You have probably asked yourself why some people are impervious to narcissists and why you fell in their trap.
What traits do you have that attracted this toxic individual into your life?
What traits do others have that totally repel them?
I’m sure you want answers to these questions – we all do.
In my latest Thriver TV video I’m going to share with you the 10 traits that narcissists can’t stand. This is all about Thriver healing and each of the 10 traits is not just incredible in regard to repelling narcissists, they also empower you in every area of your life.
It’s like having a can of repellent aerosol ready to spray at any narcissist that gets in your way!
Video Transcript
Today’s video is very, very important. What I’m going to share with you today are the 10 traits that narcissists can’t stand. This is all about Thriver healing, where you need to stand in a place that they can’t stand so that you become a narcissist repellent.
These are exactly the 10 things that make you impervious to narcissists. These 10 powerful traits are not even just incredible in regard to repelling narcissists, they also empower you in every area of your life.
Initially, as we go through these, some of them may surprise you because these are the things in contemporary abuse circles – that people are going to tell you – make you a target for a narcissist. However, the very opposite is true. Once we go through all of this, you are going to understand exactly why.
Number One – Life Fulfillment
The number one trait is life fulfillment. You may believe that a narcissist is going to go after people who have an incredibly fulfilled life, because they’re going to want to try and cash in on that person’s life. But I want you to understand this, narcissists are predators. They pick out the injured gazelle at the edge of a pack just like a lion does.
What does this mean? It means that they’re going to go for somebody who actually feels lonely and unfulfilled in their life. Yes, this person may have stuff and they may be very giving and they’ve got a lot to give and they’ve even achieved a lot in life. But what is usual is this person is somebody who is feeling a little or a lot vulnerable, empty, lonely, and even dare I say, needy.
The narcissist can come forth professing to be all sorts of things that this person has missing in their life so that this person who’s feeling empty is going to create a very fast bond with this person, thinking, “You’ve got the energy I’ve been looking for, or you’ve got the life that I want, or you really see me and you meet me and you’re giving me the love that I’m feeling really hungry for.”
However, if you have a very full and healthy life and you feel fulfilled, then you’re not needy. You’re not going to just rush quickly in a relationship and let somebody into your bed, body, Soul, finances, and life immediately, because you feel fulfilled and full. You can take your time.
As Don Miguel Ruiz stated in this classic beautiful story – I’ve shared it before – I’m going to do it very, very quickly … There’s two women and they’re in their homes. This man, he goes up to the first door and he has this big pizza. This woman is not cooking for herself and she doesn’t have a well-stocked kitchen and she’s hungry.
He comes up with this pizza and she can smell it even before she opens the door to his knock and she’s starving. He says, “I’ll bring you pizza every day, but you have to accept whatever comes with this pizza.” Because she’s so starving, she accepts the offer.
Yet the woman who was in her home, and she’s got a beautiful well-stocked kitchen with delicious, nutritious whole foods and she cooks for herself every day.
This man comes with this greasy pizza that she can smell. He says, “You can have pizza every day and you have to accept whatever comes with it.” She says, “Why would I want that when I have my own source of beautiful, nutritious food?”
Love and our own lives are exactly the same. I want you to think deeply about that story because it tells you everything you need to know about fulfillment in your life.
Number Two – Authenticity
Number two is authenticity. If you’re happy with who you are and you’re happy to present yourself as yourself, then you’re really not going to be a match for a false self.
Authenticity is a bright light that repels dark Souls. It’s like a bright light to a vampire. Narcissists don’t love themselves. They’re empty Souls looking to parasite other people’s energy in order to affirm their own existence. They’re not a source of their own energy.
If you are happy to be you, regardless of what anybody else is or isn’t doing, and if you know what’s important is not what other people think of you, it’s what you think of you, then a narcissist is going to be repelled by you. You’re too much of a bright, shiny light.
You’re going to understand more about what true authenticity means as we go through the additional traits in this video.
Number Three – Critical Thinking
Number three is critical thinking. Narcissists hate people who are critical thinkers, let me explain why. A narcissist can easy manipulate and dupe people who don’t question things.
Know this, narcissists are pathological liars. They gaslight. They switch versions on reality back on other people. They exaggerate. They leave facts out. They give you twisted realities. They have to have really good memories to remember the trail of lies that spew out of their mouths.
