Many people are barely surviving after narcissistic abuse instead of thriving.

‘Survivors’ often find themselves still trapped in their trauma, even after leaving the relationship – and sometimes long after leaving.  This is very common in the conventional recovery community, and it happened to me, too.

I was so broken by abuse that I almost died! So, if you are still suffering after being abused, I want to give you hope that it’s possible to heal into a life that is even more joyful and satisfying than the one you had before the abuse. Let me show you the Thriver way – a different (and faster) pathway to healing.

If this sounds like an impossible dream, watch the video or read the transcript below to discover the difference between surviving and thriving – and how to make that switch.



Video Transcript

Welcome to Thriver TV, where you learn not just how to survive narcissistic abuse but also how to Thrive from it. If you have not yet subscribed to my YouTube channel, please do so. I’d love for you to share my work with others who need it.

Many people will say “I am an abuse Survivor”, yet here, in our wonderful community, I am passionate about using the term ‘Thriver’ from abuse.

This doesn’t mean that this is any sort of immediate expectation. Instead, it is a healing journey from Victim – to Survivor – and then on to a ‘Thriver’ as a much more direct path to healing than the contemporary abuse survivor path.

The easiest way for me to explain the Thriver healing path and how it is an up-leveled reality from Survival is to draw distinct comparisons.


Leaving the Narcissist

• Getting away but still having the trauma trapped inside you, generating fear, pain, and re-traumatisation.

• Detaching not just physically but detoxing the narcissist’s energy out of the inside of you to start healing mentally, emotionally, and spiritually rather than just physically getting away. Recovery from narcissistic abuse is a spiritual battle for your soul – simply leaving is not enough to heal.


Thoughts About the Narcissist

• The narcissist still lives inside you, meaning obsessive rumination exists because the brain is following the emotional, somatic, limbic system traumatization (in the body).  Continually thinking about your feelings keeps re-traumatising you – like shooting yourself with the same bullet 1000 times over. The obsessional thoughts continue indefinitely because your inner emotional being is not free from trauma.

• In our wonderful community, we use Quanta Freedom Healing™ to release internal trauma, meaning no longer trying to think your way out of the unthinkable. Because of effectively letting the trauma go, there are no more painful emotional feelings to think about. Obsessional thoughts very quickly start to melt away.


Narcissistic Abuse Symptoms

• By being trauma-filled and suffering obsessional thoughts, generating emotional pain, fear, and anxiety, the conditions creating toxic thoughts, real-life battles, lack of self-care, poor health choices, and deeply damaging cortisol and adrenalin surges, the symptoms of Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (C-PTSD), adrenal issues, anxiety, depression, fibromyalgia, and any other mental, physical, emotional, spiritual and financial dis-ease remain and are further fuelled.

• Releasing the internal traumas heals the emotional self, quieting the mind because it is not trying to analyze traumatized feelings. Space opens for feelings and thoughts of clarity, hope, and empowerment; everything starts re-setting back to health. Thrivers commonly go free from the nasty narcissistic abuse symptoms and become healthier than ever, even if abuse is all they have ever known from earliest childhood.


The Focus on Trying to Heal

Involves researching everything there is to know about narcissists and focusing on who and what that person did to you. This is like being hit by a car and having people leave you bleeding out on the road to run after the driver. Information about narcissists doesn’t give you any more internal healing than ignoring your wounds from a hit-and-run does.

• As Pema Chodron famously said, “If someone comes along and shoots an arrow into your heart, it’s fruitless to stand there and yell at the person. It would be much better to turn your attention to the fact that there’s an arrow in your heart.” The Thriving mantra is, “If there is trauma inflicted on me, it’s not my fault. But it is my responsibility to heal it because it’s in my body.”



The “Meaning of What Happened”

• Means being stuck in the victimization of battling abuse symptoms, feeling like it was just a terrible stroke of fate, and that a narcissist can take anyone in. Believing nothing needs changing or could be changed about self nullifies the ability to heal “self,” which is the only way to heal and change one’s life. The orientation is, “This happened to me – I am a victim, and there is nothing I can do about it.”

