There is no more pressing issue today than the Coronavirus pandemic that is sweeping the planet. And all of us are heartbroken by the ravages it is inflicting on our societies.
Most of us in every country in the world are now confined to our homes, with our families; doing everything we can to stay healthy and sane and not crumble from fear.
But what about those people who are stuck indoors long term with a narcissist, with nowhere to go, wondering if they will survive this catastrophe.
In today’s Thriver TV episode I want to show you the common threads between narcissism and the Coronavirus outbreak and how to help yourself get through this crisis.
And, of course, offer you my loving support through this unifying human ordeal.
Video Transcript
Today I want to talk to you about the coronavirus pandemic.
Never before, in our lifetimes, have we experienced such a crisis. Most of us never believed such a situation could ever happen.
Individuals, entire communities and systems are crumbling.
I know many of you have lost your job and are now faced with all sorts of hardships.
You may be stuck with narcissists right now, in quarantine, not knowing how you can survive this.
And, there are many of you who have your children being kept away from you by narcissists because of the Coronavirus situation.
What does all this mean?
What is it showing us?
How can we respond?
I really hope I can share with you how I feel about the Coronavirus pandemic in today’s Thriver TV episode.
The Correlation Between This Situation and Narcissistic Abuse
It’s incredible how many correlations there are between what is happening right now and experiencing narcissistic abuse.
I know that many of you are now going through both situations simultaneously.
All of it triggers fear.
Lots of fear.
Which brings up the feelings of being powerless, helpless and not having control in the situation. Here, just like with narcissistic abuse, you don’t have control. You have no idea of a timeline, outcome, where this will end up, and the state you will be in when it is finished.
Of course, this is terrifying.
The True Solution to Out of Control Situations
The most important thing, now and always, when you don’t have any control over the outside, is to take your power back on the inside.
In times of overwhelm, horror, and literal survival programs being triggered, when your life and hopes for the future are being threatened, it may feel impossible to become fearless. Especially when horrible things have happened or are happening or could happen.
Regardless, the most important work is to lose the fear.
Before narcissistic abuse and Thriver Recovery, I would have said to you that it is impossible to lose the fear unless something on the outside changes so that there is nothing to fear anymore.
Now I know that this is not the way that Quantum Creation works.
I have seen it, so many times in my life and in other people’s lives, that regardless of how shocking things are, when you turn inside to lose the fear and start to value the state of your emotional soul health over and above everything else, that the most incredible synchronicity, solutions and support can appear.
As a profound shift.
Even when logically, no support seems possible.
You see, your superconscious self, teamed up with every available permutation that exists in “life”, has “a way”.
God/Source/Life is unlimited. There are no limits regarding what this Force can create.
In times of great crisis, we are being pushed to become extraordinary.
What is occurring is incredibly crippling, causing devastation to so many individuals and groups of people, in ways that we could never imagine previously.
I know this is huge. I know this is one of the biggest calls ever to lose the trauma and the fear of what is happening right now. And I know that you may have already been smashed by this. And my heart goes out to you in spades.
However, I know that this is what we are being pushed to do right now. We are being called to create an extraordinary emotional, empowered uprising that could not only change your life forever as a result of what you’re going through but also significantly up-level our world.
Those of you who are now Thriving after being narcissistically abused have already made the Quantum Switch.
Meaning, emotionally from the inside out, you created your own personal breakthrough into your values, truths and the health of your soul regardless of the insane, seemingly unstoppable brutal treatment you received from the narcissist.
Against all logical and “reality” odds, you then experienced your passage from the bowels of hell into the glory of your True Self and True Life.
Even when you were diagnosed with health conditions such as C-PTSD and other diminished realities, such as other devastating health conditions, financial annihilation and accumulated losses on horrific levels, that you were told you would never recover from.
You didn’t just recover, you burst forth into a Self and Life that was more buoyant, confident, healthier and expanded than the life you were experiencing even before you went through narcissistic abuse.
Because, rather than try to deal with the narcissistic environment that was out-of-control and uncontrollable, or stay focused on the devastation that it brought you, you turned inside to release all of your trauma that was inside you to come home to a solidness, power and faith within yourself that was unshakeable, and literally unstoppable.
This was the dedication, to resurrect your inner world, even when your outer world lay in tatters at your feet.
As you stepped into your soul graduation of Who You Really Are, the narcissist lost all power over you, and a whole new world of possibility, synchronicity and miracle came into view.
Then you understood the truth, that within the experience that you know as your life every permutation is available, regardless of how circumstances seem. What presents in your experience, as your experience, is the match of the inner experience that you consciously cultivate.
When you lose your fear and become emotionally solid, even before anything shifted outside of you changes, even when there is no way … a way must appear.
It’s Quantum Law – so within, so without.
From every cell within my being, know that the same truth exists here within this pandemic, regardless of outer evidence.
This is how we discover just how powerful we are.