It becomes very obvious, with any narcissist that you spend any amount of time with that they are lying because certain stories don’t match up. The real life reality that you see outside of their version doesn’t match the versions that they’re purporting. They even contradict themselves regularly because they can’t remember all of their lies.
You truly have to be asleep at the wheel to not notice the irregularities. And to not suspect that this person is not telling the truth. If you don’t blindly accept the information and you’ve got the ability to critically think, and then (we’re going to talk about this down the track in this video, I’ll explain it more) show up questioning things – if you do think and question, that’s a big problem for a narcissist because they can’t dupe you.
I’ve come to think of all of this as what I call, somebody else might call it this too, but I think it’s emotional integrity. I think it’s even more than emotional intelligence.
I think in our world today, to not be taken in by a narcissist, and quite frankly, any psychopath, as a safe, empowered being, having the ability to trust your intuition if it feels off, ask questions, research and investigate – is vital. That’s the first part of it.
The second part of it is then to be open to new information other than the narratives that you’re receiving, because it’s only then that you can make an intelligent, balanced, informed decision by yourself. Know this, the people that are usually smearing the most are usually the source of the lies. I’ll tell you that.
Narcissists hate critical thinkers and they are completely repelled by them. It will make you impervious to them if you’ve got emotional integrity, because they will cease to have power over you.
Number Four – Due Diligence
Number four trait that a narcissist really can’t stand is your due diligence. Narcissists don’t like people who take time to make a decision about entering into a deal, whether it be business or a relationship.
Narcissists are empty beings constantly needing to secure narcissistic supply. Because if you’re targeted by one of them, they need to ensnare you quickly so that the feed of narcissistic supply balances the output of energy required to get the narcissistic supply.
Think of the lion going after the gazelle and needs a feed. They need to get their prey quickly so that the energy expended is not greater than the food supply gained and how long it takes to get it. Narcissists don’t have energy of their own. That’s why the payoff needs to come quickly.
If you date respectfully and you retain your own life and you have other dates whilst ascertaining potential suitors (yes, plural) their character and behavior to make your final choice, over time, a narcissist will not hang around for that because the payoff is not instant enough.
If you’re in a business and a narcissist wants to join forces with you and you do background checks and the necessary due diligence to investigate the suitability of this person, again, the narcissist will flee because he or she will know that you’re not an easy target.
Being a mature adult doing the necessary due diligence is going to save you the heartache and devastation of a narcissist every time. They are sprinters, they’re not stayers. They are also terrified about what you’re just going to discover about them. If you scratch under the surface and do your investigation and your due diligence, you will discover what’s under the surface.
Number Five – Self-Partnering
The number five trait that narcissists don’t like and they can’t stand it – is you being self-partnered. If you’re in your body knowing your values and truth, then you are much less likely to be thrown, disarmed or manipulated by narcissistic behavior.
When you’re self-embodied, you trust and listen to your own feelings. You are aligned with yourself. If something feels off, then you ask questions and you clarify things. Narcissists test boundaries with people all the time to see what they can and can’t get away with. They want to know where your line is and they know how to work out what makes somebody tick.
If somebody is anchored in their body, honoring themselves, narcissists know they’re not an easy target. It takes too much effort and they’re going to move on.
Your self-embodiment, your self-partnering means backing yourself, which takes us to the next point which is about boundaries.
Number Six – Boundaries
Number six is boundaries. Boundaries and the ability to speak up and say – no, I’m not comfortable with that – is a boundary.
Boundaries are knowing where you stop when somebody else stops. It’s a knowing of how to let the good in and keep the bad out. Boundaries mean that you’re willing to ask questions and have difficult conversations and take time to assess people in situations before jumping in blindly.
Boundaries are the ability to assert your values and your truth regardless of what anybody else is or isn’t doing. You’ve developed and healed beyond the point of worrying about somebody criticizing, rejecting, abandoning, and punishing you, which I call the fears of CRAP, C-R-A-P, for you speaking up.
If people do start twisting and turning and criticizing, rejecting, abandoning, and punishing you for you being your values and truth, then this person is absolutely not a match for you. You’ve got your answer.
Narcissists are repelled by people who have boundaries. Let’s get very clear about this, boundaries don’t mean that somebody else has to agree with you and join in on your boundary. It’s not like a narcissist is going to say to you, “Yeah, I get that and I’m going to respect your boundary.”
