightful, or they’re down, angry, nasty, and hugely confrontational.
An overt narcissist is likely to tell you straight to your face in a really direct way how they feel about you, and it can be nasty and name-calling, and they’ll do that when they’re feeling triggered and they’re down and they lash out and they attack.
Now, cold narcissists don’t have that kind of black and white personality where they’re either up or down. Covert narcissists are usually more depressed and miserable and anxious than not. They’re rarely happy.
They’re extremely draining to be around and they’re very passive-aggressive in their comments, and I’m going to give you some examples of this, and these are the comments that chip away at your Soul.
So they’ll say things to you like, when they’re trying to put you down, rather than straight to your face, they’ll say something like, “If only your friends knew who you really are.” or, “Clearly, you have a certain relationship with your boss for him to look after you the way he does.” You know that this person is making accusations about you, but it’s in a really hurtful, non-direct, passive-aggressive kind of way. It’s quite insidious.
Of course, the reaction if you address this, is that you’re going to see the narcissistic three ring circus, which is denial, projections, defenses, and all the games that make your head spin when you try to call them out on it. It’s the same with the hot type, but the hot type will be more vicious whereas the cold type will be more condescending and passive- aggressive.
Omnipotent Versus Victimised Narcissism
Now, let’s have a look at omnipotent versus victimized narcissism. Overt narcissists have a literal God complex. They believe they’re indestructible, they can do anything, conquer anything, have anything, and they will even put themselves into ridiculously dangerous, immoral and reckless situations.
Overt narcissists crash and burn often. They’ll dust themselves off, leave their disasters with everybody else to clean up, and just restart their life again on a different set, like a different stage play. Of course, they don’t learn from their mistakes.
Whereas the covert narcissist, on the other hand, is the perpetual victim. They believe the world is against them. They’re incredibly negative. They think everybody’s out to get them. They don’t get going. They don’t improve themselves. They don’t take risks. They don’t put themselves else out there, and it’s everybody else’s fault.
If you try to push them to improve themselves or just do something, they’re going to lash out at you and they’re going to blame you for their victimhood. You are the enemy. They’ll just put you in the basket with everybody and everything else that is against them.
They’re enmeshed in their victim story and their miserableness, and they will take you down with them, if you stay with them. They believe they never got a fair go. They believe life owes them and, of course, you owe them. They’re not happy with anything much in their life and they’re definitely not happy with you and how you relate to them.
It doesn’t matter what you try to do for them, they’re going to criticize you, blame you, judge you, tell you it’s your fault. It’s never good enough. Doesn’t matter what you do, what you don’t do, or how much money or effort you throw at them to try to help them – it’s your fault. I know a lot of you will be relating to this if you are dealing with a covert narcissist, because it’s beyond maddening.
Extraverted Versus Introverted Narcissism
Now, let’s have a look at extroverted versus introverted narcissists. Overt narcissists like company. They seek direct narcissistic supply through people and groups, claim notoriety, attention – all of that stuff. They get it through charm and warmness and generosity, of course, to the outer environment. If you’re in a close inner environment, you know it can be very different.
Overt narcissists feel much more confident in social interactions than covert narcissists who are much more introverted, secluded, and paranoid around people. They often really feel out of their depths around people.
The covert narcissist will try to devalue your interactions with others. They will talk about people disparagingly behind their backs, make you feel guilty about socializing like you don’t love them enough or you enjoy other people’s attention more than time with them and they’re going to make passive-aggressive comments about that.
They will go to social events with you where they are so uncomfortable that it makes you feel uncomfortable. They’ll be in the person in the corner – sullen, moody, anxious, and you may feel like you just have to leave to try to keep them happy.
The Common Qualities That Covert Narcissists Have With Traditional Narcissists
So there are some of the differences, but let’s have a look at some of the common qualities that covert narcissists have with traditional narcissists, but yet there’s a bit of a twist. Let’s have a look at it.
When you look deeper at the similarities between the covert and the overt, you’ll see it’s narcissism. It really is. It’s just that it presents a little differently. First of all, all narcissists are inherently depressed, meaning that they’ve disconnected from their True Self. Because, as a narcissist with a False Self, they’ve really buried and thrown their Inner Being aside. They don’t want to look at how they really feel about themselves or their wounds or their development or their healing. They just want to put out a fictitious character that they’re going to live their life through.
What that means is that all narcissists, the covert and the overt, are actually drug addicts, meaning they’re empty on the inside and they need narcissistic supply. They all need attention, significance, people’s Life Force and resources to keep feeding their insatiable False Self.