The incredible irony is, in non-extraordinary times we are never pushed to find this gear. Often, we just cruise along because there are too many distractions keeping us away from shifting into our true power, and quite frankly there is no urgent necessity to.
The greatest evolution is usually brought on by the times when we are the most powerless, terrified and helpless. It’s by overcoming our inner deepest fears, that we mine our most spectacular gold.
Narcissists push us to do that.
So do global pandemics.
A Beautiful and Powerful Channelled Message
I want to share with you something that was sent to me just recently. Its origin is from Jeff Vander Clute who is CEO of “Sourcing the Way”. Jeff is a visionary and channel for World-Changing Times.
This is what Jeff shared:
“After listening to people talk about the Coronavirus for weeks, I had the inspiration to tune into this novel life form and ask it to tell me about itself. What came through was a list of its top-five gifts, followed by a message for humanity. I will admit to being somewhat surprised by the information. My hope is that these words will help people to trust that life is acting with benevolent wisdom.
The gifts of the virus:
1) Slowing down humanity’s frenetic activities
2) Activating networks of cooperation
3) Spreading helpful DNA
4) Upgrading humanity’s immune system
5) Creating the conditions for peace and well-being
Here is the message that the Coronavirus had to share:
My friends, it is true that I am here to bring closure to the inharmonious ways of being that are causing harm to humans and the whole web of life. All the same, I am not a vengeful being or anything that is intended to be destructive. I am simply the rebalancing agent in the overall equation of life’s evolutionary process. By fighting me with fear in your hearts, you oppose the larger natural systems and cause me to take other forms.
What I am, and my fundamental purpose, will not be deterred, for I am life itself acting through the available forms of distribution. The virus that you see me as is one of an endless series of permutations. This kind of process is one of the ways I innovate life forms and deliver new DNA sequences that will eventually be shown to be helpful. The back and forth between humanity’s collective immune system and the virus is raising consciousness as humans examine their interactions, and it is literally increasing the intelligence of the superorganism that is the species as a whole.
These tests are normal. I repeat: These tests are normal. For those who can hear this message and embrace me easily, you already know that fear is a much more lethal poison. For those who will not be comforted by these words, one day you will know that I come as an act of love. When you can open to the love that is at the very heart of this situation, the crisis that your media and governments decry will transform into a flower of life, spreading new consciousness and multiplying circles of cooperation. Pay attention to your thoughts and see if you can identify the benefits of redirecting humanity’s attention from incessant wars and violence to the common “enemy” that I am willing to be perceived as.
Love will go this far, and farther, to bring healing to the mind of a young species that is still in the process of remembering itself as a divine incarnation. Yes, you are a divine incarnation capable of fabricating realities based on goodness and beauty and compassionate understandings, actions, and beliefs. Believe me when I say that I, too, am here as an act of compassion. Accepting me in this way will lighten your heavy burden for the divine sends only love your way. Sometimes this love takes curious forms in order to circumvent your intricate defenses against waking up to your own glory. I can assure you that the most functional strategy will be to embrace me as a friend of the human family.”
I truly hope that Jeff’s message has been able to bring some love and relief to you.
We Are All in This Together
When being narcissistically abused you may have felt like you were going through this alone. That is why this community is so incredible because we have, or are, all going through this together.
And now, we really are all in this together.
As humanity itself.
And, as Jeff so beautifully channelled, rather than distrust and fight and war with each other, we now have the opportunity to come together.
We can anchor into love, kindness and the recognition of what is really important.
We have the ability to reach out and assist in this situation. We can offer a helping hand, an act of benevolence, the sharing of our resources and our loving support.
We can be kind. We can demonstrate Love itself.
And, we can sign up to our most important mission that we ever have as a human being in our time on this planet. Which is overcoming the fear and pain within the only person who we have the power to do that with, ourselves, to become and lead the way as a loving, empowered solution for ourselves and others.
When our personal life can no longer go on as normal, we can no longer avoid, ignore or make excuses for the parts of ourselves which are not working, that we didn’t want to confront. Or the patterns and people in our life who are not representative of our values and health, and any false trajectories that we are living that are not true for us.
These times signal a season of profound personal catharsis, as an incredible growth and evolutionary opportunity.
In this time of deep incubation and unavoidable triggered emotional trauma, our Inner Beings deeply need our attention to emotionally integrate and heal.
I know that these times are tough. Hard beyond measure, and terrifying in ways that we’ve never had to experience before.
Yet, I also know that in the greatest fear lies the brightest gold and that so many of us, myself and every other activated Thriver in this community, is deeply dedicated to going for gold.
There is nothing else to do if we want to save our own lives emotionally, and possibly literally, as well as enhance everyone we love and everything we touch.
Losing our fear and becoming peace and power is the only thing to do, to help birth, through us, a brand-new world.
I know that we have the power to do this, one person at a time.
If this deeply resonates with you, and you know you have to find another way to get through this, I want to help you achieve your powerful passage through this.