No, rather they’re going to disrespect your boundary and they’re going to try and talk you out of it, shame and blame and guilt you out of it, twist it and turn it, put it back on you. You’ve got your answer.
Move on. This is not somebody that you can have any form of relationship with if they can’t respect you. People can only violate your boundaries if you stay connected with them.
Number Seven – Calmness
Number seven, this is a powerful trait but not always easy to do – calmness.
Narcissists will get you to hand your power away when you are not able to be in your body and your truth. When you’re triggered and you’re in adrenaline and cortisol, then your frontal lobe is shut down. You don’t have access to wisdom and solution, and rather you’re in survival programs, which means that you’re in the very primitive part of your brain which is the amygdala – where you’re in fight, flee or freeze.
Narcissists are experts at taking you over and taking you down while you’re in these states. If you’ve done the inner work to meet the traumas that are generating your triggers and you’ve released them and up-levelled them, reprogrammed them – and I can’t recommend Quanta Freedom Healing enough in order to do this. We cover all of these in huge detail in Thrive, as well as doing the healings on this for you – well, that means that you are not going to have those triggers to hit within you, which are your previous unhealed, unconscious inner wounds that were being activated by the narcissistic behaviour.
Rather, where that trigger once was is a calm knowing of your values and your truth regardless of the shenanigans. You can show up in your power, in calm power with boundaries, in your values, in your truths.
This makes the narcissist run for the hills. When he or she knows that they can no longer get you on your wounds and trigger you and fire you off and get you to hand over power, it really is game over for them.
Number Eight – Transparency
The number eight trait that narcissists can’t stand is transparency. Narcissists love to operate in the shadows like vampires in the dark and behind the scenes, that’s where they do their best work. This is where they can target somebody’s wounds, draw them in, extract supply, and diminish someone in order to gain control over them.
However, when you’ve healed beyond your own shame and pain and your fears of authority, and maybe when you emerge from all of that and you become a truth seeker living in the light, you have the ability to bring out the narcissistic behaviour calmly and clearly in front of an audience.
This is very effective in a group setting with other people, whether it be a work setting, a family, a court case or a group of people that you’re involved in with the narcissist.
As long as you are calm, untriggered, and factual. This is not about saying this person is a narcissist. Don’t label them. Just expose the behaviour. Narcissists like vampires, when exposed in the full brunt of light scream and then shrivel up.
When you do this, I promise you, this is usually when a narcissist will unravel and be completely exposed. Then they’ve got to run. They’ve got to get out of the group. They’ve got to get out of the business. They’ve got to get out of your life. They just can’t stand it.
Number Nine – Demanding Disclosure
Number nine trait that a narcissist can’t stand is you demanding disclosure. The ultimate boundary with a narcissist is the demanding of the facts. No proof, no truth, no deal. Please know this, if somebody has nothing to hide and values a true relationship with you, of course, they’re going to present the facts.
Whether it be regarding cheating, other infidelities, or financial irregularities, or criminal behaviour, whatever it is, which all of which narcissists are famous for – you demanding that the narcissist supplies proof of their versions of things will bring about twists, turns, lies, evidence that can’t be substantiated, or downright refusal to provide the evidence.
Absolutely, if you have a good reason to suspect, ask for proof. Demand it. Value yourself enough to do it. Follow up with checking up on the sources that are offered, and don’t be embarrassed to do so. You’re after the truth. If you get twists and turns and you’re not humbly met with honesty, then you have your answer.
You don’t need the proof of the crime to end a relationship with people. Avoidance behaviour is all the proof you need. Because please know, good people simply do not behave like this.
Number Ten – Self-Love
The number 10 trait that a narcissist can’t stand, and this is the biggest and the best of all of them is self-love.
The ultimate deterrent to a narcissist is you being self-partnered, in your body, taking responsibility for your own emotional resonance. This means that you are deeply involved in your own personal partnering and self-development.
You love yourself enough to commit to yourself to create an incredible life for yourself from the inside out. You are the master of your own inner emotional domain. This means, and rightly so, that you are loving and self-partnered to yourself more than any other person in the world. Because you know all of your relationships, which is relationship with self, life and others comes from self and your relationship with your highest source, which is true source. This means that you are no longer looking for somebody else to grant you what you’re not willing to give yourself.
