Let’s talk today about the narcissist trauma bonds that keep you ensnared.
I know you may be shaking your head at how on earth the narcissist is still ensnaring you. You know it doesn’t make sense. You know this person is hurting you, yet you can’t stop yourself continuing to participate with the insanity.
One of the most shocking things about narcissistic abuse is that we seem to keep signing up for our own demise. You know it’s not what you want to do, or should be doing, yet you can’t seem to stop yourself from doing it.
Is it any wonder you can feel so powerless and helpless?
Today, I want to explain to you what is really going on with how narcissists ensnare you … and the 5 ways that you can break these shackles.
Number One – False Promises
Narcissists are very good at working out “what you want”. This could relate to the love and devotion you haven’t yet received in your life – the feelings of loyalty, being honoured, respected and valued. You will feel seen, met and understood at a deeper level than you can imagine.
Not only is this a welcome “salve” to your Soul, it also holds the promises of washing away the pain of your past. It’s a powerful feeling of finally “coming home”.
Or maybe you have always wanted someone who shares your interests, who is into what you are, and seeks the same passions and missions.
In regard to generating security, this person may offer the resources, courage and knowledge you seek, or be the boss granting the opportunity, or show the promise of the contacts and introductions you would like to procure.
Regarding any aspect of your life, the narcissist is very good at creating dependencies with false promises. They identify your anxiety or “less than” issue – and seem to provide the solution.
Here is the thing about narcissists – they don’t bring love, solution, support and success into your life. Rather they bring anguish, drama, fractures and loss. It is beneficial for the narcissist though – they take sex, Life Force, resources and significance through control, whilst you are being emptied out.
The Remedy To False Promises – Becoming Your Own Source
Hanging onto the trust and hope of someone giving you results, when the reality is that you are being emptied out, only leads you to suffer more exploitation.
There is a powerful spiritual lesson for all of us to learn as adults – to become a Source to self. Heal up those parts of ourselves that are still underdeveloped and “dependent” and stuck in “lack” and “poverty consciousness”.
One person is not your Source – you are as a connection with the healthy aspects of life.
In the expansiveness and interconnectedness with “all of Life” you don’t need to be an island, or have all the answers or abilities. Your real job is to develop your confidence and attributes to take responsibility to expand into skills and attributes you can achieve, as well as research and learn how to generate healthy connections to what and who is healthy for additional assistance in life .
This helps you feel empowered. It grants you growth and success in every area of your life. Fearfully being limited and wanting someone else to grant you “yourself” (as it did with myself) creates a very precarious position of allowing abusers into your life.
Taking responsibility out of this pattern entails healing this “smallness” from this inside out, to start anchoring into standing for your values and self-worth and courage, to be able to identify relationships and situations which aren’t healthy and say “no” to them.
Then you will not accept someone else’s invalidation or abuse again, and the doors start opening to that and which is healthy for you.
If you relate to this tendency (as so many of us do or did!) to hand power away and not believe we are “enough” to make life work without the narcissist, then I can’t recommend Module 2 of NARP “Becoming a Source to Yourself” to be released and reprogrammed out of toxic dependencies.
You can’t imagine the joy and freedom on the other side of this!
Number Two – Confusion
A narcissist needs you to be out of your core solidness and truth to keep manipulating and controlling you. If you are constantly distracted and derailed with drama you can’t identify what is really happening or look after yourself.
With a narcissist, regularly, goal posts and information change. What is okay for you to do today is not acceptable tomorrow. What pleased the narcissist last week, now has another condition applied to it. The seeming support for your desires from the narcissist has now been ripped away – again. The argument you thought was resolved, hoping to create a deeper and safer relationship with this person, re-emerges with such ferocity that things are even worse now.
As time goes on you don’t know whether you are coming or going. Not only do you have the brain fog of an ever-shifting reality, you also have diminished self-esteem, self-belief and power. You are not a creative autonomous being anymore, because all of your energy is wrapped up in trying to navigate what this person is or isn’t doing to you and your life.
Your emotional distress, anxiety and agitation allows the narcissist to blame you for the problems and diverts attention away from what he or she is really up to – which is manoeuvring you as an object to exploit for his or her own emotional significance and gain of resources.
