Even AFTER doing so much work to recover from narcissistic abuse – we may realise a chilling fact …
Narcissism is ‘everywhere’.
And worse than that – we GET that world leaders, organisations and systems are infiltrated with narcissistic agendas which threaten to topple us and our world.
Is this a hopeless situation?
Is there anything we can do to stop this?
In today’s Thriver TV episode, I am going to explain exactly WHY our planet is in the grips of narcissism, what it REALLY means, and how we CAN turn this around.
I have heard your cries for help on this, and I know – as a result of the healings I have done on myself as well as thousands of others who have battled with our ‘narcissistic world’ – that there ARE powerful solutions to not only lose the feelings of DREAD and POWERLESSNESS … but to also …
Be a part of the personal and collective shift MIDWIFING what we are all waiting for …
Heaven on Earth.
If you desire to be a conscious, expanded Being doing all you can for evolution itself, I can’t wait to share this episode with you.
Video Transcript
Welcome to the Thriver’s Life series, the creation of your highest and best life after narcissistic abuse.
When we start to understand what narcissism is and how much of it is in our world, even after we have significantly healed from it, it can be very confronting.
We may also believe that narcissism operates at the highest levels within our communities, corporations, ministries and governments. That there are leaders, organisations and systems that are not ‘for the people’.
Globally we see individuals and groups, who fulfil their personal agendas with the entitled approach of instant gratification, to produce power, prestige and wealth, without care or concern for others or the environment.
How do we have items on our shelves in supermarkets that are filled with known poisons, have no nutritional value and don’t even resemble ‘food’?
Why are we plagued with so much cancer and toxic overload illnesses that once upon a time never existed?
How has planet earth been raped and mined to the point of depletion and desecration when there are alternatives available?
How is it that we have legal and criminal systems that protect the accused and penalise victims?
Why is it that grave fighting between gender, race, religion and countries, with domestic violence and warring upheaval, still exits en masse?
How is it that the arms used to defend each other from getting killed or taken over from each other (I’m sure if evolved aliens were watching us, they would think that this is the most pathetic issue of all), IF laid down would free up enough money and resources to feed, house and clothe our entire planet?
What’s sadder, is in our present state of consciousness, most people would believe that is a ludicrous notion!
Atrocities, cruelty and barbaric acts have been a part of our world forever, and it’s tragic that these acts continue, even in so-called civilised countries where sanctions and punishments are administered for such crimes.
Have these punishments worked? The simple answer is “No, they haven’t.”
I know many of you feel traumatised when looking at world leaders who display narcissistic traits wondering what on earth the world has come to, to allow such people in office.
What is our world coming to? Are we in the grips of narcissism that could threaten to take us all down? Is it narcissism that is causing all the problems?
I really do believe that it is, because it is only through malignant pathological self-absorption that the needs of the few could be prioritised at the expense of the many, as well as nil regard for the planet’s health and ecology.
Are we are going to be constantly struggling with an unwell planet and sick people, the ones perpetrating the abuse, and the ones damaged by the abuse where the cracks and results are going to become more and more obvious?
Or, perhaps we will see the disastrous results of a narcissist in charge whose ego runs amok, and all sensibility goes out the window, potentially triggering catastrophic events.
Separation and Global Narcissism
May we go deep into the REAL truth about why humankind can act like this, and how this all became possible?
I’d really like to because I think it explains a lot, everything actually.
I believe this all began with programmed false beliefs regarding ‘separation’.
This is how it starts: You are told that you are separate from ‘God’ and need to earn the right to be loved and approved of enough to make your way back ‘home’. As your own self, you are ‘not enough’ because you are smaller than God and carnal (essentially defective in some way).
At the Quantum Level of Truth, this is a lie. You are already are connected, and a part of Source/Creation/Higher Intelligence (God) and you can never be separated, you can only live the experience of believing that you are.