Your kitchen is full. You make yourself nutritious meals. You don’t need somebody else who is offering you crap to provide you with toxic sustenance and try to make crumbs out of cookies. All of that is gone.
You love yourself enough to only accept a level of love in your life that compliments the love that you now have for yourself. Anything else detracts from your life and you don’t need it or want it. That is your ultimate inoculation and repellent against a narcissist.
In Conclusion
I really hope that this has been insightful for you today. Please know this, because it’s a lie and it’s not the truth – you are not meant to dim your light in order to be safe from a narcissist. Other abuse forums and stuff will say, if you’re a bright light and you’re amazing, narcissists will target you. That is rubbish. Throw that belief out.
In stark contrast, you are here to turn your light up even brighter than you ever have before. You need to step into the full skin and soul of who you are meant to be, as a true self with true source, a narcissist cannot touch you. Feel it in every cell of your body because it’s the truth.
This is exactly what Thriving is about. When you take on that orientation and that development to fully free yourself to be yourself, never again are you going to need to worry about who was the narcissist and where the next one might be lurking or what they’re doing, because you were just free to fully be your own authentic self.
If this is the life of freedom that you truly want, then I cannot recommend enough for you to check out this intensive healing boot camp that’s coming up soon. Don’t miss this chance.
I can’t wait because we are going to help you get there, with all the ways that I got there and tens of thousands of people from all over the world have got there. I’m going to be working personally with you live for 10 weeks with your own coaches, which is me and the incredible Thriver team, plus, your global Thriver tribe, the most incredible people you’ll ever meet.
I’d love you to check out and come on this incredible journey with me. Check out Thrive at or click the link that appears or go to the show notes.
I want you to let me know in the comments below whether or not this Thriver TV episode resonated with you. Are you on the journey of becoming narcissist proof? Is this what you want to achieve? I’m really looking forward to the conversation that we have about this.
Hi again Melanie!
Thank you so much for this blog! It made me think of my own inner work! The need that I have, to call on my inner being, for guidance and direction thus giving me the courage to go forward and, ultimately, attain freedom….🙏🙏🙏🙏
There’s so much there in this blog shifting from life fulfillment to ultimately self love! What to do in between is the issue and I thank you for giving me further guidance as to WHAT to do…. I would love participate in the Boot Camp but it’s not possible…
I wish you everyone so much “inner growing” with this most generous and kind offer…. thank you for everything else, Melanie
Peter ❤️🦋❤️
Hi Peter,
you are very welcome as always!
Your inner continued growth is wonderful!
Maybe next Thrive Peter!
Mel 🙏💞🦋
Maybe sometime you could address where the bereaved fit into this. After a series of losses – a narcissist swarm was drawn to me because of being so shattered by loss. I had always had a strong and balanced life until then. I was not prepared for how many predators came out of the woodwork due to grief. When I integrated my losses – the narcissists left – or rather I got rid of them. As grief lessened it became painful to be around narcissists and clearly felt like I was being burned. I no longer have this type of person showing up. The damage they left behind though is something I am still working on years later. Thank you for lighting a beautiful pathway forward!!!
Hi Usul,
please know absolutely this fits in.
Our trauma is our trauma, meaning we are not solid and healed enough to be partnered with self (which of course is completely understandable!) This creates vulnerability – whereby a narcissist can strike by being “loving and supportive” and “offering relief”, of course, taking the opportunity to mine for self-serving agendas.
That’s great that you are integrating and healing.
Much love to you
Mel 🙏💞🦋
You describe my narcissistic wife so well, it is clear that you know them intimately. Your words really resonate and remind me every time of the unfulfilling, fake and cold “love” that I had to live with. Thanks to you I am on my way to breaking out of this prison. I love your pizza analogy which clearly illustrates the importance of not being needy, having inner balance. Would be great to see episodes about intuition and how we can use it (need it) to alert us on narcissists (covert ones in particular).
Hi Jean,
If you google my name plus “intuition” you will find episodes on this.
Please know when you do the inner healing with NARP it clears your trauma, aligns you with your Higher Self and Inner Being and brings you home to yourself – meaning being connected to your inner truth (intuition) as well as creating your True Life.
With existing trauma programs this is near impossible – hence why the inner work is so vital.
I hope this makes sense!