Please come into my free webinar.
In this webinar, I take you through how to recover from the fear and pain of narcissistic abuse, and I want you to understand that what I’m sharing is exactly relevant to overcoming the fear and powerlessness with the Coronavirus pandemic as well.
It’s exactly the same healing that’s required.
It’s all about purging the fear and taking back your power.
I really hope that this has helped, and my heart and love go out to you in spades.
And I can’t wait to connect with you with my love and support in your comments and questions below.
I am on lock down like everyone else in the UK on my own. Since all this started not once, I have felt afraid, my emotions have stayed exactly the same, calm and peaceful and I am pinching myself, I can hardly believe it. It’s like all this clearing and healing has made me impervious to the emotional contagion. Forced to be with myself is not a problem, we are good friends. Not only do I feel calm and fine but I feel a surge of energy which I know is brought about by this massive shake up and my spirit is prepped and eager to ride this wave however vertiginous it’ll be. Recently I have done a lot of supercharged family of origin modules after years of NARP and even in these conditions, I can see my life metamorphosing. I have taken all the necessary material precautions well ahead of time in a quiet fashion as my intuition told me to and my plan for the weeks to come in confinement is to improve my relationship with myself further without distraction or embrace whatever other challenge comes my way. I get the same message as Jeff about this, deeply, from my gut and my heart is soaring with hope and relief for the end the runaway race to self anihilation we were on. The lid is lifted. All hopes are finally allowed for humanity. The SIGNS are here. In this country ravaged by hatred, division and looking at a new rise of fascism, people have already completely turned around, they are coming together and are looking at one another as brothers in arms, equals, rediscovering what matters and it’s only the beginning. This virus is exposing the truth about all it touches and bringing us light. That’s how I feel anyway.
Hi Angelique,
I Love that you have been clearing the trauma and you feel so peaceful right now! I adore where you are at!
How gorgeous Angelique that you are sharing these feelings with all of this.
They truly are coming from the Divine.
So much love and blessings to you, and all of us.
Mel 🙏💕💚
Bravo dear Melanie! You are very right about the parallel of these two. Thank you for sharing your friend Jeffs’ beautiful words. And thank you also, Angelique! I’m in agreement with all you shared especially “forced to be with myself is not a problem because we are good friends”! This had to happen on every front within ourselves, as well as what we see going on around us…in order for that true, and pure change to be ushered in. It’s gonna propel us into that courage of becoming who we’ve already been created to be….so that we can become strong for the things that lie ahead as we love and help other people. What a blessing to receive this today, Melanie! I hope I wasn’t being obnoxious by contacting your customer support team about this yesterday. Please forgive me if that was the case! I had just dropped off some colliadal silver to a friend yesterday. As she was walking me to my car, she made the comment, “be careful, because you know there are going to be many predator men out there right now”. I don’t believe I was afraid (in fact, she really doesn’t know the depth of what I experienced from this abuse)…but it did hit me. I thought, I wonder what Melanie has to share on this subject! Lots of Love to you, your team, and everyone in this community! We can ALL come forth as True Gold!
Hi Aneas,
It is my pleasure and thank you for your beautiful words.
Of course, that is no problem regarding your message to support, and I’m so pleased that I was able to quickly start sharing messages about this time.
Thank you for your love to all and so much love to you as well.
I adore your positive energy and message at this time!
Mel 🙏💕💚
Thank you for sharing this, Mel. 🙂
I’ve had on more than one occasion over the past few days the thought that, “This is a holy time.”
When I turn on the news and see fear and fear and more fear it almost feels ironic to me that most of my life was lived in fear and now that I feel free from that fear, the rest of the world has “caught” it. You are correct in that we, in this community, are used to sitting with ourselves and facing our emotions, fears, traumas, but this is new for the masses. It could very well be a great gift for humanity. And when I feel down, just looking at the clear water in Venice and on other beaches that I’ve watched on webcams lifts my heart. The Earth is getting a chance to breath too.
it’s my pleasure.
That’s so beautiful that you are living free of fear now.
Absolutely the world is receiving healing right now, and this is a time for us to reassess how we do things.
Much love to you and power in your peace
Mel 🙏💕💚
I absolutely love your comment..’The earth is getting a chance to breath too.’
I live in Alberta, Canada. My name is Linda and I find it so remarkable, literally I am amazed that each episode is precisely what I need at the time it arrives to propel me forward on my journey toward thriving in all aspects of my life. The virus is affecting Canada, as it is the rest of the world and it is demanding attention and respect. It is amazing how people from very contrary places have come together, to work together, to bolster one another as we navigate this time in history together. Thank you Melanie for your thoughtful words and always for your love and support through NARP. Blessings to you.
Hi Linda,
I am so pleased that my episodes are timely for you!
I love the Oneness that this is creating too … it really is.
That’s beautiful that you are staying aligned and connected to your True Self through this with NARP.