• Taking the orientation: “As horrible as it was, and how traumatized and broken I am now, there was a reason for this.” Healing the Thriver Way involves turning inwards with inner healing processes (we use the Quanta Freedom Healing™ Modules in NARP – the Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Program) to meet, feel, release, and heal up the parts of us that felt these people were familiar and subconsciously didn’t allow us to set boundaries or let go and look after ourselves, set values and limits and come home to our power to be free to be ourselves truly. The orientation is “This happened for me. It is my time of personal catharsis, healing, and growth to claim the only Self and life that would truly gratify me.”



• Having a diminished faith in life, trying to learn how to identify narcissists, and suffering a lack of trust in others, life, and especially in self because of still feeling damaged, needy, and empty inside.

• Undertaking the development and growth of learning how to show up authentically, speak up, and be able to take time to get to know people because of feeling whole and solid on the inside. Knowing there is no need to put one’s self and life in the hands of others – a healthy, safe, and fulfilling life is about trusting yourself and your intuition, speaking up, and setting the bar higher. “What you accept is what you will get.”


Laws of Life

• Not embodying the Quantum Law of so within, so without. Trying to live from “the outside in” by fruitless monitoring, controlling, and changing people and situations to feel healthier.

• Understanding Quantum Law so within, so without, knowing you are unfolding your life from your inner universe to your outer universe. As an adult, your subconscious programs are responsible for over 90% of how you feel, what you think, who you choose, how you treat yourself, and who, what, and how you participate in life. The inner work with Quanta Freedom Healing™ (NARP) creates your life powerfully and effectively from “the inside out.” Because you get better, you choose and do better, and everything changes beyond description.



• Continuing to struggle without a healthy inner standing of boundaries. Continuing people-pleasing allows exploitation or using ineffective ways of speaking up, thus providing a narcissistic supply to abusers, allowing them to manipulate you while you are trying to get your needs met. May choose hermit withdrawal from humanity, connection, and love.

• Doing the inner work to release and heal up from the old programs to trust your intuition, speak up, state limits without the fear of criticism, rejection, abandonment, or punishment, and be willing to leave relationships if boundaries are not respected, rather than lose yourself trying to be loved. Therefore, we should carve out much healthier, genuine, authentic connections.



If you are barely surviving abuse, this information is not to shame and blame you; it is to give you hope and inspire you.

I, too, was crippled for years by mere abuse of survival, and while I was with the trauma trapped inside of me, I got sicker and more broken until I nearly died.

This is why I am passionate about the Thriver Recovery model. I feel so blessed I was able to channel Quanta Freedom Healing™  develop the Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Program and be the founder of The Thriver Way to heal from abuse, which has revolutionized previous healing paradigms.

I hope that by digesting this information today, you can understand why.

Most of all, I want you to know there is a new and authentic way to heal, and there is no way that your soul intended you to stay as you are now. Your best self and best life are yet to come.

I hope this article has helped you understand why I say in my videos, “Keep Thriving because there is nothing else to do.”

Please let me know if you feel you are merely surviving, healing, and Thriving, or sometimes both.

Did you know it was possible to upgrade to Thriving after narcissistic abuse?

Is there some part of you deep inside that feels this can be possible and knows it is your soul’s right to do so? If so, I’d love to help you.

You can read all about NARP by clicking on this link.

As always, I look forward to answering your comments and questions below.

Until the next Thriver TV episode, keep smiling, keep healing, and keep thriving, because there is nothing else to do. Lots of love. Bye-bye.

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10 thoughts on “Surviving vs Thriving

  1. Dear Melanie!

    I think the YouTube “moderators” didn’t like what I was trying to write to you, so I will try again! lol!!!

    Everything got deleted! 😵‍💫

    Anyway, this particular article is really helpful and timely…..

    I’ll try to re-create what I said but I don’t think I can do it perfectly….

    I’ve been vacillating between surviving and thriving too often and too long….

