If you are new to my work, I want you to know from my heart to yours that my greatest mission is not just to deliver information to you about who narcissists are and what they do to you but how you can HEAL from narcissistic abuse.
Really heal.
For real.
This often requires suspending everything that you thought previously about trying to heal from abuse.
Unfortunately, a sad truth about our modern-day civilization is that often only symptoms are treated, with the actual cause left untreated. This means staying sick and reliant on treatments rather than being healed beyond their need.
This happens all the time in narcissistic abuse recovery circles.
A great deal of our programming is that we can’t really heal because we are just too broken from what happened to us, and we are powerless to experience anything other than drawn-out suffering.
It’s … just … not … true.
And today, I’m going to explain to you why.
Let’s get going with the 5 myths about recovering from narcissistic abuse and what the 5 truths really are instead.
Myth Number 1 – Researching Narcissists Heals You From Narcissistic Abuse
Imagine this – you are crossing a road, and you get hit by a car. You are broken and bleeding; in serious trouble. The person with you leaves you in this state and goes after the driver. They don’t pick you up, call an ambulance, or put their energy and attention into getting you help for your wounds.
Then, after they discover who the driver of the car is, they research them. What kind of psychopath runs people down and then takes off? What mindset did they have that they didn’t stop the car, turn around, come back, or maybe after five miles, call the police and turn themselves in?
Meanwhile, you are dying on the road.
Can you see how ridiculous this is?
How on earth have we as a human species become so deluded into thinking that, by researching everything about someone, talking about them constantly, and joining abuse forums where we discuss “them” with no focus on the actual healing of our internal wounds, we are going to heal?
Just because you don’t have visible bleeding or gashing wounds that are “life-threatening” does not mean that you don’t have intense internal trauma that is generating C-PTSD, severe anxiety, and depression, as well as the nervous system. These emotional and mental dysregulations may have already become severe physical disorders.
Pema Chodron nailed it with this famous quote, “If someone comes along and shoots an arrow into your heart, it’s fruitless to stand there and yell at the person. It would be much better to turn your attention to the fact that there’s an arrow in your heart.”
Your ability to “live” and be “alive” has been seriously compromised.
You need help. You need to heal.
You CAN heal. But it’s never going to happen through focusing on the narcissist; it can only happen by turning inward to focus on healing yourself.
I discovered this profoundly, as did so many of our outstanding community members – no amount of learning about narcissists healed us. It was only when we stopped doing this and put at least 90% of our focus into the actual healing of ourselves that we started to get well.
Module 1 of my Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Program (NARP) starts this process immediately. Very quickly, it is akin to you being taken by ambulance to the emergency department for fast action to begin healing the significant trauma that you have sustained.
When you start doing this – you will understand exactly why.
Myth Number 2 – Information About Narcissists Will Protect You From Them In The Future
Now, imagine this scene: Two soldiers stand side by side in a war battle. One has diligently and persistently done all the research he can on the enemy and what he needs to do to survive this battle. Yet he is terrified, traumatized, and in total fear of dying.
The other soldier feels completely different inside. He feels empowered, ready, solid, and calm on the inside. He feels connected to his intuition and trusts himself and his reactions, no matter what unfolds.
Who do you think is likely to survive this battle?
Certainly not the traumatized, fearful soldier. He doesn’t trust himself; he has cortisol and adrenalin pumping, which makes his intuition – his internal GPS (God Protection System) non-existent. He is emotionally derailed and, therefore, ineffective in this battle.
Ask any soldier you have ever known which of his team members were the most likely to perish. The answer will be those who lost emotional control.
Now, let me explain to you a Law in The Universe that is as powerful as gravity. I have spoken about it many times, yet many people may not understand its true impact—it is Quantum Law, which is so within, so without.
It means this: whatever is going on inside of you is what you will experience outside of you.
Because this is what YOU are generating for yourself.
There is NO escaping this. No amount of “doing” can compensate for a defunct Inner Being.
The fearful soldier is going to experience what he fears – losing his life despite every precaution he tries to take.
Likewise, the person still suffering from their unhealed internal traumas regarding narcissists keeps being narcissistically abused by others – the very thing they fear. The existing narcissists in their lives keep it up, and more narcissists come towards them.
I have seen it time and time again, people who are the most remarkable “experts” on narcissists that you could ever imagine (who know everything there is to know about them) are the ones who keep experiencing them over and over again.