The Remedy To Confusion – Purging Trauma To Receive Clarity
The first step to come out of the insanity is to step out of the insanity.
You can’t create sanity within insanity. You can’t make a disordered person act in a sensible way, no matter how hard you try.
By pulling away you can get space. However, this in itself is not enough to get clarity. Within the silence of the space is most often when the obsession comes at full throttle. You don’t start to feel automatically better. In fact, out of the battle, the assaults from yesterday, last week and month and years can all hit hard. Trying to compartmentalize and “work out” the madness and be able to get some closure or clarity around it just doesn’t work.
So many of us have tried this ad nauseam with no results other than to keep going around and around the same madness circles. It impacts terribly – emotionally. It is like shooting yourself 100 times with the same bullet.
The truth is this – with our limited cognitive mind we can’t make sense out of the insanity of narcissism. But at an infinite mind level from deep within we can.
A perfectly aligned healing phenomenon happens when you let go of the triggered trauma within you, with a Quantum healing tool such as NARP. As the trauma leaves, and Source is brought in to replace it (The NARP process) where confusion, anxiety and fear was – calm, peace and power come forth instead.
Then you know the truth. You don’t need to work out what the narcissist is up to, you only need to be anchored into your power and truth without pain and fear. Then you know what you were involved with is rubbish and you don’t have to roll around with it anymore.
This is how to truly break free.
Module 1 in NARP “Release the Immediate Pain and Feelings of Loss” is your most powerful tool to get through this time.
Number Three – Praise And Coercion
Narcissists congratulate and reward you if you agree with their version of things, at these times granting you words of “love” and “approval”.
You may be told that you are the most understanding person in their life, that you are fantastic because of your actions, care, dedication … that you are the best lover they have ever known, the best friend, the most outstanding employee and so on and so forth.
The compliments are over the top, and are intended to make you feel so “special”. The narcissist may even butter you up further with extravagant rewards and surprises at times.
Yet, on a dime, the narcissist can switch from adoring you to abhorring you. This is a trauma bond. It’s not unlike a poker machine – you are either losing tons of money, or if you get the “payout” you win big.
Because you have already lost so many parts of yourself and are suffering an extreme loss of clarity and self-esteem, you feel an incredible high when you do spasmodically receive the narcissist’s validation or rewards. The profound relief is the high.
You start chasing the approval. You keep trying to please this person, acquiesce to them and hope for their praise. This feels like bliss after being regularly demonized, degraded and discarded. It’s addictive, as much as the payout in gambling relieves the stress of all the losses. Before you know it, you are subconsciously chasing this, which means that the narcissist has trained you into behaving the way that he or she wants you to behave – handing more and more of your rights and self away.
The Remedy To Praise And Coercion – Self-love And Approval
The only true self-acceptance, love and approval as humans that we can experience is internal. Whether or not you are spiritual in a religious sense or otherwise, I have found in my experience and with thousands of others who recover – this is a spiritual deal. True “love” comes from our connection to “Source” (whatever your version of a Higher Power is).
We can’t get love and approval; we can only be it.
Personally, I discovered I could finally stop the quest of trying to learn how to love and approve of myself, with Quanta Freedom Healing (NARP) by purging all of the false beliefs and traumas I had taken on in my life. When I let these go and replaced them with the Light of Source, I stopped feeling like I wasn’t enough, was unlovable and couldn’t be accepted.
That was when I felt and experienced Source / God / Creation inside of me. I had the knowing of myself that Source held for me … that I was lovable, enough and accepted simply because I existed.
This changed everything for me. I no longer tried to get myself from others. I no longer clung to people who were unloving.
All of the NARP Modules unravel, release and heal this core belief. Module 7 of NARP “Connect to the Gift of Your Own Spiritual Empowerment” is especially helpful to make this shift.
Number Four – Agitation
Devaluing is another word for agitation. Narcissists are uncannily expert at working out what makes other people tick – identifying their inner insecurities. Hence, why the narcissist appeared in your life purporting to be the saviour of these insecurities.
Once this Trojan Horse has got in your gates and the narcissist has enmeshed you into a dependency, then they start agitating this insecurity. How this looks is by poking it with a nice big stick. They will start delivering your unhealed wounds to you.