Why do I believe this with every cell of my Being? Because I believe the evidence is overwhelming. This Higher Intelligence (call it what we will) is always with us and responding and granting us EXACTLY what we ‘want’ meaning the inner emotional beliefs and emotions that we have on every topic on our life.
This unconditionally loving force is NEVER absent, and ALWAYS unconditionally ‘gives’ to us with ZERO judgement whatsoever.
If we are ‘being depressed’ then more things come from The Field for us to be depressed about. If we are ‘being committed to our self-partnering and healing’ this Force grants us the evidence and people from The Field that also starts partnering with us genuinely.
And the truth is, our Life is ‘answered’ with this Force every millisecond of our life according to our Being. Why? Because this Force and us are One.
Hence why this Force sees you and meets you and NEVER abandons you. That would be like this Force abandoning itself which is impossible.
When you’ve had the experience of living aligned with the truth (The Source/Life/God is ever-present and connected to you) or held hostage with the lie (you are separate from Source/Life/God), the difference in your Life is like day and night.
When people finally release the false separation trauma from within, they have the knowing that they are loved and approved of by Source/Creation/Higher Intelligence (God) simply because they exist. It’s then that profound Divine love rushes in, organically, as a natural state, once the false beliefs are out of the way.
They also organically remember the truth that was always coded into their DNA, that God (All of Everything) is not a lesser, needy, petty God that demands and has requirements. (What could God want when God is all of it anyway?)
Far from this wisdom leading to insolence, disconnection and hubris, we start to a feel, think and act as people do when they feel loved, approved of, included, and safe in the fold of Universal Love. We become able to express our true loving nature without being shackled with shame, guilt and admonishment and requirement.
When we know God/Source/Creation, and we are One, we become integrated, loving caring, wholesome human beings, and we start acting in Godly ways, with our Higher Source’s love and truth expressing through us as us.
Narcissists are completely disconnected from their Oneness with a Higher Power. They believe they are on their own and need to lie, manipulate and maneuver to get their needs met or they have succumbed to the illusions of a petty, vengeful God, needing to exact wrath on others who don’t agree with this particular God’s man-made projected requirements.
Narcissist’s mirror this illusion and believe that they can be their own God, and tyrannical as well.
If we believe we are separated from Life/Source/God or that Life/Source/God is angry, vengeful and punishing, then we can’t feel unconditionally loved and accepted. Therefore, we are not good enough, just as we are, to love and accept ourselves either.
Because the false premise of ‘separation/rejection’ is internalised between self and self, others (because we are all connected at the Quantum Level, ‘so within, so without’) start mirroring back to you your exact separation beliefs about God and yourself, and don’t appear to love and accept you either.
As a result, who can you trust? Can you trust yourself? What masks and strategies do you need to adopt to try to navigate your life now?
Can you just be yourself? Not the way you feel you can’t.
The cracks of ‘separation’ are running through most of humankind’s lives in multiple areas.
I want you to feel into this Separation Illusion that has been created.
“If I am not lovable or acceptable as my Real Self, then I need to create a False Self, a fictitious character, who is not who I really am, to try to get my share of love and acceptance as well as necessary security and survival.”
Hence the topography of separation gave rise to narcissists.
It also created victims of narcissism, people who were handing over the truth of their Real Self to try to be what everyone else wanted them to be in order to be loved, accepted and safe.
And there is a vital truth here, the more you are disconnected from the Oneness that really IS, the more it hurts. It’s not your natural coded state to live as.
The Quantum Way to Heal the World
The real issue is NOT narcissism, that is the symptom.
The real issue is the defunct separation consciousness that brings narcissism into being. Therefore, no calling out of narcissists, criminal punishments or political or economic reform is going to solve the issue.
Only a spiritual shift in consciousness can and will.
To truly heal, begins when we turn inwards to self-partner and release the internal trauma that has kept us separated from Oneness, namely Source/Life/Creation/God, and ourselves and others.
