How crazy are things right now in the world? Cray-cray – TOTALLY crazy! Events, situations, people… everything is turned upside down and inside out.

I really wanted to speak to this in today’s Thriver TV, and what I’m sharing is soooooo relevant to our wonderful Community, because it relates directly to narcissism – personally and collectively.

It is my greatest desire that today’s video answers some really important questions for you – and helps you see some astounding parallels.

I also explain deeper truths about how narcissistic inflicted trauma affects you.

Most of all, my greatest wish for today’s video is that it grants you clarity, hope and faith that there is a way out of pain, fear and struggles in these dark times.

Then after watching this TTV, I want to offer you relief and empowerment to become free from the fear of ANY narcissistic people and situations around you, with my upcoming global on-line event – the Freedom From Relationship Trauma and Toxic People Workshop.

Because NONE of us deserves to – or has to – live like this!



Video Transcript

Welcome, dear Thriver, to Thriver TV where you get to not only survive narcissistic abuse, but thrive from it. Make sure you are subscribed to my YouTube channel, and if you like my work, then please share it with somebody who needs to hear this message.

Today I want to speak to the trauma of these apocalyptic, narcissistic, uncertain times. You may be deeply feeling this trauma because many people are – personally and globally.

You may be trying to deal with highly triggered narcissists right now who are even more revolting than usual, as well as dealing with some really tumultuous times in the world that can be affecting you wherever you live.

My opinion is that we are going through massive upheavals and changes – a battle, if you like, of darkness and light – which will not necessarily be the end of us, but will definitely be the end of life as we have always done it.

And I don’t believe this is a bad thing, as many of us have been living in the shadows – our own and that of others. This is all about a return to light.

Today I want to allow you to see a bigger picture and explain the connection with narcissism and trauma – as well as explain the way to get through, up and out of this.


The Traumatic Episodes Right Now

First of all, we have a powerful divide, where people are falling out with each other – and that has ramped up. Family members are not agreeing, important friendships are falling by the wayside, and love partners are disagreeing and separating.

It’s all rife at the moment. We also have big reveals happening on a micro and a macro level. These are exposing certain people in our personal lives as not being who we believed them to be. We may also now suspect or know that people, structures and organizations in the world – that we once believed in – don’t care about us in the ways that we once thought.

This awakening to certain truths, which shake our core beliefs, can occur as a slow-paced shift or be triggered by a sudden influx of information. Either way, the results to your psyche can be shocking.

It’s akin to walking in on your partner or spouse in bed with your best friend.

The exposure of narcissistic abuse is destabilizing due to its insidious, ‘Trojan horse’ capacity to have you believing you are served or supported by this person or structure, when you are actually being betrayed for selfish reasons. It leads you to question everything.

Within the human zeitgeist is a protection mechanism. If you’re shockingly lied to, then you quite rightly struggle to trust again. We inherently know, “deceive me once, shame on you; deceive me twice, shame on me.” We can also have grave inner shame over our attempted cognitive dissonance in not wanting to face the truth – and so continually overlooking and forgiving the unforgivable pathological lies and betrayal.

Some part of us always knows the truth; we just don’t want to know.


The Four Pillars of Our Inner Identity

Narcissistic abuse rocks the very foundations of your inner identity. This is a deep unearthing from the pillars of your human existence.

Let’s examine these in order, and exactly how they relate to narcissistic abuse.

The first inner pillar is Love.

Your concept of love is traumatized. You thought this person or group cared for you, but now you know they don’t and they were using you for their own agenda. Narcissistic love comprises telling you how wonderful you are and how much you’re cared for – then damaging you, hurting you, and doing terribly cruel things to you to make you bend to a will that is not your own.

This isn’t love, it’s tyranny disguised as benevolence.

Love does not grasp, control or threaten; it sets free, trusts and allows you to be yourself.

Love does not abandon you when you’re injured, down, broken, not being useful, or not following orders. Rather, it’s present, restorative, selfless and supportive. Love does not silence your opinion or attack you for voicing your concerns. Love allows you to have your voice, and agree to disagree if necessary.

The next pillar of your inner identity is Approval.

When you are being narcissistically abused, you are shocked that this person or body that once approved of you is now attempting to disable you with threats, and smearing you with false information to discredit you if you don’t agree with their narrative. Approval becomes conditional. You’re not validated enough to even receive answers to your concerns.