It’s like a black hole because it can’t maintain its own energy force, its own peace, its own happiness, its own fullness. The overt narcissist pretends to be up and positive and in love with life because that’s how they attract people to them for narcissistic supply. Yet as a close intimate behind closed doors, you’ll see it’s far from the truth.
So when the facade crashes with an overt narcissist as it regularly does, then they’re going to be sullen, angry, needy for attention, which means they’re entitled. They’re arrogant. They’re demanding. In fact, as time goes on, it becomes impossible to please the overt narcissist. They’ll come in from the outside and they’re full of narcissistic supply, and then they get triggered off into their wounds and they get down and depressed and it seems like they’re quite up and then down. They’re either black or they’re white.
However, the covert narcissist displays their depression much more transparently. They’re more obviously irritable, moody, sullen, passive-aggressive, depressed, victimized, and they are very needy, demanding and entitled, which, of course, means blaming you for how they’re feeling and trying to hold you responsible for fixing how they’re feeling.
Here’s the thing, too. We might think that the overt narcissist is the one that has this big grandiosity and this entitlement and this arrogance, but the covert narcissist still has it as well, just with a bit of a twist.
Now, here is how it’s different. An overt narcissist will tell you, “I’m the best at something,” and they grandstand. Whereas the covert narcissist will tell you the only reason they’re not recognized by everybody as the best at something is because they just didn’t get the breaks that other people had. That’s the victim story. The competitiveness and the superiority that are trademarks of narcissism still apply with both types.
Yet here is the difference. The overt narcissist will put themselves in the event or the competition or the class trying to beat everybody publicly and bang their chest. Whereas the covert narcissist won’t involve themselves, but they’re going to make haughty excuses like, “There’s no point in me even lowering myself to a competition where the judges scoring the results don’t even know as much as I do about this topic.” That’s how they pass it off.
Pathological Jealousy
Now, pathological jealousy is something that both covert and overt narcissists both have and this is how it expresses a little bit differently. The overt narcissist may love to name-drop about people’s successes and accomplishments and brag about other people because they think that it makes them look superior to people. Also, they may sidle up with these people to try and get elevated positions up the ladder as a result of being on these people’s coattails. Then, of course, when they get to the same level, then they’ll start destroying them.
Or, it’s all about, “I’m so great because I know so and so, and so and so is helping me get to where I want to get,” and that’s how they do it. But with the close intimates like their love partners or their family and people around them, the overt narcissist will belittle, degrade, and sabotage because they’re thinking, How dare you steal the attention away from me when we have friends or family over?” It’s that kind of thing.
Now, with the covert narcissist, they will arrogantly discredit other people’s success and they’re going to have this arrogant victim story about how they know better. They are better because they’ve got all these unseen and unrecognized skills, gifts and talents. It’s only because these other people got the breaks that the covert narcissist never got, and it was because those people (just forget about the hard work and the effort they put in) had good luck, and it’s just bad luck that the covert never hit success.
They also find a way to discredit anybody who is gutsy, who takes risks and who puts themselves out there and backs themselves because the covert narcissist doesn’t generate their own life and they continually make excuses for why they don’t. They mock other people’s success.
Of course, according to the covert narcissist, their own lack of success was just their bad luck or because life attacked them and other people tried to bring them down.
What Draws People To Covert Narcissists?
Here is a very important question that I want to look at because let’s all take our power back because that’s what Thriver healing is all about, and we have to get real to heal.
So what draws people to covert narcissists? What does? It’s a really important question because these people seem like such a misery, who would want to be with them? They’re nowhere near as shiny and as attractive as overt narcissist, which you could be forgiven for falling for until you know better and you’ve developed and heal yourself.
It’s so interesting how many people do a covert narcissist after an overt narcissist. Not all the time, but it does happen a lot. Maybe you’ve already experienced a big, brash, overt narcissist, and you’ve very mindfully tried to choose somebody who is more unassuming, quieter, and less obviously grandiose.
Yet, as many of us have painfully experienced, if we still haven’t healed our Inner Love Code from our past traumas and we’re still carrying them things like, “The people I love invalidate, abuse me, and emotionally annihilate me.” Then again, we will often find ourselves in relationships with another narcissist who brings us more of these traumas again that we haven’t yet healed.
Even though we thought we were choosing a different person, we’ve still got a narcissist, just a different flavour of narcissist this time, and I absolutely did that with my second narcissist. I still had some unhealed stuff I hadn’t worked through yet.