If you have fears of infidelity the narcissist will start commenting about someone they work with and how attractive they are. If you have a body image, they will make disparaging comments about your weight or appearance. If you have suffered from violations in the past, regarding not being trusted and wrongly accused, the narcissist will start questioning your character and intentions. If you feel like you have been invisible to others, the once present, attentive narcissist will go missing in action and start ignoring you. If you have suffered from fears of survival and not having enough security the narcissist will take action that threatens this.
By the time this starts happening to you, you have already been trauma bonded, hence why you stay. If this had happened to you at the beginning of the relationship you wouldn’t have accepted it. Without realizing it, you had already created an image of this person for yourself, who you wanted them to be – your Source of Love, approval, security and survival, namely those parts of your life where you did feel insecure.
Now, unconsciously, you are holding this person responsible for being the saviour of these things. When they start withdrawing that support, and even agitating those insecurities by creating further damage to them, this causes you to hook in and hang on harder.
This is the very root of co-dependency and feeling like a victim – holding a person responsible to grant you safety, love and happiness when they have neither the resources or the desire to do this.
In this place, when we stay connected, obscene behaviour escalates – the lies, betrayals, blatant acts of disrespect and abuse … continue to compound if we stay and accept them and righteously assert “this person should not be doing this to me”.
The real truth is we are the ones enabling this, because we are trauma bonded and holding this person responsible for our life, rather than breaking away and healing ourselves.
The Remedy To Agitation – Releasing The Pain Of Injustice And Need For Accountability
One of the most spiritually Soul empowering lessons of narcissistic abuse – if not the core lesson – is letting go.
Letting go of needing other people to care for you and treat you well.
Letting go of someone providing you with the love, honesty, safety and success that you want them to grant you.
Letting go of the resentment and victimization you are suffering when people wrong you.
Yes, you have been hurt – horrifically and cruelly, just as I was too … and I will never not validate that.
Yet, if you are determined to hold other people responsible for your life, you will not let go of the hurt, the abuse will always live on inside you, your Life Force will be sucked dry trying to survive your unhealed inner wounds continually generating your abuse symptoms and you will never be free to generate a great Thriver Life.
So why hang on? There is actually no good reason to. The other person will never suffer from your hanging on – it just validates them more that you were the bad one, they were the right one, and you deserve to suffer for what “you did”. As twisted as it is – that is what the narcissist really believes. You regurgitating the poison every day is destroying you – it’s not affecting them at all.
Your best revenge is to purge this person, and all the horrible things that they did to you, well and truly out of your system, up level, develop and know how to never be in that powerless state again.
Then this person will not be under your skin, taking over your physical body and psychic energy field and renting free space in your head.
The greatest insult to a narcissist is when he or she is no longer your reality. Conversely, their greatest ego feed is you being horrifically affected! By going free you reap the rewards of a graduated Soul and life whereby you will be in higher dimensional living and reality than you were even before this happened to you.
I can’t recommend Module 4 “Release and Heal the Pain of Injustice and Betrayal” and 5 “Let Go of the Fight to Win and Your Need for Justice” of NARP enough to get these powerful inner shifts done.
Number Five – Guilt
Guilt and shame are very powerful sticks to control you with. All humans hate to feel wrong, bad and “not enough”. Narcissists are experts at attacking people at that level – gaslighting you profoundly to make you believe that others also think you are “bad”.
Narcissists perfect how to make you doubt that you are a good or sane person.
It is very easy to get roped into believing you are the one with the problem and the relationship issues are your fault. Many wonderful Souls have tried to fix and heal themselves and get professional help to make their relationships with the narcissist work. They feel responsible. They take on far too much responsibility. They are terrorized and shamed for things such as their reaction to the narcissist’s abusive assaults – where they slip up and do something “wrong’ and the narcissist will pin the entire demise of the relationship on this one act.
This person may feel guilt and horror about their misdemeanour (which was an understandable retaliation under the circumstances) without relief, regardless of the shocking and relentless abuse that the narcissist continually dished up to them. The narcissist will never forgive them and forget it and they can’t either. They are now in the eternal bond to the narcissist of trying to repent and make things up to him or her.
Also, people often feel responsible for the narcissist’s wounds. The narcissist has told them they don’t love enough, are not good people, devoted or loyal and are responsible for the narcissist’s woes and bad decisions and fortunes. These people find themselves in a relationship with the narcissist like a parent, not a partner with rights, and it’s their job to fix this person and make things right for them.