Mel 🙏💞🦋
Melanie! Thank you so much for this article! Truly inspiring and so helpful in strengthening my resolve to become whole ~ Mind…Body…and Spirit! As much as I would love to join in on the 10 week Thriver Boot Camp…it’s just not financially feasible for me! I did however just recently purchase a Gold Membership for NARP! I’m excited about beginning the inner work that will FINALLY help me walk in my OWN truth…become the BEST VERSION OF MYSELF! And walk out my destiny which God originally intended for me! Thanks so much for all you share with us! You are truly a gift! Hugs! Hope to get to meet you one day! You are an incredible woman of strength!
Hi Laura,
please know how welcome you are!
I love that you are NARPing now!
Your energy is beautiful and inspirational, and it is your time to heal!
Mel 🙏💞🦋
Thankyou Melanie
Good food for thought Love the pizza analogy Lots to consider there Thankyou
Glad you loved this Wendy!
Mel 🙏💞🦋
Melanie thank you so much for this wonderful video so full of clarity and thoughtful. I first started working on myself and healing with NARP about 8 years ago – and within my first year I was a different person and have been thriving and narcissist free ever since. I have gained so much strength from spending time with your work, it is life saving.
So for anyone out there feeling vulnerable, afraid, anxious, in emotional pain, and really wanting to heal – I recommend Melanie and her approach to accessing one’s inner self and healing up. I’m attending her Thrive program ‘in spirit’ only – wishing you all much healing!
Hi Mo,
It’s my pleasure.
Thank you for your beautiful love and support to all.
I am so thrilled for you that you are THRIVING!
Mel 🙏💞🦋
Thank you, I truly appreciate you!
And you Caite!
Much Love
Mel 🙏💞🦋
Melanie, thank you for a powerful and positive discussion. I have been weaving some of these techniques into my relationship with a close relative, and strangely, he has relaxed some and begun manipulating less. It’s wonderful to have discovered your work, and I look forward to reading/seeing more.
That’s beautiful that you’re getting breakthrough and results Kebba!
Well done!
Mel 🙏💞🦋
This information was so incredibly valuable and helpful! I am currently in the NARP program, and feel that I am benefiting tremendously from this. I can’t believe how much trauma I have shifted, and how much better I feel. I was in a 28 year marriage to a narcissist, and never thought I could escape, or feel this good. This body of work, and you have been a God Send!!! Thank you, from the bottom of my heart!
I agree one hundred percent with you, in Melanie’s incredible work being a God send. So happy you are doing so incredibly well with NARP, Jen. LOVE you Melanie💕
Much love to you too Pauline!
Mel 🙏💞🦋
Awww Jen,
so happy for you and please know how welcome you are!
Mel 🙏💞🦋
Aww Mel you are so awesome girl!
I cannot thankyou enough & know that I owe all gratitude of my healing to you, your team & NARP. 😘
Had tears of happiness whilst listening to this clip.. realising that I am well on the way to becoming fully healed, & emotionally, physically & mentally healthier than I’ve ever been before in my entire life!
Hands down one of my favourite clips ever.. very informative & precise, & I’ll be pasting it to my home screen to watch again in the coming weeks.
Pretty sure I’ll always turn to Narp to do whatever inner work is needed throughout the future. Your program has become my natural default setting, as part of my daily routine & whenever I’m triggered.. & what a beautiful healthy habits it is, (it’s definitely a keeper!👌)
I cannot recommend you, your knowledge, MTE team & this inner work any higher, it is top priority & absolutely the key to freedom from any trauma.
I’ve regularly noticed unhealthy behaviours & reactions that have improved or been completely eliminated since beginning NARP, & each time I am fuelled with happiness, inspiration, energy & motivation to keep at it.
Most recently noticed I’d stopped biting my nails, and was so surprised that it had happened even without any conscious effort or planning, & after 35 years of chewing them terribly & since stopping sucking my thumb as a small child, this was something I never dreamed I could possibly achieve! Amazing!
This program has changed me & my life unbelievably!
I know you don’t need to hear compliments & flattery.. but I just have to tell you I think you have great style & are always well presented, & I think that colour you have chosen today goes perfectly with your Auburn Hair & dark eyes. 😍
You are such a sweetheart!
I love hearing about your beautiful growth and breakthroughs.
Thank you for your beautiful words. It’s a honour to walk this earth journey with you.
