Whether you’ve had the misfortune of encountering an overt or a covert narcissist you will have endured the cycle of idolise, devalue, and discard.

ALL narcissists apply this cycle of tactics … yet it’s in how they hook you in and destroy you that the difference lies.

Overts have big outgoing personalities, they are entitled, selfish and demanding but often charismatic, confident, and witty.

Coverts are secretly arrogant, superior, and passive-aggressive but mostly quiet and introverted. They appear to be the shy type and often play the victim card.

In my latest Thriver TV episode, I get very clear on how to identify the overt or covert narcissist. I also investigate the overlap between the two and I take you through the steps of the cycle with each one.

This video is full of valuable insight that will clear up any confusion you may have so check it out now.



Video Transcript

Today I want to help clarify some stuff about overt and covert narcissists, specifically the differences in how they hook you in and how they start destroying you.

So, let’s be really clear that narcissists all use the same tactic, which is to idolise, devalue, and discard, yet covert and overt narcissists do it differently. Today we will do a deep dive into investigating this so that you know what you’re dealing with, what you’re stuck in, what to look for, and how to get out of this.

Before we begin, I’d just like to remind you if you’re new to my YouTube channel and you haven’t yet subscribed. Please do, also hit the notification bell, and remember to share and like my videos if they resonate with you.

In today’s episode regarding overt and covert narcissists, let’s get clear, this is not just about intimate love relationships, it could also relate to a colleague, a friendship, or a family member.


The Overt Narcissist

I’m going to start with the most obvious narcissist, the overt narcissist, and let’s start with the first impressions of an overt narcissist. This person is going to be charming, charismatic, engaging, and seem to be really confident. This person could be very attractive. They could have a finely honed body or dress really well. But regardless, they’re probably going to be a standout because of their outgoing personality.

Additionally, these people can be edgy, exciting, naughty, and seem not to care what other people think of them, and they’re often the rebellious type, which can be quite attractive. Because this person is so witty, big, and attention-grabbing, people may not realize how selfish, self-absorbed, and entitled this person is until much later because they are mesmerized by them.

Now, many people do make it known to the overt narcissist that they’re interested in him or her, and this could happen in business because this person seems to have all the confidence and the abilities, or it could be in friendship because this person is so fun to be around. And, of course, in an intimate partner relationship, because this person is so attractive.

So often, with the overt narcissist, they don’t really have to try very hard to investigate potential because they have a vast array of choices, and people gravitate to them naturally.

However, suppose this narcissist targets somebody not falling into their lap. In that case, they may turn on whatever charm is necessary to get this person into their orbit. They do what all narcissists do. They find out what your ON switch is. And there are usually two distinct ways that narcissists notoriously do this.

First of all, they use feigned care, interest and consideration – and it’s an act – to question you and discover what has either hurt you or what is missing and what you need. Then they pretend to be the saviour of this for you, and they do it at a business level, they do it also at a friendship level, and of course, they do it at an intimate partner relationship level.

It’s a highly effective tactic because you believe you found THE person you’ve been looking for, the person you need in business to get your contracts and contacts. It could be the friend you need to have fun with and, of course, the love partner who will see you like no other, always being monogamous – all the things that haven’t worked out for you in the past.

Please think about this, an overt narcissist is going to be big with what they’re saying and what they’re demonstrating. They could shower you with compliments, time, attention, consideration, and even gifts, and you could feel noticed, desired, wanted, and even adored.

Male narcissists are more likely to grant assistance, do the heavy lifting for you and splash the cash, whereas female overt narcissists are likely to come on with extreme care and empathy, they’ll be that wonderful friend, they’ll be that person that makes a difference, and also shows extreme sexuality with potential love partners.

A narcissist who’s overt will portray to future potential supply that they have their lives together, are incredibly positive, strong, capable, and are doing great. Nothing could be further from the truth. We’ll look at this a little later, as you’ll see.


The Overt Narcissist’s Idolising Stage

Let’s have a look at the idolising stage of an overt narcissist. When snaring a person as a new supply, the overt narcissist starts idolising them in a highly demonstrative manner. They make these people the centre of their life. They introduce them to family, friends – and even their children – way too fast.

They may show off pictures of the love partner’s hot body on social media, or other aspects such as their finances, their boat, their house, their life, whatever can garner the most “look at me attention” because this person is an object for this narcissist to bolster their ego, a prop to show off and brag about, to get acclaim for and to hopefully make other people envy the narcissist because of what the narcissist brings into the narcissist’s life.