Also, inside many of us is the desire to rescue. We’re attracted to vulnerabilities and getting behind somebody who we think needs love and a better chance at life. Covert narcissists will share their sob stories very early on. If you’re empathetic and kind in nature, you feel really sorry for these people, about the childhood abuse and the terrible things that they’ve suffered at the hands of others.
You may feel protective and that bonds you to them deeply. You may also hang on and on to these people in the cognitive dissonance of, “He or she is like that because of their childhood. I can understand why they behave like that.” You make excuses and justifications for their behaviour, no matter how badly they treat you.
At the deeper levels of our Inner Being, if we’ve had relationships with family members, usually parents, but it could be any family member, who was damaged and vulnerable, and we were trying to fix them so that they could be healthy enough to love us, then we’re going to be naturally, subconsciously attracted to and attractive to victims who need fixing.
We’re unconsciously trying to right the wrongs of our childhoods, yet only deeply ripping open these wounds to relive them all over again. We’re trying to be the parent to someone who we didn’t receive ourselves and, again, our needs and our values and our truths are not going to be met. As we all know, getting involved, enmeshed and trauma-bonded to narcissists creates very big losses on every level of our life and our health, as we know.
How To Heal From Covert Narcissists
So how to heal from covert narcissist? The most powerful way and, really, the only way for real to heal from covert narcissist is to detach from them. Stop trying to change them because you can’t change any narcissist no matter how many shapes you try to twist yourself into, and instead turn inwards to heal yourself up and out of the internal trauma bonds that are keeping you ensnared with them.
In Conclusion
If you recognize that you’re enmeshed with a covert narcissist or not yet recovered from one, then I highly recommend my free webinar. I’d love you to come into it so that you can learn more about Quanta Freedom Healing, the Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Program, which is known as NARP, and how it can quickly and powerfully dissolve your trauma bonds so that you can start to get your sanity, your power, your life, and your Soul back from this madness that’s ripping you apart.
I hope today has helped grant ease and clarity in what to look out for with those tricky, insidious coverts who are less obvious so you can get clear, it’s still narcissism. I look forward to your comments and your questions about this.
Dear Melanie!
Wow! This might be the most exhaustive explanation, or at least the most understandable explanation , that I may have ever encountered that explains so well all these characteristics of narcissists….. Thank you so much! Wow! In the real world as we face difficult and almost impossible struggles with narcissists I understand that it’s necessary to do the inner work of NARP and try to follow your guidelines but sometimes just finding out facts like you exposed to us today is really wonderful and amazing!!!!
I never really quite understood whether the narcissist in my life was covert or overt or whatever but today I got an inkling….🙄 she is a combination of just about everything you described. But, the worst part is she’s mean……
I shouldn’t feel good about this understanding but I do!
This transcription is going to be of great benefit as I learn more and get to understand what I must continue to do to protect myself from future narcissistic people and to use these opportunities to grow, hopefully spiritually, and do my best every day with all the hope I can muster up….🙏🙏🙏
Thanks again for all the inspiration, direction and guidance! Lots of love! ❤️🦋❤️
Hi Peter,
you are very welcome, and it is true that many N’s can display characteristics of overt and covert and flip between the two.
Much love
Mel 🙏💞🦋
Dear Melanie,
Everything you said about covert narcissists describes my mother and my father. Their abuse was so subversive and passive aggressive that I am only now beginning to have compassion for myself for what I went through in childhood. My mother told me so many horror stories about her childhood (playing the victim), and I had compassion on her and enabled her terrible behavior and made excuses for her. Not anymore. I went no contact with both of them 3 years ago. Best decision I ever made! It’s been emotionally difficult at times, but I know in my soul that I am doing the right thing.
Great article. I was actually never attracted to the overt narcissist. I could see through them a mile away. But I have found myself inevitably drawn to the covert narcissist. I just want to save them, help them, and make them feel better. But I do realize that is not my job now. Maybe it is some sort of childhood reenactment in which I am trying to save the person because I couldn’t save my own mother. I don’t know how we eventually are able to discern, I guess it comes with time. But I don’t know if I will ever feel comfortable turning away or not showing compassion to someone who is hurting. But at the same time, I have been burned by these people, they can actually be really mean. But I am sure there are people with sad stories who aren’t narcissists. I just have to figure out the difference I guess.
Hi Angie,
you so did.
Congratulations on honouring your soul!