    But, after having some semblance of inner stability I was really thrown “for a loop” and crashed emotionally!

    (I really do understand that much of what I’m going through, as painful as everything is, is being “done for me, and NOT as I would so often like to think, to me!”) as you so often explain to us….

    (That understanding has helped me through many difficult times…..)

    However, this morning I was emailed some demands and desires by my soon to be ex spouse about marital property, assets, etc. etc. etc. AGAIN!!!!!

    It was so upsetting and so cruel and so harsh, and so done without conscience and evil…..

    I ended up, crying, my eyes out, again!

    After that, I went to the forum and attempted to express what was going on, which helped somewhat….

    (I don’t know what I would have done without that resource……)

    And then you showed up here…..soooo thankfully! 🙌

    This particular article is so helpful and really resonated with me! 💥

    Everything in this Article I can totally relate to, and absolutely need to work on!

    Once again, you came through with a timely and most important, for me, and probably others as well, article filled with wisdom and guidance…..

    Again, all of this was really hard to express…..

    But, Lil’ P was persistent and helped! 👨‍👦 and WE DID IT !

    Thank You so very much, Melanie!
    Much love!

    1. Peter…..dude……Don`t waste another second.
      Get down to work doing NARP module`s..
      Set yourself free once and for all.
      From that point on there is no going back….
      only forward to a new amazing life
      Do it…Go for it.

      1. Intuitively, I knew that I needed to go to the forum and I did that and got incredible help and also some practical module suggestions! It helped me a lot!
        This has been a really tough thing for me to be going through but I will get “there”…..

    2. Hey Peter,

      Warren is so right.

      Heal out what you are feeling.

      THEN you will go free.

      You know what to do …. truly you do …

      So much love and big hugs from all of us

      Mel 🙏💞🦋

  2. My ex moved out taking both cats while I was at work & ghosted me 7 months ago. The male cat is very bonded with me. It is breaking my heart to know my male cat has loss his only human companion he snuggles & understands him. It’s so difficult for me to let this pain go as my cat is waiting for me to bring him home. I lose in the court case & now I can’t even see him. My ex is so vindictive & mean that he used the cat to hurt me & doesn’t even care he is hurting the cat emotionally. I’m desperately trying to move on & still struggling to deal with it. Thank you for creating this forum.

    1. Hi Carolina,

      I am sorry – absolutely that is SO painful. Our precious furbabies are like our children!

      It’s devastating that narcissists do this, and they do it because they know it punishes you.

      Please know how welcome you are and Im sending you and your dear cat big hugs and healing.

      Mel 🙏💞🦋

  3. I love that this article radiates a new and even more powerful crystalline foundation of clarity, like a beacon guiding through uncertainty and obstacles. That rock solid calm clarity, and really grounding in the core message is so very helpful and just incredibly beautiful. It is not easy when you are enmeshed in endless-seeming legal battles to protect your child. There is always a draining shadow of desperation, a worry that if you don’t get the healing right your soul will disintegrate and you will cause your life to be dominated by ludicrous lies that hypnotize and weaponize people against peace and truth itself. It can all seem confusing and healing can sometimes be the egos way of escaping and avoiding, taking refuge in a blissed out caricature of the real healing because we just want to escape the repeating patterns and feel better. But you come thru so clear. “Thriving” Use the uncomfortable feeling, tune in, go in, this is what we are hear to do.” You are getting thru, Mel. So so grateful for you and your work!

    1. Hi Doug,

      I’m glad that you found comfort and anchored power in this!

      Doug what you are dealing with is MASSIVE and you really have got this.

      As my dear friend Dr. Christiane Northrup says “Source / God is large and in charge.” This truly is our Thriver mantra, and it is always correct.

      We are all so proud of you!

      Mel 🙏💞🦋

  4. Hi, mel and the mte ,just like say ,thank you for all you do, am doing the speedy shift , , am lifting out more trauma, am so excited, my life is only getting better and better, am thriving, I love who i have becoming ,each and every day , xxx

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