The new person to the narcissist is like a shiny new toy, exciting, bedazzling, and the best thing ever. The narcissist may tell this person how they are the best friend they’ve ever had, the best boss, the best lover, how they’re in love with them almost immediately, how they are their “one and only”, and how they see life with this person and this person only, in the future.

Why does this happen? Because the narcissist is milking, to themselves, the “Aren’t you incredible” new narcissistic supply, they can get themselves high on their own idolising of you. It’s a drug, it’s obsession, it’s fantasy, it’s irresponsible, and it’s completely unrealistic, and it ultimately leads to disaster. You’ll have to fall off that pedestal … and you do.


The Overt Narcissist’s Devalue Stage

Let’s look at how that happens because when we get to the devaluing stage of the overt narcissist – the honeymoon starts to crash, as it was always going to, for many reasons.

As the person connected to an overt narcissist, you’re going to get the shock of your life, and you’re going to have a lot to complain about because the mirage starts cracking and wearing off, and you are stunned about how disastrous the running of their life is. They could have active addictions, debt, messes, overspending, carelessness, disasters, lies, broken relationships, and a lack of personal responsibility.

They’re also incredibly superficial, and they have high disdain for others, “I’m right, and everybody else is wrong” It’s the whole superiority inferiority thing they do.

There’s a constant need for attention and the way that they’re entitled to whatever they want whenever they want it without consideration for other people. The horrible and abusive ways they treat and speak to you when you do not agree with their ridiculous narratives and behaviour. They’ve switched from being so infatuated and adoring of you to treating you like the absolute enemy, somebody that they detest and loathe.

The truth is really coming up and out. Rather than being so solid and confident and having it together, this person is massively disordered and ridiculously insecure, and they’re controlling, possessive, and jealous. They hate not being the centre of the spotlight, and they can’t deal with you being yourself and having an outside life that grants you happiness, joy, and purpose.

This narcissist will isolate you and harshly punish you for thinking or having any energy, connections, or life away from the narcissist. They have to be the God, King and Queen of your universe. How dare you have anything or anybody else?

Of course, you’re not going to agree with this narcissist’s warped version of themselves in life, and you’re going to speak up, you’re going to say “ouch” a lot. The narcissist then has to turn on you. They have to devalue you and punish you because it was never going to go any other way, and then even if you are so bruised and shattered by being set upon that you think, well, I’m just going to shut up and put up and say nothing because it’s safer, the narcissist is still going to target you and attack you for detaching, going quiet, and apparently giving them the silent treatment by being terrible and abusive.

You cannot appease the narcissist’s insatiable, monstrous ego. You’re damned if you do, you’re damned if you don’t – you can’t win.


The Overt Narcissist’s Discard Stage

Let’s have a look at the discard stage of the overt narcissist. There are numerous reasons why the overt narcissist will discard you. It could be because you are so emptied and sick now that you would require care, which is disgusting to a narcissist. There is nothing left to take from you and gain from you, so they will have to throw you aside and have a new supply.

Or maybe you’re waking up too much to the narcissist and risking their exposure to others. If you are doing that in a solid, calm, empowered way, where they can’t twist it back on you and make you out to be the lunatic, well, you’re going to blow their cover, so they’ll have to get rid of you.

Or maybe a richer or more fertile source or supply has come into their life, and there’s more to gain from that person and more to exploit.

It’s always been about the object you are, who either is or isn’t serving the narcissist adequately and now that you’re not the object of choice to serve the overt narcissist, the narcissist must throw you away like a defective object and completely obliterate your reputation so that he or she seems right in ending it with you.

It’s all about maintaining the narrative that “I’m the good person, and you’re the bad one.” Even if you end it, the narcissist will tell people it was their idea, and they needed to because of who you were. Either way, you are going to be made out to be the sick, evil, abusive one, no matter what you have done or contributed, you will never, ever be recognized for what you did or what you gave.

You’re in for a tumultuous time in a discard by an overt narcissist. The overt narcissist runs hot. They may explode, spew abuse, and even threaten you, steal your money, and make your life a living hell in every way you could imagine. They may try to stop you at every pass for you restarting your life because they’re going to really punish you.

They also may flaunt how wonderful their life is under your nose with the person, the job, or whatever they’ve replaced you with – and of course, the love partner. They will parade around the things they stole from you to somehow vindicate themselves to others and how healthy they are compared to you because you’re shattered and broken. Your life is being destroyed, and you can barely get out of bed and function.

Revenge is a big deal for these narcissists who have convinced themselves and others that the things they were doing to you are exactly what you were doing to them. That’s what they will make out – and they actually believe it.