And I’m not the only person advocating this with my Thriver Movement. Many spiritual teachers, as well as Quantum and Neuro Scientists, are now talking about releasing our trauma to change our consciousness.
I like to think of this as, ‘letting go and letting God’, meaning allowing this higher organic consciousness of Oneness to enter us and our lives, connecting us up healthily and happily to all that we previously felt separated from. Especially our belief in, love and approval of ourselves which is vital to be able to be a healthy, whole, actualised person in life.
The insane irony is that everyone, without exception, does what they do to try to feel ‘wholeness’ within, yet it was always there all along.
We are now in a Golden Age of fast emerging Higher Consciousness, with spirituality and science combined on the forefront of teaching us another way to heal, from the inside out the Quantum Way.
It’s so interesting, this summer there have been numerous riots on Melbourne beaches. Yet it has never happened whilst I’ve been anywhere near the beach, and I have no fear of going to the beach.
I’m ‘yinging’ whilst that stuff is ‘yanging’, I’m on a totally different frequency to it. When we understand that our Inner Universe is connected to the All, and is unfolding the experience of our Outer Universe for better or worse, we know that we need to get better on the inside to do and experience better.
Imagine if everyone did that.
Imagine if everyone healed and remembered these inner DNA coded truths.
I am adored because I exist.
I matter because I am connected as One with all matter.
I am immortal, eternal and infinite.
I am already home and connected because nothing and nowhere else exists.
And of course, ‘so within, so without’.
Imagine if ENOUGH of us do this, despite what other specific individuals choose to do or not do.
I believe we would turn this ship around and steer it clear of the rocks.
I’m all for that, and I hope you are too.
The first step is to sign up to my 16-day free course which includes a ton of free resources, as well as a workshop with me, where you will experience the subconscious reprogramming super-tool Quanta Freedom Healing – which fast-tracks healing from abuse more than anything else I know.
Get free access to my 16 day recovery course here.
I’m so looking forward to answering your comments and questions regarding this episode and exactly how one person at a time we can change ourselves to help change our world.
And remember, after narcissistic abuse recovery, gloriously we take it further!
Because we CAN!
Thank you very much, Melanie, especially for this episode. Although I was never in a personal relationship with a narcissist I came along and was part of spiritual groups of narcissist leaders or gurus. Which is quite interesting as here should be the people that free themselves and help free others from narcissism. And yet it is so virulent in the spiritual ‘scene’ which is very sad (and dangerous; I recently heard of a suicide of a young woman that was abused by one of these ‘gods’). Just now have to deal with one of those leaders which is a genius (in my view) concerning the system he is presenting and an incredible sharp mind that I personally don’t have. I only can feel with the intelligence of my heart that something is off here despite sophisticated arguments he is displaying.
Unfortunately, it’s not just the narcissists. It’s also simply the stupid masses of people who are asleep and could care less about wellness and the planet. I see it all the time. People thoughtlessly reproducing themselves and piling more plastic junk and junkfood into their Walmart shopping carts.
Totally agree …. that’s what bothers me
video By Dr Bruce Lipton
The conscious among us agree but what about the unconscious
Holy Smokes. You hit the mother load. Watching you evolve (seemingly for the sake and passing the torch of ownership and healing to others) hit home with this episode. It was brave and all encompassing. Timely and important. When you speak, I hear you and many others. Once I felt alone and now know the true battle. It reflect in the art I do that makes more sense why the battle/duality/release etc happens. I’m throwing up all this stuff for visual interpretation. I am so so so so proud of you. I don’t know you personally but I’ll say it anyway. Thank you. I’ve touched theee people this week – organically – recognizing a few key things (I work retail / mall ) and one gift has been able to pass on the name, a glimmer of hope within the maddness and chaos on their heart. They are seen and look wirh relief that they another person completely and without words understands them. That little bit of strength are the drops of rain that one day become a mighty waterfall. That is what we contribute. Every move, thought and act towards integrating our whole back to source shifts and changes the course of everything. I believe too, Melanie. I do.