Love and blessing to you Linda, and thank you for yours.
Mel 🙏💕💚
Mel, I’ve been a member since 2015. You helped me tremendously ❤️.. I am in gratitude! My feelings in the pandemic are different than the feelings that I experienced with narcissistic abuse. I feel suspicious about the governments of the world. Do they have our best interests at heart?..or are they trying to start a new world order? I truly know,in my soul, that God is at the helm, as always.. I will continue praying and loving.. that’s all we can do! Lots of love 💕!!
Hi Nancy,
I’m so pleased you have been with me all this time and that I could help!
Nancy, regardless of the situation we do have the power to align, release and bring in Source and be and create the highest and best for all concerned.
That is the power they try to take away, but can’t if we stay aligned and in the TRUTH.
Yes darling, keep letting go of the fear and pain and BE Who You Really Are.
And then it is EXTRAordinary what you can do.
So much love
Mel 🙏💕💚
Awww Melanie, thank you so much. This was beautifully perfect for me to hear. I haven’t been dwelling in fear, thanks to NARP, but this has offered a greater understanding and acceptance. I have felt that this was a reset of sorts and this helps me open more to the journey.
Bless you and your beautiful heart
Hi Flame,
I’m so pleased that NARP has been helping you so much at this time.
Mwah and much love to you and your open heart!
Mel 🙏💕💚
Mel thank you so much for sharing your wisdom. We have been having a similar discussion and are doing our best to help spread love and kindness and peacefulness. I have been teaching a daily gentle Pilates mat class on Instagram as a way to help people find personal alignment and have found if I feel fearful or anxious it helps to remember your advice. I say “I love and accept this feeling.” Usually I do a meditation and I think of the potential positive potential results that can come from this pandemic. You are an angel among us all, thank you and bless you!
Hi Penelope,
I LOVE that you are doing that for people.
Peace, healing and centredness are very necessary commodities in this time. The most in fact.
Big love to you
Mel 🙏💕💚
Dear Melanie,
Thank you for this beautiful message. Love Dianne
Hi Dianne,
it is my absolute pleasure.
Much love to you darling lady.
Mel 🙏💕💚
Interesting what Nancy said above … I quote ” I feel suspicious about the governments of the world . Do they have our best interests at heart ? ”
My belief is …
No , they don’t … it is like NARC abuse on a global scale which is why perhaps Melanie has put out this timely webinar ( ? ) to show the comparisons on a fear level basis only but it is there none the less in the form of control over people .
The taking away of our freedoms ( lockdowns and curfews etc ) makes us feel that we have no control ( just like being in a NARC relationship )
It brought up all my PTSD issues for sure in the beginning but I worked through them and now feel completely calm in the face of it all but boy what a double whammy for those of us experiencing the Narc abuse @ the same time !
It doesn’t have to be that way as Angelique also above stated that she is serenely aware and calm about the whole situation .
We must sit with ourselves patiently and in honesty and speak and act from our true inner self’s wisdom .
I am new to all of this and yet I know Melanie is absolutely right on with what she says about the need to work on our inner selves .
I found her in a moment of personal crisis and she was a savior to me and I see now the same need for us all in the world today dealing with this corona virus .
Melanie , as do many other truly ” connected ” beings on earth right now are seeing this as a turning point , a chance to do better for us all . I agree full heartedly that this is the case and we should not let it slip through the cracks .
I feel so empowered by Melanie’s words and I hope others do as well .
Peace be with us all … I struggled with this darn NARC abuse for too long and I am done with it … take back your power and stand up for what you believe in
Put on your shining armor and fight this battle with love .
Thank you Melanie for your generosity of spirit in sharing your wisdom with us all
Hi Carina,
it is so true, the only real way to fight this battle is by purging our fear and rising up into ou empowerment, which is calm, inner solidness and unshakeable love.
I am so proud of you for being the spiritual warrioress that you really are! Certainly, this is such a BIG calling now, on top of the trauma of n-abuse … it is like that on steroids.
I LOVE your words and encouragement to all. Thank you so much for being you at this time.
So much love and continued power to you Carina, Dear Sister.
Mel 🙏💕💚
Hi Mel,
Thanks so much for the detailed article and as the person above said you seem to arrive into. My life just when I need you. My God, this whole crisis is torture for many reasons. I’m at home with my kids and the narcissist all day every day. I can’t get away from his cruel words and they never stop. I had an outlet in work and a week free from him when he was working. The virus itself means we stay in as my son has a serious medical condition and that is a worry. However the constant abuse is really taking its toll and I feel utterly useless. I feel huge guilt that my kids are around and see me in terrible form, and he is saying I’m the one with the problem. I so badly want to go but iv a million fears.. Anyway its late and I want to thank you for being there. Lots of love and a little hope. Christina
Hi Christina,
you are very welcome.
Awww darling I am so sorry that you are going through this.