In regard to intimate relationships, there’s very little conscience operating, and he or she is likely to be seeking sex elsewhere even before the final discard and may even allow you to find out about it.

Also, this narcissist can keep playing with you on a string with hoovers, especially if you start getting strong and let go and start getting on with your life, the narcissist may scoop you up again with undying sentiments of love and how they’re going to heal themselves, but it’s all a ploy to get the control back and to discard you even harder.

Because this is about the narcissist managing their own monstrous and totally insecure ego, which above all else, cannot stand you detaching and moving on and making them a non-reality in your life.




The Covert Narcissist

That’s the overt narcissist, now let’s look at the differences in how the covert narcissist operates.

So, first impressions when you meet a covert narcissist – this narcissist is much less obvious. They may be at the back of the room, and they’re quieter, and this narcissist will listen more and take up less space than the overt. This narcissist, as a more introverted individual, seeks people out in a much quieter way.

And rather than the overt narcissist having their life on display like a “look at me” success story, this narcissist plays the victim. They told people about their hard luck story, that they never got the breaks that others did, that their previous spouse treated them badly, that they had a shocking childhood, and that other people have ripped off their hard work and ideas.

If the covert narcissist is high functioning, as many are, they can appear intelligent, Soulful, caring, nice people who just didn’t get the break they deserved in life.

Absolutely, covert narcissists demand attention and the limelight, they need superiority like any narcissist, but they do it in a much less obvious way. They may downplay their abilities and accomplishments so that others rush in to bolster them.

Especially after being with an overt narcissist, people often mistakenly believe that the covert narcissist is humble, much nicer, and probably couldn’t even be a narcissist because they’re not out there bragging and boasting and carrying on as overts do. Nothing is further from the truth, as you will soon learn about.


The Covert Narcissist’s Idolising Stage

In the idealized stage of the covert narcissist, the narcissist gets people into their life primarily by getting them to feel sorry for them. Plus, they’re great conversationalists. They do the same thing as other narcissists, such as appearing interested, caring and concerned for others while sharing their versions of the troubles and tribulations that they have suffered, as well as listening to your own and identifying with all of it so that you feel like you have a kinship with this person.

Then what they do, they also let slip, or they’ll talk about how they are really capable and amazing, and they have a ton of potential. If they’d only receive the breaks other people did, then they would be this incredible person, and they’re ambitious, and they want to succeed.

Covert narcissists set about convincing people that their potential and abilities are incredible if they could only get some support and assistance. Kindhearted people with high levels of empathy can believe that this could be a wonderful win-win situation – I can help bring this person’s potential to light, and we could share a wonderful relationship, whether it be a friendship or a business deal or a family member you’re trying to help, and of course a love partner, and I’m going to help this person, and then I’m going also to get to share in the best that this person has to offer.

Absolutely, covert narcissists can fly under the radar because they are so good at pretending a deep one-on-one connection with one person, rather than the big, shiny, “you have to share me with the entire room” of an overt narcissist.


The Covert Narcissist’s Devalue Stage

Let’s look at the devaluing stage and what happens with a covert narcissist. Somebody connected with a covert narcissist will discover that this person has no desire to step into their potential or be encouraged and supported to get there. It doesn’t matter what you do for them or with them to try to help them, nothing will take off. Yet, of course, when you’re connected to a covert narcissist, you keep hoping that they will come into good, and you’re going to hang on accordingly, trying to crack that code with them that ignites them into happiness and a healthy, prosperous life.

The truth is this, the covert narcissist is an entitled victim, and they’re a parasite who is exploiting the person trying to see and support their potential. They actually believe that they are entitled and expect other people to take up their slack and give them what they want.

They have a high level of entitlement, and of course, they take advantage of this person who’s one to keep the fires going and the roof over their head, paying the bills and funding the narcissist being a narcissist, which is caring only about themselves.

To avoid having their cover blown, and the person that’s hooked into them waking up and getting away and stopping being a host to the narcissist’s parasitical behaviour, this intelligent colder type narcissist works with demeaning and degrading, insidious, non-obvious comments and behaviours to chip away at the victim’s self-esteem and sanity and keep control of them.

So, whereas the overt may blurt out hot abuse and rip your head off verbally, the covert will do it more with gaslighting. They’re going to say things in a really calm way that’s going to make you doubt yourself, your intentions and your sanity, and they’re really passive-aggressive.

These are two of the covert narcissist’s favourite weapons, and they can be really cruel in dispensing them. They’ll bring in allies, they’ll talk about other people by saying, “Well so and so does this, and so and so does that, what’s wrong with you? Why are you thinking this?” Or “Why are you like this? Why are you so selfish?”