Information is not healing. In fact, the more information you have without actual inner healing, the more information about what to fear without accessing healing.
True healing, regardless of the level of information accessed, brings exactly the inner stance of the solid and calm soldier in a combat zone.
What is this inner stance? This …
“I am NOT in fear. I am not triggered. I am solid in my body, and I back myself. I know who I AM. I am NOT a small, defenseless human at the whim of others. I am in MY Truth and Power.”
After narcissistic abuse, all of us (and arguably even way before narcissistic abuse as a result of our childhoods) were NOT in this state. After narcissistic abuse, to be safe in our bodies and secure in life (where narcissists dwell), we need to be.
How do we get there? By healing ourselves. By doing the right inner work to get there.
Many people will tell you that is not possible after narcissistic abuse.
Again … this … is … NOT … true!
Thousands of others, as a result of applying Quantum Law—so within, so without—knew we needed to turn inwards to release our traumas and triggers, to come home to our peace, solidness, power, and calm on the inside.
Then everything changed. For the first time in our lives, we became solid, calm, empowered soldiers on the battlefield of life. We could navigate it not just unscathed but incredibly joyfully, powerfully, and inspirationally, no matter who we came up against.
Every Module in NARP’s 10-step process personally takes you through the exact journey we took to get there.
Myth Number 3 –Time Heals All Wounds
What is time? Why doesn’t the same ” healing time” apply to everyone?
I have met people 40 years onwards who are still entirely sick, traumatized, and medicated as a result of narcissistic abuse. The narcissist still lives inside their mind and Inner Being like a parasitical virus every day – even though they have had no contact with this person for decades.
I have also seen people who, after a mind-bending discard and replacement the previous week, which left them suicidal (after decades of marriage and children), start recovering exponentially within mere weeks.
I’ve also seen everything in between, and I can assure you that time or the intensity of the trauma or the circumstances of the trauma have absolutely nothing to do with how long it takes to heal.
Every time I hear people say, “My therapist told me it will take years of therapy to rebuild my life again,” I think to myself, “Well, that’s a crap ton of money that will be spent with very little result at the end of it.”
(I’m sorry to be blunt, but there it is because I have had thousands of these people arrive in this community who are not healed after decades of cognitive therapies.)
Time is not the healer of deep traumatic wounds. This is because the very fabric of your Inner Identity was damaged.
This is not just some loss to grieve.
You lost the pillars of what you thought it was to be human – your inner compositions of love, approval, security, and survival, and as a result, you feel completely traumatized in your body and in the world.
Now, you can’t trust life and others and certainly don’t trust yourself. Your mind is clambering to try to put the pieces together and give you some solace, yet your mind only has the operational bandwidth within the trauma, and you just can’t think your way out of it. (More about this soon.)
Yes, time can heal less impactful things because you stop thinking about them. You stop thinking about them because “other aspects of life” step in and take over. There is no “room” for “other aspects of life” to step in when your Inner Identity is so clogged up with narcissistic abuse trauma, and you have no “self inner structure” to go forth with.
There is no “mere time” that heals narcissistic abuse. What heals narcissistic abuse is inner healing, specifically for narcissistic abuse. How long it takes depends on how long people turn inward and dedicate themselves to this inner healing.
Thank goodness there is a way to do this now. Before NARP, when I was clambering for the solution, there wasn’t. Humbly, through my Soul-searching and intense desire, I formulated it and brought it to the world.
I’m not saying there are no other ways. I’m sure there are, but it has to be Quantum inner work that releases the trauma. It has to be precise somatic, inner identity, and subconscious reprogramming work.
Myth Number 4 – You Can Stop Obsessive Thinking With More Thinking
Have you known someone who goes on and on and on about the same thing that happened to them, over and over and over, but yet they never change their victimization about it?
I think we all do.
Why is this the case? Why doesn’t their incessant sharing and talking about it shift them out of this state?
Something hurt them – that is clear.
They are obsessing about it – that is clear.
Now, let’s embrace this clearly—because it’s true—this thing that hurts them is NOT getting released from their energy field by them continually going on about it.
This is not a rare occurrence. The same applies for everyone.
Now apply the same truth to yourself because, after narcissistic abuse, we all become this person.