I’m not sure how long you have been in this Community, but have you heard about my NARP Program? It gives you the ability to detach, detox and purge the n’s abuse, even if you are still in the same vicinity as them.
It also grants you 24/7 access to the most positive, inspirational and best minds in the world regarding narcissistic abuse recovery and empowerment. This is my Private NARP forum that has members from all over the world to help you. Many of them are going through what you are. You don’t have to be alone with this.
Do you have the ability to get some space that you could do some deep and powerful healings on this when he is not there?
NARP hun, will help you in the most powerful way that I know of.
Sending hugs, support and love
Mel 🙏💕💚
Holy time, i love this, it rings true, thank you, i will hold it in my heart.
Awww Angelique,
I am so pleased it does.
Sending love!
Mel 🙏💕💚
Hi everyone, my name is Kathy and I am from Brooklyn, New York. I have not been watching anything on TV about the virus or reading any e-mails about the virus either (Melanie being the exception.) When New York suffered through the terrorist attacks of 9/11, I was consumed by watching TV, reading newspapers, phoning friends and family, etc. I could not get enough. Guess what? That behavior did me no good at all. I learned that everything truly does pass. Watching people being at their best when everything was at its worst was what helped the most. I was truly moved by my fellow New Yorkers and Americans doing and being their best. I know that feeling and behavior is the same in every country (we are all the same).
I am isolating, taking care to take extra vitamins and getting plenty of sleep to maintain strong immunity. May God bless all of you and your countries. All my best, Kathy
Hi Kathy,
I totally and utterly agree with you.
I love your orientation and sending much love to you.
Mel 🙏💕💚
Thank you Melanie……you are so much love…..wonderful post. Thanks for sharing.
It’s my pleasure Bren hun,
Much love to you.
Mel 🙏💕💚
This is the truest of your emails that has hit me. I am attempting to heal from my narcissistic abuse, still counting the days, day 10 no contact – go me! And I have been finding so many positives through the Corona pandemic that I probably usually may not have. This is the time off to re-bond with my son, no more juggling ridiculous 80 hour weeks with no time to cook and barely see him grow the past 5 years. We are laughing again, connected again, out in nature with the dogs. Yes we are isolated, yes I’m scared for any of my loved ones who may be affected, but so much good from this. I will heal my mind and body from 15 years of narcissistic abuse now that I understand it, I will be ok with being alone in isolation instead of relying on others to fill that void. I’ve been single a lot of my life, but this is the first time I have no one. No guy I’m chatting to, no guy I’m dating, no nothing. Just my son and I. Not even my parents who I usually see every day to help. I’m sure it will get harder as isolation goes on, but boy oh boy this is the clearest I’ve seen in my 36 years of life. I’m ok with me. Self growth is finally where it is at. I was so goal focussed, focussed on saving the world, putting others before myself, but now, it’s finally that time to not think about money, not think about anyone else. Just me. It’s not selfish, it’s essential. Learn to love me again and I”m sure once I’m out of isolation, that will finally attract the right person. Instead of trying to fix the wrong one. Thank you for your daily emails, they are actually what has kept me sane and able to see any positives. Just a week ago I was drowning in self hate for what I allowed etc. I know it’s a daily rollercoaster, but taking the good with the bad X
Hi Jay,
I am so thrilled for you and your son.
Wow, what a beautiful opportunity to heal and recover you!
I love what you are writing it is so beautiful and powerful.
Jade, if you can, in this deep dedication to heal please consider NARP
It is far and away the most powerful and direct path to heal and Thrive.
So much love to you
Mel 🙏💕💚
Mel_ this a timely and extremely poignant post. I am experiencing such a pronounced phase of narcissism from my NARC BF and your words were helpful and relevant. Fortunately, we are in separate quarantines, he is alone and I am with my 3 children. He has a demanding and stressful job as a financial manager and is being deluged by his client’s anxieties, understandably so. As he sees it, I am not supportive enough, I exuding too much negativity, my conversation is too insane and insensitive. More importantly, I am not meeting his needs because I rebuff his requests to have phone sex because I am surrounded by my children at all times. Everything I say is met with contempt and his bitterness and self pitying are overwhelming. I am now served with the silent treatment because I hung up on him for chastising me for diverting the conversation away from him. Your blog and Jeff’s message was striking. It basically put into words what I have been feeling for days and knowing that this will not end soon, it is only logical to believe that there is a higher power in the works. Much Love, Christina
Hi Christina,
so pleased that this was timely for you.
What an incredible opportunity being isolated from him to detach and heal sweet lady.
It’s your time. You deserve so much better than this!
Please come into my free webinar where you can get a powerful shift and boost, away from him emotionally and back into the power and truth of yourself.
This is such a powerful time for you to achieve this!