It makes people literally feel like they’re the bad and the wrong one and that they’re losing their minds. The more confused and traumatized you are, the less you can be self-defined, get clarity, and defend yourself against what is happening.

Even though you know something is terribly wrong with a covert narcissist, you may not be able to put your finger on it, whereas, with an overt, it’s right in your face. The abuse is not as obvious, and the covert narcissist will continue to do whatever they want, which is feathering their own nest at your expense.

If you try to get them into action and contributing, they will act like the victim, that you’re abusive, and they’ll work with guilt and accuse you of being selfish. They twist facts. They will deny that they said something at all, or that they promised something, or they were going to do something, they change realities and the goalposts, and they mess with your mind. And they often do it in a very calm, cool way.

They’re also very good at making you think that other people in your life also agree with them and think that you have issues and that there’s something terribly wrong with you. If you try to leave the covert narcissists, they may do something like threatens how bad their life will be, or they can’t cope, or even worse … to try to train you to never stand up for yourself or leave again. He or she knows how to play on your feelings of empathy and over-responsibility for them. Like all narcissists, this is all about control and emptying you to serve the narcissist.


The Covert Narcissist’s Discard Stage

Let’s go through the discard stage, what happens with the covert narcissist? Often a covert narcissist discards people in their life after they’ve made them so sick and emptied out that there’s nothing more to get from them. These relationships don’t usually blow up in a blaze of glory or as quickly as the overt narcissistic relationships do, and they don’t often keep cycling back through the hoovers and get back together and repeat dramatic breakups that happen with overt narcissists.

A covert narcissist may keep hoovering somebody until they’ve emptied them if there’s still more to get and if they haven’t been able to replace them with a better supply. Because victims of covert narcissists often stay the years or even decades through guilt or obligation. The discard if the narcissist leaves is because there’s nothing left to take, the person is broken down and sick, and they would be far too needy to continue a relationship with, which the narcissist isn’t going to tolerate. Or the relationship could end because somebody has just had enough, but they’ll be emptied.

Covert narcissists are as cruel and calculating as any narcissist. They’re just less showy about it. This person could dump you like yesterday’s breakfast, move on, turn their phone off, have zero empathy, and they’re happy to leave you with whatever illnesses you’ve procured, and nothing left to rebuild with. They feel entitled to the lot. You’re much less likely to see this person parading a new partner all over social media. Yet, for obvious reasons, you can see how deadly a relationship with a covert narcissist could be.


Healing And Protecting Ourselves From Overt And Covert Narcissists

Let’s look at our healing and protection from overt and covert narcissists. Much more than just recognizing them and the different types and what we do, we really need to study and identify our own tendencies that got us caught up and trapped with these people. We can’t change narcissists, we’re never going to, but we can change, heal, and empower ourselves.

Regarding being attracted to overt narcissists, we may have felt small, unprotected, and unable to make it in life by ourselves, even though we might have been really capable and resourceful and even successful. Still, it’s an emotional feeling that made us feel drawn to wanting somebody big, capable, and confident to help us with this.

Maybe we were used to this type of personality being in our life from early childhood, and it’s really familiar to us: somebody big and strong and apparently capable, yet also egocentric, selfish, self-absorbed and dominating. Maybe we were used to being controlled and having somebody take over our lives rather than feeling confident enough to do this for ourselves, even if we are. It’s all about our emotional inner feelings.

In our unconscious desires for a rock – because we hadn’t yet healed and grown-up those inner parts of ourselves which still felt small and afraid – we experienced a hammer again, somebody who hurt us, crossed our boundaries, violated and invalidated us, and didn’t add support and care to our lives at all. That’s what can be going on with an overt narcissist for us, that’s why we get hooked in.

The attraction to a covert narcissist is that many want to be rescued. We’re attracted to vulnerabilities and getting behind somebody we think needs love and a better chance at life. Covert narcissists will share their sob stories very early on. If you are empathetic and kind in nature, you feel really sorry for these people about the childhood abuse and the terrible things that they’ve suffered at the hands of others. You may feel protective, and that bonds you to them deeply.

You may also hang on and on to these people and the cognitive dissonance of, “He (or she) is like this because of their childhood,” and “I can understand why they’re like this.” You make excuses and justifications for their behaviour no matter how badly they treat you.

At the deeper levels of our Inner Being, if we’ve had relationships with family members (usually parents, but it could be any family member) who were damaged and vulnerable, and we were trying to fix them so they could be healthy enough to love us and look after us, then we’re going to be naturally subconsciously attracted and attractive to victims who need fixing.