Hi Joy,
Thank you for your beautiful words.
I know you believe too, you really do.
Thank you for being a force of love and real change.
Mel 🙏💕❤️
The nature of reality is fascinating. I’m not sure any of us fully understand it. I have seen evidence in my own life that how we feel about ourselves is reflected back to us… “you teach people how to treat you”…. it IS true. Why narcissistic, selfish, cruel, greedy, unconscious people get into positions of power at all levels is upsetting and hard to understand and I hope there can be a spiritual shift to bring love, peace and freedom to our planet. I have to hope that. Sometimes I wonder if we end up with narcissistic people in power in order to keep other narcissistic rulers in check. I don’t know if that makes sense, but I have seen in my own life where Ns can be intimidated and back off by someone equally as narcissistic. It’s almost as if they recognize their own senseless brutality in someone else and are afraid, whereas they thumb their noses at kindness. I could be wrong, but this is just one idea I had about the “why” of some leaders, business owners, politicians etc. I do think we are seeing a shift though… that some formerly untouchable abusers are having the light shown on them and the meek are speaking up.
Re: why things are peaceful when you go to the beach…. recently I had wondered if “good luck” and protection are granted to those who visualize peace and the thought that came to mind was, “Your wish is my command.”
I also believe many things are getting flushed out, called out and are coming to the light.
I really do believe that the more trauma free we become on this inside, we just ‘are’ peaceful and safe … then the outer reflects that.
Thank you for your very thoughtful post.
Mel 🙏💕❤️
Oh my goodness. …presently I am revisiting conversations with God triology and your words mirror what I have just read…I felt despondent yesterday after realising a neighbour and friend is a narcissist…I had been ignoring the signs and my feelings ..and I just thought my goodness the world is full of narcissists…I felt unsafe. ..but after a salt bath and telling myself I am safe and doing OK I decided to do a healing…problem was I had a migraine so I’m doing it today and disentangling from her machinations. …I too worry about our frankenstein food children being vaccinated to death mother earth being raped and pillaged water polluted doctors caught up in Big Pharma tut tutting if I dare to try and be involved in my own recovery process. .and more ..having said all that I have a deep feeling that goodness will prevail if we all take responsibility for our inner life …with leading lights like you melanie we can all do this. I Really totally got this message and feel it’s truth yet am uplifted at the same time. THANK YOU LOVE AND BLESSINGS X
Hi Lorraine,
I’m so pleased this resonated with you. I love CWG!
I am very hopeful too Dear Lady, I believe we live in breakthrough times.
Mel 🙏💕❤️
Words of truth. Safety. Love. Hope. As always… Thank you.
Hi Anonymous,
My pleasure and much love to you.
Mel 🙏💕❤️
Thank you for that very interesting blog Melanie. I’m British but have lived in France for 20 years now. You may have seen on the news recently our yellow vest movement . I’m not saying that these are narcissist protesters but it shows how disconnected they are to the higher source . They smashed up cities, people were injured and even killed because they say they are poor and have nothing . It’s still not finished. Now they want to form a political party , which is a scary thought. They are after power and control.
I liked what you said about you ‘yinging’. I recently flew to the UK with my son and we spent a day in a large city. We met lovely people , were offered free breakfast in the hotel and just felt so safe. But an hour after leaving the train station, someone was stabbed to death. My mum was so worried about me but I said the same thing as you ´ it’s ok I’m vibrating at another level, violence isn’t my reality.