You are stonewalled, gaslighted, blamed, discarded and ignored if you question the abuse, as well as set upon by minions and authorities to punish you back into submission.

It’s called abuse by proxy and it’s what narcissists famously do.

Another thing that narcissists do is convince you that you’re a powerless victim. You can’t do things yourself and you need them to cope. Whereas a true master of life creates more masters. People who really approve of you want you to approve of yourself and be empowered as yourself. Those who genuinely approve of you don’t want you to be dependent on them. They empower you to not need them.

Genuine approval doesn’t narcissistically control you by telling you that you’re weak or smashing you with continual chaos, drama and fear porn to make you feel terrorized, traumatized and powerless in the world. Real approval does not spin tales or twist facts to blame you for what they are doing themselves, tearing down your self-belief in the process.

True approval also doesn’t triangulate you to regard other people as the cause of your issues, telling you that these people are against you and out to get you. This puts you into a constant state of fear, pain, reaction and defences, and prevents you from realising that it was the narcissist who engineered all of this all along.

The next inner pillar is Security.

The following are important questions relating to security. Can I prosper and create the life, job or business that I want? Can I be who I want to be in the world and feel abundance? Can I serve humanity and my loved ones in healthy ways whilst prospering healthily myself? Or am I brought to my knees, targeted and ripped down when I try to create, achieve and generate my life?

Narcissists destroy your life force, your creations, your expansions and any joy that you take in your accomplishments. They thwart, penalize and hamstring you, and seek to make you feel wrong and guilty about what you’re trying to do.

How dare you feel great about what you have created under your own steam? You’re meant to worship and be dependent on the narcissist and be turned against anything else that could be a source of achievement, power and freedom for you. Because then you will remain imprisoned.

According to the narcissist, “You’re my slave. You serve me, never yourself or others”. When you are under narcissistic control, it’s like being a salmon trying to swim upstream with a brick on your head. Many people simply give up, which is exactly what a narcissist wants you to do – be powerless, dependent on them and unable to rise up against them and escape their rule.

Then there is the fourth and final inner pillar of your identity – Survival.

Being triggered into your survival programs leads to these questions. Can I get through this? Am I going to be displaced? Will I be able to defend myself? Will I have anything left to provide for myself and those I love? Can I have the means to even have access to basic survival needs? Will I survive?

When all of these four pillars of being are compromised, it plunges your inner being into loads of trauma. Being with a narcissist triggers exactly these traumas. Many people in the world are feeling these traumas more than they ever have, not just on a personal level, but on a collective level.



The Energetic Effects of Trauma

Trauma is crippling on many levels: emotionally, mentally, physically, spiritually and financially.

If you want to think in the terms of your chakra centers, if you’re stuck in the base chakra and mired down in the trauma of survival, then you can’t harness hope, faith, creativity, and forward movement. You can only deal in the present day pain, fear, battle and struggles.

It’s like Groundhog Day being on a traumatic treadmill with no way out.

If you’re stuck in internal trauma, then your navel chakra is clogged up. Energy can’t flow through it healthily. The navel chakra is the energy centre of desire, so rather than having inspired and expansive desire calling you forth, you’re in what I call ‘empty desire’.

This is a panicky, needy desire. You’re trying to get things from outside of you to help you. You may be taking up addictions and trying to get stuff or do stuff to take away the pain. It’s like stapling sandwiches to your jumper and hoping you just had lunch. Your trapped internal trauma is what’s generating despair and depression.

If you are holding onto trauma, you’re also stuck in the energy of your solar plexus – clogged up with having a shameful, painful self-identity. You may even have self-loathing – hating how you feel, hating on yourself and your position in life. This is the seat of victim consciousness, which means you’re stuck in the co-creating of more punishing events, and of continual victimisation entering your life experiences.

Until this internal trauma is released from your inner being, you can’t vibrate any higher because the energy can’t flow through these lowest centers into your heart chakra. This is your Love space, which is the most powerful, liberating force of all.

You’re cut off from All That Is – your Higher Self, your Higher Power, divine love, a powerful intelligence outside of space, time, energy, and matter – which also connects you to your own power because you are a fractal of this Source. You’re made of the same stuff.