Now, of course, you may identify that you’ve been connected to a narcissist who’s a mixture of overt and covert behaviours, and the truth is narcissists can switch from being overt to covert to get what they want and target potential victims.

Maybe you’ve had relationships with both types. Often, people get with an overt narcissist, and then, if they still haven’t done the inner work to heal up their own inner identities, they can get with a covert belief that this person is not a narcissist, yet they still are.

Or maybe you’ve had a relationship with a covert narcissist who was the victim and parasitising off you. Then you choose an overt narcissist who is more confident and capable and positive, or seemingly so.


In Conclusion

So, it happened to all of us in many ways, the overlap of covert and overt, and the overlap of our wounds that caused us to be susceptible to all of these types of people.

I created NARP, the Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Program, specifically to bring the focus back to our healing, emancipation, and liberation from narcissistic abuse. To dissolve our bonds, ties, and narcissistic abuse symptoms, to completely heal from those, and then to go forward with a changed Inner Identity.

That way we get better, and we choose better, and we don’t fall into the clutches of these people, and we don’t allow them to enmesh with us very, very quickly. Like all predators, they have to strike and start feeding very quickly – instead, we are able to stand back, trust our gut, speak up, have boundaries, question things, and pull away when we know things weren’t right, and it changes everything.

To check out NARP, I want you to look at this link. I hope that today’s video has been enlightening, that it has cleared up some confusion for you, and that it helped you know what you’re in, what to look out for, and also give you some hope that you don’t have to continue living with this type of abuse from either a covert, an overt, or anything in between.

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25 thoughts on “How Overt & Covert Narcissists Hook And Then Destroy You

  1. Melanie, I’m so grateful to have found you and your program. My husband of 32 years with three kids is a pure combination of both the overt and covert. So hard to explain, but I bet you get it. I’m still struggling and not near finished, but I’m on my path of healing and separating thanks to you. It’s a nightmare some times and I go to one of your videos and release exercises which has been an absolute life saver. I really don’t know what would be if I hadn’t come across NARP. I can’t thank you enough. Lot’s of love to you. I truly hope this helps any one dealing with this to look into her program and NARP. It really is what she says.

  2. I had no idea that there was a description for what I went through for 35 yrs. You described my life exactly with a covert. I alway knew something was wrong but thought I had to bear it. I went no contact 3 yrs ago. Best advice for my life. Have a great gal and I didn’t realize life could be so easy with a normal partner. I’m grateful to have found this Melanie .

    1. I really relate to the wanting to rescue and be rescued. I can feel this bond every time I meet someone I could have a relationship with. It makes me feel hopeless and like there is something deeply wrong with me and that I will never have a healthy relationship that I so very deeply desire. I am trying to understand where this originates from. I think it is watching my parents model this with both trying to rescue one another emotionally and not taking responsibility for their own emotions and needs. Having a codependent mother who abandoned her children to survive her marriage to a narc has left me with a deeper connection to my father the narc. However he wasn’t available to meet my needs either and I would take every scrap of love I could before I was mentally and verbally abused. I long to rescue my Dad and make him happy and in this way I feel I can rescue myself. I am praying to move myself away from this entanglement with NARP.

      1. “The attraction to a covert narcissist is because many of us want to be rescued. We’re attracted to vulnerabilities and getting behind somebody who we think needs love and a better chance at life. “
        That doesn’t make sense to me? Wanting to be rescued but getting behind someone? My covert was a widower, did appeal to my sensitive side, but he was so protective of me, saying he wanted to take care of me.
        Turned out to be one of the most evil horrible person I’ve ever been tied to.
        I’m super feminine, want a masculine, KIND man… one day 🙏🏼

  3. Brilliant Mel! Just brilliant 🌟!
    I had a covert boyfriend for 5 years, then an overt boyfriend for 5 years, then a covert husband for over 20 years!
    This ALL rings true and resonates deeply inside!
    Beautiful – painful, but beautiful revelations!!
    How wonderful when the light comes on and dispels the darkness!
    The light of understanding and then the opportunity and invitation of deep healing and freedom of the toxic and harmful trauma we have in our bodies!

    May the light dawn in many hearts and may many find beautiful healing and freedom in their hearts and inner lives, the beautiful new frontier of inner space! …because of the beautiful revelations you bring to us dear Mel!