Mel 🙏💞🦋
Thanks Melanie. Points you make here are so poignant. You apply salve on the healing wounds and like best doctors give firm and compassionate advice on recovery and healthy life choices.
I’ve been on my healing journey for 2 years. It’s good to understand what “has” happened and why. But what I love about your work is that you provide such clear and tangible ways to learn, heal and forward to a “brighter” future.
I’m a critical thinker at work but couldn’t figure out why things at home were so different, now I understand. I also had a phrase which summed up contradictions in life …whether to hide or shine. This post answers that.
Looking forward to the Thrive program next week.
Hi Omera,
Thank you for your lovely words. I’m very grateful for them!
I’m so looking forward to sharing Thrive with you!
Much love
Mel 🙏💞🦋
Thank You Melanie,
These Traits are Beautiful and Healthy and Powerful.
Love and Gratitude 🙂
They so are Dear Man!
Much love
Mel 🙏💞🦋
Awareness of the nuances and subtleties (sometimes!) of narcissistic abuse, and the changes that follow awareness, are coming slowly but steadily to me., thanks in large part to the steady stream of information, help and support you have given me over the past year or so. Thank you so much for all you do, I am looking forward to going deeper with your Thriver course starting soon.
Sadly for my narcissistic dad, who is now 87, my relationship with him is shifting; I am no longer prepared to be the ‘trained seal’, trained to applaud and clap and be his attentive audience for my whole life. I know he senses this, his old tricks no longer work, and he is probably feeling very left on his own. I feel sad for him but cant pretend any longer to be the attentive daughter whose own needs have been utterly trampled on for so long.
I feel my father ‘groomed’ me to be a similarly attentive wife to some alpha male narcissist – my ex-husband! – but thanks to your input i feel im finally getting free, detoxifying myself from years of abusive relationships, and finding my own nature, my own path, my own joy in life. Sometimes it feels like one step forward two steps back, so im looking forward to your course to help me push further and deeper and to consolidate progress!
Many thanks, Mel, ‘see’ you soon, on the course,
Hi Jo,
I love that you are taking your power and your soul back!
It’s going to be wonderful to work with you in Thrive Jo!
Much Love
Mel 🙏💞🦋
good blog Mel.Not only does the lion go after the weakest gazelle but they always seperate it first from it’s herd !!!! Sound familiar ?
Oh yes, SO true Shelly!
Mel 🙏💞🦋
Superb healing and empowering material, eloquently written and presented. Heartfelt gratitude to you Melanie, for inspiring love and authenticity throughout all you share.
Hi Gil,
please know how welcome you are and thank you for your lovely comment!
Mel 🙏💞🦋
Melanie this is spot on. The 10 traits you described are all the things I’m working on developing currently in order to lead a happy life on my own terms. It is not easy nor is it intuitive but these things were lacking in my life and therefore I was the perfect candidate for a NARC partner. I knew after my first double date with my ex, he pulled me aside and said “I am the funny one”. I had to appear perfect, but careful never to take the spotlight away from him. I slowly morphed into a robot with severe anxiety.
Hi Chris,
I love that you are taking your power back and working on this!
Mel 🙏💞🦋
Other abuse forums and stuff will say, if you’re a bright light and you’re amazing, narcissists will target you. That is rubbish. Throw that belief out.
You are on – Darkness can’t stand the Light! Light dissipates Darkness! When the Sun is out all is illuminated.
Couldn’t agree more Saliyat!
Narcissists would LOVE you to believe that and infect so many people with that belief!
We are here to be FREE and SHINE … powerfully.
Love your post!
Mel 🙏💞🦋
The 10 traits definitely are things the narcissist cannot stand. It is good to remember that the disorder is on the paranoid spectrum. Careful with #8 transparency. When I documented the abusive behavior of the narcissist with video and he found out, I was only trying to protect myself because others around me suggested it. However, the paranoid narcissist was convinced that I was planning to blackmail him. Blackmail is what the narcissist would do, but that was the furthest thing from my mind. This was when he started to threaten to kill me and the kids. Back a narcissist into a corner and beware. Better to let them think they are always above and in power while you escape and just go no contact as much as possible.
Hi I’m Free,
this is why I am so determined to help people know that, from the inside, energetically we can purge all fear from within, and then there is a complete dissolving of their ability to strike.