We obsess. We talk constantly about it to people to the point where they start pulling away. It’s incredibly toxic listening to someone be a victim who can’t stop being a victim. They may just tell us to forget, get over, or let it go. We hope we can let it go by thinking and talking about it constantly.
But it doesn’t work.
We hate how unsupportive these people are and how they can’t understand. We don’t realize victims take hostages, and it’s totally unpleasant to be around us. And – it doesn’t matter what they say – because nothing they say and do can help us anyway!
So, we go to a therapist and find ourselves repeating the same story over and over and over again with them. We talk about the betrayals we can’t shake off. The disgust over what we put ourselves through, the shock that they didn’t really care for and love us, and everything else that goes with narcissistic abuse.
But … if we are honest with ourselves, we know we are not shifting out of this. We are stuck. We are still sick.
Then, we may get on abuse forums and seek out other victims, and we talk and share war stories. We may get some initial relief at that moment, yet the same scenes keep coming up in our minds. Then, again, for the thousandth time, we fully indulge in the same thoughts repeatedly, trying to get some closure and relief, but it is not coming.
If anything, we wake up more frequently at night thinking about “what hurts.” Maybe we can’t stop researching narcissists or going onto the narcissist’s social media profiles, checking out all the people on their friends lists.
Maybe we stay in contact with others, questioning them all the time about the narcissist’s life – in despair about the narcissist’s awesome life while we can barely get out from under the covers or make a cup of tea.
Despite how sick this makes us, we can’t stop doing it.
If we are really honest with ourselves, this desire to try to think and talk our way out of this is feeding into even greater anxiety, powerlessness, and even a toxic, dangerous addiction that is sucking our very Life Force from us.
It’s also making anyone who could be healthy in our life become alienated from us.
In fact, this obsessional loop becomes so deadly that people try to self-medicate the “out of control thinking” away with food, drugs, alcohol, and even continually breaking No Contact and going back to the abuser.
All of this just brings more damage and stress and lowers self-worth, self-love, self-respect, and self-esteem – destroying us further.
This happens to virtually everyone who has suffered narcissistic abuse because of this insane myth that is taught, despite the OBVIOUS evidence in contrast – more thinking cures obsessional thinking.
Rather, what this is doing is cementing your Inner Being into the identity of continual trauma, victimization, and being powerless against the abuse you suffered.
Please clarify – thinking, talking, and researching doesn’t heal you, and now I hope you understand why. Look at your experience and that of others who you know are also stuck in this deadly loop (these people are everywhere).
Let’s also clarify the definition of insanity – doing the same thing repeatedly and hoping for a different result. If you want to change, you have to change. You have to be willing to try something completely different. You have to change what you are doing if you want to heal.
I know when I was in the bowels of hell with narcissistic abuse, I was willing to crawl across a paddock of broken glass if I thought there was a solution on the other side.
Or, I would have banged two fishes over my head if I thought it would help. I tried pretty much everything and anything I could get my hands on to heal – until I discovered that it was only the deep Quantum methods – the ability to bypass the brain, go within, and work directly on the dense emotional trauma in my Inner Being that gave fast direct, powerful and REAL relief.
This was no longer an attempt to manage symptoms but direct healing at the root of where the damage really was—within my Inner Being.
Myth Number 5 – After Narcissistic Abuse, You Can Never Trust Again
I want to eliminate this myth, and I hope my explanation helps you understand why.
Our entire problem with trust is that we have no ability or necessity to trust others unless we fall into dependencies, such as “I NEED you for love, approval, security, or survival.”
As children, we were co-dependent. We could not be self-generative. The whole issue with being betrayed by other people is that we were not able to stand solid, back ourselves, lay boundaries, and be empowered to pull away and look after ourselves when we saw the warning signs – and even after the abuse took place.
Let me share the following versions of myself with you to help demonstrate what I mean by all of this.
Old Melanie – “You are saying all the right things, and I think you would be awesome in my life. Yes, I trust you.”
New Melanie – “People take time to ascertain. Words mean nothing. Actions and character do. I’ll take my time to get to know you before I gamble my Soul, body, heart, and finances on you.”
Old Melanie – “My gut squirms that something is not right here. But I sooo want it to be right! I’ll dismiss my intuition and convince myself that all is okay.”