Mel 🙏💞🦋
Thank you Melanie..this article was very validating. My ex was definitely a covert narcissist. I’m a clinical social worker with a parent who was very mentally ill and an alcoholic. I thought I had healed the part of me in pain as a child from this. My mother would threaten suicide if I pulled away from her or was angry with her. I wasn’t allowed to have normal feelings as a child. My ex learned this about me and knew how I felt a need to save her. My ex would threaten suicide unless I was the way they wanted me to be. I got pulled into this fast and furious. I was immediately protective of them, pushing away my family and others who warned me they were dangerous. I became so ill trying to “fix” them, trying to love them into healing. I thought they loved me but they grew tired of me when I could no longer pay for the lifestyle they wanted. I became psychologically, emotionally and financially depleted. I then became suicidal Melanie…as I was becoming weaker they seemed to be growing stronger …they were coming off their meds as I was prescribed more…for depression and anxiety…they were literally sucking out my life force. But I didn’t realize it at the time. Thank you for this article as what you said here so validated my experience and also validated that I am a good person…one of the reasons I got caught in this. This person made me feel I was bad and that there was something deeply wrong with me. However, I can see the projection now…they turned everything around that they did to me as if I did it to them. It actually made me self doubt and feel so much shame for so long. I still struggle with this shame and self doubt but can remind myself a lot quicker now the reality of the situation…I am a good person that got taken in by someone manipulating me by what I shared too easily. Thank you for this Melanie!🙏
Hi Sherri,
it’s my pleasure and I’m really happy that you feel validated.
Mel 🙏💞🦋
Dear Melania,
This post is so true even if sometimes I saw a mix of over and covert with my ex-husband.
One of the most difficult thing has been go over my own narcissistic wounds and understand that a certain amount of narcissism is part of “being human” and that these failures, or scars, are part of the trauma bound that made me give everything I had, ruin my health, take overwhelming challenges to support a man for which nothing was enough. No matter what I did, it was never enough.
We have been together for 14 years. I would love to be able to share more but I can’t yet. Sometimes I can talk about him to very close friends but most of the time my throat is hurting and I can’t say a word.
We have two young kids and because of my values, a certain idea of loyalty, a desire to be the family I always wanted to created, I made things very progressive.
After being in hospital several times, I asked for divorce. He seemed and probably was so shocked and hurt that I said “okay, let’s separate and try to rebuild”.
Not living with him anymore has been the beginning of our salvation.
Mine was less violent and mean than many stories I read but still, I’m over debt, over weight, over exhausted and fighting daily to wake up and be a mum, I had to put our company on its feet, and deal with the trauma inside me that made me bond with him for so long.
We were fighting a lot. I never fought with anybody before but he knew how to trigger me and I thought for years it was my fault. Loops and loops of “logic” that made no sense, very disconnected from reality and humanity. I accepted to take many financial risks to support him and his genius philosophical creation. I took care of our kids mostly alone, for years he didn’t took care of them and he only does now because it’s somehow related to kids support. Everything was a problem, because of his negligence with anything he wouldn’t consider “important” or his self centered attitude that made him repeating again and again that no one ever helped him, it was his family, hi friends, the army, the society, my fault.
When we were rebuilding, I succeeded because I fell in love again, I started therapy, I thought okay, hard times are behind and it’s happening. Then I learned about the other woman. I stopped everything. He couldn’t take it and, ignoring my pain, he harassed me with hundreds of messages to convince me to continue an open relationship with him. It was a nightmare.
To escape from this, I said “go live your romance, I’ll take care of your tasks at work” (we co-created a company). I ended up working a lot and taking care of the kids (within 4 years, he took them 1 week during school time… too tired to do the job).
Then at work, people started to “see” and to talk. Suddenly he was exposed.
It was hard because in the past, he did good things, we never wanted him to be dismissed, it’s not pure black and white, so yes it was hard for all of us especially because we work in an environment focused on “sustainability” and “humanitarian values”, meaning that we expect somehow from each other to embody these a bit.
Then the madness started and we had it all. He focused only on the negative sides, he didn’t question himself, never apologized, and started to build a fiction of him being the victim of a giant plot with me taking revenge and our friends and colleagues willing to take all his shares away. For months, he was at war, harassing us with hundreds if not thousands of emails and me personally. I organized a mediation to organize better with our kids, he screwed it presenting him as a victim, saying that no one ever helped him!
I mean, one example among dozens: our start-up had great difficulties, many ups and downs. One of our colleagues couldn’t pay himself so he started well paid side jobs. For years, he has been between the two and he even invested more than 100k. When he started to speak up and asked CEO Narc for a change of attitude, more structure in business, better culture, he was called a selfish person.