Absolutely I agree with you, if there is still fear within (which of course is very normal and why wouldn’t it be – without dedicated targeted inner Quantum Work?).
Sometimes with people’s evolution, it is the standing up and the exposure to “win” and take power back that is necessary, simply because there is no way to go No Contact. This can be the case with parallel parenting, business dealings, joint ties etc.
Much love to you
Mel 🙏💞🦋
I am so excited to say that I was given a chance to see the immense healing that has happened in my life over the past year with NARP and Thrive! I encountered a handyman I hired to do a few small jobs in my yard. He exhibited all the traits and actions spoken about in this video and I got to see how well I instinctively handled the whole situation!!! My higher self provided this situation, I believe, to show me how far I have come in my goal of learning from and healing the abuse from my past! I am sure there is more to be reveled and healed, but I have a program that I have practiced and it has proven itself to work!!!!! Thank you, Melanie!!!
This is really beautiful Juanita!
I’m so happy for you that you experienced this graduation of self!
Absolutely there is so much more to come!
Much love to you
Mel 🙏💞🦋
Thank you Melanie. I started following this blog in 2017 when I first learnt of narcissism. I recognised I was in a relationship like that and no matter how convicted I was, I couldn’t find an escape. Then last year, I was diagnosed with Cancer and the mistreatment and torture became apparent. I just completed my treatment and have taken the decision to rid myself off this spouse of 26 years. My children and I are broken; broke and shattered by this man, but we are now ready to experience a bright new life. My divorce petition is being prepared. I thank God that I did not die in this relationship.
I am scrolling through your videos to see what a person going through divorce proceedings with a narcissist should be aware of so that I am fully prepared for this war.
Hi Judy,
I am so happy for you that you are choosing you.
Sending you love and beautiful and powerful breakthroughs for you and your children, and speedy healing.
Mel 🙏💞🦋
the more i read the more questions i have ,been married 11 yrs this month. knew something was wrong but , not enough to want to leave . still here learning thanks for your help. Now i see a pattern from my dad to my best friend of 50 yrs. to my 5 yr. old grand baby my greatest concern is will my grand baby always be that way can i have some hope since ive spotted her behavior early (because ) of my husbands. bad behavior . i always set boundaries with her .she also has a loving heart but uses that for attention. thanks for any reply.
Hi Mollie,
many kids do grow out of it with healthy modelling and guidance.
All of us can lead the way.
Mel 🙏💞🦋
I seem to be the person at fault here. I have repetitively done some of the ‘bad behaviors’ and said things that you say narc’s do. My partner tells me I ‘don’t know how to behave’ and ‘don’t seem to learn’ from my mistakes, I’m ‘like a teenager’ and my life is a ‘train wreck’. I have aligned with men who actually didn’t like or care about me, because I was being validated by them. Whenever I behave ‘badly’ and hook up with men or be a victim to them through my own stupidity, naivety, and neediness, I believe I am innocent and believe it’s their fault – ‘why did they do that to me’. I play a victim card. I need attention all the time. I can’t express emotion verbally but have a storm of emotion inside. I have a controlling narc father, an emotionally void and weak mother, and my partner said I am totally imbalanced. When he tells me the truth about myself I can’t handle it. So I round up ‘allies’ every time he does that ‘he’s being mean to me’, then he gets extremely upset. I also have weak boundaries, and override my own intuition, I’m bad with money. After years of making my partner the ‘bad one’ I see how I have been operating, and I need to sort it out. Sometimes I omit or forget things that happened to avoid taking responsibility even though I believe I’m really honest. I forget things I say. He says I said things I forgot I said. He says I always justify myself. I don’t know how to change or fix myself.
Hi Amanda,
you have such incredible self-honesty!
I’d love you to come to my free webinar which explains deeply to you how you can heal and take yourself and life back.
I know how much this will help grant you clarity and hope.
Mel 🙏💞🦋
thank you Melanie <3 I'll check it out. I have signed up to your online NARP healing quanta freedom healing program just recently and I'm finding it really good, I have done a few modules so far. your valuable blog and videos and resources are shining light on an entire area of my life and behaviours I'd never seen or understood before.
Amanda Jane, your honestly, openness and willingness for change is outstanding and impressive!
I wish you all the very very best in healing
Big hugs
They go for boundryless bubbly people with a lack of self assurance because at the end of the day a bright assertive light ain’t gonna take it.