New Melanie – “My intuition is going off. I’m going to have the difficult conversations, ask questions, and confront this, and I am TOTALLY able to accept whatever the truth is that comes from this.”
Old Melanie – “You are giving me some piecemeal answer to appease me. It still feels like garbage in my body, but I’ll accept it because I need you to be in my life.”
New Melanie – “You are not convincing my Inner Being that you are taking responsibility and are a safe person to stay connected with. I’m choosing me and standing in my boundary and truth.”
Old Melanie – “You are doing things to me that are unloving, cruel, and traumatizing. I will cling to you and try to change who you are and what you are doing so that I can feel safe and loved.”
New Melanie – “This is what I will and won’t accept, and I love myself enough to pull away until you can be decent; otherwise, we are finished. I know I don’t need you to be any certain way for me to generate my own great life.”
Old Melanie – “If I lose you, I can’t survive.”
New Melanie – “I would rather lose ANYONE than ever lose myself again.”
Old Melanie – “You are responsible for my own levels of love, approval, security, and survival.”
New Melanie: “I am responsible for my own levels of love, approval, security, and survival – including my choices and participation with other healthy, whole adults.”
Okay – feel into these statements.
What parts have anything to do with who you can and can’t trust?
Let’s go back to Quantum Law – so within, so without.
Who you are Being, meaning who and what you choose, who and what you participate with, who and what you confront, and who and what you release as “not my truth” is EXACTLY what creates your safety.
This is what I had to embrace – just as you need to …
Trust is NOT about pinning my hopes (like a powerless child) on someone else to look after me, have integrity, and do the right thing. And, quite frankly, it is NOT Their job – it’s my own job for myself.
Putting yourself in a situation of dependency equals handing power away. It means being susceptible to being controlled. It means being susceptible to being abused. It means feeling powerless, small, and defenseless (like a child), and that is the ONLY issue with suffering trust issues.
Previous to my Quantum Thriver Recovery from narcissistic abuse, no one had explained this to me. I had NO idea this is how life really works.
Like so many of us, I used to be in life trying to work out all the other eight billion people regarding “Can I trust you?” until I took my Soul, life, and power back, realizing I ONLY had to self-partner with, heal, develop and trust the ONE person that I had any power or influence with – myself!
Since this life-changing pivot in my life, I have shifted from past continual experiences of persecution, being ripped off and betrayed and traumatized… into healthy, happy, and whole relationships – because I stand up to and confront and lay boundaries against the potentially bad ones.
I am also way past feeling needy and able to be tricked into handing away my personal rights, freedoms, and “stuff” on a whim because someone is scaring me into believing I “need” them or love, bombing me into some chemical emotional rashness.
So, let’s return to the common false myth, “You will never trust anyone again.”
The correct answer is you won’t—you are not MEANT to. Rather, you are here to anchor into trusting yourself and being the adult (not childlike) force generating healthy connections with healthy people in your life.
You do this from integrity and your own healthy self-love and self-respect.
It takes (here it is again) inner work.
In Conclusion
Does this speak to your personal experience? If so, I hope this point-blank helps you see why you are not healing.
The truth will set you free because it prevents you from continuing to travel toward the Wrong Town and turns you in the right direction. I am passionate about giving you the clear truth because I know this can save your Life Force and maybe even your life.
If you have had enough of the pain and spinning your wheels in it, join me and other global Thrivers in Quantum Recovery with NARP.
As always, I look forward to your comments and questions below.
The life that I lead everyday is living proof that every word in Melanie’s current message is 100% true. Each morning, I cannot wait to drive the school bus again. This year will be number 7 since I escaped the narcissist, with the priceless help that comes from being a Thriver.
I have no time to waste learning about narcissists. When they briefly appear these days,
the message is clear. Exit the area.
These days I take piano lessons, colour pictures with pencils, build models like a kid again…….
There is absolutly no time to waste on any form of NPD in my life.
For those out there depressed, have givin’ up or feel trapped………”Keep Thriving….Because there is nothing else to do”
Hi Warren,
lovely to hear from you.
It’s a joy to see you thrive!
Mel 🙏💞🦋
What you are saying is correct, the truth does set you free. You disregard the rubbish from your life. If it does not build you up, get rid of it. The world is full of naracists who are nobodies who use everything and everyone to give themselves credability. They never had and never will have credability.