It was never a straightforward opposition, that’s much more subtle. For him, we can see it now so clearly, it was a chess game where all of us where meant to provide for him and were grateful for him to share his brilliant mind with us. For 14 years, it was never enough.
And it’s not over. I mean, we stood up for our believes, we tried to act according to our values and offered many options to reintegrate him in the company progressively and encourage him to start therapy. He felt insulted by everything.
He harassed me. Goes by waves. 3-6 days, 200 messages a day, repeating the same things, and 80 emails to the company, with the same toxic content. He accuses us of many horrible things but doesn’t take us to court, where we say we’re ready to go since we haven’t done anything wrong.
He doesn’t search for another job. He sticks to his giant victim story to drain resources from family and girlfriend. He moved less than 1 km from my place recently. I’m pretty sure he still believes he can get me for supply. He has 0 awareness of the consequences of his behavior.
I was scared and exhausted with this pressure. I have been on sick leave recently and I reported him to the police. It a very hard step to take because I’m constantly thinking “he’s the father of my kids, I can’t do this” and “it’s not that bad, compared to other stories, it’s not that bad”.
Well the police officer told me: “Mam’, father of your kids or not, 200 text messages repeatedly is harassment and you’re clearly dealing with a lot: it is that bad.”
Bless her, the social workers, my therapist, Melania and 1-2 very interesting healers/groups that I follow, the very close friends who are strong enough to support me on the long run because yes, when kids and work issues are in the middle, it takes time.
But my strengths start to be back. I can feel it every day. Very little by very little but this is me, my joy for life, my sense of humor, my good spirit. Therapy is hard but it’s the key. It takes courage, OMG the courage it takes to face my ruins, my trauma bond, my failures.
I wrote recently in a post “hit got very very real and heavy with situations I wasn’t prepared to go through. I’m picking up the pieces my best. The balance between love, compassion and boundaries is found. New scars are defining new inner landscapes. Let’s see what tomorrow will bring.”
Thanks Melania for your generous sharing and helping us to create a culture able to overcome toxicity and support more and more empowerment.
Hi Eva, the open relationship was something also in my relationship that I felt I had to accept to keep them and to help them be happy. I was made to feel selfish for not being happy about it. Not saying its not right for some people as it is what some people choose. But I was not ok. It hurt so much for years. I relate to your story. My heart goes out to you Eva. Take care of you!💛
Well, in the end I could talk about it! And I’m happy I did 🙂
Hi Melanie,
Such a brilliant episode (as always! :)) Thank you x Such important reminders for me to trust what is so true and known very deeply now, thanks to your wonderful NARP and beautiful courses.
The passive-aggressive ‘innocent’ comments still sometimes trip me, but not for v long!… there’s just nothing for them to ‘stick to’ anymore ❤️ It’s so beautiful! when it happens now, as I can feel, observe, perhaps there’s even a flash reaction felt in the moment but v quickly it’s understood, the peace (which is always here) returns and I can smile about it too – yippee! Not for me thank you 🤗
So grateful Mel and team ❤️🙏🌸🐈x
Hi Rowena,
it’s wonderful that you have been able to make this progress.
Much love to you
Mel 🙏💞🦋
Thank you for this excellently written post. All your efforts to get the message out there are very much appreciated. You have helped me a lot in my healing process and am forever grateful.🙏🏾
Thank you for your lovely comment Happybuttefly,
you are very welcome!
Mel 🙏💞🦋
Is there one in between? My husband (soon to be x) is a blend of both? He has a mix of both, but the charming part is very hard to get around, because everyone around you is sort of sympathetic to them, they can see your hurt, but you know he’s so …… urgh, wish he was so 6ft under 🙄
Dear Melanie,
Thank you for this. Especially the part where you explained that one can go from an overt narc to covert. I found myself in a brief relationship with a covert only dated for roughly 4 months luckily before I realized that he was also a narc. I was so mad at myself because I thought I had fully healed and was ready to go into another relationship only to realize I went the other way covert.
Back to the healing I go!
I am proud of myself for recognizing the narc so soon and withdrawing my energy. So there was healing that took place.
Such a great video! Thank you for so clearly explaining the differences between over and covert narcissists. It’s hard to find information that really compares the two so succinctly. One of your best videos for the informational content!!
Thank you AJ!
Mel 🙏💞🦋
Thank you so much for these emails. This is exactly what I’ve delt with for years. A covert narcissist.