If you are freed from trauma and you can be in your heart, then you can move from your heart center up into your throat chakra where you can be yourself, express your truth, and have a voice and a position in the world.

From there you can move into the brow chakra to have insight, clear intuition and receive divine guidance from the Higher Mind, from Source.

You can then rise further into the crown chakra to experience Oneness with All That Is and your rightful identity as the powerful co-creator that you truly are. Here, you know you are whole, immortal, infinite and indestructible. You know you are a fractal of Source and a Spirit having a human experience. There is no fear here.

This is the journey from trauma to activation, emancipation and your true freedom. Then you are a Light. You discover that when you stand in the darkness as the Light, the darkness is illuminated and any vampires in it must shriek and run back into the shadows. All that is dark in our world and within our own selves – all that collective trauma – is now coming up and out of the shadows. It’s being seen and experienced everywhere.

This is the process of purging and cleansing. As many (including myself) will put it, this is the collective humanity shift of moving from Third Dimensional fear and pain to Fifth Dimensional consciousness and freedom.

It’s time, and the time is right now. The real question is, are you going to go free from the internal trauma, move up into your human birthright and be the Light within this? Can you be the solution to your own life, the lives of others and all of humanity?

Or are you going to be gobbled up in the darkness because of your own as yet unhealed shadows?

But there is hope – more than hope – for you, for me, and for all of us.


In Conclusion

At this time, I felt very called to put together a workshop on this, to help these personal and collective wounds of narcissism to show you the way to take your freedom back from this blight for real.

It’s a four-hour informative, supportive workshop and healing event that I’ve called ‘Freedom From Relationship Trauma And Toxic People’. It’s totally relevant to help you heal from the current-day narcissistic apocalypse that we are all living through.

There are now ONLY 2 days left for you to join in.

If this information resonates with you and you wish to break FREE from pain, fear and trauma – then this event is a must-do!

From it you will receive all of the workshop materials PLUS a phenomenal Quanta Freedom Healing, which are all yours to keep for life.

I hope this has helped answer some burning questions for you, granted you clarity and made you understand the real truth about narcissism.

And as always, I really look forward to your comments and your questions below.

Until the next one, keep smiling, keep healing and keep thriving. There is nothing else to do. Lots of love.

Related blog post

The Narcissist’s Greatest Fear: You Becoming Your True Self and Aligning with Your 5D Ascension Path

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The Narcissist Never Lets You Go: How to Finally Get Freedom

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14 thoughts on “These Apocalyptic Narcissistic Times – Are You Traumatised By Them?

  1. Dear Melanie!
    It’s amazing that your articles come so often, it seems, at the perfect and appropriate time!

    I just finished a session with one of my VA therapists a few minutes ago…

    We were discussing in our session the impact of traumatic experiences on our lives and my trauma, past and present,….

    My session was quite helpful but there were gnawing feelings in me and unresolved issues as I left the clinic…..

    And, amazingly, this showed up on my phone!

    After sifting through this wonderful article it became clear to me, again, that NARP is my savior and way….🦋

    That no matter how much therapy I go through and how many different sessions I go through if I am not doing the work of shifting out the trauma all of my efforts in therapy become
    redundant and quite frankly unproductive.

    I’m so glad to have this amazing article show up today. It is exactly what I needed!

    Thank you so much, Melanie! Sending love!

    1. Hi Peter,

      it really is synchronistic for sure!

      Therapy is not therapy if the trauma remains trapped inside – it is regurgitation only!

      THis has kept us all sick, alive, dependent and a consumer … truly …

      So much Love to you Peter!

      Mel 🙏💞🦋

  2. Hi Melanie,

    I so love your post! ❤️

    When you mentioned the upside down and inside out, that resonated so much. Things have been coming up for me for the last two months or so with such a force; and the most powerful things required a lots of surrendering and reminding myself that my brain is not able to grasp this. Times of huge revelations and integration.

    Thank you for the great insight about chakras, I have been working with them also but your work always brings new insights and is so inspiring.

    Much love xxx

  3. Amazing as ever Melanie 🙂

    So accurate! And a reminder to complete NARP fully to gain true freedom. Instead of starting it, understanding a few bits, being blown away by the results and thinking “I got this!”