Continue your good work Melanie and thanks for sharing your wisdom. 🧚🏻♀️😘💜
This is where I think we sometimes miss the point. Protesting conditions of inequality and calling out systems/governments that have grown out of touch with people’s needs is a challenge to global narcissism. No doubt we would like to see protests emerge in the peaceful, non-violent mode, and that’s something to strive towards, a la Martin Luther King. But King, in the last years of his life, dedicated himself to shining a light on economic inequality and leading/joining the protests of people who were poor and worked in unacceptable conditions to make the statement that change had to come. I believe the lesson is to bring our centeredness, love, and wisdom to bear on the injustices of the world — not to condemn the poor and maginalized who have gotten fed up. Lets hear them with love, not judgement.
Oh wow Sarah,
That totally is an example of disconnection.
I’m so pleased you are yinging whilst they are yanging.
Continued peace and blessings to you.
Mel 🙏💕❤️
I like the way Marianne Williamson talks about being in the fray while we are on this planet in a loving way — a great balancing act. It seems to me that there is potential for narcissism in challenging injustice unmindfully. But there’s potential for it in thinking we’re above the fray, too.
Oh Mel, thank you so much for this video, I wrote in a while ago and expressed that my experience and recovery from narcissistic abuse opened my eyes to what the fact that what I experienced in the microcosm was also what was happening on the macrocosm in our world and the patriachal systems that we live in. It was raising trauma in me, feeling helpless at seeing the wholesale destruction of our planet and you wrote back to me on this topic. This video goes into much more detail and really resonates! Thank you so much! I get it… that the narcissism is the symptom and not the cause. Brilliant.
Keep em coming Mel and I hope to see you when you come to the UK in February.
Much love
Sammy xxx
Awww Sammy,
I’m so pleased that this was liberating and soothing for you.
I so hope to see you too darling Thriver, very soon!
Lots of love.
Mel 🙏💕❤️
Oh Mel, thank you so much for this video, I wrote in a while ago and expressed that my experience and recovery from narcissistic abuse opened my eyes to what the fact that what I experienced in the microcosm was also what was happening on the macrocosm in our world and the patriachal systems that we live in. It was raising trauma in me, feeling helpless at seeing the wholesale destruction of our planet and you wrote back to me on this topic. This video goes into much more detail and really resonates! Thank you so much! I get it… that the narcissism is the symptom and not the cause. Brilliant.
Keep em coming Mel and I hope to see you when you come to the UK in February.
Much love
Sammy xxx
Thank You
It’s my pleasure Diana.
Mel 🙏💕❤️
Thank you for spreading light and hope. I am a doctor, writer and traumatherapist and like most people a survivor of many ancient wounds. It has been several years since I did your wonderful programme and since then I have urged so many of my clients to do so, too.
Sometimes this is all they will ever need to start a new life. I have seen so many critical diseases been cured after your programme. and maybe so will the world. Once we all hit a critical mass, everything will be good.
Thank you again with all my heart, christine li from Germany/Portugal
Hi Christine,
It is beautiful to hear from you again!
Thank you for being a force to help people free themselves of trauma and heal.
I so agree with you regarding critical mass …
Incredible and exciting times for sure.
Big love to you.
Mel 🙏💕❤️
This was just another confirmation at the soul level of what I believe to my core. In my faith practise the message of the gosple is that our separation to ourselves, which happens through believing we are guilty and ashamed and broken, we then live from that place of separation, because we believe we are. My journey and healing work is about being restored to connection to myself and to God. Fear separates, love restores. Love is living in intimacy with God and self. Fear separates. Unburdening all that separates, in your words, ‘releasing the trauma from the body, is the path to restoration. The bible says that NOTHING can separate us from the love of God. It is us that have separated ourselves. I seek daily to choose to break the illusions of separation, and come home to the truth, that I am connected, I am loved. This message is the opposite of what narcissism produces, and my attraction to these kind of relationships, has pointed me inward to the places, where the false illusions have had their grip.