The narcissist asserts, “regardless of how I treat you it’s your job to love me!” Some people, even after being devalued and discarded and replaced by others, still stay subservient and compliant to the narcissist’s needs. Of course, this is coming not from a place of healthy love, but from an inner belief of obligation and requirement – as well as the quest to finally be loved, believed in and approved of.
It’s just another way that narcissists exploit for their own selfish, self-serving agenda – not seeing people as flesh, blood and bone beings – rather just mere tools to serve the narcissist.
The Remedy to Guilt – Self-responsibility
To powerfully come out of this trance and spell, requires healing your self-responsibility, whilst allowing others (even dysfunctional others) the opportunity to grow up and take responsibility for themselves.
And whether or not they do so is not your business. You are!
If you water someone else’s garden and neglect your own – your plants will shrivel up and die, and that person never learns how to look after their own garden. You are enabling them to be powerless while you allow yourself to be abused.
Giving in to your guilt and being exploited in this way, does not bring your peace. There is no thanks, no place it ends, and you get disrespected even more. Your Inner Being is screaming at you how painful, never-ending and debilitating this is for you. It’s Wrong Town with a capital W!
Many beautiful people who were very susceptible to co-dependency and being emptied out by narcissists (myself included) never had it modelled to them that it was healthy to look after themselves, have limits and boundaries and say No!
This is vital inner healing and development to recover from narcissistic abuse, as well as not be prey to narcissists again in the future. It’s also the only way to be treated as if you are worthy of love and respect from others.
If we continue to “go along to get long” and keep “keeping the peace”, and “loving without loving ourselves”, people can’t see us and treat us as real autonomous beings. We are not being one!
It is such a beautiful up-level to get this vital piece!
I can’t recommend Module 6 “Release and Heal the Need to Take Responsibility” of NARP enough to sort this out in your life and be able to say “No”, lay boundaries, lose your guilt and love the Soul truth, that when you serve your own Soul in healthy ways you also honour life and everyone else healthily as well.
In Conclusion
I know that we have done deep dives on trauma bonds in the past, but as I evolve and continually up level, I also feel very inspired to bring you information that comes from difference angles and gets delivered in different ways.
My intention with this is to grant you the “ah-ha” awakening that is your turning point out of the hell you have been in to start becoming the inner unfolding of your best and truest life.
It is my upmost joy to help people connect to the inner work that doesn’t take years to reach personal Thriver recovery and actually makes it possible – which just learning, researching and talk therapy doesn’t produce.
If you know it’s your time to break free … really free, and you know deep down inside that there has to be more to your life than what you are presently struggling with, I’d love to invite you into my Private NARP Thriver Community where incredible breakthroughs are happening every day – with the incredible guidance, love and support of those who know what it takes to achieve this.
And … as always, I look forward to your comments and questions about this article. Did it resonate deeply with you? Can you see how far you have come in these inner developments to release your trauma bonds, and do you have more inner work and development to go?
Melanie, I worked with NARP years ago, around 2014. It was life-saving, and now I consider myself (mostly) a thriver :). I continue to read your blogs and watch your videos as your clarity and profound observations are always a good reminder of how far I’ve come, but also to keep on striving and healing. Thank you so much for continuing to create articles and videos, which I know reach people and turn their lives around onto solid ground.
Hi Mo,
it is lovely that you have dropped in.
Thank you for your lovely comment and keep shining and Thriving!