Stay strong within your own power. If you were not a strong person, the naracist would simply ignore you. Naracists have no power or strength. They cannot even stand on their own two feet. That is why use your feet instead.
Born loosers are exactly what it says they are. They are born to loose. You were born a winner and no matter what field of study you take, you will and always will win.
“Every time I hear people say, ‘My therapist told me it will take years of therapy to rebuild my life again’ I think to myself, Well that’s a crap ton of money that will be spent with very little result at the end of it.”
I agree with this 100%.
So true Stephen (and Melanie)
Allan from South Africa
My GOD, I love you.
Realizing you are free and living true to yourself is key. It does not matter who thinks your credible or if you are viewed as a winner. Narcs always need to win, because they don’t get it.
I see that actually therapy is helping myself and same time I will come back to narp as I have done this in the past. I still deal with the depression and this is due traumatic abuse as child.
Hi Lukasz,
that is wonderful that you are feeling supported in therapy.
With QFH in NARP Modules you can target the trauma generating the depression, with Module 1 or the Source Healing and Resolution Module, which can immediately start shifting it out, so that it just won’t exist to have to manage – shortening the healing process significantly.
If you like, maye come into the NARP Member’s Forum http://www.melanietoniaevans.com/member to receive coaching with this, which is all complimentary with your NARP Gold Program http://www.melanietoniaevans.com/narp
I hope that this can help.
Mel 🙏💞🦋
Dear Melanie!
Without all the help that I have gotten from doing NARP and your guidance I wouldn’t be able to say what I’m saying right now and, that is, #1 through #4 of this commentary I think I mostly get!
I’ve learned through an unceasing desire to heal and recover from past severe narcissistic abuse and now, finally, which I can say with absolute conviction, thankfully, understand the necessity of making the RIGHT unflagging internal or inner efforts, whichever, to heal myself, and what this means in my daily life… and I’m thankfully understanding much better which efforts would seemingly preclude me from continually being tangled up with too much thinking or too much analysis or too much of not doing the right work!
So, after a few years of Narping now, gratefully, the personal subsequent inner changes and growth, from doing the right work with NARP, although it feels painfully slow at times, the inner changes and growth I’m experiencing and have experienced as a result of much personal effort are so “uplifting” and I’m so thankful for them….
You are so right! If I were to continue trying to “understand” more about narcissistic behavior by thinking more about it or researching narcissism or by trying to satisfy some illusory idea that I can think my way through all of this I’d still be stuck somewhere going round and round and round and getting nowhere! I don’t want to be there ever again in my life!
NARP has shown me to do just the opposite of so much of the contemporary “healing from narcissistic abuse” modalities, that is, NARP is showing me, simply, to reduce the thinking and tendency to over analyze so that I can actually engage in the inner work that is required by anyone narcissistically abused, and by doing that with inner NARP work….that as a result of doing inner NARP work other “sources” and resources, such as reconnecting with my inner child, Little Peter, 👨👦 finding our God given Spiritual gifts we all have, I hope, so often hidden or covered up, that by continuing to follow NARP guidelines, any reconnection Spiritually I might establish mght certainly help with my healing from narcissistic abuse and that, MY, hopefully, simultaneously, as a result, spiritual growth would take place….! 🙏🙏🙏
I, personally, don’t think that I will have difficulty trusting again because, as a result of doing this amazing work with NARP , I am much more aware of abusive types of people and narcissistic predators and my intuition works better as a result of working with NARP. And, most importantly, I’m learning to really trust me and to trust myself! Having that specific trust in me, trusting my experience and “gut” I know is going to help me in my future relationships with other people.
Even though I pretty much understand and have learned what to do about the issues with the other four, that is #1 through #4, I know that I have a lot of work to do yet before I can say, fully, I am free from all of that nonsense!
It’s truly a remarkable journey, this journey of “the Way of a Narper”… and I am so grateful to be here and am continually grateful to have this amazing and wonderful opportunity to listen to you, Melanie, and read your amazing stories and take in the guidance that you give to all of us.
This commentary/article was really helpful, Melanie! I think it helped with my difficulties that I have with self-esteem! At least I felt a little better about myself after reading everything! 😌
Thank you so much, Melanie! Much love! ❤️🦋❤️
That’s wonderful Peter!
So great that by healing you, you are much better self-defined to trust yourself!
It’s SO key!