This is the gift and invitation to heal and be restored, that I have been searching for, and in the words of Richard Schwartz, ‘you are the one you’ve been waiting for. I used to hear this kind of talk, like it was selfish. Now I know, that there can never be real love without really loving and connecting to yourself first. It is in these times of deep connection to my own soul, that I also experience the greatest connection to an awesome God who loves me deeply and as I am. How can we ever love anyone else, without that in place first? There can be no real love for others, without first loving ourselves. Self love is no longer selfish to me, but a requirement for life and living to the fullest.
Hi Daisy,
I adore everything that you have written, it is absolute truth.
Abundant love and blessings to you.
Mel 🙏💕❤️
Thank you Mel…for the validation…for your mission….for the truth…wisdom is on the rise. We can do this!
Hi Dreama1,
We can do this and we are doing it!
Big love to you.
Mel 🙏💕❤️
Hi Mel
Thank you so much.
With me this episode resonates.
My post narc abuse journey has brought me to this place where I’m searching and seeking for the fullness of this consciousness. The fundaments of this episode bode so well with my Christian belief that God (Christ) is within me and cannot abandon me because He cannot abandon part of His body. By simply believing this I am assured of this limitless timeless and unconditional abundance of Love just because I exist and accept that it is so. It is such a liberating feeling which opens up avenues and streams of creativity without fear of anything (fear really imprisons us)…not of failure nor of jeers…knowing I walk with, inside of me,
the Power of the universe!!!
Thank you Mel.
God bless your beautiful soul for your inspiring motivating and encouraging episodes!!! : -)
Hi Petals,
You are so welcome. Your words are so full of love, truth and inspiration as well.
Thank you for walking this path!
Blessings and love to you.
Mel 🙏💕❤️
Empowering message at time of great global danger and breakdown. Thank you.
Hi ml,
You are very welcome and many blessings and love to you.
Mel 🙏💕❤️
Out of loneliness after covert narc abuse by my daughter, an enormous part of which causes me severe pain of loss of my grands , I thought that the way to surrender to the one in all of us was to join a wonderfully inclusive Presbyterian Church nearby. Not only did I find that religion, no matter how politically correct and inclusive, did not aid in my journey. Religion started to stand in the way between me and true source, which I totally remember from early infancy!
Of course, your post came in answer to my delima, feeling like I was losing my connection to source in trying to grab onto the “innocent” belief in church dogma, e.g., trinity, etc., while really trying to make connections with other humans.
This post has aided me soooo much in returning to my original knowing of “who I was born as”.
I am eternally grateful !
Hi Dana,
I’m so glad this confirmed your core knowing, and please know how welcome you are Dear Lady.
Many blessings to you.
Mel 🙏💕❤️
This made me realize the birds, trees, animals all of nature is perfect and so are human beings. We are perfect and born perfect just like everything else on earth. Must have been one heck of a narcissist to make people believe they are born of sin and it last this long. We are perfectly created just like everything else on earth. Thank you so much for this video.
Hi Sherri,
We are perfect … and loved.
That is the truth. Thank you for your post.
Mel 🙏💕❤️
You write as though beach riots are inevitable and ok – as long as they don’t touch you. Well, maybe they are, and maybe the day will come when everyone is yinning along with you and the riots will cease.
But, it’s in the MEANTIME … I’ve been doing the narcissist thing for a couple of years in a volunteer role … and personally, I will come out of it quite well. But, the documentary Archive for which I volunteered has not. Some things have been stolen. Some have been vandalised. How can you not call that wrong?
Must we truly risk it ALL to have it all? Palmyra? Afghan buddhist statues? … we must sit back and say, oh cool, watch the birthing of the new consciousness???? I don’t get it.
Hello Melanie I know this isn’t post for this question. But I would you experience on the reasons and motives behind when a narcissist is actually being honest and tells the truth?
wow, mel, as ever your posts are so timely ,attuned & revelatory.Thank you . This subject is so big, yet so simple isnt it ? & i love simplicity !………..i love 1. ” im yin-ing while they’re yang-ing”
2. & the last 4 DNA ‘truths’
im getting ‘wetiko’ to read; looks powerful; but stalled at the quantum books, probably a bit complex for me; but you are as ever expanding my consiuosness .
i wish you all the best with your trip to the UK in feb & be prepared as its freezing here ! 🙂
Hi Rachel,
You will love Wetiko! Absolutely!