    Lots of love to all 💗
    A fellow pilgrim

      1. Dearest Mel, I’m sure I speak for many when I say that my inner child is sooooo deeply grateful for everything you lovingly bring to us all here! ❤️🙏❤️

        What an incredible profound gift you’ve given to so many, to be able to connect and nurture that lonely sad innerchild and give them the much needed validation and love that they have desperately needed
        To be able to finally put the focus on the little one inside that has needed it for so long!🤗💓🙏
        ….the most beautiful touching revelation ever!❤️🙏❤️
        To be able to finally soothe and love and comfort and bring enlightenment to that inner child….what could be more beautiful and profound!❤️🙏❤️
        Every one has that beautiful child inside – that beautiful 🌟 inside!

        How wonderful to be a part of something so profoundly beautiful!❤️🙏🌟

        Thank you Mel and this beautiful community!❤️🙏❤️🌟

        Much love ❤️🙏💓🙏🌟

  4. Hi Melanie!
    Thank you for another exemplary piece of writing! After I finished reading this article I need to say it again! “That I am continually amazed at the extensive breath of your knowledge!” “That I continue to be amazed that I’ve gotten so much from your wonderful NARP teachings!”

    That I’m so grateful for how you gently guide us to practice and live “The way of a NARPER” and use this pristine knowledge and system for our own inner “life-saving”, inner growth and, hoped for, including, spiritual “ascension” while participating in and using NARP in our waking days….

    Simply said, I am still amazed and so appreciative!

    However, concerning today’s topic I’m not sure whether the narcissist is covert or overt but I do know she is a dyed in the wool, full-fledged, horrific narcissist and, for me, it’ seems unimportant or unnecessary right now, at the point I’m at with NARP to recognize or see which one she might be…. I hope that I am not missing the point of your article by saying that….it seems, at this point in my life, unimportant whether I recognize the narcissist as covert or overt although that information has beenhelpful at other times….

    I’ve experienced and been through and I’m still going through some remnants and aspects of the stages you described above with the exception of the “love bombing”…. that’s done permanently! 🙌

    The devaluing stage was really hard because I didn’t know what she had “up her sleeve” or was intending! I was totally oblivious! I know I hurt during that time and what she was doing hurt but I didn’t know that she was doing all of this insidious and cruel devaluation of me….. I just knew something hurt so much! 😢

    And then came the discard stage which was done by her in such a cold, and done with, as I’ve said before, the “stealth of an assassin”….To be honest, I am still “reeling” on occasion when the memory of that day is triggered by some associative “something or another” around me…

    But, now I really feel I’m in the beginning recovery stage thanks to NARP! I’ve said this before…THAT, now, I am more and more certain each day that a lot of your teachings are becoming a major part of my daily participation in ordinary life on this earth.

    I’ve also mentioned this before… it’s one of my favorite sayings from you….that ” it’s not what’s done to you but what’s done for you”! Simply understanding that statement has given me often, actually very often, a respite from wondering “why the hell is all of this crap happening to me”!

    So, thanks for the great article! Everything was helpful as always! I really am so thankful that I met up with you and your teachings, Melanie! Some days I just want to shout it out but I don’t know if anybody would hear me! Well, that’s not true because the spirits would hear!!!! 🙌🙌🙌🙌

    Anyway! 😌 Lots of love! Lots of gratitude! ❤️🦋❤️

    1. Hi Peter,

      thank you again for your lovely support!

      I COMPLETELY agree with you that once you are committed to the inner work, there is absolutely no need to know whether they are overt, covert or a rhinoceros … this is ONLY about healing and empowering yourself.

      It’s a joy seeing you healing and breaking more free Peter.

      Mel 🙏💞🦋

  5. SING IT, sister Melanie! Once again, you show us with vivid clarity how you have your finger on the beating pulse of this behavior, how cookie-cutter it is (once we recognize it) and how we can heal.

  6. I am so confused. I’ve always been confused for 9 years now and that is kind of what I am used to now. My husband lives in his own world. He’s always heading down some fanatical wormhole of beliefs and if I argue with him (eg he went through a Trump is Jesus phase) I am completely ignorant. The irony is I am the well travelled and worldly one and, being a journalist, never claim to know anything I haven’t heard from the horse’s mouth.

    When me met I though he was the one guy who would not control or trap me. I felt free. He was six years younger, very tall and incerdibly handsome, with shining blue eyes and the charm of a country gentleman. He was a futures trader, was never jealous, loyal and always there, didn’t drink or smoke and agreed with me on so many issues. He didn’t mind if I travelled. He brough me coffee in bed each morning.

    Red flag: for a handsome man he wasn’t great in bed and imagined that I was criticizing him when I told him what I liked for him to do.

    But he had a heartbreaking chronic condition, and told me he may not live to be 38. He said “I would marry you in a heartbeat, but I don’t think I can have kids.” As a rescuer, I was hooked.