Much Love and thank you for your comment
Mel 🙏💞🦋
Dear Melanie
Such a great article and so clearly written, thank you.
I appreciate NARP and use is practically daily.
I am still on this journey of recovering my inner child as its been a long journey for me.
Having found you in 2015 and listened to you it took me 3 years before I took the plunge and I did not realise how afraid I was of going within to do the inner work.
I continue on this journey and am grateful for your continued support.
Love Reena xxx
Hi Reena,
thank you!
It’s such a joy having you beautiful lady in our wonderful NARP community!
Big Love to you!
Mel 🙏💞🦋
I am ‘ mindbent ‘ – to quote you Mel…
So many myths, so many lies… ultimate betrayal…
I was led to you Mel, and NARP, by the higher source, I believe….so grateful….
Just a quick back story, my high school sweet heart, I fell hard for him, he was all swagger and more….he had this almost magnetic magic aura around himself…. people just were drawn to him….girls seemed to be magically drawn to him, like he had a super power, and he knew it!!
Oh brother, did he know it, and use it!!
We dated for 5 years and lived together for one…. the betrayal of him having all kinds of other girls behind my back,
I am embarrassed to say I loved him so much and wanted to marry him so bad I bought myself our engagement ring – I was pathetic….I was so enraptured by him…
In my heart I knew that I was just one of many, but I couldn’t let him go….
I had to actually catch him in our bed with another girl before I could finally leave, devastated and demoralized and destroyed I then went through hell trying to get over him….it was physically and emotionally and totally hell!
I had no idea what has happened….
I was shattered….
I went on to marry a covert narc – years later…
I was married for over 20 years of confusion and feeling like something must be definitely wrong with me….I was never enough for him or his family….and I was trying everything to be the best person possible – so I could be enough….
I was down to 95 pounds and full of fibromyalgia….and then my dad was dying of cancer…. everything collapsed and I thanks to my boss, who knew the narc and his family well, finally got the nerve up to leave….of course then my ex went on damage control of himself – we had had a business together for years in a small town, and he’d been a jerk to customers, has a reputation in town for being very difficult to work for, so as I said he went on damage control and tried to make himself look like a ‘ good’ guy….even going to my mother and sister behind my back and trying to make them believe he was a good guy…..’eye rolls’….
After I moved out, and was trying to recover and move on – and heal and trying to understand what was wrong with me, ….then the high school ex calls me up – it had been 30 or more years since I’d left and gone NC….I didn’t even know there was such a term….and it turned out his live in partner of 10 years was messing around on him….so we had dinner, and ally old feelings came rushing back….I’d never felt the way I did with him with anyone else in my life…. I was so pathetic, as I sat there listening, my heart breaking for him as he cried about how he had proposed to her as he was trying to save what they had and she said no and here he was bawling like a baby….I’d never seen him like that…..I think deep down inside, my inner being was waving red flags but of course that person had always been dissed so that inner wounded being didn’t matter….
He had come with all these gifts….and had told me he’d paint my apartment and he was seemingly so kind and giving….for a while….
Then – after seeing each other and me thinking he was leaving his old partner, months later we went on a trip – paid by me – sighs – and as soon as we were back he said to me he couldn’t do this anymore….with me…..he went back to her – well, he’d never kicked her out – after saying to me he would – and asking me if we were ‘ forever ‘ which of course I told him we were….
He just went back to get her, married her and went on a whirlwind honeymoon to Europe….
Went to Paris even, which I had told him was where I wanted to go with him…. Deep sighs….
I was beyond heartbroken….
Then he kept texting and I went along with it …still hoping in my heart that maybe someday I would be the one – and only….. Someday….what a mind bend….
Now I understand what was happening, thanks to Mel’s help….
Anyways, it turned out that my old best friend, who I didn’t know was an altruistic narc, and I had stopped being her ‘ Best’s friend ‘ because of her over the top sexual promiscuous behavior…had been stalking me since I stopped being her friend, and she found out I was seeing my old ex and she made a point to come over to us one time – shed been watching and waiting for an opportunity to hurt me, and she hits on him ….oh, and btw, she was much prettier and sexier than me, and she knew it and flaunted it ..and so …long story short….they got together behind my back and have been having a relationship since, she is the favorite and he will someday leave his ‘ wife ‘ who he dumped me for – to go back to – and she’s the favorite….he has other ex’s that he sees and has sexual relationships with….