Mel 🙏💞🦋
Very well said , as always. Thank you
Mel, EVERYTHING you shared here has been MY OWN PERSONAL EXPERIENCE AS WELL. THAT AMAZES ME! This whole Narc thing is is so textbook classic…like a cookie-cutter. Im a member of your Narc Thriver Community but have been sitting on Module 1 for MONTHS! I am finally going more no contact .as that’s been hard bc he has our 27 year old son with him.. Who by the way my nh succeeded in his turning against me COMPLETELY! I LOOK FORWARD to FINALLY beginning to resolve and heal my OWN inner traumas that made me vulnerable to their abuse in the first place. THIS ARTICLE HITS THE NAIL ON THE HEAD IN A POWERFUL WAY! WAY TO HAMMER! LOL
Hi Laura,
keep healing Dear Lady with NARP, and maybe drop into the NARP Member’s Forum http://www.melanietoniaevans.com/member to get any extra support and fine-tuning with the healings that you need … it could really help turn the key for you…
I hope this helps
Mel 🙏💞🦋
Our son is 17… Not 27
I bought the program to finally heal from my narc abusive ex a few years back. My daughter had been very difficult to raise and had abruptly left at 18. I was sad, depressed, and confused. She came back into my life 6 years later. All sweet and love bombs. I now realize she needed my insurance. It’s been a rough ride. Just before the pandemic she got divorced. Now has a new boyfriend and an almost 4 month old. She had been gaslighting and mentally abusing me ever since she came back. No wonder my mental and physical health went downhill. After I helped her recover from a c section and cared for the baby, she kept me from seeing her. Saying she wasn’t, and keeping her boyfriend in the dark about it. When I got upset, lost it and sent a text saying how cruel it was, she has now severed all ties and of course I looked like a “bad mom” because I told the truth. My abusive ex and the one who used to you with her because of visitation is now enjoying playing grandpa. Now I need to find my program again and work it because I now see everything in my life stopped because everything revolved around her. She completely sucked me dry and I don’t want to walk around numb anymore.
I’ve been married for nearly 19years .I’ve been suffering all these years from a husband who has abused me mentally and physically.
And it’s only this year that I realized that he is a narcissist.
I always excused all his abuse.. thinking that he told me that he had a sad childhood etc.
But I’ve realised that this may not be completely true since he never introduced me to his family.
he took my good energy and is leaving me lifeless..We have 5children together.
I feel trapped in his web.
He plays with my feelings and soul.
I really need to get out of this.i need desperately help.
I feel like my mind might explode.
Hi Melanie,thanks for all you do.
When you look from the inside out,when doing this work & healing,you realise that all these in government are narcissists using narcissist tactics and the people are trauma bonding to the government as though they were mum & dad.
I worked those tactics out ages ago,so it just shows me how much I am healing and seeing.
Keep up the great work.
Hi Paula,
you are very welcome 🙂
I couldn’t agree with you more!
Wonderful that you are awake.
Mel 🙏💞🦋
i have been a narp member since 2018/9 and using this site and the daily emails almost religiously (just not enough of the NARP program in all fairness!).
Whilst in a 24 year relationship, 19 of those years married, with two teen children, i have as yet not quite broken free. Right now i am on the point of issuing divorce, yet daily find an excuse delay. Things like ‘I’m terrified of the physical and emotional repercussions’, ‘If only he would…”, ‘whew, the future will be such a change and scary’, ‘what if i am making a mistake and i should be doing more of the things i am told i am not doing’, ‘the person i married, i could deal with, if only the substance abuse could stop, then so many of the other behaviours will stop’, ‘so sad and tough for our children who are in such a formative time of their lives’, ‘i have such a lovely life, but for this, isnt there a way this could just change’….
But sadly I also know that the sign of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. So its time to take that step, grieve in the right way, use the fantastic support system i have, ignore the ones who chose to believe the smears that are going to be done, step up from within myself and become the person i once was. Be aware of what is right for me and do not allow the painful words that are thrown at me, the sad look in his eyes when something resonates (or pretends to?), and step into a new space.
But wow, its a scary thing
But actually so is staying
As many others have said before, my persons ways are copy-paste in the actions and reactions.
I have learnt over these years that each time i stand up and give, it and more gets taken back. The punishment is harder and longer and more taxing on my freedom and nowadays my mental and quite likely my physical health.
These daily messages are amazing in how they catch me when i most need them. Not only do they reassure, they show me there are others out there in a far worse situation than that of my own. But that does not mean i wont get there if i dont go. neither does it mean they cannot get into a new fresh space.
Wishing you all the ability to find and mostly hold onto your deep inner you. And to remember that every tiny movement is a postitive. no matter how small or slow.
love this space so much.
Hi Andrea,
I love that you are in our wonderful community, and thank you for your love to all.
Are you in the NARP Member’s Forum? http://www.melanietoniaevans.com/member I highly recommend the extra support and encouragement to break through and anchor deeper into the NARP Modules, as well as how to get the best nad most empowering shifts out of them.