So much love to you Christina
Mel 🙏💕💚
WOW I have just returned from a spell in intensive care and informed by NHS I must self isolate for 3 months at first I felt a bit fearful then I thought no….it is time to knuckle down to my Narp programme cook healthy fresh .meals and sit outside in the garden when we have some sun. Whilst in hospital i had this thought this virus is about a new consciousness trying to arise. I just felt it in my gut. I am in my new home now my broadband was connected whilst I was in hospital so I am ready to begin for sure. Thank you so much melanie for bringing this message to us from your friend it so resonates with my deep down feelings. Love and blessings for your work x
Hi Lorraine,
I hope you are okay Dear Lady?
Wow, right back at you! That is so fantastic that you had that revelation.
You are going to emerge out of this even more incredible than ever! I just know it.
So much love to you thank you for your beautiful post.
Mel 🙏💕💚
Fabulous post Mel, couldn’t have been more perfect timing, Thankyou!
I was doing very well up until recently.
Had unconsciously increased my isolation & selfcare before this virus surfaced, & been avoiding the news & social media & any other negativity for quite a long time.
Then recently a cloud of old familiar depression, anxiety & triggers enveloped me, & I know that I have given away my power & slipped backwards in a lot of areas.
Your post had my in tears, but it was very uplifting, & I feel my hope & determination resurfacing already. The sun is shining again & the cloud evaporating, thanks to your post & other comments here ☀️
Big love & gratitude to you all, Wendy Xo
Hi Wendy,
it’s my pleasure sweetheart.
Totally, I understand Wendy. I seriously have to do some very serious up levelling as well!
You may want to pick up Quanta Freedom Healing (NARP) again and just shift out whatever is triggering.
The relief truly is beautiful on the other side, and I know that you’ve got this!
So much love to you
Mel 🙏💕💚
I had been doing narp for about 9 mths when about 2 weeks ago .I had a major breakthrough! I finally got it !! .Then my outer environment changed ..Everything changed..iam on the move now …with my thrivers…
I’m spending this time doing your empowerment course which is awesome!! So much stuff is coming up .hope to do family of origin too as that’s big for me ..Thank you for this message. I’ll share it with my friends .
Hi Lorna,
I am so happy that you had such a breakthrough with NARP … That’s wonderful!
Thank you for sharing this message on!
A world so needs a shift in consciousness right now.
Many blessings to you and yours
Mel 🙏💕💚
Melanie, thank you so much for this beautiful video – I immediately feel more hope and relief on the inside. Jeff Vander Clute’s words made me cry!❤️
‘m wishing you, MTE, and your loved ones all the best (and great health!), and I’m sending you so much love❤️
Hi Malin,
You are so welcome.
I’m so pleased it helped you feel like that, thank you feel loved and well wishes and so much love and blessings to you.
Mel 🙏💕💚
I have been separated for 10 months after 30 years of marriage discarded brutally.
Started NARP 2 months ago and I do it every day and it has been helping release a lot of trauma and to heal.
Going through the divorce now and the Narc is reneging on the items initially agreed. Some days I am pretty ok ..but these days I feel a lot of anxiety and can’t stop thinking about him and the betrayals…It wearing me down…I am trying so hard to be strong .My therapist says that I am doing well but I don’t feel like I am healing fast enough..Mel do you have any advice
Hi Rosemary,
I’m so pleased the NARP has helped so much.
Rosemary hun, truly Sweetheart my highest suggestion is to keep moduling out the pain. Also please know that there is support for you, if you are a NARP gold member, in the NARP members forum . Please know you don’t have to go through this alone.
Sending you love and strength
Mel 🙏💕💚
I am sure glad I found this program recently. My narc and I decided to divorce in Nov. I left the country for 2 months but had to come back to finish our terms (him paying me back which miraculously he had begun) and signing papers. And then, Coronavirus struck and I am stuck in a foreign country, in the same home. But it’s different now, I have my strength, his “jokes” don’t affect me, he does not get the same reactions so he gives up. He can’t leave and look for new supply (though perhaps online) so he is actually being cool and decent with me overall. My change had created a little change in our interactions….at least to get us thru the last bit with the quarantine. I really believe this whole thing is a big reset for humanity-the macro and micro, the personal and the collective. All connected. It is really amazing to see and experience.
Hi Jacqueline,
that’s great that you have found NARP.
I love that you’ve been able to shift and he no longer affects you.
Power to you and so much love.
I so agree regarding the reset for humanity.
Mel 🙏💕💚
I have been sensing the same things. A couple nights ago I said to my sister- I don’t think we need to be afraid of this virus. It is here to bring to surface our greatest fears, but when we turn to them in love, we will heal. Rather than running in fear from this virus, I believe we can face it with gratitude for the message and gifts it has for us. It is good to know that there are many of us all around who are hearing the same message. We are not alone. We are in this together and when we step out in love, we will heal together.
Hi Jennifer,
that’s so beautiful that you are feeling this powerful inner anchored truth.
I completely agree with you.