I’m not looking forward to the weather there, but I can’t wait Rachel, it will be amazing!
Love and blessings to you.
Mel 🙏💕❤️
Hey there Mel. Amazing article and very timely. Im the thriver lady who loves the allegory of My Little Pony in reference to the thriver journey. In the season 2 episode Hearthswarming eve there are Windigos which are malicious spirits which feed on greed and anger etc. Sound familiar? Of course love and friendship triumph over all! Please find 20 minutes of your time to watch the episode (if you haven’t already). It is a wonderful representation of raising energy and uplevelling. I met the producer of mlp at a convention once and he was delighted to meet another adult who saw the messages he was trying to send to the planet through the show. Love!!!!
Love and blessings
Caroline xxx
Hi Caroline,
No I haven’t seen the episode! How wonderful the message is being shared in such a way.
Keep shining your light lovely lady.
Mel 🙏💕❤️
This video is so powerful and beautiful Mel, and isn’t that how truth is? Yes! There is so much that can be said about the illusion of separation and all of its corresponding symptoms. I came to know this truth very early in life because of my own experience of oneness and how much that contrasted with those around me who had no experience of it at all. I agree 100% that the illusion of separation is the cause of all that is toxic in this world and every problem is merely a symptom of this false belief. This is why healing work has to be done from the point of creating wholeness in one’s self by healing the broken parts. We can not distance or separate ourselves from our own emotions and beliefs and expect to heal them. This is why I love these videos so much. They’ve helped me come back to my beautiful, peaceful, wise spirit that my narcissistic ex tried to destroy. Connecting to our higher selves requires breaking through the walls that manifest in our lives as denial and false beliefs which are also forms of separation. We can not change (in ourselves) what we won’t acknowledge and we can not heal what we can not feel. My sociopathic father taught me that by example.
I’m so glad that you’re not the type of healer that tells people what to feel and think, but rather teaches and reminds us to connect to our whole selves. That’s always a sign of a powerful person. Truly spiritual people don’t want others to put them on a pedestal because they’d rather you be standing on the pedestal alongside them, instead of below them. I just love that about you Mel. You share the power of spirit through wisdom and isn’t that what oneness is all about? It’s what everyone organ and cell in our body does. The body shares the light and works in harmony with all the parts. That’s what you do and it’s beautiful to be on this journey with you.
Oh Asha,
I fell so humbled and honoured to share this journey with you dear wise Soul Sister.
We are truly so blessed.
I adore your incredible post contributions, for us all.
So much love to you.
Mel 🙏💕❤️
Your episode today, so timely.
Here in the U.S. the challenge to narcissism is dawning, people are awakening, not letting the bully rule the playground. It is one thing to stand outside the fray and condemn, yet another to mindfully and with integrity address the deception, immorality, and, dare i say, status quo in our many societal systems. I see it happening. I hear it under the din of “it is so because [i] say it is so” rhetoric. I see courage in calling narcissism out, shining light on darkness. The parallels to my experience with my narc ex-spouse and what is playing out in this nation is frighteningly similar.
Thank you, Mel, for sharing with Thriver community your wisdom and work.
Hi Lorinda,
I agree that people are awakening and getting empowered and solid in their ‘calling out’. It is wonderful to see.
You are very welcome Lorinda, and keep shining your light too.