The support and the inspiration in the community is second to none and will help you so much.
Much Love
Mel 🙏💞🦋
Dear Andrea, All the professionals in psychology tell us they never change. As well as those who are seasoned survivors tell us they will not change.
The currency of your life is time, which we never get back. I pray you will keep nurturing yourself, pour love into yourself. Do all the things that use to make you happy. The music you loved, dance, whatever it was & is do it. There’s the truth & there’s deception. Choose truth & you will walk out of this fog. Breathe deeply look at photos of yourself when you were happy & follow your heart Dearheart one step one day at a time! xx🌹
Excellent article Melanie
Thanlk you so much, Melanie
You are very welcome Miguel!
Mel 🙏💞🦋
Thank you Melanie, what a fantastic article! I’ve read many of these and they are all brilliant, but this one seems especially helpful. I have recently joined NARP and have made some small shifts and already I’m feeling stronger in myself. I’m beginning to understand the proverbial ‘onion’ (or ‘artichoke’, according to the Thriver Community) as the first layers have been peeled back. And I think its because of the new changes in my being, that this article seems so pertinent.
With love and gratitude
Hi Karena,
thank you for your lovely comment!
I love that NARP and this Thriver information are helping you.
Much Love
Mel 🙏💞🦋
Hi Karena,
That’s great this one deeply resonated with you!
I love that you are healing Dear Lady.
Love and blessings to you
Mel 🙏💞🦋
Thank you! Excellent advice.
It’s my pleasure, Barbara.
Mel 🙏💞🦋
It’s my pleasure Barbara,
Mel 🙏💞🦋
This article indeed resonates deeply within me. Healing energy resonates through me simply by reading it. I have made it a practice to read one of your articles or watch one of your Thriver TV episodes with my morning coffee. What a healing way to start my day! In the afternoon I do a module and do physical stretches either before or after the module to help the healing energy spread throughout my body. This practice brings a growing sense of peace, serenity, and love to each new day. My heartfelt thanks to you, Melanie.
I love Joseph that I am included in your coffee time!
Sending you continued healing and empowerment!
Mel 🙏💞🦋
Mel this article was so razor sharp & full of truth navigating us to freedom & and as always underpinned with the deepest love & care, for your thrivers. Your such a gift to us all, I was exhaling as I read it. Felt the load shift & leave! God Bless you!
Thank you so very much x🌹
Hi Mosiac Heart,
thank you for your lovely acknowledgment.
I’m so pleased that this granted you a shift!
Mel 🙏💞🦋
Melanie, this article so clearly speaks to my issues with regard to my malignant narcissist sister and narcissist father. My sister, who is a walking nightmare, has continuously tried to make me feel bad and blame me for everything and anything, while making herself out to be a saint. My parents always treated her as though she could do no wrong. The turning point came for me when she was screaming in my face, with my father close by, trying to get me to physically attack her on the camera-phone her husband was holding up. I finally really saw what she truly was and what she was trying to do to me, on-camera no less, so she could show my reaction to the rest of our family that she has been smearing me to for years. That’s when I calmly pointed out that the stress she is currently creating can cause my father who was nearby to have another stroke. I also told her that her thoughts and feelings belong to her alone and have nothing to do with me. After this, she no longer tried to attack me and didn’t even want to speak to me again.
I credit my awareness and response to participating in your NARP program. I read and reread your articles and am doing the modules. I have been slowly separating from my family’s narcissistic behavior and from them. Letting go of the family I love but cannot be treated well by, has been difficult for me. But it saves your soul. I don’t have any guilt, I just have alot of sadness now. I hope I reach the point where my grief and sadness dissipates. I’m working on it. It’s the hardest thing I’ve ever needed to do.
Melanie, a HUGE thank for your work and the insights you share. It’s been eye-opening to me and I actually left the narcissist I been married to for 20 years and successfully went no contact and stayed no contact which was kind of easy as I was replaced immediately with a new lover by the narcissist.
In this article, especially the AGiTATION and GUILT part resonate with me and I keep working on this until I will have healed myself back to wholeness
Hi Dagmar,
it’s my pleasure.
Love and healing to you
Mel 🙏💞🦋
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