    But he quickly isolated me in another state where he lived in filthy conditions, kept my mouth shut with seething silent treatment, controlled through witholding intimacy… Back then he was a gambling addict and ate very unhealthy, but now he is doing PBs at the gym and he has replicated the exact life I had when I met him – health nut, freelance journalist, running to keep fit. He has become me and I am the doting wife in the caring role.

    His condition meant he had less energy so I’ve made excuses for him all the time, and willingly picked up the slack. Everything revolves around his work schedule, so we have to tiptoe around as he will only work from home and refuses to get an office. He got his first “job” when our child was born (ivf – LONG story) and was furious about it and resented me for it althought it was entirely his idea – I had my own work and that would have given us enough cashflow but he wanted me to give it up.

    I almost died of heart failure in a routine IVF procedure in 2000, but as he walked into the ER and saw me surrounded by doctors, my only thought was “At last he will FINALLY believe me that I am chronically unhappy, and meet my needs”. I realised how far I had bent to be the perfect girlfriend (all I wanted was to be good enough for him to propose – but I was severely underweight and on diet shakes, using botox to stay young etc).

    We moved house shortly after that, and before we went I asked him to give me one reason to move with him and he was dumbstruck, said “because I want you to”. I was furious but still too weak and broken. After we moved I begged him to acknowledge that I was isolated, working my butt off (he found me a job as a ghost writer where I wasn’t acknowledged) and being denied intimacy… and now sick. I was literally begging him at his feet and crying and sobbing. He just stood there in stone cold silence. My 3 year old came out and hugged me. I was so depressed I stopped reaching out to people and trying to find friends.

    At last he proposed though, at my insistence. We got married last year. I made enquiries, found a venue and three months out showed him a homemade invitation I had slaved over. He was furious and shut it down – as he does with all my plans. So, none of my interstate friends and family could come as he wanted it to be only us and our child. Then I asked a local mum who I had befriended to sing and she and her husband and kids were coming. So he wanted to invite the boys – his mates from boarding school. It was so embarrassing as the invitation was last minute and we only had room at the restaurant for 20 guests so people felt left out and dismissed.

    But being married is even stranger. We use his family accountant and when I recently pointed out that we earned the same money for the past few years and he wasn’t supporting the family on his own, he was shocked and started to support me. I almost got a job but he has laid down the law that I can’t work full time until next year when our daughter is at school 5 days, as he would have to work on the weekend because we have no support network here and need to do her home days ourselves.

    He doesn’t give me an outright budget but quite often I am at the till at a supermarket and my cards fail so I have to ring him to put more money on the cards, holding up the queue.

    Recently my husband got some medicine that has changed his life and he is leading a normal, active life. He’s fit, energetic and has started gardening. He loves kindy life and doing pickup and chatting with the other (all attractive) parents at our private kindy. I often feel he insists.

    I am still isolated but last month he let me go home to take care of my father who is also a covert parasticial narcissist. This cost a bit of money. basically I am paying for all my father’s expenses and flying over there and hiring cars and hotels and frankly, my dad never gave me a cent while he handed hundreds of thousands to everyone else in my family – none of whom care that he has dementia now. So it’s all come to a head.

    I realised how contractual all my relationships are thanks to my narc family dynamic (I’m the scapegoat) and that I had expected my husband to acknolwedge and repay all my sacrifices.

    I am free of that now. He doesn’t owe me anything and I don’t owe him or my extended family anything. I’ve made good friends now that our child is at kindy and I am working on a new (seemingly innocuous) career path, as a children’s author. I am “allowed” to do that but it’s also my dream career.

    He is a good father (doesn’t seem to stand in superiority over her, judging every word that comes out of her mouth, but on the down side he also lets her watch TV instead of engaging with her) and still brings me coffee each morning. He had never looked after our child alone until this trip. His parents refused to come and help this time as they had thousands of sheep to shear.

    The big awareness I have now came when I arrived home from caring for my dad via a dear friend’s birthday in Melbourne. I went from feeling extremely comfortable in my own skin with my friends, even super attractive and skinny, to instantly feeling old, ugly, fat and wrinkly when I looked in the mirror at home. It is so real and I cannot shake it!

    This old, ugly me at least has found her own space. Under the guise of having to sleep I set up a bedroom for my husband at the end of the house where my daughter sleeps with him, as she doesn’t disturb him. By the way – he said he doesn’t want me to sleep in anymore so I get up at 6. However while I was away he was collapsing straight after dinner just like I do every day.