I confronted him about this, after he kept dropping hints that could only be about her – oh I forgot to mention that he wanted to stay my friend after he got married – and I was so pathetic I stayed his friend, but after realizing all this information about narcs and such I have gone no contact – again…..sigh….
I am devastated beyond, as my ex friend has enraptured him with her altruism and sexual nature – she has the same magnetism as him – and so now ….the two of theses narcs are having the time of their lives and I am destroyed, …. almost….
I have had my eyes opened – and the truth is horrific – a nightmare – but I do believe that the truth does set you free…..I still struggle desperately trying not to reach out to him still after all the unbelievable pain…..I can’t believe I still want to be with the person I thought was my soul mate and that did the ultimate betrayal….. going after my x friend….and this was my worst night mare….. haunting ….
The time has come to finally face it all and go inside to heal….
I am eternally grateful for the source bringing this information to me, after sooooo many confusing and debilitating years ….
From the bottom of my heart I am humbly grateful….
I am still reeling, spinning and hurting like crazy…and feeling like everybody’s fool….. But I can going to go inside and promise that sad little hurt girl that I am here for her, and I’m going to try to never leave her again….
Thank you Mel, I wanted to just die ….I still do, but one day at a time….
no contact…..
Hi Jodi,
we are all here for you, and little Jodi.
Sweetheart you don’t have to do this alone. The incredible Thriver Healing team is in the forum http://www.melanietoniaevans.com/member for you 24/7/365 to help hold you, coach you and support you with your Module Work to heal this Jodi.
It’s your time!
Sending you love and healing
Mel 🙏💞🦋
Oh Mel…. reading this from you…. just streams of years running from my eyes….my heart flows with deep gratitude…. finally….. finally….a safe place to share – & heal from – with those who understand fully…. & care – hard to find words…..
You darling lady….may you be eternally blessed!
Much love
This is so very true. Thanks Mel.
Only truth sets us free, and healing comes from a combined energy of love for life and helpers. Intellectual understanding isn’t enough, there is much much more.
This: “You lost the pillars of what you thought it was to be human – your inner compositions of love, approval, security and survival, and as a result you feel completely traumatised in your body and in the world.”
It took me 4 years to be able to see with whom I was dealing with, then 2 years of doubts then 2 of exit and healing. I’m not completely back with my good energy yet but “no contact” works very well and any tricks he tries doesn’t affect me anymore. I can’t wait for this energy to exit my life forever and I know it will be the case.
Hi Eva,
thank goodness you are out – it takes such courage and strength to hold No Contact.
Are you using NARP http://www.melanietoniaevans.com/narp to purge him energetically out?
NARP is a deep Inner Being filtration system that gets the trauma and all energetic ties out, as well as heal the programs within you that unconsciously accepted these ties – meaning they won’t reform and you will be impervious to narcissists in the future.
This grants incredible “self” and confidence. There is a big difference between just “going through” this or spectacularly “quantumly growing through” this.
Hence why NARP works so powerfully – and he will be G…O…N…E. For good.
Mel 🙏💞🦋
I’ve done it. I NARP. I Boot Camped. Continue to evolve and thrive because there is nothing else to do. I downloaded the program on January 27 of this year and my life has changed for the better from the inside out. No obsessive thinking, no desire to return, no feelings of loss and really no fear of the future. God has my back and there is no turning back.
Hi Cristal,
I love that you have broken free!
It works – it’s the only thing that works … Healing our insides.
NARP gets it done.
I’m so happy for you.
Mel 🙏💞🦋
that is incredibly inspiring.
It is inspiring to read succcess
Yes! NARP sweeps away the cobwebs and lets me thrive. I love to read Melanie’s continued healthy insights. No Contact works and when the fearful “what if’s” come knocking, I revisit module work. And it’s true, you lose family and friends while you continually to try to change your stuck narcissist partnerships, people dislike your tired stories. My maturity evolved as I discarded old patterns. I’ve become new in my responses and it’s changed the roles in many relationships. I’ve moved on from rotten obsession. Whew! NARP frees me to try new hobbies, say no to requests, explore new paths, and live comfortably with myself.
Ms Breakthrough,
you certainly have lived up to your name.
Beautiful to see!
Love and blessings to you
Mel 🙏💞🦋