Mel 🙏💕❤️
Dear Melanie,
Psychopaths in control are not likely to stop killing people and spend the money they formerly spent on bombs and guns…feeding the starving people. I can’t remember her name now but a woman who worked for Aid charities on the ground feeding starving people gave lectures saying that while there are other factors that cause starvation the main direct cause is that 80 percent of world grain is bought up by the meat dairy and egg industries. That drives the price of grain up so the poorest countries can’t afford it. People in this day and age when so much is known about the terrible violence to animals and that the Earth is being destroyed by the animal abuse industries, should go vegan. They are free to live their lives without judgement if they are harming no-one. But if they are torturing killing and destroying the world for the pleasure of their palate, judgement is appropriate. Not judging their soul, but their sin. It is wrong to harm others when we can avoid harming them. And no…plants do not have feelings too. There is a difference between imprisoning and torturing and violently killing a dog, a cat, or anything other animal and gardening and cutting up vegetables. Plants I’m sure do have consciousness. I’m sure we should be eating only nuts, seeds, fruits and vegetables that are given freely so that even plants aren’t harmed. Till we reach that point in our evolution, or the point we need not eat at all…we should stop hurting animals. Then all the things you mention in this video will transform. When humans are a non violent species their leaders will be those who are most kind, most non violent. The system of violence and corruption we currently exist in starts on our plates.
Addendum to last comment…
…but yes, narcissism, the sense of entitlement, lack of feeling for their victims, not taking responsibility or being accountable…the rationalising, defending and denial…the human narcissistic abuse of animals…is going to tear our world apart quite literally.
If you do the research, you will find that narcissism in our relationships to one another is a symptom of this essential fundamental narcissism humans are displaying in their attitudes and behaviours to other species. Ten thousand years ago when we systematically began enslaving buying and selling animals, is the same point human slavery and the buying and selling of women or non white people began. Violence anywhere causes violence everywhere.
Really, I’m not just a vegan pleading for the end of the abuse to animals, making this up. If you do enough research and go through the transformation in consciousness you would if you stopped harming animals, this would all become very clear to you too.
Addendum to last comment (chronic codependency can’t stop trying to get through lol)….
…I just thought about the transformation in consciousness I mentioned which happens when you go vegan, when you make the conscious decision to avoid causing harm to animals. It’s so enormous, and it’s the most painful thing I ever experienced. To open your heart enough to just care enough to stop harming animals is painful, but over time gradually the spiritual blindness, the seeing these animals as mere objects, dissipates. You start to see the expressions on their faces. See the soul in their bodies, and feel their suffering as keenly as you would if that were happening to your own children. Imagine living knowing a trillion of your beloved children were being tortured that horrifically every year. Then, you have to live in a world full of people who smile and talk about Love and truly believe they are fully living these values, as they pay for that torture.
The feelings of pain frustration and anger that all brings up, dealing with these feelings, while all around you people are trivialising and dismissing the animals suffering so callously, is so difficult. Maybe that’s why people don’t go vegan. Being conscious is painful. Facing this cultural denial of the root of all violent oppression the greatest of challenges.
Your work and my personal experience of meeting a narcissist, helped me reconnect to a higher power, connect to Love within. To have this now to turn to, to strengthen and empower me, to be able to connect to the Light even in these dark times…truly is a blessing sent through you direct from God to help me.
So beautifully explained!
Yes! to turning the ship around.
Well hahhh….looks what’s happening to the planet and the human race with Covid19 right now in 2020….who would have thought this a year after this post and video…. yes it’s definitely narcissism energy. Narcissist in charge ….yah yah….. we know who in the US.😥😥😥Thank God/Source for Narp. It’s keeping me grounded and in total peace at this time. Self partnering. No fear❤️❤️❤️
Hi B,
I’m so happy for you … bless you sweetheart.
Mel 🙏💕💚
How do we make the connection between ourselves and God? I am a born-again Christian and I believe in God and he has done miracles in my life, still I judge myself. I need to get past the separation that I feel.
Hi Cheryl,
I’d love to help show you how it is possible to heal that separation, in my free masterclass … where I explain so much more about this.
I hope that this helps!
Mel 🙏💞🦋