    I still love my husband, even though it is hard to respect his arrogance (reading the Bible right now – maybe it’s spiritual but I did point out that the patriarchy has taken and run with it and twisted it for 2000 years as they held the tools of communication) and I could never cheat or anything so I am looking for a way to love myself. I guess I will never have romantic love again (when I met him my mum said – why do you want sex, ew, hugs are way better) and we do hug.

    But I am nevous because I keep making myself sick and depressed and I do not want to end up in the ER again. I’m writing this as I didn’t take my meds the last few days and the second I stop I start reading your emails Mel.

  7. This is so true Mel when I first met my ex husband back in 1983! It was obvious his older brother and father were overt narcissists. I thought he was so different to them. It took me years (34 of them) of feeling like things were off but not realising I was in fact with a covert n. He was ultimately just the same as them but wrapped up very differently!

  8. Hi Melanie,

    I was struck by this thought while listening to the last part of the video, simply continuing the train of thought:

    … or maybe you (or me, I’m just using the general “you”) have a twisted version of this guideline in your mind that says “you have to serve somebody”. As in: “serving your own needs and interest, thriving on your own terms is morally wrong, you will be struck down in unimaginable spiritual torment, don’t even think about it”. This is twisted, I know, but it might be a cultural message laid down at a very early age, when serving your own needs translated into disobedience to legitimate authority figures. So you hypothetically spend the rest of your life, subconsciously or consciously, shying away from serving you own needs. Twisted but conceivable as a coherent hypothesis, I think.

    Then the logical correction becomes to give yourself permission to choose healthy and grownup ways of serving, like serving humanity, light, community, real charity and everything else that you talk about, Melanie.

    Just sharing, this resonnates with me personally, hoping it makes sense to the community.

  9. Whoa 🤯 this was an amazing read. Sooo much insight. Five years single now and feeling strong and confident for the first time truly in my life, childhood or adulthood.
    I’m finally in a loving relationship 💙💜💞 after years of reading your transcripts and counseling. I’m a grandma of two, my daughter is a nurse and LG Life is Good/Great.
    Thank You Melanie for not being shy about or afraid to share your story and mostly for sharing stories including tour son. Please thank him also for me as the first time I read how the both of your two’s relationship was rekindling, this reached into my heart and sprang me back to being among the living with hope and prayer into my life. Enjoy the rest of your summer with Yours 🥰❤️❣️☀️

  10. Melanie, thank you for going over the covert’s traits! I thought I was able to identify narcs and thought, aha! I found this quiet poor guy that needs me. Pfft! He ended up being the most clever and manipulative of all the other previous narc relationships! I am healing everyday and very grateful to have discovered you and your community. I have grown so much in my understanding and healing process.

  11. Dear Mrs Evans, it’s the first time I read you, please, sorry for typing mistakes. I want to tell you thank you so much, thank to understand really, thank you so much from my heart. Thanks to describe the pain, the deep disbelief to be left from a narcisist, after many years I gave him all my love and undestanding. I left me again and now henmakes me ghosting, nobody can undestand psychological violence that he made me. But I’m trying to make me strong, I hope, even if I would tell him what pain caused me more times, even if I never deserved it, I told him, but he didn’t understand. So this time he left me and I’m trying to tell nothing. Thank you, Mrs Evans. Sincerely God bless you.

  12. Hi Mel
    It’s thanks to your videos and then others that I’ve since come across that I realised I was living with a covert narcissist. I knew something was “off” shortly after I moved in with him. But I just couldn’t work out what was going g on. He started to sleep deprive me – turning on the light at 3am , shouting at me that I didn’t have the right to sleep.i started to think he had dementia he got so crazy. Dr’s checked him out he was fine. He told me he had cancer. I insisted on biopsies. No oesaphagal cancer. He said he had ling cancer. Chest xray came back clear as did blood tests. Now I’ve left he said he’s absolutely fine. I did no contact for two months while I detoxed. I was worried I’d go back if I saw him . I started to contact via email a week ago to try and get my stuff back and he’s trying to get back in my head. So I’m sticking to no contact and focusing on me , my loved ones and my new business. I will buy new red sparkly shoes!

  13. How Overt & Covert Narcissists Hook at the warehose. The covert is a warehose chef and overt is a simpl worker but realy is his soldier and rotation of a men is realy great because of they’re perishing like at a concentration camp.

    I’m sniffing such thing pretty well.

    Once I ‘ve encountered a marriage. She was looking much older than he but theirs age was enough equal. He was a predator and she’s played a role of partner at hunting to avoid to be victim at that moment. But I was the hunting proof.

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