    In not completing the programme fully and consistently, I have again become stuck in toxic narc slurry. Having moved to another neighborhood to get away from harassment which started in lockdown, the harassers then followed me and relocated to my new area.
    My new partner upon hearing about this then left me.
    My new organisation to support others has stopped as the harassers were turning up on site.

    I thought their crazy behaviour was as a result of lockdown. But you have helped me realise that they were probably always like that, and it is up to us to shield ourselves and empower ourselves from being dragged onto their rollercoaster of darkness. It’s their mess, and only becomes a part of us if we allow it.

    So, I’m going to relocate with my family to a new neighborhood of like-minded, soulfull people, and will restart NARP. This time working through all modules.
    Freedom starts from within, thankyou for teaching us this x

    1. Hi CupOfTee,

      It can be so easy to “become human” again and go into our heads, instead of just releasing dense energy from our bodies and getting ourselves out of the way!

      Don’t feel bad, many people have got “some relief” or lots of it from NARP and then put this super-tool away – only to come back and be fully dedicated next time – (or after a few times!)

      Yaya – you’ve got this!

      Mel 🙏💞🦋

  4. You have the Amazing Ability to Delineate into clear words…what I have been incorporating into my “now cleared and cleansed”
    Operating Program!
    It took effort to sort..finding as Much As 70%… of “Who I thought I Was” just wasn’t So!???

    I have “re-designed” Jim…once cleared out (Amen Melanie!)
    Amen God/Source!

    I have replaced say “Being Mean” (which I was)…Choosing “Generous” as my new way of Be-Ing…a bit of “practice, practice, practice”…Voila’…installed!

    I am quite Leary..of what I allow back into my programming…mostly…I call it “The Jesus Test”

    One of my “Final Mountains”…
    I tried o forgive “God” for what happened to me @9yo…I blamed Him…oops…Not in His Promises…

    What I Never, Ever did…Was Forgive Myself “exactly” For “Blaming God” in the first place…
    (I uncovered “hatred for myself”…for my blaming Him)

    Once released…Me ‘’n God…Had A “Great Laugh”
    As I wiped the egg from my face!!!

    I have no more intrinsic “RAGE”…I have “Empty”



    1. I also believe that “we” give Narc’s…far too much credit…For “our part” we believe in “good”…have disbeliefs that anyone could be so “bad”…a major internal conflict!

      “What if” Narc’s just have extreme difficulties to “outrun their lies” to find the “significance” for their existence?

      I don’t think it is quite as easy as them being that smart/intelligent regarding us…that are frightened little children doing “whatever” that can to “exist” in…for the most part…even though they may know they are doing “it”…it is their internal program that is running them…
      Completely self-deceived that it is “ok to lie” even though they are completely adamant “I’m not a liar”!!!!

      They truly believe…they don’t lie! Can’t get ahead of the game fast enough…never “see their wake”! Until one day they do….

      People Pleasers (ME Included. Yet in serious recovery! Yay Melanie!)

      Are really not much different…‘Cept…our trauma’s had us make a different choice…we weren’t “good enough” …unworthy in a way…in which we try to make up for “it”…whatever our “it” was…

      Narc’s make up for their “it” by never taking responsibility for anything…can’t blame it off themselves?

      My $0.02…

      I am good enough! perfect? No!


  5. Sorry All…

    In other words…we don’t exist to them…other than cardboard cutouts (Thank Mel) whom they see “as food”…energy they can’t produce on their own…so they do (unthinkingly) whatever to “steal our energy”

    It’s not personal…we take it personally…but it’s not…IT’S Survival!

    Just let anything that gets t’rowed at us…which is not “our part”…pass right on through…ain’t mine…and definitely “do not collect that which is not our’s”! The only thing we can do with “that which is not our’s” is let it eat us “like acid” (thanks from above post!)
    Or…pass it on to another…usually unsuspecting, nominally innocent “victim”
    Don’t do that! Let It Go…and Let God…Do His Part…not mine to judge…

    I love you all!


  6. Thanks Melanie – another brilliant synchronistic article that nails many points! Especially bringing the chakras into it, that really resonated for me and the 4 pillars, it helps to have a map!
    Also the global, political and organisational narcissism that is becoming so obvious that the self-titled “authorities” seem to think is hidden lol
    Great stuff, your articles inspire, encourage and educate – they shine the spotlight on the shadow and it’s game is up!

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