Thank you for your beautiful message and so much love
Mel 🙏💕💚
Thankyou for your website Melanie, and your all encompassing love. At this time, I feel the universe is speaking to us, and for the first time I feel able to listen. Do you think it is reminding us of the origins of the virus, which I believe started in a live animal market, stressed, terrified animals, waiting to die, many of us have been there ourselves. Is the universe trying to open our hearts, just as we tried to open the hearts of our narcissicist partners or family members. The pollution from all of those planes and other industries, halted,so that we can breathe once more. In my seventies ,and, with your help I am finally finding peace and acceptance of myself.
Hi Esme,
You are very welcome.
I totally agree with you that we need to learn how to do things differently, and how to be generative sources who are aligned for the well-being of all.
I am so thrilled for you that you are finding communion with your inner being.
So much love to you Esme
Mel 🙏💕💚
Dear Melanie, this is such a powerful message. I am one of the unfortunate ones being stuck with the narcissist in this lockdown. But I know and believe, as you taught us so well, that this too is happening FOR me and not to me😊I watched the video, and could not take all in, as I was struggling with more fear again. Then, yesterday and today, I read slowly through the blog, writing everything down for me. This is when the Power of all this Truth entered my being again, more powerful than ever before. I have new wings and dedication for my healing process with NARP. And I will read through this blog now often to help me keep on track. I have already seen wonderful results the past two days, when I’m focussed on my Inner Child, regardless of what the narcissist does. Getting stronger and stronger, more solid and standing more in my power. ♥️🌟
Hi Pauline,
I’m so thrilled for you that you are staying so aligned, especially in your situation.
You should be so proud of you, you are doing a beautiful job.
Love, blessings, power and grace to you Pauline
Mel 🙏💕💚
Dearest Melanie,
This was a most powerful and necessary message at this time for the entire world. I saw a lot of fear on the t.v. tonight as I watched 2 hours of news. It is fascinating to think of this virus as a sentient being come to humanity to bring us the help, the awakening so many of us have been praying for and intending for for so long. Please tell Jeff, “thank you” for listening to the message and getting it out for the masses to hear. Your relationship with Fear is truly a healing testimony all to itself and I have experienced a great deal of healing after being thoughtlessly, heartlessly discarded by my narc girlfriend 5 months ago. You are correct about being stuck in a house with a narc…it’s a lot to take but NARP leads us through to our authentic selves and the ability to truly love ourselves by creating and respecting our own solid boundaries.
Much Love and Light to you always lovely lady,
Hi Kathryn,
I’m so pleased that this has helped bring you back to your heart space.
NARP thank goodness does truly help me so much at this time too! I hear you Lovely Lady.
So many blessings and much love to you. You are doing an incredible job.
Mel 🙏💕💚
Hi Mel. I still loved your quantum tools and understandings. It’s been 5 years since no contact with my narc exwife and her mother who blames me, my relatives and my pastor for her mistakes, even after she got caught, and after restraining me illegally, and being a dictator instead of a wife. And all the lies they have done and said. My healing process is really slow, but i’m still getting back on my feet.
Hi Evan,
Sending healing and blessings to you in your process.
Much love to you
Mel 🙏💕💚
Your words stream forth as mantric speech flowing from the still point between the turning worlds. You throw medicated darts at our brain, soothing in their tonality as they land upstream of the mind.
It is real physics, what the Buddhists call transmission of mind, the self appearing as the self within the dream to awaken the sleeper. Your vibratory countenance sparkles with feminine love radiance. Light doesn’t hide.
There is a timeless mystical quality to your video offerings. You stand directly behind your words, as they emerge from silence and beingness without self reflection.
The wisdom and composition of your delivery was so impeccable that at first I couldn’t figure out if you were reading from a prepared article. Finally I understood that it was the unscripted wisdom and compassion of the self realized.
It is heartening to encounter a bodhisattva on this great highway of life. A kiss to you.
With great love and respect,
Hi Carl,
thank you for lovely words and I am so pleased that this deeply resonated with you.
These are most definitely times when our evolution is the most needed.
Love and blessings to you
Mel 🙏💕💚
Thank you for your wisdom Melanie, you’ve helped me change my life and I no longer live in fear. I am embracing this situation as a period of immense change that humanity needs to go through. I am hoping it will change our culture of greed and crazy A type personalities dogged with narcissism to being more compassionate and evolved people. I love it that the planet is getting a rest from us. The planet needs to heal and so do we. History is in the making and we need to embrace it.
Much love
Hi Nicole,
It’s my pleasure and I love your take on this time.
I agree wholeheartedly.
Many blessings to you and yours.
Mel 🙏💕💚
Hi Mel,
Thank You for explaining so beautifully.
I came across this touching poem by Kitty O’Meara:
“And the people stayed home. And read books, and listened, and rested, and exercised, and made art, and played games, and learned new ways of being, and were still. And listened more deeply. Some meditated, some prayed, some danced. Some met their shadows. And the people began to think differently.
And the people healed. And, in the absence of people living in ignorant, dangerous, mindless, and heartless ways, the earth began to heal.
And when the danger passed, and the people joined together again, they grieved their losses, and made new choices, and dreamed new images, and created new ways to live and heal the earth fully, as they had been healed.”
Upon reflection of this post it reinforces how important and connected each and everyone of us really are. One person has the power to go within to change themselves and that has a huge ripple effect on the world. Just as one person isolating themselves in their home has a huge impact on containing the virus. It also hits home that Prana , breath , is the life force within, and every breath we take impacts our relationship with ourselves and others. Thank you Melanie for this post and the wisdom you share.
Mother Earth has been groaning and trying to send a message to mankind that things have gone to far. We as Thriver`s, being sensitive people know this already. Abuse is abuse no matter what.
When I parked the school bus to begin the lockdown, a sense of relief filled my entire body.
It was like a huge weight was lifted off me and my breaths were of 100% pure, sweet oxygen.
Once again, I thank the universe for putting Melanie into my life and introducing me to Jeff’s amazing words, that helped to put this miracle into prespective
I waited on purpose to comment on this most important video of Melanie’s.. The message I was receiving was a need to ground. This worked out great. Today is the day to read the other brothers and sisters heartwarming letters and comments. All are so aimed in a loving and positive direction.
My heart and soul has not and will not became heavy or disoriented. NARP is always there 24/7.
We as Thriver`s, once again have to thank the universe for giving us Melanie Tonia Evens
Fear is useless,
Faith is necessary,
Love is everything
Martin Sheen
Dear Mel,
I have been wondering whether it’s necessary to uplevel every painful emotion. Especially now that we are faced with huge loss in so many parts of our lives and I have been wondering if some of it is not meant to transform us and make us more compassionate.
I was feeling fine then after a week of lockdown a monstrous wave of grief washed over me out of nowhere and knocked me for 6. So I went inwards and asked what it was about and the answer was “your freedom is gone”. I had been living with a really high degree of freedom answering to no one and I rather loved it. Now not only have I got to stay at home but I can’t even entertain the idea of going here and going there freely for god knows how long and it really hurts, like a horrible unnatural shrinking of your spirit and I thought that it is a horrible punishment to be incarcerated and deprived of your freedom and that it is such a beautiful, precious and important thing to be appreciated and cherished. So I accepted that the pain I felt for its loss honoured its value for me and I sat with it respectfully for a day, then I perked up just like that. It was not a trauma, it was a normal consequence of an unusual situation which contained its gift. I expect there will be further such gifts paid for in grief in the near future. What do you think about this?
Hi Angelique,
this is such a great question.
As a rule of thumb what I do is up-level the emotions that I can’t let go of and transcend with my own self-soothing.
What I have discovered is that pain is inevitable but leaving unhealed traumas within is suffering. By doing shifts with NARP what happens is that we come out of pain and the trauma within into instant compassion and a higher graduation of self as a result of bringing in the light whether trauma once was.
There is no need to leave the trauma there and suffer in order to get higher evolution and greater compassion and wisdom for things.
(I’m getting on to soon what you did to transmute the emotion!)
I totally agree that it is a horrible punishment to be incarcerated and deprived of your freedom, however that painful trauma and emotion can be shifted out of your being and the light can come in and then you just won’t feel like that. You will discover that freedom doesn’t have to be physical it can be intensely and incredibly spiritual.
And, what you did as a deep acceptance of the painful emotion transmitted it anyway! You shifted it internally with loving acceptance. So back to my original statement what I’ve discovered is that if I can’t accept and shift something into peace, then the shifting with NARP is incredibly powerful and useful.
I love this conversation that we just shared because it is a very important one.
Much love to you
Mel 🙏💕💚
Thank you Mel, that’s really clarified things for me. Hope you’re all well and going through this in the most positive way possible. X
You are very welcome Angelique,
I’m so pleased it has.
Yes I am very well thank you and dealing really well.
Quanta Freddom Healing helps incredibly well!
Love and blessings to you.
Mel 🙏💕💚
Since this virus burst upon the scene, I have felt totally calm and had a strong feeling that I was not put upon this earth to add to the panic and worry which has been afflicting so many. I’m a healer and feel that this is my time to do my best work and shine light in the darkness. I feel only light around me and have no fear. I’m isolating with a severely disabled and vulnerable friend who would not have coped if left alone in this pandemic. I feel that, by doing this, I’m helping our overstretched National Health Service here in the UK. It’s as if my whole life as a healer was leading up to this. Yes, there are frustrations in life at the moment but they no longer send me into a tailspin like they did before I did the work on my narcissistic abuse – lifelong from my mother. I’m in a different place mentally. We WILL come through this!
Sending peace, love and healing to all in the Thriver community.
Mary xxxxxx
Hi Mary,
that’s wonderful that you feel that inner solidness and calmness.
Thank you for your beautiful words of encouragement and so much love to you
Mel 🙏💕💚